Sunday, December 15, 2013

American Truck Simulator

A few screenshots from a recent beta build of the game for you late on a Sunday...


  1. Thank you for update ! It looks amazing ! Good job and keep up the good work !
    Greetings from Romania @

    1. It will be even better if they build a beta to play the game and then update as it goes like that and from American Truck Simulator (Beta) to American Truck Simulator

    2. I love it when SCS don't say they've released an update and I have to look every day. Everybody! ETS2 1.8.5 patch is here.

  2. Oh my.. cant wait so bringing memories from old 18 wos games!!! :D

  3. Looks awesome. Looking forward to release date news.

  4. looks amazing! i want it now!! :D give us a date!

  5. woooooooooow.. Good job!

  6. ***********************************************
    I'm sorry, but I don't like it!
    My opinion that ETS2 looks better!
    I'm disappointed...


    1. It's still early beta, wtf do you expec

    2. Well if he could make games, the world would be so much better :')

    3. This is just a re-boot of 18 Wheels of Steel what did u expect? Besides Conventional trucks look better [in my opinion] than Cab over trucks.

    4. I wouldn't even mind if this is going to be "just a re-boot of 18 Wheels of Steel", because in my opinion, the 18 WoS series is a lot better than the EU series (with a few exeptions).

    5. It don't matter how it look, it's how it feels. Unless it's a fatty.

    6. If you think you can make better... go ahead.

    7. I dont love American Truck Simulator i love ETS 1, 2 and later3

    8. then you dont live with the real big beasts of the trucking world. There are two kinds of people: People that love American Trucks and People that hate American Trucks

  7. What about Euro Coach Simulator?!?!?!?

    1. Looks very nice for the amarican truck fans ! i stay in the Euro Zone.

      and oo yes Euro coach ,,, as a dlc for ETS 2 ,, with busses from the Eu like VDL/scania/volvo the most common on the road,

      not those tupelware shit what all those non eu kids whant from pakistan... with there spam on the blogs brance names from other part of the world what i never heard is EUROPA simulator! for the lads who going talking shyte again..

    2. Go play OMSI, SCS won't come close to it in terms of simulation - pretty graphics yes but simulators aren't about graphics.

  8. like ETS2 ... this will be second best game on my list ;) ... nice work !!

  9. guys, do u remember 18wos? it was amaizing time.. hope that this game will remind us why we loved it

    1. 18 WOS games was great in the past

    2. yea Across America and Pedal to the Metal were the best Haulin Convoy and American Long Haul for me were the worst.

  10. Those chrome wheels are bringing so many memories back!

  11. Looking good! Keep up the great work!

  12. This looks amazing 0.o

    Good Job SCS and keep them updates coming!!

    This looks really promosing! And those cute little baby trailers <3 so cute.

  13. Beta already? That's very promising.

  14. Awesome, looks a lot cooler than ETS!
    I'll buy this game for sure!
    Thanks for listening to the community SCS, we wanted ATS new and you gave it to us, that's lovely!

    Can you explain ATS in the near-future to us, because right now I don't really get it. Will ATS be CA only or will you expand the map so that we can drive trough all states (exept Alaska and Hawaii)? Because you've only showed us screens from the CA part of the map.

    I hope you will change the trains though, the American trains are just so iconic, just like the trucks and Crown Vic taxis. It'd be a shame if you kept those EU styled trains in the game.

    1. Scs on American truck simulator please change the big powerlines but very very very wonderful work

  15. Great job SCS. Screens 6 and 7 catch my in particular. The scenario I'm getting is that you bring the cargo in your standard 48 or 53' trailer to the distribution centre. Then drop and hook to the small 26' pup trailer and deliver to the company's store/shop. Great!

  16. Thanks for the photos.
    We are looking forward to the launch.

  17. Great Picture for Amercian Truck Sim.. I am looking forward next year. PS Happy Christmas & Best New Year Too you All At SCS

  18. As a fan of the 18WoS series and ETS2 I think this game looks awesome but there a few things I would like to see, such as an expanded company manager, the ability to see your company trucks on the highway (in the cities and depots delivering/picking up trailers too) and a greater variety of cargos, and cargo types (live cargos, wide loads, super heavy loads, etc..) lastly I would like to see convoy loads which incorporate multiple jobs into one you can complete with your company or as a free agent with random ai drivers

  19. Looks great, really hope this has multiplayer as well

    1. If you are waiting on multiplayer.. later... not something right now.

    2. i hope it will not be on steam and that there will be no patches for steam users. Steam no multilayer yes

    3. People like you are so ignorant. Just search on Youtube for Gabe Newell and listen to any of his interviews. He's the founder of Valve and Steam and his views of the gaming industry are revolutionary. It's just one search away, or do you hate Youtube as well....

