Friday, August 21, 2015

American Truck Simulator Screens Friday

While the ETS2 team is preparing some cool stuff for you for early next week (as the upcoming update 1.20 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is nearing release, we'll have interesting things to divulge), the American Truck Simulator team still has a lot of work ahead of them to release their project. We are always getting asked to show more of the game, so let's make this blog post just such an opportunity...

Despite showing a public build of the game some two weeks ago at Gamescom called a "beta," American Truck Simulator is still very much in production and undergoing internal testing, no wider beta testing has been started yet. We have to ask our small inner circle of volunteer beta testers to still be patient with us. Fortunately, most things are already in place, and the team is busy with establishing the initial game economy network, polishing environment and vehicle assets, while considerable work is also invested into game optimization.

Stay tuned, and keep on trucking!


  1. Replies
    1. os caras ñ sabem nem manobra carreta normal,e ainda querem bitrem!!!

    2. pelo que li é mesma engine do ETS2 e a engine não suporta bitrem, mais vai saber né.

    3. Suporta sim, o pessoal do multiplayer fez bitrem, e se não a própria scs não teria postado essas fotos anos atrás.

  2. I read somewhere that ATS is going to take place only on the west coast for now. Is this true?

    1. I would guess that it gonna be something like ETS2 which started with central Europe and then was slowly expand by DLCs and patches.

    2. I believe they've already stated that the original release will only be the west coast, but further DLC's and or free content will include much of if not the rest of the US.

    3. West Coast thug , to rally East Cost thug you needa pay cash

    4. Attention Every1!!!!----------------------------------------
      Don´t buy the game just, mod the hell out of ETS2.
      Only one reason to do so: The sounds SUCK.
      American Trucks are SHIT without a good sound..........

    5. Bro, ETS 2 Sounds are not the best Anyway, and if you don't like american trucks, i bet you in 1 week past the game releases, i bet you that there will be already a Volvo FH and a Scania

    6. I dare say that mainland USA will be free patches & Southern America and Hawaii (and other island states) will be DLC

  3. SCS to make up Europe, why this "usa" ???

    1. SCS made trucking sims that took place in "the USA" long before they made them take place in Europe.
      Hard Truck 18 Wheels of Steel
      18 Wheels of Steel Across America
      18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Medal

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Botanist, I do not care, I Ats and the gift is not necessary

    4. Even south America and India

  4. Looks really great SCS, Is ATS going to support the Oculus Rift? I can't imagine going back to trucking on a monitor after using Oculus for so long.

  5. :O não vejo a hora de jogar ATS *-------*

  6. :D (A smiley says sometimes more than words)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm missing people sitting outside at the Yummy diner.

  10. When are we expecting to release ATS

    1. Not before it is done! "When" is the silliest question to ever ask any developer... :)

  11. When are we expecting to release ATS

    1. Well if they knew when it will be released, they'd probably write it in the blog post...

  12. Replies
    1. What a stupid requirement for a game that will take place in USA. There are more important things to do beside these stupid paint-jobs. Like for example being able to haul your own trailer for as long as you want, that would be much better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'll believe there's progress when I see something that isn't a freakin Peterbilt, Kenworth or the ONE Volvo (which I have to believe is still only a traffic model).

    Not trying to be bitter here. I know how long this kind of stuff takes having been a modder for years, but all the screenshots in the world don't mean anything if it's just the same stuff in every blog post.

    1. In one recent video from a Polish YouTuber inside SCS Software, we got a sneak peek at what seems to be a Peterbilt 389 work in progress, a new truck SCS are working on. So just because you don't see anything new, doesn't mean there isn't stuff brewing behind the scenes.

    2. And in that same video, an employee showed a bit of gameplay while using the Volvo.

    3. And also speaking of the Volvo, complaining that there is only one in-game isn't gonna do any good because the sad truth is that Volvo only has the one model in production in North America for long hauling purposes.

    4. Alright, that's a fair argument. I really don't follow much outside of what SCS provides, which is why I was complaining. So that was purely out of ignorance of how far they actually are in development, and they're doing a good job keeping it that way, I guess to keep from ruining surprises? Like I said, I wasn't trying to be a huge dick about it or anything.

      As for the Volvo, yeah you're right. I keep forgetting there's only 1 model being made here anymore, and that SCS is only doing what's currently in production.

  14. Good news and pics , Keep it up <3

  15. Next week, the double-trailler in ets2 1.20?

  16. Es American Truck Simulator O USA Truck Simulator?

    1. American, hace mucho tiempo los desarrolladores dijeron que empezaría en california pero que quieren incluir otros paises, por cierto en otros isiomas USA se llama America igual que el continente, de igual manera en casi todos los idiomas "American" significa estadounidense al igual que alguien del continente, no tienen una palabra diferente para el gentilicio estado unidense, por lo tanto está bien que digan "american", el español es de los pocos idiomas que hacen esa diferencia.

