Friday, June 13, 2014

More about the next BIG update

In a recent blog post we have shown you a few things which are coming with the next major Euro Truck Simulator 2 update, including three new cities and the Seat Adjustment feature.

Venice driving
Another feature is worth mentioning - displaying current road speed limit in Route Advisor, similar as it's available in common car GPS devices. Our Route Advisor tries to be even smarter about it - it will show *truck specific* speed limits - our game is about trucks after all. So limits for normal cars must be in some places capped by the country's truck speed maximum allowed. This feature is optional, so you can track speed limits on your own if you prefer, and hide speed limit Route Advisor icon in game options.

There were also some changes in the game user interface. The UI received a facelift to clean up its look a bit and make it fresher. This is for example what the game's "desktop" UI hub will look like:

During testing we took some more images of the new areas. We'll be showing them all over a series of blog posts. Let us start with the approach to Venice and some shots from inside the city:


  1. Good job! SCS
    Keep it up.
    Is this update version 2.X?

    1. If it's 2.x version, the update will be bigger than previous ones and SCS may be hiding some other new features.

  2. Cant wait already for this Update, is there a date you guys have planed to release it on.
    And about the new UI I don't see a difference,

    1. Yes the guys have planned to release it on the date with your sister.

  3. where is the new daf xf euro6?

    1. Playing hide and seek with a Mercedes in Cz

    2. Shut up. These DAF questions are silly.

    3. AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 11:51 AM
      You Shut UP also !

    4. "Deppeter Soachschädl" we say in Tyrol to this reply.

    5. Definitely, Anonymous (June 13th, 2014 | 1:56PM)! Greetings from Styria.

  4. when are the update out on steam?

    2 weeks? or more?

    1. When it's finish. There is no ETA.

    2. when its finish is not good statement !

    3. When its finished. is that better?

    4. mabey i'm wrong but sometimes i think people expect to much, how many other games/ simulations update as often as scs try to update ets2.

    5. But ETS 2 is the successfulst Simulator !!! because you can expect the service to earn so as not to just !!!

    6. SCS is similar to ETS2 on the success with GTA V and Rockstar Games and have a great service remember the times

    7. I think "Anonymous" posting should be disabled...

    8. I thin you should be disabled... wait... you are disabled right? :P

  5. What is the last update for the game on steam?

    1. the brasilien paint job dlc ...

  6. All i have to say this game did it part time for ATS.. LIKE NOW

  7. Nice, I'm looking forward to the next update.

    Will the current speed limit also be shown on the trucks GPS in the dashboard? I like to use that instead of the overlay type one.

    1. +1

      Speed limit on GPS is really good idea but I hope it will be not only on Route advisor but on trucks' GPS also.

    2. +1. I don't use any HUD help to make it more real

  8. I have another suggestion for user interface :

    An 'Account History' button beside 'Recruitment Agency' button.

    My suggestion will show job income, employees income, fines outcome, diesel outcome, repairs tunings outcome, employees outcome.

    The ideea is to show the amount of money and the way that amount was used or recieved or lost or whatever.

    Can't wait for the map expansion... already have 100.00% with the DLC Going East.

    1. Like this :

  9. Une chose qui serai bien c'est d'avoir des panneaux rétro-réfléchissant.

  10. A question about speed limits: I'm using my own mod, that edits some speed limits in game. Can 209 km/h truck speed limit cause crash? In other words, is limit icon image or text?
    Due Venice, could you add offically driving on water feature? :-)
    Did you know, that ETS2 has hidden support for seat placement adjustment since version 1.4 (or 1.9?) as a Oculus Rift / IR tracker support with not only head rotation, but also moving on XYZ axis?

    1. From what i hear every truck going faster than 90km will get deleted immediately and the game will be deinstalled, the serial number key will be made obsolete and an automatic call to the next police station will be made to put you in prison once and forever.

    2. xaxaxaxaxa, very good:):)

  11. Therefore turning out to be a wonderful material, thank you for a big job. Now we are just waiting quietly because the next patch comes out.