  20. American truck simulator is gonna be a way better game than ets2 and it isn't even finish yet

    1. Awesome that you can pull gameplay from a handful of of screenshots.

    2. It does look better already. ATS doesn't look like a copy-paste job of the same generic shit like ETS 2 was.
      CA looks like it should: like CA. And I think New York will look like New York, not CA. In ETS everything looked the same.

  21. Gran trabajo mis amigos de SCS, en este juego estarán presentes los modelos de mack y kenworth?

  22. It's not that well looking, I have to say - 8 out of 10. Sorry guys, but it needs a lot of grphics overhaulin'. Still some of the elements look like they're made out of plastic. And I surely want to see some more adecquate compatebility between the parts available. In ETS2 they are a bit random. Also greatly improved economy will be a must. Here are same ideas:
    1.contracting specific companies for exclusive cargo haulage and MOT, also oil & filter changes- not like the fatgue simulation; it should be something that you take care on your own.
    4.possibility to buy a whole company at greater game stage and make it part of your trucking empire
    5.second-hand market, where you can buy cheaper but not insured, not serviced or cruched trucks, OR you can fit yourself with something realy nice on a higher price. It would be nice if the second-hand market trucks feature some unique parts or painjob that you cannot normaly buy in the shop. shuld be down to you how to employ people - you can have them to work for your company legaly or illegaly but then you'll have to face the circumstances.
    But I'll buy it, without a doubt. I'm so looking forward to it. I hope only that it will not be just ETS2 with US trucks and environment. Sure, ETS 2 is one of the greatest sims ever made, but it always could be better.

    1. The games not done yet, ungrateful twat. Wait a bit longer if you want pretty graphics.

    2. Actually Adam, The point is we don't want this version to be an exact copy of ETS2 with its lack of game play & graphics. Its not being ungrateful, We are the ones who pay the money for these games, so its only fair the game advances in every way possible. The American version should be more advanced then ETS2 because Its a newer game. SCS will hopefully learn from there mistakes and lack of content that ETS2 has and make ATS a more Advanced game which will be there money maker, more then ETS2.

    3. @ Adam Whitehorn - Surely, I'm glad to pay twice the price of ETS2 + all DLCs and wait twice as long, IF and ONLY IF SCS are able to make an awesome job. What I see is a bit dull. At the end of the day WE are the source of money. Otherwise SCS has to go back in the deep, if get my drift. I think you have spent too much time on forums where you just pay homage to everyone. People like you, being somewhat 'greatful' don't help much the development. I'll show how greatful I am when I pull out MY money out MY OWN pocket. Until then I kepp my customer's right to bitch about this and that, cuz I want quality for the money asked. Thank you!
      I agree with Annonymus above and I have to say +1 to what Jon Warrell says below. You made a good point, Sir. Well done!

    4. But SCS already says that ATS will be based on ETS2? Only new map + new trucks etc. They say it's easier and faster to build upon an already existing platform than to make something new from scratch.

    5. @ Annonymous above - Look now, mate! I don't care what's the base of ATS! If SCS cannot make something out of it, they are not getting my money! IT'S THAT SIMPLE. I don't need you to tell me what's easier or not - I DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR THE SHORTCUTS THAT SOMEONE HAS MADE! In my business for taking shortcuts you're either gonna get fired or injured! Non of them are pretty. Looks like you need to grow up enough before you start giving an opinion, don't you think?!

    6. I think they said that they're going to use the ENGINE from ETS 2, because they put a lot of work in that and practically built it themselves.
      They did not say that ATS will be an exact copy of ETS2 but with another map and trucks!

    7. Yes the same ENGINE - the very ENGINE that they are now trying to rewrite AI + physics code for. Why would they do that to an old game like ETS2? Just to be nice?? No. They do it because it means that they push forward the development of both ATS and ETS2 at the same time, since both games share the same core. Keeping ETS2 alive means they can re-use its core in ATS and make money from both games for a long time ahead. Win-Win.

