Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Get ready for Euro Truck Simulator 1.12 Update

Not much time has passed since we released ETS2 1.11 game update, yet already we are in the final testing stages of 1.12 update. We are fortunate that there are no road-blocks in the game code now delaying release, so we can try a shorter release cycle now, and avoid sitting on the features for the sake of a larger batch. The new version may contain less changes compared to its predecessor than what the feature-packed 1.11 has brought, but there is some good stuff coming, and coming soon.

ETS2 version 1.12 will bring you four new features, plus it will prepare the game binaries for "A New Type of the DLC" - not paint-jobs this time! We plan to release this DLC simultaneously with the update.

Let's list 3 of those features now:

Truck browser

Browse, build, visualize and preview any unlocked truck in the game. Also it is possible to apply and preview paint jobs for any truck. If you are a MOD maker, this is a super useful feature for fast browsing of your creations without leaving the desktop, rather than having to drive to the nearest truck shop of a given truck brand.

Trailer Browser

Browse all trailers, their types and sub-types featured in the game. Yet again if you happen you have a MOD trailer in the game, you can check it out right away in the Trailer browser without having to wait for it to spawn randomly in the game.

Photo Mode Enhancements

We are still astonished with the gorgeous shots you guys upload to World of Trucks. New Photo mode features are:
  • Ability to change the Color Balance of your image
  • Change Saturation
  • Change the Roll the camera, if you desire extra creativity in your composition

And at last - "The New Type of the DLC". We will be revealing it in our almost-regular Friday blog post. So see you back here in two days!


  1. more paint-jobs dlc please!!

    1. What's wrong with Paint Jobs? You don't have to buy them if you don't want to but some of us do...

    2. The Paint Jobs help make money for them for them making FREE UPDATES AND ATS as well as new trucks and such. THEY COULD ABANDON the game but they're to nice for that.

    3. Remember aswell that years ago those patches which included stuff, were for free ....

    4. It's right. Any years ago you dont have any license of the trucks.

    5. NEED TO IMOROVE the AI Traffic "LIGHTS" in night time you see nothing till to late for a crash of speeding cars on intersections.

    6. when will the 1.12 patch be relsaed or dont know yet
      as im just asking :)

    7. I can't wait until Going North is Released.

  2. Please, add some more configuration parts=)

  3. Sounds like a good and useful stuff. Thanks SCS and keep up the great work!

  4. Much update
    So Wow
    Very sexy

  5. SCS you're just amazing ! Anyway, I'd like to see a second pivot, so that we can drive different kind of truck !


  6. Thanks for TURKEY'S FAN.We want map of TURKEY.

    1. Do we want? You should all Turkish fans buy a legit copy of the game and then talk.

    2. A lot of Turkish fans have already purchased a legal copy. Turkish language option is proof of this.

  7. Thank you SCS for the great news and i really and i hope to see the new trucks soon. Thanks

  8. Please please please tell me they are adding the ability to buy your own trailers.

    1. +1

      I hope so :)

    2. I want my own trailer for our businesses so if you want to work with John Deere if you had the Jazzycat Mod, you could! Also, flatbed's should be able to hold any cargo flatbed related though it would be nice if it had some restrictions like a normal flatbed couldn't lift like a 60 ton Train in Jazzycat's Train Mod. You would need the oversize one for that as well as many ropes and such. It could also be nice if you could deliver oversized cargo's to ferries and you could pick them up there as well. Say I was driving the Baobab tree to Denmark and I wanted to drop it off in a ferry heading to the UK. Another truck driver in your company over in the UK could pick it up for you and haul the rest of the way making Co. Management more fun!

    3. 3rd June 2023

    4. +1, would be such a good feature!

  9. You should add interior camera too for photo mode. It would be easier to make a photo from cabin during driving.

    Thank you so much.

  10. and now a blue LED cross or red or white for the cabin and a coff aparaat on 24volt work so as in real life of driver

  11. Speculating on the new DLC here:

    "it will prepare the game binaries" is an interesting turn of phrase. We already know that the game has functionality to load additional content like trucks, trailers and maps at runtime, so I think it's unlikely that there would be any significant code changes required to add DLC for these content types.