      @akula go tell that to the brazilians

  17. Well i hope in ETS2 1.20 Volvo sound will be there so i can drive that until ATS release in a few months...........or next year..or couple years... -_- ...sorry just fucking tired of seeing ATS stuff and drooling over it to play :( (yeah yeah im annoying whatever)

  18. quando o american truck simulator vai laça

  19. "e have to ask our small inner circle of volunteer beta testers to still be patient with us"

    Yea suckers , what about all the other ? Screw the beta tester , they will have the game a year before regular player so no reason to whine

    1. Are you missing the point or ... did you never really understand the point?

      Just asking .....

  20. please for the love of fuck support directX11

  21. Are you going to use Steam's early access with ATS?
    If you will, I'll be the first in line to buy it :-)

    1. Agreed. Okay, well, I plan to buy it anyway as long as it is Steam only.

  22. WOW very nice!
    Looking forward for ATS and your upcoming stuff for ETS2

  23. Its interesting to see that BNSF is actually in the game.

    1. Probably only in the internal builds. That may be likely to change unless BNSF actually signs off for their logo to be used.

    2. They'll probably keep the paint job, but might not get the logo. Recently, with Train Simulator BNSF doesn't want their logo used outside of the US. So there's a lot of DLC where American buyers will get the locos with the BNSF logo, but anyone buying it that lives outside the states will only have the paint job and no logo.

  24. SCS if that small inner circle knows the physics of the American trucks if not they going to fuck the game up with cabover trucks physics

  25. out of the truck can steps.
    window of the cab to open
    Airport unloading and loading ETS2
    magnum letter on the door

  26. I purchased all EuroTruck series Going east + Scandinavia! I hope you will invest in faster new truck developement and older one improvement, maybe tandem, and new map France/Spain (for start). For this I like pay money! American Truck I will skip. PS. hope you add Dutch paint dlc ! :-) Wish you succes with developement.

  27. Double trailer spam detected !! :p

    I hope for rigid body for you and I'll enjoy it too :)

  28. how do i join the beta?? (I don't know if the first comment worked)

  29. SCS, I am starting to lose more faith in this ATS as you post more screenshots. Starting off with that fuel station, we don't have those here in America where you can just pull off the interstate and fill up, we have truck stops where you have to get off the interstate entirely then re-enter, not something as simple as just entering and exiting. And I noticed in one of your beta videos that you again reycled some prefabs from ETS2, quit it. The road structure is nothing compared to ETS2. You need to not cut corners and recycle streets and prefabs from ETS2. And I do hope you implement doubles and triples because those are also commonplace here.

    1. I usually try to stand up for SCS against a lot of complaints in these threads, but in this case I actually have to agree.

      If some of us are going to invest in a game called "American" Truck Simulator, I'd rather they make everything possible as in the country they are trying to simulate. And I'd rather WAIT and then pay for a proper product than pay for a quick and dirty recycled product made from peer pressure.

      I understand, SCS, that a LOT of ignorant, self-entitled impatient kids are spammign here with "RELEASE IT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" . . . . but ignore them. They are just kids who probably didn;t even pay for the game anyway but rather just torrented it. Those of us who are actually SERIOUS about supporting you would rather encourage and wait for a good, original product.

      Yes, we understand that the engines and technology will be the same for ATS as ETS2 in order to promote the survival of ETS2 and keep both games alive and kicking - but as for physical objects, definitely keep them American.

      I agree with the gas station comment most of all. Even if it takes much longer for you to develop and we have to wait that much longer for a game release, PLEASE make actual truck stops. We understand in Europe they have the quick pull-off gas stops only, but in America they have these AWESOME truck stops you actually have to pull into - just Google for "Loves" or "Pilot" for truck stop pictures to see what ours look like. THAT's what we are asking for here. One of the regular challenges of being a truck driver in America is dealing with stopping at truck stops. Some truck drivers find it much easier to get their load dropped off at a yard than to try parking at a truck stop. LOL.

      As for intersections - I hope I NEVER see one of those prefabs that drop to one lane to cross a bridge. I checked and searched and verified - not a single place in the USA has an overpass like that. And in ETS2 they are annoying as hell, so PLEASE don;t try to use those in ATS.

      Okay, enough complaining. I do not want to just complain so here are the good points I have seen so far - GREAT job on the desert scenery. The overall environment is looking REALLY good. THANK you for that! I also love how your trailers are turning out. That last screenshot has very nice detail in the trailer model.