    8. You made a good point Strangerberry and Annonymous above - I can agree with you both. Now we're talking business! But, like I said before, if SCS copy/paste ETS2 it'll cost them. Using existing engine's good thing only if devs make some nice product out of it - you know what I mean: improved graphics, totaly better physics, more stuff towords making the product real sim. Rockstar didn't ditch the RAGE engine which is kind of old now. Instead they improved on it and now it's gonna live at least another 3 years. That's a great example. Still, havent tried GTA5 yet but some people say it's pretty much like GTA4. That doesn't matter. I just hope SCS will not screw wih this one.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. About time you guys actually posted an update.

    I do have a few things I really don't like here:
    1. Where are you getting the ideas for your trailers? The reefers look great but the dump trailer is terrible. I also hope you guys know that we have more than just 28 foot pups for dryvans and 40' tandem axle flatbeds. Try and find some exact trailers to go by just like you're doing for the trucks. 48' Spread axle Transcraft, 53' Wabash duraplate. 2 Good trailers to try making (obviously with different brands, it doesn't really matter as long as the trailers themselves are accurate). Also, our curtainside trailers don't have those skirts on them.
    2. The wheels are WRONG. Heavy duty trucks have 10 lugs for wheels. 10! Not 8! Same goes for the holes, the chrome wheels you have there should have 10, not 8. The white steel wheels should have either 2 or 5 holes, but also 10 lugs.
    3. It would be nice to see something other than the 579 being driven around. I hope you'll be able to show different trucks next time.

    Things I do like:
    1. The company trailers are all branded with the company's name/colors on them. Would this mean that trailer ownership is brought back since there are blank (white) trailers?
    2. I'm actually pretty impressed with some of the work put into the map. The "Walbert" (lol walmart?) screenshot is nothing like I've seen you do before. Just please try to be careful not to make the cities and other scenery look identical.

    Everything still looks pretty good, just try to do some more research on what you're building. The truck isn't the only important part of the game, EVERYTHING is important. Thanks!

  24. nice to know this prodject is moving forward!:D

  25. Some news about Euro Coach Simulator?

  26. Cant wait to play it!, I just hope that we get some Canadian provinces too, Especially BC!

  27. In a nut shell it looks great. As a consumer and former truck driver in the military and real life I would like to see some more realism in the game this time. No one I know in real life Just goes out and buy's a brand spanking new 579 if they are just starting out as an owner operator. Most guys start with a used POS unless your lucky enough to come from money and can afford to go purchase something absolutely new. I must agree with the above post about the wheels as well. I would also like to see some variation's of other trucks other than just that same old repainted 579 your using in every screen shot. Now granted it is a nice truck no argument there and we all know that as soon as this hits the market modders are gonna go crazy modding and building anything and everything you can think of. Take your time with the original release as well because im not gonna pay a ton of money for an unfinished game and then half to pay more for downloadable content thats rediculous. I know its a way to maximize profits but be reasonable and think ahead. Spend a little more time putting content in the original version and just up the price of the original release to compensate for the extra time. All in all great job so far.

  28. Hey please give us a early access beta. I'll pay for it and everything!

  29. I really hope there will be double trailers (maybe even triples) and that is what that little white 30-odd foot dryvan single-axle trailer is for.

    Pull it out of town by itself, drop it in a truckstop, come back grab another load heading the same way, join both up at truckstop, drive to destination. repeat.

    tLDR: Double trailers are needed in ATS =D

    1. We got pictures of doubles for ETS2.. never got them in game.

      I hereby deduct that since there are NO PICS OF DOUBLES for ATS, we will therefore get them for ATS.

      Case closed.

    2. Pictures of doubles from ETS 2? I think I missed those. Can you give us a link?

      I think you're just a pathetic little troll, but I don't want to be a dick to you incase I really did miss those screens...

    3. Here you go, dick..

    4. The screenshots indicate clearly that there will be NO DOUBLES in ATS. Which is kinda sad. Just takes 2+ braincells to see it.

  30. I'll see your 4 cars and raise it, 8!

  31. Can't wait for the "Going North" DLC??? In Canada!?!

  32. I know requests here often get looked over and forgotten about, but I have some input regardless of its worth.

    Something I really enjoyed about the really old ones like Across America, and PttM was the ability to go from this really crappy little truck that can barely get up a hill, to the most luxurious big rig and charging across the country. It gave a real feeling of progression. In the ETS games, even though the lower end trucks are of lower performance, to me it never really feels like I'm really going anywhere, where in the case of Across America and PttM it felt like a journey of sorts. It could just be my overactive imagination, but that is how I felt.

