Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ETS2 Update 1.20 is live now!

As of now ETS2 1.20 update is live. We would like to thank all participants of the open beta for helping us polish this release.

A quick recap of the three main features of this update:
  • GPS route customization
  • Geographically correct sun position 
  • Image Spotlight (community feature)
Plus a ton of other tweaks and fixes we listed in our previous blog post.

Steam version of the game should be updated automatically unless you have opted out of automatic updates, the legacy retail/digital edition of the game can be updated through our Updater tool.

We hope that you will enjoy the new features! Keep on trucking - many cool things are planned for update 1.21 and beyond!


  1. Replies
    1. Pretty much irrelevant comment, but I have to agree with you. I would love to see Renault T in the game at some time. Volvo FH is in real world utter shite compared to Renault T - not my words, but words of real drivers and truck reviewers.

    2. I think MAN E6 would be better.

    3. There is no design change in Man E6

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. please add more tuning parts.
      important for the new actros. this new truck have not enought tuning parts :(

      please add more LED-Parts for the Grill or Windows...

    6. When will the Renault Range T come?

    7. euro truck 2 going east key activation does anyone know?

  2. A renault? what is wrong with you?

    Anyway, great update! Looking forward to 1.21 and beyond!

  3. renault t, renault t, renault t .. YOU GET TONS OF NEW FEATURES and all you people care about is a french truck?

    1. You aren't very interested in real trucks are you? Renault T is a great truck. Actually Renault trucks are not bad at all.

    2. I'm only interested in Scania & DAF lol

    3. > Implying player that know mechanic , engine and car want another crappy Renault with surrendering 15-reverse-gear motor

    4. Parabens, muitos brasileiros estão adorando estas novas atualizações a cada minuto no Brasil ah um interessado no jogo...que nao pare de vim novas atualizações e dlc..parabens scs...

    5. If you dont know, the new Renaut its the truck of the year on 2015.
      So yeah, much better than any Scania or Daf's

  4. Hello, any renderer optimisations? I would love to run this game on steady 75FPS even in cities.
    Good work so fay :)

  5. Renault T when???????

  6. RENAULT T WHEN??????

  7. When does Portugal and Spain come to the game??

    1. I doubt they will, but you could always download the ProMods map mod

    2. promods doesnt touch Spain or Portugal YET

    3. Promod won't touch it at all

      Try TSM , there is Iberia and it's pretty well made

  8. Dear SCS, Why you not make all engines for Volvo FH Classic 2009 ? FH13- 420 hp , 460 hp, 500 hp, 540 hp. FH16 - 540 hp , 600 hp , 700 hp, 750 hp.

  9. Daytime running lights (on StreamLine) are very dim. They should be brighter

  10. Quando e k sai o dlc onibus para ets 2 ?

    1. Bus DLC or upgrade won't be for any time soon.

    2. Still waiting for Euro Coach Simulator , by the time ... All is fucking in place ingame to put it now. Bus station are here and SCS have bus modelized. They are just too lazy to work on cargo (passengers)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Cracking game. But never get to play it now as I'm driving the real things....

    1. What truck(s) are you driving?

    2. > TFW Comparing playing ETS2 and driving your Golf Mk II from 1989 on the road to work over and over

    3. Weź już przestań pierdolić cebulo...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I hope that 1.21 will be own trailer ;) Thank you SCS for patch 1.20 ! :D

  14. Replies
    1. rigid trucks have been found in 1.20 beta files, so it might not be far away ;)

  15. I do hope that in one of the upcoming updates the new MAN TGX Euro 6 will be included. In addition to that, the ability to own your own trailer would be awesome. You are doing a great job SCS! Thank you for all the updates so far. Keep up the good work. A lot of improvements can be done to the game and it's great that ATS and ETS2 will be working on the same engine. I have watched a lot of interviews from Mr. Pavel Sebor and all I can say is that he has a great personality and I wish him the very best. I hope you read this SCS. You are simply the best!

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love the new GPS route customization features! Thanks SCS for the ongoing improvements to an already great game :)

  20. Is there a feature to roam around with the trailer of your choice?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. And still can't make the pivot points for the double trailer

    1. Go complain to your mommy, alright?

      Have a nice day, sunshine.

  23. please give us rerecorded scania/volvo horn from the real truck

  24. Is there be Croatia in future updates? Croatia is also part of EU now. ;-)

    1. I don't think SCS will be expanding that far in ETS2.
      Maybe ETS3 ;)

    2. Also, you could try looking for mods that expand to Croatia. ;)

    3. There is so such mods.

      Just TSM but it's fucked up. Need Cro and Slovenia.