    This leads me to speculate that the new DLC type will be content of a type that was previously un-moddable. Given that I have no experience in modding for ETS, I'm at a loss as to what it could be. However, my wild uneducated guess would be a winter map makeover, complete with seasons that change over time.

    What does everyone else think?

    1. Probably Eurocoach simulator then?? :O

    2. I hope it will be multiple turning points on trucks which means double trailers and real BDF trucks. It would be a nice addition to the scandinavia dlc and makes more of a challenge to drive with a 25 meter truck

    3. Euro coach simulator comes on June 3rd 2023

    4. LIES Anonymous. There's been bus stops littering the cities of the Vanilla game so Euro Bus Simulator could be put on ETS2 so it would then be called Euro Transportation Simulator where you could drive a Bus or a Truck and you could change jobs at anytime though you would lose 25% of the payment and you can only switch once a in-game month so choose wisely.

    5. My guess would be extra pivot points for wagon and drags, 25.25 combinations or the b-doubles that operate in parts of Europe as this was something hard coded into the game that modders could not get around. fingers crossed anyway.

    6. +1 Michael, +1 Wrighty. Still waiting for this, too much time, they should add it. One more pivot is enough in Europe.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Scandinavia DLC !!! Comes out on 8th October 2014


    Includes 19 cities in Denmark, Sweden and Norway !!!
    Heavy Load Trailers
    and more

    and look the screenshots... nice !!!

    1. There has been no official release date given for the Scandinavia DLC, that date is just a speculative one.

      Amazon UK for example states it's released in September.

    2. Scandinavia dlc comes on June 3rd 2023

    3. Since there has been no official release data set by SCS, this date is bogus. They done the same thing with ATS just trying to get mugs to pre-order. Until SCS announce it to the public, there is no set date.

  14. Ich kann, dazu Top sagen!
    Wenn ich Spiele dann kann ich beim F4 Kurz drücken den ersten Menü Öffnen drücke ich ein weiteres mal auf F4, dann kann ich die Spiegel korrekt Einstellen, ein weiteres mal auf F4 kannst du den Sitz verstellen, ob nach oben nach unten. Vor- oder zurück Gestellt wird. Viel Spass beim 1.11 Spielen. ;-D

    1. Ja, sie natürlich tun, und es macht die realistischer und Spaß, es zu tun, aber Sie würde die Simulation zu runned werden mögen. Wie auch immer, ich bin froh 1.12 wird heraus bald auf ETS2. Wie ist es mit Ihnen? Ich hoffe, dass die Modder können endlich Skript mit dem DLC obwohl es frei sein sollte. Ich denke auch, es ist an der Zeit einen weiteren DLC SCS hat und sie viel von Gewinn aus der community.They erzeugen möchte, sollte auch eine andere Dampf Verkauf während es mehr Menschen zu ermutigen, es zu kaufen und spielen Sie es! ETS2 war schon immer eines der meistverkauften Spiele, wenn es auf den Umsatz war es, warum also nicht wieder tun?

  15. Great but:
    -What about the new sounds?
    -And what about the DAF , Merc, Renault?

    1. DAF comes out on 3rd June 2023
      Mercedes comes out on next financial crisis
      Renault comes when France win the FIFA World Cup in year 2018 or 2022

    2. Seriously ..... "Great but ..." type of replies are a window into the ungracious nature of too many posters to every update SCS provides.

      Simply put, it's out of order and to, not call you out, is a mistake.

      The posters on this forum who care about ETS2 and what SCS are trying to do have a implied responsibility to counter this greedy and careless attitude.

      There is a long list of stuff I hope and want for too but I do not go on about it here every time SCS blogs an update. That is not to say I am mute on what I hope to see.

      So, how about breaking the mold, growing up and having a little class? Try it out?

      The unwarranted sarcasm, the ultra exaggerated expectation dates and so on are getting old already. Copying the original is not very cool! It only serves to show the posters blatant lack of understanding. It makes you look foolish.

      Look, I get it ...the message may have merit, you are impatient and want it immediately ....sometimes me also .... but the choice of words and tone used to communicate that message is very important.

      In the face of a developer sticking to their word, actually delivering updates, over a year post release and with more updates to come, these careless comments are, as said, out of order!