    Also this is much less likely to happen, but it would be amazing for trucker chat to come back, it really gave it an interesting atmosphere, meeting the same people again who you'd seen before. I recall the first time I met Isaac(the big black guy with the crazy smile). It wasn't much but every subsequent time it was like connecting to an old friend. Once again it's probably my overractive imagination, but I never really got those feelings in any subsequent game, whether it be convoy , haulin or whatever came after. ETS2 was an amazing game by all means, and it was much better in most aspects than all of its predecessors, but there's something Across America and Pedal to the Metal had that has never been seen again.

    Well there is my rant. Anyways keep up the good work SCS, you're an amazing company.

    1. Maybe you don't know that, but there's is an official forum dedicated to these suggestions about ATS. You should really post it there -

    2. I agree that SCS games show some negative developement through the versions. ETS2 would be so great with a combination of the gameplay of 18 WoS games and GTS (own trailers, contracts, cb-radio, ...)

  33. Looks to me like it is part ETS. The train cars look funny. Also wonder if there are other trucks beside the anteaters...

  34. Shut up and take my money!

  35. Early beta? That's early. Good job scs!

  36. Хочу уже потестить))))

  37. 버스 시뮬레이션 소식이 없내요..

  38. I have some questions about American Truck Simulator and suggestions.
    Yes I Know this is only for questions but we play your games and pay for that.
    Because i think our opinion matters to you!
    Do you think to add more models of trucks ?
    Peterbilt: 587,387,379,362
    Kenworth: T2000,T800,T700,T680,T660,T600,W900
    Freightliner: Classic XL,Argosy,Cascadia,Columbia
    International: ProStar,9900
    VOLVO: VN,VNL630,VNL660,VNL730,VNL780)
    -More models for Trucks.
    - More models for trailers.
    The way it was in Haulin and American Long Haul !
    - Truck Stops on the road !
    - Players can buy own trailers!
    What was in the two series of Euro Truck Simulator 1 & 2 is not realistic.
    - Real consumption.
    More engines (CAT,Paccar,Detroit Diesel,VOLVO) different consumption.
    - New model for gas station.
    In USA have different gas station.
    - Scales.
    In USA have very much scales on the road.
    - Better physics.
    To feel better when the acceleration of large tonnage thrust,of the truck and when you roll over is now very easy to turn.
    - Better environment, trees, meadows, fields etc.
    - Driver Log Book
    - All USA Map
    - CB Radio
    - Some technical problems ... ( ABS on truck or trailer,Tyres,Brakes,Overheating) for more fun.
    I tell again Haulin and American Long Haul have better menu and extras (very much trucks,trailers)this is better.

    Congratulations for your work.
    With respect Atanas Dimitrov.

    1. Maybe you don't know that, but there's is an official forum dedicated to these suggestions about ATS. You should really post it there -

    2. Mack, Western Star...?

  39. however there is no multilane highways. stupid AI

  40. Has anyone heard about the system requirements for it?

  41. My gosh, Walbert! :-D Really nice joke, guys, you made my day. The gaming world looks pretty diverse, love that small parking lot on pic #4 or extensive yard on pic #5, I only hope we'll see points of interest built with variability, so two depots of same company will look at least slightly (or even more) different. Thanks for posting pics and good luck with development!

  42. Looks very nice. I'm excited... I hope there'll be some old Americans, like pete 359 :)

  43. Why can't you create loading of trailers, Similar to Farming Simulator. It would be nice to pull into a yard and have to wait while a fork lift or dozer fills your trailer, It then has to be weighed before you leave. Game play is the BIGGEST issue with your games, You don't seem to improve this major aspect, which is whats needed to make the whole trucking sim work properly.

    1. i wish they add just a short cut scene video with the loading/unloading. ~ 3-4 sec

    2. yeah i agree, anything would be better then just picking up a trailer and driving away. Its not realistic and some sort of paperwork thing would be good.