    After that we can enjoy more great game. ;) ;)

  12. @scs: Did you read my E-Mail ? I had send it to Pavel@scs... and info@scs....

    1. Of course they've read the mail from anonymous... :D

    2. You have to look in the E-Mail addres not here in this Forum. But the Mail which I send is named: Flares and Lights

    3. At first the light distance is very short especially when i am using other Flarepacks like the Xenonmod V4 or Lightmod by dallybor. And when i am using this flarepack also the LEDs soesnt look so good for me they look very "artifical". On times i dont know (maybe before the Patch 1.2.5 or 1.4.1) you had light up the LEDs and so one with Flares and not with mats. Lighting up the LEDs and so one with Flares and not with this ugly mats had been looked much better than it is at the Moment.

      To sum up improve the lights and the Flares and make the light distance longer. It would be very nice.

    4. Did you use the e-mail function in the game? Coz as far as I know that's a fake thing. It's something the game uses to send you e-mails when you play. You can't use that to contact anyone. It's not real.

    5. No, you understand me wrong. I have send it to scs this way:
      My Mail account is "Outlook" (from Windows) !

    6. I understand. But Outlook is only a program, you need an e-mail account to use it. You can use any free e-mail provider, they all work with Outlook. You must have an e-mail address. It looks like this: only that you change the name before the "@" sign, and the address after the "@" sign will also be different. But it must be real, you must register it with an e-mail provider before you can use it to send e-mails.

    7. I have an E-Mail address im not stupid i have send it normally. My E-Mail is kingoftheroads@h....

    8. Take it easy buddy, no ones calling you stupid. I understand that it gets frustrating with computers sometimes, but remember that we all learn in different speeds. So just relax. And hey, now you have your own e-mail address! Thats great! Now, do you know how to use it in Outlook or do you want help with that too?

    9. I am relaxed :) i have a few years an account so i dont need help. The mail i send 3 days ago ...

  13. Good job, guys! I am looking forward to the new update.

    Also when will the new trucks appear in game?? (Daf xf euro 6, Mercedes Actros 2013 en de Renault 2013)
    In my opinion the map is fine, but the trucks should be updated. Also updates with new parts and paint jobs for your rims would be a good idea. The game should focus on the trucks not the map.

    1. The Actros MP4 or new Actros named is from 2011 ! Not from 2013 !!!

  14. Thank you SCS. A car mode to explore the map faster would also be useful.

  15. Another nice preview.
    One request for the in car navigation, please add "recalculate route" for when you missed an exit at a highway.
    Currently it's only showing an arrow telling you that you should go the other way, but especially on highways, you can't easily turn, so a new calculation of the route would be very useful.

    1. It does already automatically recalculate new route if you take wrong turn, but it takes about a minute to do so.

    2. Ow, I missed the exit twice last weekend and drove around for a long time until a next exit came, no re-calculation happened, so I figured such function wasn't programmed. Might be a good idea to show a flash "recalculating route" text then.

    3. It always shows the shortest route. If you drive long enough that a new route is shorter than the old one, it starts to display the new one.

    4. While at it, I'd like to see options like "Avoid highways", "Avoid tolls", "Add destination" in the navigator.

  16. SCS often shows screenshots with some nice motion blur, so i have a question: can we have motion blur in game's photo mode?

  17. Nice ! But what is going on the Daf XF EU6 ????

    1. Stop to ask about the DAF. We will get it, when the DAF is finish. Let them time to finish the DAF. All questions about DAF are spam.

    2. They had enough time ( 7 month ) and they say that 6 month to build a truck .. In Germany we say to you : Schnauze ! AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 1:53 PM

    3. In Tirol sagen wir: Halt dei deppate Goschn.

    4. In Deutschland wir sagen haltet alle eure fresse ihr bedepperden idioten und wo ist mei daf xf eu 6 !? HER DAMIT ?

    5. In Deutschland sollte man eher sagen: "Lasst ihnen die Zeit die Sie brauchen für Ihre LKWs." Deutsche sollten vernünftig genug sein um so etwas wert zu schätzen. Vielleicht irre ich mich da als stolzer Bayer nur, vielleicht sind ja wirklich nur Wir Bayern die vernünftigen Deutschen.
      Gruß aus der Oberpfalz!