      And a request: For ATS - would it be possible to UV map the trailers so we have TWO sides to paint? No biggie if they don't - as it takes even a casual user a few minutes in Blender to remap a model, but I am sure a lot of paint artists who do not use Blender would VERY much appreciate UV mapping that would be individually mapped for each side of the trailer.

      I know my reply here may seem like a lot of complaining, but I still think overall ATS is looking good. Good environment, nice trucks, great looking roads, and that "Yummy" rest stop looks good (a lot like what we were asking for as far as truck fuel stops go). So please keep up the effort and I am VERY much looking forward to more shots as you guys develop :)

    2. Oops - I forgot to add - THIS is a typical medium to small size truck stop for America:

      And that's just a Flying J. You shoudl see some of the Pilot or Love's stops - those get HUGE! But from this shot you can see what a typical trucker has to go through to rest or fuel up in America. :)

    3. Scs should try to make iowa 80

    4. What about Wal Mart parking? That would be cool.

    5. Definitely agree here, they need to take a lesson from their older work. Hard Truck 18 Wheels of Steel had truckstops where you had to get off by an exit on each side and into a single area, not a station on each side of the road where you just pull off of it. 18 wos Haulin had truckstops where you got off the highway too, but those aren't exactly what we're talking about here.

      One of my other gripes is some of the bad trailer designs. The only one that actually looks like it's based off a real design is the refrigerated trailer. Maybe the short dryvan too (btw, we want 53' dryvans!!). I think the trailers are just as important as the trucks when it comes to basing them off a design in real life, just don't put any brands on them so you don't need to waste more time with stupid licenses.

    6. Agreed as well. America is nothing but truck stops... yes there is small gas stations that have deisel as well but hard access usually. I want to be able to pull off the interstate and have signs staying truck stop 1 mile or w/e. Yes, I have seen previous pics from ATS on seeing a truck stop and a cat scale... but gas stations on side of the highway on both sides is not much american like. Yes, the game looks pretty good but after its out modding will take place anyways. I'm not too worried about truck looks, sounds, because mods will always fix the game and make it how you want it. But the map, features, and what you can actually do... and the realism.... I do not see why you cannot simply make it where you can walk around and do a pre-trip inspection. Thats an everyday thing... why not press a button and be out of the truck and walk around?

      There is alot of Ets 2 features in ATS which is okay but I hope i dont notice it too much.

  30. They need to add international trucks, freightliner and mack trucks to the game

  31. Enough with the fuel station pulloffs and the recycled European streetlights please. VERY immersion breaking.

  32. 1. Can you guys bring in tyre bursting in the future and do something like service coming to fix the tyre or when you runout of gas the company comes and fills your tank rather then just say get to garage.
    2. Going uphill the truck should go much much slower and it should be much heavier for it to climb.
    3. Add more beacons if you guys can.
    4. If you reverse in to get the trailer, for it to attach automatically and when delivered then you press the normal T to detach
    5. The traffic lights, I would like to see some other cars do light horns at me. Also when I press horn I would want to hear the other guy also horn back with either horn or air horn.
    6. When raining and wipers are of the road should be blurred a lot more then it is now..

    Keep up the great hard work. It pays off.

    1. 2. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

    2. "the company comes and fills your tank"

      Implying in real life if you're out of gas a truck some specially for you and fill your tank ? Nah , you walk till the next gas station and buy a jerrycan

    3. Um, I guess you've never used roadside assistance before. Definitely does exist.

  33. I forgot to mention that when the driver gets to sleepy everything should go totally dark. Like eyes closing. It would look great. And in the night on a single road for the oncoming traffic to switch lights to low when they come and switch to high again when they go past the truck. The viewing option 5 shows the truck in the middel which is great but the sound is just way too loud. There's still a lot that I have in mind which I can only remember when I'm playing the game.

    1. This is tech already in ETS2 ... which would translate over into ATS surely ?

  34. How does one become part of that "small inner circle of volunteer beta testers"? I am absolutely dying to get my hands on this game, and I would love to be an early beta tester. If it'll get me anywhere, I'm a software engineer by profession, so although I don't have specific experience with games, I am well-versed in software testing.

  35. cool a volvo vnl 300 on the 3th picture :D

  36. Good work!

    Just a question: do you plan to add Steam Cloud to sync our saves in ETS 2? And what about DX 12 support for ATS?

    Sorry if this was already answered.