      I guess, those who choose to write this way, don't think before they type or have yet to learn why this a fact.

      [Note, posting anonymously is not at issue here, it's a fair choice]

  16. SCS you've done so much to improve the game, yet continue to ignore most basic requests. Please make original wheels for all trucks. There shouldn't be any copyright issues and compares to making a truck model it's piece of cake. There's a lot of mods for this but I keep my game vanilla. Please make original wheels for all trucks.

    1. +1

      * add it: original lights and more lights (open/close) options for all trucks. for example, scania's led lights, fog lights and other lights etc.

      * add it: scania R V8 side skirt and V8 black front like streamline. and an exhaust for V8 side skirt and normal! (MAN has already got it -.-)
      * add it: side skirts for 6x2 and 6x4 for all trucks
      * add it: scania R needs more details like streamline. (exterior view for back side)
      * add it: exclusive V8 interior for scania R
      * fix it: scania's rear fenders for 6x2, 6x4; they are not equal.
      * fix it: scania R's rear lights (what's that 2 red shiny spot on it?)
      * fix it: scania R's sunlight visor's position at topline model. it is not to same line with side window's top. Look at this photo and then look at in game model:

      * fix it: new volvo FH mirors design (exterior view):

      and fix it mirrors mats in game. they haven't got same mats when I change the mirrors like chrome, paint or plastic. check it for all trucks.

      * fix it: new volvo FH 'Globetrotter and FH16 750 badges' on top.
      and add it: new FH16's silver sunlight visor like silver mirrors (they are not chrome!) examples for both:

      * fix it: new volvo FH/FH16 540, 600, 750 (EEV) etc. side badges:
      and you can/must add it for FH16 classic also. Look at this 750 badge and then in game model badge:

      * fix it: new volvo FH and FH16 front lights. chrome and black:

      * add it: new volvo FH16 beautiful black read window:

      * remake it: new volvo FH16 exclusive interior (with FH16 logo etc.) like scania V8 exclusive. Not: Do not change the location of materials, restructure them pls.

      * fix it: Renault Premium's rear lights. the lights are not correct when I open them (turning lights and rear gear lights). Look at Magnum's rear lights, they are same and correct.

      and more... I don't remember all of them, but you can check all of your trucks and real trucks. I think, your 3d designers are too lazy :)

      Thanks for the good game and great improvements, SCS. I'd say hopefully benefit your business :) Thanks...

      Not: I don't need to proposal for mods or programs. I know all of them already. I want to SCS must make all of them. I am a customer, I am not game or mod maker.

    2. Not (Turkish)=Note (English)

    3. * remake it: new volvo FH wipers design interior view.

    4. I will continue to send these messages every new post, until you fix them :)

      SCS follower since 18 WoS Haulin, thank you!

    5. Who cares about truck parts? We need the whole of Europe to explore, not comsetics on trucks.

    6. +1

      Important point for this game:
      Older models of trucks in the game, no longer on the market in real life. They will retain their place as legends in the game, like Renault Magnum. So the all trucks must be designed that more careful. Way or another, this game will go down in history. Please, pay more attention to the design of all trucks.

      Thanks, :)

  17. Is October release of Scandinavia DLC actually accurate or was that just an educated guess by the retail branch?

    1. Scandinvaia dlc comes on June 3rd 2023

    2. Anonymous, please pack your bags and go back to Trollingville ! Okay?

  18. That's what I wanna see!! :D

  19. I want u to remake all the signs in every country , all the silly intersections remade , heavy breaking sounds for every truck added , add Slovenia soon as possible , the A10 in Austria fully made from Salzburg to Ljubljana :)

    1. Please SCS, add only the small country Slovenija.

      This two cities: Ljubljana and Maribor

    2. Slovenia is the missing link , my opinion - great roads, only 2 cities to be made :D

    3. i agree! scs please make the slovenia, it is small country and it won't take you long to make it :)
      there are many ets2 fans here in slovenia and we will be very happy

