Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Serpentine road through Sumava Mountains

We are awfully busy these days, but here is a quick screenshot to help you pass the time until more news are posted...


  1. Very Nice SCS! Nice job with the shadow of the truck!

    Greetings from Sweden

  2. Excellent!! The environment is so detailed! Great work!!! SCS Software ROCKS!!! Please add Romania!

  3. Very good SCS... :)

  4. Too too wide road!

  5. Awesome, take care with CZE xD..

    keep´n ..

    Grtz Michael K.

  6. Looking great! I really like the road signes

  7. Looks just like the "Tihuta Pass" from Romania. :)

  8. Looks like Germany. I would guess, it is not Czech Republic, but Germany. If I am right, you did a nice job.

  9. it would be nice if there was a 8x4 or a 6x2 coming in that we are ok then the axle self can lower and raise that would be mighty nice

    Gr Holland

  10. You see SCS, that's a quite steep hill. In real life, everyone driving a truck would use a retarder. So, PLEASE make the retarder for ETS2. It's almost the same as motor brake, except it doesn't make a loud noise and there are 4 retarder positions (that varies from truck to truck).

    And I guess it's Å umava forest in Czech? :-)


  11. lack of time? Gladly help!
    E-mail: kamilgib@o2.pl

  12. The photo quality is awful, or maybe it's because of the graphics. That road is too wide and almost everything looks like GTS. Anyway, please don't forget to concentrate on more important things as daily driving time and the truck sounds.

    Regards, Danyiel

  13. make sure it's a really hard for the truck to take passes like these.

  14. looks good,i really hope this will be good game and hope that it will work on my 1.6 GHz like ets1 did :)

  15. Too wide road! :(

  16. Hello to all the team scs software for your impressive work what a beautiful landscape on this screenshot!
    His would be super great to see the sceen or a video of a renault!
    Good luck

  17. You say that many people would like wide roads, but many people look like they would prefer realistic roads... But nice work so far SCS, Looking fantastic!

  18. Bonjour,

    C'est vraiment tres joli ce que vous faites !
    Je trouve que la largeur des routes est très bien comme ceci et il n'y a pas besoin de changer du tout.

    Je vous félicite énormement ! Vivement d'autres news.

    Petit Coucou de la France.

  19. Hello,

    It's really very nice what you do!
    I find that the width of roads is very much like this and there is no need to change at all.

    I congratulate you hugely! Deeply other news.

    Petit Coucou de la France.

  20. Oh lovely Å umava. :-) Se7en: yes, you're right - it's a shared name for low mountains and forest of that place.

    SCS, I'm glad you taking care of our country this time! I hope at least three or four CZ (or even more) cities will be included (I'm a Praguer, but not prago-centralist :-D ). Anyway, nice work as usual, congrats!

  21. Beautiful scenery but a bug in those signs have not really seen side by side ...
    And I will change and the vegetation that is already outdated and I hope the game reasonably well done
    And attention to detail, seem somewhat real and if you put less emphasis on detail and the trains would be wonderful

  22. Not bothered about road size just make sure the game play is right. I want my own truck which i can keep and customise and my selection of what job to do next. Simple and a joy to play. Keep up the good work at SCS.

  23. Yeah,This is the real meaning of dream come true!
    but I can't see a high quality image here!

  24. Good work!
    Please add Sweden to the game, it would be awesome!
    the road is to wide...


  25. beautiful :D

    please, show to us how is the rain :)

    can you put 2 or more speeds for wipers?
    can you put rain at left and right glass?

    ETS 2 Brazil

  26. Please, make that the cooler is running (that you here him)!! some red lights in the interior would be very nice too!!! like in real!

  27. SCS good day!

    Excellent image. Thanks for showing us your work and keep at it ...

    Until next time

    Rafael Brusque Toporowicz
    São Mateus do Sul - Paraná - Brasil


  28. The mp3 player could be very nice with lights on!
    What do you think?

  29. The road is a little wide there; you even can to turn around there with your truck. That's unrealistic.

  30. Amazing job SCS! Please add Balkan countries, this would make the game map even better to play on.

  31. DAF XF 105 6x4! PLEASE!

  32. well thats really nice,i really like those serpentines where the driver must use some skill to get through :D

  33. Please, add some tandem trucks, it will be good. Some tandems like MAN TGX, IVECO STRALIS, SCANIA etc.

  34. Hi SCS nice work. I'm curious for the final game. When do you plan to finish it and release a demo?

  35. SCS,

    Awesome job, the screen shot looks great.

  36. Really impressive! I love the improvements on rocks and overall terrain aspect.
    Only the electricity poles seem a bit crooked, but could be just an optical illusion.
    Something really important, even if off-topic:
    You must provide the player, with an option for changing the default game resources directory, from "My Documents"! Maybe via the settings dialog (eurotrucks.exe launcher) or a separate configuration app.
    This just dawned on me when, after a system crash, I had to perform a full re-installation of the OS, which usually means reformatting the system drive, leading to complete loss of data and saved games, not to mention mods!
    Thank you and "Godspeed"! :)

  37. I began to miss your post!

    Ok the photo is low resolution but from what you see is just a beautiful landscape.
    Motorways are ok but it would be nice to have many roads with hairpin bends up and down etc etc, and this picture reveals just that.

    Nice work.

  38. Very nice SCS!, don't forget fix de error ocurred in the previus truck games, that the velocity in the single roads and the car is ever more faster that the truck.