    3. Would add alot of realism to the actual gameplay. In cases like this we all need to have a superb reversing skill to dock properly wich makes the game play more intense as docking wrong could lead in spill and damaged goods. Wich ofcurse would never happen to any of us long time supporters of SCS and all their trucking games :D

  44. we want SCANIA HighLine cab with spoiler on ets2

  45. great shots ScS looks great i hope also more trucks en long trailers to

  46. Like that there is a truck without bed in it, thats interesting. All this looks amazing! :) Hope to see some more complicated jobs and deeper management of your company, And having our own trailers would be cool, I mean the trailers are there, just need a system to buy them and store them. ;) And also instead of having 300 tiny garages all over, have a few larger places that will require alot of work to aquire, could ofc have a few small aswell to start with. Either way, this looks great and looking forward to throw my money at your face! :D How much do you want? I'll skip the rent this month and just throw everything at ya, gimmi the game! :D

  47. It would've been nice to see more trucks, not only Pete 579.

  48. Is there any chance we could get acces to the beta later on to help developing and getting out the last bugs?

  49. i hope you make ferry from europe to usa. gradually you make my dream a reality.keep it up!

  50. Time to get my Freightliner Cascadia out and have a play ;)

  51. HI SCS !
    Great Game, realy Nice.
    What about Euro Coach Simulator?!?!?!?
    ...Happy Christmas & Best New Year Too you All At SCS

  52. multiplayer american truck simulator ??


  54. Looks awesome, guys :) Keep up the good work. Hopefully you'll have a beta of the game for us fans to try sometime early next year.

  55. It would be nice if you started to drive to the old truck (murdered) and finished classy truck.

  56. It's a breath of fresh air to see developers so devoted to their work that they post updates on late weekend evenings. The photos look great. I can't wait to get my hands on the improved 18 WOS AA (loved that game).

  57. looks great cant wait for it to come, is there any release date ore not???

  58. Such quality textures, wuou, this is looking so great guys. I hope you can earn new licenses to start to see new trucks such as Kenworth or Mack. And please, dont forget to model some classic ones such as the Pete 379! ; )

  59. Extraordinary pictures! Great work SCS! Keep it going!

  60. I will buy it for sure! Can't wait for this game :) Keep up good work!

  61. Hurray! SCS, you are my favourite game dev company :)

  62. OMG loooking great keep it coming en keep it rocking.

    you guys are great

  63. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to get my hands on this one for sure. Have a lot of respect for your attention to detail and getting it right. Keep it up!

  64. looks real nice, now add multiplayer and we will all deffo buy it :D

  65. Looks awesome, but why are the rims of the ai so ugly, everything looks truely great exept those wheels, They havn't changed sinces 18 wos PtM

  66. Nice to see that it's already beta but i'm worried because up until now, we just saw Ca...i don't expect canada and Mexico (like the latest 18wos) but i hope it'll be more than just california...
    Also, i hope you'll bring back the "cb" and employees (like in PTTM where i could enjoy seeing my employees on the road while taking the same road)
    But at the moment, it's already looking good so i'll sit and wait.

  67. Woo-hoo Thank you guys(scs) keep the coming!!!
    As always great job!!


    Any classic Rig on the Way?

  68. Brazil

    Question about American Truck Simulator .......

    1) How will be the future of the American Truck Simulator Game on updates, DLCS and legal news right? Any two games ET2, ATS.

    2) It would be really cool game Euro Truck Simulator Coach put the various models so many things articulated city bus, bi-articulated buses and roads. Tour bus.

  69. Is there any news from the Euro Coach Simulator

  70. We're tired of all truck games, bus game will not come?

  71. At many parts 18 Wheels of Steel serie still beats ETS/GTS/UK serie. One of the most, biggest and important part if we compare example legendary 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' to ETS 2 is world changeability. At 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' you can really feel that you move from country to another. ETS 2 roads and nature changes but still too less. Same goes to cities. There are some landmarks at ETS 2 cities but otherwise it's same do you go to Berlin or London, cities looks too much same you know.

    I really hope upcoming and awesome looking ATS goes more near to 18 Wheels of Steel serie than what ETS 2 at the moment goes.

    Thanks SCS and keep up the good work!

  72. Ваще афигенно! У меня всё потекло!

    1. Прокладки носите что бы не текло :D

  73. Is any of this landscape going to be used in an ETS2 expansion. It could be used a Spain or Italy?

  74. Wow! SCS, I'll pay up to $100 for this :)

    ...unless you want to do low entry price + DLC for new states in which case, I'll pay $10 per state... so seems like a per state model would be better for you ;)


    Here you can find the temporary releasedate of the game :D

    1. ...which has been officially confirmed as FALSE by Pavel (CEO) from SCS :P

      ...unless of course he did this to avoid disappointments in case they wouldn't make it and had to postpone ;)

  76. Really better than ETS 2. 'Cause ETS 2 repeats all those landscapes and cities, ETS is the most boring game you ever made. But american trucks is the best game of all times. Congrats

    1. Mate, if you get bored every two seconds, than you should look somewhere deep in your mind. You cannot blame the sim or any other game for your conditions! Thanks.