    4. great mountains roads and they have highways - Karawanken Tunnel the longest

    5. I want SCS to give us the gift - Slovenia - for Christmas time , that would be nice :) , u guys are great

    6. If I get Slovenia for christmas I'd be so mad I'd end up in jail.

  20. Replies
    1. The new dlc comes on June 3rd 2023

    2. How about the day when a asteroid hits you IS ON THAT DAY?

  21. I want the new DLC to come next year in February or March , to be bigger than i saw in some posts :)

    1. The new dlc comes on June 3rd 2023

  22. Wow great patch! I bet it caters to the urgent needs and wishes of 99.5% of all players!


    1. SCS don't care about american truck SIMULATOR thy only care of ets2 arcade wants to be SIMULATOR


  24. Fix the German Autobahn!

  25. Hopefully it's the trailer pack. And I really hope it contains a walking floor trailer.

    I wasn't kidding on the forums when I said I'd gladly pay £10 for just a walking floor.

  26. I would love to have the ability to paint trailers in my own colours. I don't know how to do this.

  27. One suggestion for the truck paint area. Have an option for more accurate color selection, such as a RGB color selector or something like that. Sometimes it's hard to get that exact color because of the color selector.

  28. The new DLC ist the DAF Euro XI.

    1. The truck will be free.

      This DLC will be something else and possibly steam only.

    2. Daf Euro 6 comes on june 3rd 2023

  29. WOT , more space please
    6 is not enought

  30. Finally!! Truck/Trailer browser!
    I wanted this feature for a long long time.
    Great work.

  31. I have big respect for you SCS! great work as always. Thank you!

  32. Graphics update please ^.^

    1. They just did or are going to in he next few updates

  33. Why don't you put in the feature of owning your own trailers?
    and could customize them, just as the trucks!

    Think about it SCS..

  34. New DAF and Mercedes-Benz please

    1. +1 i agree but also new renault

  35. I didn't think that you will talk to us about the next patch , am very pleased about it , hope the next patch will bring interesting features ,even if it is not bringing as much as 1.11 , keep the good work guys and thanks.

  36. Maybe the trailerbrowser converts into a trailer shop where you can buy your own trailers sonn :o xD

  37. Yet still no Portugal & Spain map...

  38. would love to see roadtrains and B-doubles come into the game :D

  39. SCS - Team is the rolling stone, gathers no mossbut rather creates something new.
    Big thank you and we look forward to Fridays.

    Regards: Vesku-K

  40. I think the new type of the DLC would be the new DAF Euro 6

    1. Nah, because they said that the trucks would be free. It is probably Scandinavia.

    2. Scandinavia is not new type of DLC (as it's map DLC and we already have Going East). There would be also no need to rewrite binaries. I think it's really something totally different, but as I don't like wild speculations, I better will not guess. :D

  41. excited about next update...
    very good job SCS !!! sounds great and i can't wait revealing for the surprise DLC support

  42. Crap, crap, crapidy fridays. SCS has ran out of ideas in expanding the game. Crap, crap, crap point black and funny enough it's not amusing at all :-(

  43. maybe a addons for trailers more lights chrome wheels etc , just a suggestion , great game great updates thank you keep it coming !!!cheers from Canada !

  44. When are you fine gents planning on MAN TGX Euro6 and 15.2L D3876 520/560/640hp?

  45. More paint-jobs DLC please!Don't give up on them!

  46. Going North Scandinavia Add-on comes out on the 3rd of June 2023.Be prepared for it!

  47. Are any new crossroad types gonna appear ?

  48. Seria bom se tivesse voz no GPS, seria muito show!!

  49. So we can browse trailers but not allowed to buy one. Can you add a small feature to allow us buying our own trailers like you did in 18WOS?
    And for the DLC I wish they are useful ones, I won't mind if you put those truck models in DLC and sell them, and I hope you can do some proper front wheels for every truck, some tunning parts like vertical exhaust pipes, light boxes, modified side skirts and tail lights...and the list can go on: the SCANIA front bumper, proper 6x2, 6x4 chassis for DAF, proper chassis for VOLVO fh3, proper 6x4 chassis for SCANIA, side window for VOLVO fh4 v8 versions, bigger mobile phone inside the fh4 cabin, normal sideskirts for MAN, the missing 2 other cabins for IVECO stralis hi way, 6x2 chassis for RENAULT premium... engine badges for two RENAULTs, DAF, MERCEDES BENZ, VOLVO fh3, IVECO stralis...
    I'm willing to buy all these reworks and models at any cost.