    6. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Bayern und einem Türken ? Der Türke kann besser Deutsch !

    7. Bayern und wertschätzchen ehlender Schluchtenjodler !

    8. Also noch mal zum mitschreiben wenn ihr es immer noch nicht rafft .Diese Firma hatte mehr als genug Zeit seit Ankündigung des Daf XF Euro 6 ( seit 25 November 2013 ) also wenn dei sagen die brauchen 6 Monate für son Modell dann sollten sie ihn langsam mal raushauen wir haben schon 7 Monate !!! Und weiter die bekommen genug geld durch den verkauf von ets2 + dlc dafür kann man Leistung erwarten und es ist ja nicht so das das Spiel nicht erfolgreich ist . Es ist so ziehmlich das bekannteste Spiel im Simulationssektor !!!

    9. Und vom Mercedes Actros MP4/New Actros brauchen wir nicht mal Ansatzweise reden der ist im realen Leben schon seit 2011 auf dem Markt also noch vor dem release des ETS 2 und diese deperten habens immer noch nicht geschafft den ins Spiel zu bringen weder als Majestic oder als Mercedes-Benz was schon längst passiert hätte sollen !!

    10. Únd wenn ich für die CD Version + DLC s 42 Euro ´bezahle kann ich auch Service erwarten .. und das war noch nicht das ende der dlc da wird noch die Norwegen Erweiterung und ATS gekauft usw..

    11. Es ist ja nicht so das ich nicht warten kann und will aber die phasen sind eindeutig zu lang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12. Und alle die hier nicht rummekern sind Scania Volvo oder vllt. Iveco Fans die sich auf ihre neuen Modell ein wichsen können und denn die anderen fans der nicht genannten Modell am Arsch vorbeigehen .. Ehlende Egoisten !!!

    13. Ich stelle mal ne Behauptung auf zu 70 % werden in dem Spiel sowieso nur Scania gefahren .. Also ist denen die was anderes neues fahren wollen scheißegal und die können sich dann über diese daf fragen aufregen ...

    14. Leute, was ist nur los mit euch?
      Alle nachträglich gereichten Lkw waren KOSTENLOS für jeden Käufer eines bereits fertig gestellten Spieles (ETS2) erhältlich und auch die künftigen werden es sein. Die DLC sind optional und es ist überhaupt nicht relevant wieviel Geld mit Haupt- Addon und DLC Programmen verdient wurde, denn bei den Lkw´s bekommen wir als Dank vom Entwickler etwas geschenkt. Dafür muss man keine DLC und auch das Addon nicht besitzen - nur das Hauptspiel.
      Darüber hinaus kommen in regelmäßigen Abständen NEUERUNGEN per Patch in unser bereits fertig gestellt gekauftes Spiel.
      Nennt mir andere Programmier Teams die so fair Danke zu ihrer Community sagen.
      Und zum Dank jammert trotzdem ein kleiner Haufen hier herum wegen ein paar Wochen Warterei. Ich packe mir da echt nur noch an den Kopf.
      Diese Tendenz zur Jammerei und Shitstorms im Internet ist mittlerweile einfach nur noch peinlich ... hinterfragt euch mal selbst und denkt nicht nur in eine Richtung! (Engstirnig nennt man das)

      Ich warte übrigens auch auf die neuen Modelle. Aber wenn sie nicht heute oder in einer Woche kommen, ist das für mich kein Grund hier ein Fass auf zu machen.