    2. скучать? вообще-то работа дальнобойщика - не самая веселая профессия. а делать выводы о и гре по трем картинкам, мягко говоря - признак не очень далекого ума, амиго

    3. Just like you, buddy!

    4. Sorry Annonimus who said: 'what a wanker'. if you mean the first guy at the top -you're right. If you're talking for some of the replies - GO TO HELL!

    5. Hey guys! I'm sorry if I was too aggressive but I don't understand, now can't express my opinion! ETS2 is nice, same time boring

  77. All of these reefers seem to be 48 footers, are you guys planning on making 53 feet long trailers too?

  78. Wallbert lol
    I want traditional conventional trucks like Peterbilt 379/389.

  79. For PS3 or PS4 please

  80. The pictures are looking good. I've Always been a big fan of the 18 Wheels of steel series. As other people state here, the 18 WOS series still beat the Euro Truck games in my opinion. You really felt driving in different states. The 18 WOS series are a prime example of a great game with less good graphics. It was simple in it's concept, but the emotional value was fantastic. I hope I can get the same feeling once again with the new upcoming American Truck Simulator! The pictures look real promising. I hope you can get the real truck brands and use some realistic trailers, who actually drive in the United States of America.

    Things ATS should really have (things ETS 2 doesn't have):
    - make the game challenging enough by putting more effort in road designs. In ETS 2 the roads look very similar and it gets repetitve after a while.
    I refer once again to the 18 WOS series. We had snow in the north, green in the centre states and desert in the south.
    Also make sure if you plan on making the Grand Canyon and other mountains to give us some challenge to go up and down those hills. Not just the scenery but also the type of roads are very important.
    - Add the Scales, which the previous 18 WOS games had
    - Add some cool variation in the road map like car and truck accidents, police/ambulance/fire department who pass by with sirens and who are on the accident scene (I refer to the older 18 WOS PTTM who had accidents sometimes) and I think 18 WOS AA had the ambulances pass by sometimes.
    - Also a cool feature would be if you could actually ENTER and EXIT the truck and walk around. This would be cool to fill up the gastanks by actually walking around at the gaspumps, instead of just pressing the ENTER button to fill up. This could create opportunities to go inside truckstops to go and eat/drink something, take a shower, go to the bathroom etc. (You could give the game a more realistic feature by adding this). Cause a real life trucker also has to support the basic needs. (besides sleeping, which is included in the current games).
    - Road works could also be improved alot. Give us some variation in the type of roadworks, give us some more challenge when passing road works with a semi truck (smaller lanes, zig zag on the opposite lanes, etc). Use Traffic arrows who light up to deviate the traffic (like they use IRL in America).
    - It would also be nice to see more people walk around in the cities. Make more people walk around at the load/unload destination, more people at the road works, use cops to deviate the traffic or who put down light flares at an accident scene.
    - Another feature could be: truck failures: engine break, tires who pop, etc etc. So you actually have a reason to stop the truck and use the hazzard lights. IRL truckers are common with technical break downs on the road. Imagine the game has a feature of getting a popped tire: you exit the truck, put on your safety jacket, search for some materials to handle the problem (like reparing the tire). Or when you call assistance, that you actually got to wait for a recovery truck to show up.
    - Add more variation in the traffic flow: more types of trucks (also trucks should have customizations like paintjobs, more Axles, special lights, bumpers etc = tuning options). also add more types of cars, buses, little vans, emergency vehicles, motorbikes, etc.

    1. - Make more variation in the traffic itself: it would be awesome to actually have a traffic jam. (Add a button in the menus where you can select the chances of being in a traffic jam, like the way you did in ETS 2 for chances of rain).
      - another nice feature: being able to unload your truck when you haul loads. Imagine hauling coal, gravel etc: would be nice if we could see it getting loaded and if we could unload the trailers.
      - The beacons who are used in ETS 2 should be improved in ATS. The effects on the surroundings are nice, but the beacon it self doesn't move, it's just a light flashing. It would be cool if the mirror inside the beacon would actually move:
      - last but not least: make the load and unload destination more challenging: currently in all the games the loading docks are all very similar. It should be nice to have more variation. exemple: at a road work: let us unload some cement/coal/gravel/ etc. Or at a traffic accident: let us go there to load up a smashed vehicle. And for the routine companies: make the acces to the loading dock harder. I refer to Scania Truck Simulator which had some nice challenging missions to move the semi truck.
      - I also miss the CB! haha!