    1. they should also add T cabs and plastic protector for 2x2x4 and 2x4x4 as these do exist in real life


  51. WE want more new trucks such as NEW DAF XF , Renault T , Man TGX more modification parts and new types of trailers

    Maybe as a DLC oversize LOADS( Convoi Exceptionnel)

    More realistic world such as realistic borders, realistic gas station(i dont wanna be the only one prking for sleepin), Snowy weather, more realistic FERRIES,

    1. I find it annoying when you miss a turn off.... and have to drive damn near 50 miles to find a place to turn around. How realistic is that?

  52. Being able to browse trailers.... but NOT be able to buy one.... that would just be cruel lol. That'll be like bringing your kids to work with you at toysrus and not allowing them to play with any of the toys. You can look at them.... but you can't have any lol.

    Seriously SCS.... you could be skating on this ice here lol.

  53. New trailer denew trailer or new skins for the trailer that would times beautiful ^^si

  54. first off, great ideas, but i would like see more AI improvement, they still sit behind you and toot their horns when i am clearly trying to restart my engine or have overturned. also the only truck horns i know to be real are the Scania R/Streamlined V8 and Iveco Highway. please. the volvo and scania T cab at 0:52 is the real thing. i honestly don't know where you got the horns you put in the game or why you put them in because you recorded the trucks yourselves. all you had to say was "give us the horn" and have a mic in the cab and another 30 feet away and record from start to finish but not loop it in a noticable way "beeeeeee eeeeeee eeeeeee eeeeeeep" more "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" I'm sorry but no one seems to have brought this up. this is 1.11 going iinto 1.12. and to that 3rd june 2023 anon i say fuck off, its a dead joke

    1. 3rd june 2023 is not dead joke, you are the dead joke.

  55. Replies
    1. You suck. Go away!

    2. you will get ATS on june 3rd 2023

  56. Parabéns,agora as pessoas estão pedindo de mais algumas vezes,mas SCS acho que vocês deveriam focar mais em acessórios,sons e correções por um tempo,sei que vocês vem sempre melhorando os sons dos caminhões,mas seria legal mais buzinas e melhor gravação das mesmas,mais opcionais para o exterior e interior do caminhão que por sinal só está muito pobre,não é fácil ta fazendo tanta coisa e por isso espero que cada atualização venha agradar a todos,e se não for pedir muito traga algumas imagens de american truck :) bom trabalho.
    meu palpite para sexta-feira é que vai ser dlc de caminhões ou trailers.

  57. expensive SCS, please do the ability to change the model of the driver in the truck, it would be very cool and everyone could choose something for themselves.

  58. I have one question. When this game first came out you could buy Xenon Lights for some trucks. Why has this option been removed? This feature really gave Euro Truck Simulator 2 a realistic touch...

  59. i feel that, scs, you should add on Spain, especially since Spain was avaliable in ets1, but also we have had the new volvos & scania streamline and iveco Hiway, and the new Mercedes, daf and renault range and models, should me made avaliable very soon, i like it that SCS are keeping in touch with their valuable customers :) , keep up good work SCS team

  60. Mystery feature is second pivot point.

    Mystery DLC (to be released at same time) is double trailers pack.

    Then I can finally buy this game! yay! XD

    1. what is "double trailer packs" do you mean drawbar trailers or double-deckers?

    2. The one that would use a second pivot point, so neither of your suggestions, unless by drawbar trailer you mean a semi-trailer ( i.e. needs landing gear to support it at front when not towed by truck) with the front-end instead supported by a dolly featuring a drawbar connection, then yes, that could be one of the trailers featured.

  61. Please scs add daf xf euro 6!!

    1. daf xf euro 6 will be added on 3rd june 2023

  62. these can make better graphics and such that when we can thank you activate crossfire

  63. i love what you guys are doing with ets2 but why cant we see more information on ATS and other related projects

  64. How about a bit more realism from the virtual drivers; make them look at mirrors as they're in reverse, put an avatar in the seat instead, or at the very least, a pair of hands on the wheel (a la Gran Turismo) instead of a "phantom driver".