      Also: Pillefüße still halten. ;)

    15. Ein paar Wochen ??? Monate Jahre langes warten !! Bei dir läufts doch nicht mehr rund in der Birne ... Die verdienen einen haufen Geld dann können sie uns auch was zurück geben . Und es ist nicht so das ich mich nicht bedanken würde ich finde es hut das die updates kostenlos machen aber nicht jahre lang waretn !!! und inhalte erst jetzt raus bringen sie Mercedes Lizens und MP4 die schon beim release drin sein hätten gemusst ist ne frechheit !!!

    16. Pillefüße ? Alter wie alt bist du ? 5 ?

    17. Und selbst wer nur das Hauptspiel hat hat genug gezahlt !!!

    18. AnonymousJune 14, 2014 at 3:41 PM
      Wat is denn los mit dir ??

    19. Andere Teams Z.B. Rockstar Games ! auch wenn nicht ganz fair weil größer aber trotzdem !!

    20. kleiner Haufen also wenn ich die anzahl der schlechten kommentare und kritik lese dann ist das schon ein größerer Teil und ebend kein kleiner Haufen ....

    21. Oh doch, ein Haufen von Kleinen mit kleinen Pillefüßen und anderen kleinen Dingen und einem riesigen Mundwerk in der Anonymität.

    22. anderen kleinen dingen ? das trifft vllt. bei dir zu aber nicht bei mir ... und sprich mal mit erwachsenen wörtern bist du nen klein kind was soll dieses pillefüße ? Du hast doch auch nur großes mundwerk in der anonymität sonst ziehsten schwanz ein und verkrichst dich in dein loch ... jetzt werd hier mal nicht komisch ende mit dieser disskusion !

    23. Schon interessant was passiert wenn man auf verbale Entgleisungen mit eben diesen zurück schreibt. Diss|kusion, das Wort trifft es. Nichts für Ungut, Kleiner. ;)

    24. Kleiner !? Läuft bei dir ? Also wenn ich klein bin dann bist du im Säuglingstadium !!!!!

    25. Verbale Entgleisungen ich sag dir halt einfach dein dummes Mundwerk !

    26. Und noch mal zurück zum eigentlichen Thema , gute aussagekräftige Gegenargumente gegen meine Aussagen triffst du ja eh nicht .

    27. Leute....kommt mal wieder runter -.- Ja viele (auch ich) warten auf den DAF! 7 Monate sind viel klar,aber man muss auch mal sehen was SCS noch auf dem Plan hat! ATS,der neue DLC.Darum muss sich auch gekümmert werden,sonst wird doch auch wieder rumgeheult!
      Wir kennen die Ankündigungen von SCS (Zeit bezogen),von daher sollte SCS auch nicht sagen,dass es 6 Monate brauch einen LKW zu programieren.Aber SCS ist eine kleine Firma,die sich Mühe gibt,dass die Spiele/DLCs/Patches mit wenig/keinen Bugs rauskommen!

      Also Leute...abwarten,auch wenns schwer fällt :)

    28. Hey Leute etz kriegts euch alle mal wieder ein. @Anonymous June 14, 2014 at 3:41 PM hat recht, muss man so sagen. SCS belohnt uns mit Trucks die man genau so gut als DLC verkaufen könnte. Vielleicht nicht gerade in der "Erwachsenensprache" aber immerhin hat er recht. Nur so nebenbei, SCS hat gesagt, sie brauchen für EINEN Truck UNGEFÄHR 6 Monate. Ihr müsst bedenken, das das selbe Team, mit der selben Anzahl an Mitarbeitern jetzt nicht einen Truck macht, sondern drei Trucks auf einmal machen muss und so zieht sich das hinaus! Des Weiteren haben sie gesagt, dass sie UNGEFÄHR 6 Monate brauchen, es kann gut sein, dass ein Truck mal 4 oder vielleicht auch mal 8 Monate braucht. Also bleibt ruhig, schneller kriegt ihr die Trucks deswegen auch nicht..

    29. "Und noch mal zurück zum eigentlichen Thema , gute aussagekräftige Gegenargumente gegen meine Aussagen triffst du ja eh nicht ."