    Salu2 form chile

  39. why has the scania got no mirrors, The scania in the pic of the doubles there was no mirrors on the cab either!! i hope this is nothing Scs ;)

    Looking Forward to the next bit of information and like i said last time, We dont need pictures all the time, I just saying that we would love to to get any hints if theres going to be a multiplayer!?!

    Also will ETS2 Support Steering wheels like Logitech G25 and G27 with the clutch because if so the game will be the B*ll**ks ;)

    Many Thanks Scs for Keeping us fans upadated!

  40. It would really be nice to have Romania (and other Central European, not only Balkan countries)!
    Problem is that Romania doesn't have roads! They're all really destroyed, no one maintained them in the post - communist era and no new ones have been built. So it would really come to having only narrow, cracked and really crowded wheel tracks. :D
    Anyway, we'd love to welcome you on a documentation trip! The food is great ('though a little bit hard on the digestive system), the women beautiful ('though a little bit materialists) the music loud ('though a little bit "gypsy-oriented") and, if you manage to ignore the people, corruption and overall low living conditions, you can have a really enjoyable stay! ;)

  41. OMG! The road is too wide! Why??! :(((
    This is disappointing!

  42. Wonderful! Please more cities in switzerland, italy etc..!!!

  43. Really cool pic.

    Thanks, good work!

  44. The road is too wide! :S More single roads and MULTIPLAYER OPTION PLEASE

  45. Many thanks for this nice blog and give us so much informations!!!
    please put Greece too in ets 2 and make the Akropolis as 3D-Model!

  46. romanian mountains will be?

  47. To ohaha: I understand what you mean, but usually it's not only SCS's game data what you lose if you must re-install whole system. It's about other software user's data, about your documents, maybe e-mails... if SCS will put this option to game launcher, it will not solve whole Windows problem. Did you heard about Rekenwonder Junction Link Magic? It's free software which can link one folder to other folder everywhere on same or other partition. So you can safely have "Documents and Settings" folder elsewhere without fear of losing user data.

  48. Hi SCS.

    About the width of the roads.. After playing OMSI - The Bus Simulator (after someone mentioned that game in the earlier comments), I don't think narrower roads would be a problem. People with keyboard can nicely play OMSI even though it has very narrow roads. I suggest you guys take a look at OMSI, maybe you can get some ideas from it as well.


  49. Thanks for sharing, keep up the good work!

  50. show! I think the wide and large because they're missing is the shoulder, that is what the game is not ready yet, just have a little patience.

  51. we want hangers like this http://www.google.bg/imgres?imgurl=http://www.raifen.bg/raifen/03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.raifen.bg/base.php&usg=__aDAbPv3HFZ0Yt5EC0GNjefibx_E=&h=600&w=800&sz=61&hl=bg&start=49&zoom=1&tbnid=TOTMWDxO9hJL4M:&tbnh=165&tbnw=216&ei=5a6STebaLYXI4gbJoNDdAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D1%2585%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B3%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25B8%26hl%3Dbg%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D857%26tbm%3Disch0%2C1140&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=249&oei=0a6STc76OMeKswaS9tTRBg&page=2&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:28,s:49&tx=137&ty=85&biw=1920&bih=857

  52. yeah!! and we need the Alps!
    you can do it!!

  53. ScS you are the best!!!!!
    Can you add romania map or just Bucharest?
    I don`t care if you relase the game later!JUST ADD ROMANIA MAP PLEASE!

  54. To Anonymous (about My Documents folder):
    I know I can always use third-party software to solve Windows OS issues, although I would never install third-party software to accomplish that, since I can change the default "My Documents" location just by editing a few options of Windows, and have it on another partition altogether. The problem is that you shouldn't really make people search and install additional software (for security and financial reasons) just to have a convenient environment to use the game. Not everyone knows about registry tweaks or even basic OS customization, not to mention fear of "malicious software" when using third-party software. So, the easiest way is to provide that option from the game developer itself, regardless of OS capabilities!
    Thank you.

  55. ohaha, what you wrote is 100% true. You know, it would be good option, but I really doubt that common user (major part of gamers) would exploit this possibility, and experienced user has own solution (whether it's a 3rd party sw or tweaking registry). If it would be common function, then absolutely yes. But I know only few pieces of sw which have this option and none of them is game.

    On the other hand, I've found other usage of your idea: it could solve handling with different sets of mods - player could have more game folders and that means more mod folders - and he could easily switch between them by one click right in launcher window.

    BTW I didn't wanted to underestimate your skills, I hope we're ok. ;-)

  56. Put motorbikes on AI vehicules please !!! :)

  57. a simulator to be the best so far, it would be nice and the portion of the Austria Alps

  58. Hello, can you turn and Bulgaria! When do you plan to finish it and release a demo?

  59. Excelent work SCS!PLEASE ADD GREECE!!!!

  60. bravisimo!its awesome!i must agree with the above guy greece would be awesome too.the roads here will be the best for ones who really want realistic road network ! :)
    Regards from greece,thessaloniki.

  61. Snow road ?

    Very nice scs team

    sorry my english very bad

  62. roads are very wide

  63. Very nice, excelent work SCS

  64. I luv CZ, cause i´m from CZ. Keep up your WORK!

  65. Looks good but come on, get with todays graphics engine's. Lets see the next truck sim in DX10 or DX11 type graphics...


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