    Also, have them manipulate the controls - for example, the hand brake, the shifter, the directional signals, turning the wheel in different directions, adjusting the mirrors and so forth.

    1. Yes, yes, absolutely! And animation of hands paying (and taking recipes) at toll booths too! And of course, it could finally solve that yawning when driver is tired - I suppose driver's hand should cover the mouth. Really, it's about good manners... otherwise ETS2 will end up as some anarchistic criminal GTA with ESRB "no one should play it". SCS could also invest into that mimic capturing, so we could see smiling driver's face (if everything's fine), incredibly happy face (cargo delivered with no damage and in time), worried face (delivery time nearly ends), bored face (stuck in a traffic jam) and my favourite guilty face (crashing other vehicle, exceeding speed limit etc). The last one should let the player know what he/she done wasn't good. Finally, if we talking about hands or head/face, we can't forget legs, feet, it would be discrimination and that's unacceptable. So yes, manipulation with pedals should be made too. As I said, ETS2 should stay in way of good manners and discreetness, so no shorts, sandals, crocs or converse - I suggest model of driver should be "dressed" in long cotton trousers, oxford shoes and dark socks.

    2. Regarding various limbs: I also think physically challenged and disabled people should have their place in the game, and handicap vehicles of course.

    3. Well there was a model of man on wheel chair in - well I don't remember exactly - was it Trucks&Trailers or Scania TDS? Or maybe in both games? I didn't saw him in ETS2, but I want to be polite and do not offend SCS without proof - maybe he's in the game, relaxing at home, so we can't see him. On the very bright side, I noticed there are mentally disabled people in game, this works less or more good after every patch which adjust behavior of other cars on the road. Hopefully one day SCS will find right formula for exact simulation of different mental handicaps, including AD, OCD or schizophrenia. But what's totally great in ETS2, is a hardware support for some handicaps like deafness or blindness. All you need is to switch off speakers or display; this is immediately recognized by system and you can act as deaf/blind driver and enjoy some really good moments (for example, in blind mode you will not see how much money you spent on fines thanks to crashing into another vehicles or in the deaf mode, you can enjoy to not listen playing radio streams). And it works not only ETS2, but in all SCS's titles developed in history, including those animal-shooting games (and going blind mode in these games certainly rises their entertainment level). I hope especially these features will also work in ATS, ECS or any other next SCS's games! :-)

  65. I have v.1.11.1 but still missing new trucks.

    1. They didn't add any new trucks in that update.

    2. new trucks will be added on june 3rd 2023

  66. hey scs when the weighbridge will participate in real corpse in bedrijfen or lance the road

  67. cool bring radio where can hear weather broadcast in radio example

  68. why all want this ugly looking daf? MP4 and TGX euro 6 released earlier than that friendly eyes looking daf with the copy of the volvo grill. older daf looks more like a truck, not nice but a truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  69. Browsers??????? Why the hell do we need browsers??? We need new trucks, new trailers, new sounds, new physics, new countries, new gameplay!!! SCS when you gonna run out of your pointless ideas?

    1. If you would bother with reading the blog post, you would know the reason why are browsers useful, in fact helpful, for certain part of community. And if you would bother with reading older blog posts, you would know that for example new sounds or new countries are in development too. And if you think that to make these things is question of few weeks, well, try it.

      Last but not least, speak for yourself next time. I do not need any of things you mentioned. Yes, I'm looking forward for new content, I will buy new map expansion(s) and I hope there will be some free surprises too - but I don't need them, for me it's not question of life and death, only question of entertainment. If the need of new trailers and everything is really so essential for you, okay than, I suppose I can only think you're pretty weird, but I'm not, so do not use the word "we", you're not speaking for whole community.

    2. Don't tell me you don't want new content, new models, etc? I'm sure that 99% of people here wants new stuff, so it's "we".