      *seufz* Wenn da nur Beschimpfungen kommen, darf man sich nicht wundern wenn Sachliches fehlt.
      Nun gut - zu deinen Argumenten:

      "Die verdienen einen haufen Geld dann können sie uns auch was zurück geben ."

      In welche Bilanz hast du Einblick um eine Übersicht über die Finanzen von SCS Software zu haben um diese Aussage zu treffen? Und seit wann muss der, der Geld verdient, etwas zurück geben, wenn er es denn ehrlich verdient hat? Das sind für mich vollkommen neue Ansichten.

      "Und es ist nicht so das ich mich nicht bedanken würde ich finde es hut das die updates kostenlos machen aber nicht jahre lang waretn !!! "

      Worauf genau wartest du seit Jahren, was vor Jahren versprochen wurde? Und bitte mit Quelle. Das Netz vergisst nicht, da gibts Quellen.

      "und inhalte erst jetzt raus bringen sie Mercedes Lizens und MP4 die schon beim release drin sein hätten gemusst ist ne frechheit !!!"

      Gab es da irgendwelche Versprechungen dass dies mit im Spiel ist oder zeitnah kommt? Beim Kauf ist mir nichts in die Richtung aufgefallen, was ja nichts heißen muss. Kannst du die Infos, die ich nicht habe, hier mal linken?

      "Verbale Entgleisungen ich sag dir halt einfach dein dummes Mundwerk !"

      Entweder möchtest du nicht, oder du kannst wirklich nicht. Für Ersteres gähnender Applaus, für Zweiteres mein Mitgefühl.

  18. And a Release Date would be fine SCS !

  19. Nice! Can´t wait to update my Game :D I hope the Reisproject Map 1.3 will work with this Patch :)


    1. Stop with this Amirican Truck Simulator nonsense. They will (hopefully) never release it! End of story. SCS should focus only on ETS2.

    2. @Anonymous June 13, 2014 at 3:44 PM

      You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you.

    3. U stfu and stop hating and they well get to ATS count on it

    4. I hope you weren't talking to me. I was responding to the anon dude that replied to the OP. I actually am excited for ATS.

    5. America America America.. Everything is about America in this world. If they are such a great and magnificent nation, then why can't they make their own Truck Sim if they want one. Instead the europeans must help them because americans suck at everything.

    6. racist racist person.

  21. This guys are bringin to us a lot of updates and we should be thankful
    Venice is superb :) can't wait to drive :D

  22. Replies
    1. You sound just like your girlfriend :O and your boyfriend too :O :O and your parents :O :O :O

    2. AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 3:58 PM ??????????

  23. Just missing setting keyboard shortcuts for radio!

  24. When is the maps of PORTUGAL AND SPAIN

  25. GPS is looking improved ad the rest is looking good. Awesome job SCS

  26. Great job!!
    Pls remove the speed limit option!!!!

  27. what about "18 WHEELS OF STEEL
    Please tell us about it also, i m still waiting for the next game in this series.
    and yes please add INDIAN Truck and Maps in your next game

  28. I think the display of sped limit is a good asset, but also it would have been even more realistic to have those police cars parked on the side of the road and radars like in the old american series. Nothing speeds you down more effective like a cop car on the horizon. :).

    Also, I would like to have those cities from European Truck Simulator back...they are already built, why not adapting them? (i am talking about the full Italy routes, more cities from the east...lie from Romania, and more to the west - France, Spain, Portugal. Let's make it a long shot!

    Romania, among the other missing countries, already has a big transport market and it's a pity it does not take part in the game.

    Please consider my suggestions and please add more various trailers. I tried adding them from the official mods websites and they crash my game. It would be recommended to have them from you directly. The existing ones are cool, but they tend to be redundant at some point.

    Hope i am not bugging you, just expressin' my Christmas wishes. :)
    Keep up the wonderful work!


  29. Daf Pls ! :D Good Job SCS

  30. Awesome job SCS. Congrats!

    Will we be able to control the gas and brake pedal with mouse after that update?

    1. It's already possible. I do it all the time. Just put your mouse on the floor and assign the mouse buttons in the settings.