  37. Greetings SCS!! You are doing great work and I am very excited about the upcoming American Truck Simulator, as well as, the Coach Simulator. I would appreciate it if you could give us some more info about this game. It would be great! It is my strong belief though, that a gigaliner(if something like this is planed) would be more ,,compatible,, with ATS because the roads will be much bigger than in Ets2. I am also excited about the 1.20 update and I do hope that there will be a lot of new features. In addition to that it would be great if you could bring the new MAN TGX Euro 6 into the game. I would highly appreciate it if people would be more patient with the SCS team because they are working day and night in order to provide as more stuff for the best simulators that have ever been created. You are simply the best and I will always support you!

  38. I think you are wrong. Paintjobs have nothing to do with the updates. They are essential for them as a feedback, as well as, the map expansions. In addition to that I can't imagine any other games that have been supported for so long... In regard to the double trailers I do believe that SCS will add this feature into the game in the foreseeable future, but bear in mind please that they are working hard in order to release ATS. The ability to own your own trailer would be also great of course. I think there will be many interesting features in the upcoming update but I doubt whether they will ever materialize it. It is my strong belief though, that double trailers would rather fit to the ATS map, simply because the roads in ETS2 are way too small.

  39. SCS we want double trailers in ATS and be able to purchase our own trailers too and have are own back yard full of regular and double trailers we like A challenge with double trailers and big hills interstate 5 elevation of 4,144 feet. the grapevine is one of the steepest in California we don't want the same boring scenery textures all over the map same citys with flat grounds no hills and single trailer delivery leave that to ETS2 we are looking for A new and different game challenge and american truck Physics and engines sounds when you backup automatically hook up trailer and is time to connect air lines from the truck to the trailer when you press t and try not to make it to ARCADE LIKE ETS 2...... and the American trailer don't have does sticks on the side of the trailer picture 2 and 6 and we want American truck sounds and jake brakes and American transmission 4 and 5 on the stick shift

    1. Anything else you want to DEMAND, Anonymous?

    2. "and the American trailer don't have does sticks on the side of the trailer picture 2 and 6"

      If you bothered to look, those are curtain sides (you can see the tie downs along the bottom). And...yes...there are quite a few of those running around (yes, with swinging doors at the back)

  40. How does one become part of that "small inner circle of volunteer beta testers"? I am absolutely dying to get my hands on this game, and I would love to be an early beta tester. If it'll get me anywhere, I'm a software engineer by profession, so although I don't have specific experience with games, I am well-versed in software testing.

  41. Is this a Train on Picture 2 or just a Loco ?
    I realy hope its more than just a Loco, i want 10+ Cars on them :) In ETS2 they are way to short.

    1. And crossroad that didn't close in 99% of case when you approach it forcing you to brake and often it's too late

  42. ETS2 1.20 said you'd keep updating ETS2 but I was convinced [I convinced myself!] that 1.19 would be the last for a while .... So thanks SCS .... this is awesome.

    ATS is looking great and of course I cannot wait. But as you will, I say stick with your plans and released when you are ready. None will thank you for an earlier than ready release, especially those complaining.

    I am a fan of SCS. I don't believe SCS can do no wrong but I will call out all the right things SCS does which that continue to do..... Bravo.

    My map breaks...Pls help me out

  44. Wow guys! Keep up the great work and updates, and we'll keep interest!

  45. I hope those police cars actually do something other than drive around. Can't wait for this to come out!

  46. Is Big Bear included on the map?

  47. will we see proper 53 foot trailer since all i see is 48 footers,hopefully we will be able to slide axles since its very rare to see a trailer with its axles pushed all the way back with a few exceptions.

  48. ETS2 Version 1.20 Public Beta is out on Steam!!

  49. Does anyone know what all the trucks will be in ATS.

    1. so far we can see peterbilt and kenworth a garuntee but from the picks all i can see is a volvo

    2. ya now that i look at the pictures. i hope they put in the pete 389.

    3. A DLC of Western Canada would be a great add on, it could include British Columbia Vancouver Prince George and Alberta with Calgary Edmonton and the oil sands and lots of trips up to the oil sands as I am doing right now!!

  50. They are never going to release this game! They are just going to keep talking crap about it, And then never release it!

  51. It has only been three years now!

  52. Really like how American Truck Simulator is looking so far! I can't wait for the release! I have two questions, though.

    Question 1: I noticed that in one of the pictures, there is a police car. Will police cars act like the speed cameras in ETS2?

    Question 2: Will you come out with both a Windows and OS X version of ATS on release, or will Mac have to wait?

  53. It be neat if the trucks could get dirty and bring them to a truck wash I know damage you need permission but do you need that for dirt farming sim does it ;)

  54. Thinking about that truck stop looking picture. When they eventually get around to making Iowa, I think it would be cool if they made the Iowa 80 truck stop, granted they'd need permission from the owners, or if not, make a parody or something of it, or maybe it could be something modders could make.

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