    3. And for the third time... if you would bother to read what I wrote, you would know that I also want new features and contnent. The difference between you and me is that I do not need it. You wrote you need it, in other words new ETS2 content works for you as some kind of life support. Maybe you're some weird extraterrestrial form or some scientific experiment, I don't know, but that's definetely not my case, I'm a human and all my needs are to breathe, sleep, drink, eat, keep myself in habitable temperature and pay taxes. And I'm pretty sure that 99,99% of players are same as me, they don't need new ETS2 features, they only looking forward as I do. So once again: if you need something, speak for yourself next time.

  70. Make normal TRAILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. Big hurray for the incoming update and (hope) others nice things, but i have an appeal to you dear Scs, add lift axle for trucks and trailers please please please!!!

  72. So.. i guess no more info on ATS on this blog anymore? all we saw was ETS2 since a while now :/

    1. They want people to forget about ATS for a while because soon they're releasing shit for ETS2 they want people to buy. Make them forget ATS is coming and then more will be likely to buy new shit for the old game, rather than wait for the new game.

  73. Also would be great to add new models of wheels, example: Alcoa

    1. There's already a nice Alcoa mod for trucks! But nothing about changing trailer's wheels, that will be a nice feature!

    2. Zer0- Well if we're talking mods, you can easily make any wheels be used for any trailers you want. So in the same sense you said Alcoa wheels are possible, changing trailer wheels is too (via mod).

      Anonymous - SCS can't/won't/don't get licenses for real truck parts (So no real brands like Alcoa can be used)


    1. I know you keep posting that ironically, trying to make American fans appear impatient and obnoxious and I'm sure you think you're being successful, but I'm one of the lucky few getting to test (read: play) ATS and it's progressing beautifully so have fun there wasting away your shitty hate-filled life!! =)

    2. Cool! In my fantasy life I'm a fighter pilot that gets to testdrive new and top secret aircraft on a daily basis. Sounds like we have a lot in common.

  75. hi SCS great game just would like to see some more things

    1) show realistic damage on truck when outside of truck

    2) would be good to show police cars pulling over people who are speeding and plus fire trucks when a car or a truck on fire + ambulances rushinhg off more realism would be good

    thanks for great game all the same SCS


    1. Go play NFS or something

    2. More serious gameplay increased level of realism in SCS games, that's for sure. On the other hand, I enjoyed (and time to time still enjoy) police chase in older 18WoS titles - and to be honest, I somewhat hope it will return in ATS. :-DBest solution would be to have optional police cars, so everybody could choose more "arcadish" or more serious gameplay.

      Of course, there's this thing with all kind of emergency cars - they look different in every country and that would mean lots and lots of extra work. If there would be some generic police or ambulace car, I already hear vocal part of community: hey, it doesn't look like any German police car paint, hey, ambulance in Netherlands looks totaly different, what's that s**t, you can't google how Polish ambulance looks like... and so on and so on. Maybe fire trucks, with both eyes half-closed, could be represented by some generic model. Yes, absolutely, I would love to see these vehicles in ETS2 too, but I suppose it's more likely question of ATS than ETS2.

    3. ok thanks for replies but answer me this whats ATS and NFS im only saying as really do like ets2 just would be good to see them in game

  76. Could need a tuning parts patch

  77. What s about the new mercedes actros? You have shown us 3d model but then...

  78. Wait a sec... In the list of trailers, I see cement mixer, and platform trailer. (I know that cement mixer is new, not sure about platform trailer)

  79. Can u add custom waypoint so u can go with ur own truck without looking at the map?

  80. I hope the new DAF Euro 6 is coming in the Patch 1.12

    1. and i hope the Merc Actros comes in 1.12 too! (and i know the majestic also is mercedes but it just isnt the same)

  81. great job SCS, love the 1.11 update so far, keep up the good work and (mostly) regular updates

  82. I hope you will consider doing some work on the way hired drivers work in the game! We really need improvements in this part of the game. I like to play the management part of this game, but there is just not a lot to it.
    So after the "Going North" DLC, might you give some love to this part of the game?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. Bandit & the SnowmanAugust 7, 2014 at 11:41 AM