  31. Could you please implement something not to look to the mirrors with the wheel cursors (Force GT) or that it recenter the camera after pushing. It's common not to be able to turn at the sametime you take a look around. Just an option to recenter the camera if the cursor is released after looking.

    PD: Some map for Spain/France and graphics improvements would also be nice.
    Asking for it is free XD

  32. You guys have recorded the new Volvo Sound. Why you don't implent it? :D

  33. New cities in southern AND northern europe? Nice!

  34. BRAZIL

    SCS software do best to update

  35. Have not played in over half a year.. But since you mentioned work to the UI.. Can you still not navigate through the UI using the keyboard? :/ I've always hated being forced to use the mouse in menus.. The sluggish mouse acceleration didn't help..

  36. will you add the number of driverss from 154?

  37. Hey SCS! I love the work the work you are doing, particularly the work you are doing to improve the little things. If I may add a suggestion for upgrading the GPS, I noticed that when a driver you hired makes a delivery, or comes back empty, the details of the profit, or loss, scroll on the bottom of the GPS. I am a person that likes to change between exterior and interior camera a lot, and if I switch while it is scrolling, then the information scrolling by disappears. This happens as well if an action prompt appears, or disappears on the GPS, like trying to drive with your parking brake engaged, or pull up to a fuel station, or go to repair your vehicle.

    As always, keep up the good work! Its nice seeing almost daily updates on what you are up to!

    1. Well, they don't suck with eating... (Joke)

  38. where are the difficult parking destinations? when wil we have to make hard manouvers to park the trucks? When can we see our trucks parked in our garages? Stop wasting time on some unuseless details like speed limiter on GPS, it is a nice feature but it is not a priority, stablish priorities on features appliance.

    1. Scania Truck Driving Simulator?

  39. waaneer is blue or white or red cross on the front window do. has that same body in real

  40. So... still no option to have louder engine sounds inside the pretty much soundproof cabin...

  41. And what about the DAF XF Euro 6? . The least we can say is that you give us absolutely no information on the development of new trucks. Please give us news.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. What about Northern Ireland!?
    Its part of the UK and Europe, it deserves a place in this game as much as anywhere else, please add it in, its not a very big place!

    1. Are you sure it isn't there already then? Have you looked? Not sure if they consider it part of Europe really, it's such an odd place.

    2. Yes I am sure, I have been playing ETS2 for a very long time, I have always been disappointed that Northern Ireland was not part of the map.

      It is part of Europe because it is part of the UK, I personally think its unfair that they include Mainland UK and not Northern Ireland.

    3. I agree with you, it does seem unfair to exclude Northern Ireland. I didn't know about this until now. What about ProMods or TSM, maybe they included it in their map mods?


  46. The speed limit addition is epic good news! See, I have a huge problem with the game right now in that I can barely read the speed signs, the glare in them make it almost impossible, so I love this! :) Great job SCS! <3

  47. why is the windscreen never dirty???

    1. Because as a responsible trucker you always keep it clean!

    2. Here is the dirty windscreen:

  48. The extra space in "Company Status" is reserved for something special or nothing?

  49. tambien se podrian incluir los nuevos modelos de renault y mercedes que estan ya en el mercado europeo

  50. What's changed in the interface? Looks the same to me.

    1. What do you mean?? It's a massive change. The new user interface alone is worth the wait. It's mindblowing, they could name it ETS3 or atleast ETS2.5. I don't dare to think of how many hours went into that facelift.

  51. Why would I want the next update? Well first I'd like suspension driver seat, dashboard warning lights shooters more, not only brake, low air pressure, lights, be more. Secondly, it would be nice, "the I-see" on all trucks not only Scania and Volvo, and dirty trucks, to snow and snow settle.

    So much for the next update and the previous ones, a place to dine driver and the station, as it was on 18 wheels of steel, several types of trucks, for example Scania brand to be and Series G, Series P.