      If you make the game alot more challenging and realistic you can set a bigger price. Look at games like GTA V: they improved alot over the years and they ask more money for a game copy, but people pay that much money cause it is worthed.
      You guys are on the good way and I hope American Truck sim will be better than ETS 2! On ETS 2 the focus was/is on making new trucks and good looking trucks with a list of tune options. Now you should add to that more challenging gameplay! I remember 18 WOS convoy who had special missions: that was a nice feature aswell!

      Anyway it is a big list I posted here! I hope SCS will take account in some of the issues! :)

    2. the idea is, keep what we know of 18 WOS and improve it (traffic jam, radio, weather tires, need to buy specific trailers for specific contracts, garages outside the cities, the need to move trailers prior to give it to another driver and so on) and do not, please do not copy paste ET2 as American Truck Sim with just different landscape. it will be a huge disappointment.
      Thank you

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. выглядит очень хорошо. но надеюсь в ATS перекочует новая физика и интеллект траффика, которые в свою очередь до релиза ATS появятся в ETS 2. очень буду рад новостям по ETS 2, в особенности новым территориям, про которые вы давно ничего не писали

  82. Looking really good! If I could give only one piece of advice....add lots of signs and advertisements to the landscape. In North America, billboards, posters and signs advertising stores and products are everywhere. This was one of the things lacking in Euro Truck Simulator. The GTA series seems to make good use of this and the world appears much more real.

    1. U are what I always want to say to them thank you

  83. it looks fucking amazing

  84. I hope it can live up to the name of the 18WoS franchise. Specially Haulin'; it was my favorite.

    Also, how is the sim part of the game? Are you guys adding more complex internal truck stuff to the game? I'd really like to have more in-depth truck customization to be honest. For a "simulator", I still find the game very "arcade" in terms of knowledge.

    Still, great series! Thanks SCS for your efforts!


  85. peterbilt 579 again 1 truck in ats?

    1. I know this is what I want from them for list of trucks:
      Volvo: VNL780 [more is fine by me]
      Peterbilt: 579, 379, 387, 386
      Kenworth: W900a, W900L, K100
      Mack: Titan, GU, CHN
      Freightliner: CL Columbia, Argosy, Coronado, SNC Century
      Western Star: 4800, 4900
      Ford - F-650, FT900
      Sterling - HX9500 MBE
      International - Lonestar
      Thats my list of what SCS Software should put in for truck models and brands.


    1. +1

      If there arent doubles this will only keep my interest for a few weeks max.

  87. Love the Screen guys Loving it so Far, Great F***ing Job!!!!! I miss ATS!!! I just have 4 request:
    1.Double Trailer for all including AI's
    2.Truck in the depot like in Pttm
    3.See your drivers on the roads w/ custom trucks
    4.Company trucks with matching logos on trucks and trailers 4 ais

  88. Hola, muy buen trabajo scs , estaría bueno que unieran con ets2 así quedaría el mapa mucho mas grande, ir desde europa hasta ameriaca estaría genial , que lo vendieran como un nuevo dlc

  89. I want it... want it now xD its looking great SCS cant wait to get my hands on this game

  90. Looking good, keep it up SCS... can't wait

  91. OMG ... the same thing again. I begging you SCS, focus on one game and do it with a good quality product, and then do next games. If you will handle several projects at once, not focusing properly on one, we will have three mediocre games. Is not it better to do something decent, hailed the success and then take next on workshop ? I beg you SCS, do not get distracted, because in the ETS 2 is still much to do !!!

  92. I'm... hell, absolutely happy how the development of the game is progressing. 18 Wheels of Steel and especially Haulin was, and it is still, one of my favorite trucking simulators I've ever played after the first released Hard Truck game back in 2002's. I've spent years playing it and seems I'm gonna double the time with this one when it is released. Can't wait to get my hands on the game already.

  93. I did notice that their still using mostly European rolling stock and motive power for the trains. I know it's not a major concern of most people, but I just happened to notice it.