      Absolutely! As of now, you can't do a lot about how hired drivers work, all you can do is relocate and hire-and-fire them in true capitalist way (and that's already all the 'capitalism' you get as far as drivers are concerned).
      What about we can dispatch their jobs again? Right now I get 'driver couldn't find a job, so s/he returns empty' a lot, because they are not able to find a job from their last destination back to their base. What about they do a radial search, let's say they look for jobs in 'current city +X hours around' to 'base +X hours around'? Why do they have to return to their base every time at all, on my tours I hardly ever do that anyway. I just look for the job that offers the biggest return per km, often enough in another city.
      The best dispatch system was in the old 18WoS games where you could choose the next job before the current was completed. Couldn't you put that back in the game, perhaps so that they offer you to give them a new job and look for one on their own if you don't react for 10 or 20 seconds?
      That considered, one could keep one's company small in terms of drivers and garages, because if you choose to do more of the dispatching yourself, you'll be able to keep yourself so busy with it that you don't need a lot of them. You could go as far as selling your own truck...
      If you don't think that's a good idea (but not only then), then I'll happily join those who would like more than the current 154 drivers' maximum, especially with more map DLC :)

    2. Fully agree. Ever since 18WoS games SCS trucksims made lots of steps backwards in terms of gameplay. It's about high time to change that.

  83. Hi! First of all i would like to thank you the hard work on this game.
    Only one thing. I think you should really work on the MAN trucks (mostly on the interior and on the sounds).
    The other trucks are very well done ones. They are realistic not like the MAN

  84. "The New Type of the DLC"

    My #1 wish since I bought ETS2 back in May 2013 was for real rolling seasons, and the differences in physics that each season would bring to driving.
    I have tried a few winter mods, and they were OK, but real integrated seasons within the game itself would be awesome, and you would get a real feeling of the passage of time as you build your trucking empire.

    Unfortunately though I watched the interview Squirrel had with Pavel Sebor last year and he seemed to suggest that incorporating actual seasons into the game wouldn't be possible in the short term :(

    Oh well I can dream! Fingers Crossed!

  85. Annnnnnnnnnnd.. it's turned into Gran Turismo.

  86. When Comming Trucks with Normal Trailer ?, and the Correctur of the Moonsize ?. When Sitting a Human in the Office from the Gasstation ?, When Comming More Life in The City (Tram, Bus ?). This is Better Idea for a Update.

  87. couple ideas for 1.12: 1) cages in front of the lights 2) Fogs (because why would you need fog lights if there are no fogs?) 3) More traffic and traffic jams. :D Hope this comes in the next update, and keep up the good work, SCS!!!!!!

  88. Well, a new kind a DLC whets the appetite doesn't it.
    I hope for something worthy of the anticipation for sure.

    Great to see the updates continuing to arrive into this title. Here's hoping the sim aspects of the game continue to develops in concert with all these great updates and improvements!

  89. whats happening with the new daf euro 6 is it coming out in this update or the next

  90. What?Where are the new paint jobs you promised us?All the countries?I'm giving up on this game,paint jobs DLC were the most important things.

    1. Do not cry because it has mods. You can even paint if you can, put the flag of the country you want to metallics. So do not cry.!

  91. We don't need stupid 1.shit updates!We want paintjobs!I only bought this game for that!

  92. ******************************************************************************************Hello SCS Guys!

    Please rework the editor section, because this is a outdated technology! Static road items, prefabs, slow moving in the editor, absolutely inflexible throughout!

    Please develop this as well!


  93. Make normal TRAILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. DAF Euro 6? Mercedes MP4? Renault T? No update on these for ages now :(

  95. When there is an update available, they will release it.

  96. Make more trailers and tuning for all trucks. And the release is finally DAF Euro 6. How long to wait?

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. we purchases the DLCs and the new game we pesoal ...

    they will be esconderan this node ??

    but I'll be waiting tomorrow with dlc they falaran that is not new paintings.

  99. SCS could put more tuning in the game, as more options?
    Would be amazing.

  100. axle lift menu to set your own axle lift

  101. Well ..... friday is almost gone.

    Don´t forget that new post :)

    1. Erm... I really wonder where you live, because even in most east time zones, friday just started and major part of the world have thursday now.

  102. and more new chassis for all the trucks
    new parts
    new v8 sounts
    more trailers and new loads
    and a axle lift menu

  103. est ce qu'une mise a jour est prévue pour l'améliorations du tuning intérieur et extérieur?


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