    1. Several types of trucks would take so long for SCS, so going with only the biggest one, is a right decision. And for what simulated thing would you like a dashboard warning? I can't come up for something...
      And to end this, you'd like to have a suspension seat. (!)

  52. I can't wait for the next big ETS2 update. BTW the new UI interface and speed limit being shown on the Route Advisor will really be helpful! Good job SCS!

  53. No myslím, že keď je už v hre nastavenie zrkadiel, a najnovšie aj sedadla, nebolo by odveci dať aj nastavenia výšky svetiel, čo myslíte? alebo taký cestný vlak, niečo podobné ako napr toto: .

  54. good job scs, would be great to put voice to GPS, it would be more realistic

    1. Voice would be good but if SCS wants voice for all languages, that might take a while. But the could start with English first then do other languages.

    2. I never drive with voice on...

  55. Great news about the patch update! The UI improvement is also welcome, although I would have prefered if you guys simply put the company manager buttons up there, so you don't have to click twice to reach eg. the truck or driver manager screen.

    Thanks for showing us more info:)

    Join the discussion and comment over on Reddit @

  56. When be out new DAF?

  57. SCS, there must be a joke with the UI. Nothings changed in it, and that's a great news, cause i like it as it was. The rest of additions are wellcomed, and thx for them !

    1. There are a number of things changed! Instead of the blue €, it is yellow now, and the letters are a bit different, all the arrows aren't colored anymore. The 'options', 'radio' and 'credits' buttons are all new, btw, it's not 'credits' anymore, but 'about'. Some symbols are different, all the blue is gone, instead they go with green/yellow.
      So there has been changed a lot!


    1. Yep. It would be a really nice feature.

    2. I think, player's garages now have no space to park owned trailers, so SCS would need to rework player's bases and, consequentially, update cities. Also then the new quest system will be needed, to take cargo in own trailer, and to choose the right type of cargo according to trailer type. It is a lot of work.

  59. BLA BLA BLA....More ATS info please damn it -_-'

  60. Very amazing work but the autoroute needs more traffic cars + trucks,and the city needs to have more roads

  61. Good job but can we PLEASE have the original physics back

  62. Hi, i'm a fan of ETS2 and I want to know about the help with the ETS2 Multiplayer developers.
    We will help they?

  63. "Seat Adjustment feature" - It worth than ever. Hope it will include camera angle adjustment. Keep go on SCS.

  64. It's nice and all, but it doesn't look original, so nothing to brag about...

  65. Very nice work! And hey SCS, take your time about the new DAF Euro 6, but please do a rework at the actual DAF in game, he needs a upgrade, the exterior model ir too poor and dont reflect que same quality of other new trucks.

  66. That's great, but what about the truck-trailer physics that got screwed in patch 1.9.22? Will that be fixed?

  67. looking very good guys, please keep going and ignore the Daf moaners, trust me having drove one in real life they are not all that. The gps speed limit is a great idea but also some tweaking of the weight limit of trucks for example a two axle unit and a three axle trailer is a maximum of 40 tons but a three axle unit (more expensive to buy and requires more XP) and three axle trailer is allowed 44 tons would make it a bit more sim and a bit less game. cheers guys great job.

    1. sorry just had a brain storm also truck price and spec, a 540hp volvo fh16 is cheaper and available with less xp than a 360hp scania, majestic(merc) well pretty much anything!!!! really??? don't get me wrong i was very happy as i love them but you can start the game as a owner with a truck that most drivers work 10 years to be able to buy.

  68. Pretty nice idea , showing the speed limit on the GPS , so that will not let us come to the delivery spot with 18 hours before time limit and driving 30 tons truck at 90 km/h , so not realistic , can't wait for the release of this major update , keep up the good work SCS guys! , and try to give us some news on ATS how the developement is going , keep in touch with us

  69. Good work guys :) One of the best you are

  70. Great job done, we hope to have more driver to hire.
    It's a point,we can buy a lot of garage all around the map but already we can buy 155 trucks and hire 154 drivers.
    And that's the point ^^ for some players,we want to maximise the development of our company.
    Already we can buy more than 155 spots of garage,but if you buy 200 trucks,you can only hire 154 drivers for them =(.
    It's a detail for some,and important for others.
    Thank's if you can look at this point.
    But already you did a great job with this awesome game.