  94. @SCS, I am an american trucker, and have driven a 579(pre-production for the launch customer, TMC). I would like to assist in the testing and would provide valuable feedback on the games. I contacted you on your FB page today, and what I said is true, you are free to use the knowledge I have in this industry. I currently work for a company hauling equipment(ag/construction) with a lot of oversize experience.

    Sincerely, Daniel "Sketch"

  95. How do I become a BETA tester?

  96. please make a place we can park our own trailer and truc like haulin

  97. I did get a good chuckle from the "Walbert" or what have you company name. I'm pretty excited... hope to see this early next year!

    1. And I like how in the 7th screenshot there are supermarket stores where you could probably take jobs from and deliver jobs to. If they put that in the early access and beta versions, that would be awesome. But then, lets hope we can park in the parking lot and "faking" we buy food and drink lol

  98. Wow the graphics are amazing, despite I prefer euro trucks this graphics and physics are looking awesome, but just asking, you will even use European trains of the ETS2 in the ATS??In the first picture I'm seeing european box cars, european hoppers and one Bombardie Re 482.
    Sorry my bad english!

  99. Is there going to be other trucks??? I really hope so, because I personally don't like the new peterbilt 579.

  100. Nice, anyone know when this might show up on steam? Hopefully soon.

  101. It'd be really awesome if we could look around the cabin (free cam mode?). more freedom in cockpit cam compared to ETS2.

    When we stop at rest place & select "rest/sleep", the user must walk inside to bed and then with another click he can rest.

    Concept like Test drive Limited 2's

  102. Would like to see other trucks, especially Mack Pinnacle Rawhide and International LoneStar.

    1. They will release what they can get licensed.

  103. ******************************************
    When will be released SCS Blender Tools?!

    Any infos?


  104. i hope there is b-doubles here and double semitrailers

    1. I hope so too...if there is not, or they don't include the facility to mod in the code, then it will be the first I don't buy since PTTM. So SCS please take note, while ETS2 was awesome, not including the ability to add b-doubles was disappointing. We don't expect everything but including b-doubles will be what sets ETS2 apart from the upcoming ATS, even if we have to create them ourselves.


  105. SCS the game looks average but that is ok it only early days i would just like to say remember its a simulator not a arcade type game keep it the same routes as ets2 and improve the textures of the trucks. Keep it up debs

  106. Is it corect date?

  107. Scs on American truck simulator fix the San Francisco bay bridge pleese ,the top part where the lights are up,and it's. Missing 3 out 4 of the part that makes the bridge stand in water

    1. um... it's early beta, not even close to finished product.

  108. I'm not a fan of American trucks so I won't be buying this, but there are a lot of fans waiting for this amazing game, congrats!

    I hope to see the coach simulator soon, tho!!!!!!!!

  109. I see more than one trailer in some screens, can you select different drivers? Maybe select one that has a nutsack and can hook up every god blessed trailer in the yard and haul that shit outta there like the human centipede. Who cares if it's illegal (I turned cops off in ETS2, cause that's just how i roll, bitches.) LET ME DO THAT SHIT YO. YOYO>

    1. Did your parents drop you on your head as a baby?

  110. hi scs
    can u share update info for euro coach simulator ...

  111. Don't know if this has already been said but there is already a WALBERT trucking company in the USA.

    Even the logos are slightly similar.

  112. Hi SCS Awesome Pictures Will There Be a Beta For This Game?

  113. Very nice. Thanks for bringing this forward. Sad to see that there will be no doubles, though. I hope the gameplay will be a combination of ETS2 and 18 WoS games (own trailers, contracts or random jobs like now, maybe even more management and garage-upgrade options etc.). And i hope there will be more varied weather.

    Anyway, keep up the good work.

    And i don't buy the "SCS is only a small company" argument anymore when it comes to complexity and quality. Honor your loyal fans by providing a satisfying game.

  114. Please concentrate on the physics, not graphics! I rather have Haulin graphics with spot on physics then beautiful graphics and poor physics. A true sim is about physics, not graphics. Keep up the good work, can´t wait to play it.

    1. Actually it's both. a proper sim has to look realistic and well as fell realistic.
      Why not concentrate on both? It doesn't have to be an "or" situation.

  115. On American truck simulator please change the big powerline that was in ets 2. To the real America big powerlines thank-you in show more

  116. Scs I have over 100+ friends that want to buy and play the game so bad keep up with American truck simulator and work hard with the graphics an physics. I believen you

  117. Looks nice!
    Release Date?
    Truck List?

  118. I would the game has all the Canada!


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