  71. -------------------------------------



    VCS worry about things easy to program

    - An option to demote TRUCKS




    1. What the fuck is wrong with you man? Thank them that you can play the game! Btw, there are lots of mods where the interior sound gets louder ;)

  72. what about new grass and threes? "There's always something to improve" topic

  73. Venice Driving is DLC name or Just New Features?

    btw Keep the super duper work SCS.... :D

    1. Venice Driving isn't a DLC, it's one of the new cities that SCS added. And because they were driving there, making screenshots, they called it 'Venice Driving'.

  74. Please include the option to watch replay at the reward screen.

  75. BRAZIL

    SCS na próxima atualização tem como fazer opção de alerta do Radar.

  76. Please put the speed limit control into the inside gps of the trucks too!
    And by the way, please change the truck speed on normal roads. The 50km/h of the trucks is pretty annoying.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. When the time comes to put Portugal, Spain, the rest of France and Italy in the Game? I think Portugal and Spain also belong to the "euro zone"!

  79. Hello, I am from Chile and I speak Spanish, so this text is translated with google translator will be with the original version.


    I would like if you could add the ability to raise and lower the glass window of the truck, so hear outside sounds like cars, air and the sound of the engine, also could take advantage of this feature by adding the big update to launch soon, I think it is very good idea because it would give more realism and not necessarily switch between open and closed, if not, that the outside sound is directly proportional to both the open window to the point if the window is closed, no outside sound is heard when the interior camera or cabin camera is used.

    PD: translation is not 100% accurate.


    Me gustaría que si ustedes pudieran añadir la capacidad de subir y bajar el vidrio del la ventana del camión, para así escuchar el sonido del exterior como los autos, el aire y el sonido del motor, además podrían aprovechar de añadir esta característica junto a la gran actualización que lanzaran pronto, yo creo que es muy buena idea, ya que le daría mas realismo, y no necesariamente cambiar entre abierto y cerrado, si no, que el sonido exterior sea directamente proporcional a que tanto este abierta la ventana a tal punto que si se cierra la ventana, no se escuche el sonido exterior cuando se usa la cámara interior o de cabina.

    1. I totally agree with you with this. Please SCS make this!

      Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Por favor SCS hagan esto!

  80. When will you release the euro 6 DAF and the new merccedes actros (and make the mercedes brand official)

  81. it would be good if there were a button binding to change between the route adviser pages

    1. There are buttons to do that, those are 'F5', 'F6', 'F7' & 'F8'.

  82. Dear SCS Team a feature that makes the trucks and trailer dirty who in the real life would be great .

  83. Please make the indicator in Iveco and MAN faster.

    (Sorry for my bad English :( )

  84. Bullshit I've ever bought this game

  85. nice new features but imo what this game needs the most is new challanges like new cargo, special cargo by its weight or size or both that would require a 3axle truck or something like that...

  86. daf xf euro 6 ?????

  87. Any news about new trucks or new engines, unless I drive a Scania or a Volvo, I feel all the other trucks are way too underpowered

  88. I may be the only one but cant SCS make it possible to switch Route Advisor route on/off.

  89. I would love to see some kind of speed camera warning on the GPS.

  90. Good job SCS

    But still missing two things that you can see your driver in traffic or map.
    And truck in traffic could also hooked or unhooked the trailer.

    Sorry for my bad English, I translate with google translator

  91. Great job there been waiting for this update, it just needs interior gps for renault and merc trucks interiors

  92. Do you remember Scania Truck Driving Simulator?
    It was challenging and very fun down those narrow lanes and cliff roads.
    Why aren't roads like this included in Euro Truck Simulator 2? It was the thing I was most hoping for whilst waiting for the release of the game, and am sad to see it not implemented yet.

    Why not?



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