      Za Dom i za Poglavnika , Damirux.

  25. Hi scs van you add the mod for dirty windows and mod for the wipers for clean it??

    1. It's not farming sim 15, mate. Sorry.

    2. Getting truck dirt would give 50 % realism to game mate. Truck life is not purple, as presented in the game.

    3. It can be pink :3 lol jk

      It's jsut not a feature SCS is gonna work on, i'm 99% sure.
      Currently they're focused on ATS, Rigids, Interior customization and maybe something to do with tires.

    4. "Moyeszka V-SRDESeptember 1, 2015 at 2:54 PM
      It's not farming sim 15, mate. Sorry."

      dude are you serious ?? it's like only farm vehicles that get dirty windows !! actually it's a pretty good idea ,, SCS should really pay attention to small details cuz it makes a lot of difference in the gaming experience !! please next time don't try to be a smart ass !!

    5. I think your english is confusing yourself. Cus my comment was an EXTREMELY OBVIOUS case of SARCASM. Or is that not invented yet in your head?

    6. """truck""" life is better presented in game : Clean , Sober , Nice , Performant , Good looking truck with all working, clean interiors , clean exteriors , clean driver

      It's 200000x times better than old ugly dirty truck with a few broken part droven by dirty 3rd world guys fapping in the cabin , never shave , are dirty all day and freaky fat.

      ETS2 > Real life

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  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. We hope that you will enjoy the new features! Keep on trucking - many cool things are planned for update 1.21 and beyond!

    This is the best quote. Let the discussion run on whether it be a new truck, [why not] getting rid of the 'annoying popup when you are about to park' [oh yea, now I'm talking] or whatever else takes your fancy for the next update.

    That ETS2 remains continued to be improved and developed ... wow... bright future. Cheers SCS.

    Now about French trucks ..... LOL

    1. "French trucks"

      > Renault Premium
      > Renault Magnum

      > First brand to have 2 truck
      > First brand to have 2 different models

  29. South Europe PLEASE!!!!!! "Not Euro" without it XD

    1. "i want this" "i want that" "i want all"

      Open your wallet , wanker

  30. Anybody having issues with a 'missing DLC', which means the game won't run?

  31. farming ? why ?
    in reality when you drive the highway is full of insects sticking to quicker or are mere dust
    So why not add this options
    Windshield washer to wash them
    This is small detal who who will enrich the game
    So why dont add this ? :)

  32. Nope, later update. Probably next year.

  33. http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=165015
    You add it?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. scs can add adjustable air conditioning and sounds
    As Omsi :)

  36. Thanks for a very good game, and thanks for all the updates. we ets 2 fans are blessed whit scs updates and support for the game! And thanks all moders that make a good game even better! As a user u can't like a better game =)

  37. 1.21 the 30 October

    K see y'a later

    1. How do you know that? Are you working at SCS?

  38. No , they teased it in June and told about it last year. It's time now.

  39. Es fantásticos su trabajo. Se nota un verdadero y unido equipo.
    Una sugerencia a futuro, que tal misiones especiales... ejemplo: traslado de equipos muy grandes con camiones especializados, ayuda comunitaria a lugares casi inaccesibles, trabajos de mucha maniobravilidad, tormentas con grandes ráfagas y visivilidad muy reducida, etc. Similares a la versión de Scania Truck Simulator. Inclusive venderlos como DLC o como logros luego de tener todas las habilitaciones de conducción.
    También estaría interesante hacer una práctica y examen antes de ascender a un mejor rango.
    Sin mas, lo de ustedes es un gran y artístico trabajo. Muy agradecido de mi parte por tanta dedicación.
    Saludos desde Argentina.

  40. As always, amazing work SCS!
    A DLC with accessories would be awesome.

  41. As always, amazing work SCS!
    A DLC with accessories would be awesome.

  42. well...hopefully Volvo truck sound will be in 1.21 x.x

  43. Would be really cool, if you could implement old trucks or "classic" trucks from the available truck brands. :)

  44. Replies
    1. Why do you want something that is ONLY used in Sweden and only on a few motorways????

    2. Batterisyra slowly whole of europe wil be invaded wit dubbel trailers even here in the netherlands the so cald LZV is still 25.25M

  45. Next, geographically correct MOON position?

    When driving due south I shouldn't have it in the mirror :-)

  46. http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=165015%20You%20add%20it? please scs please:(

  47. ah ... lol ...nothing special .... we still wait on something bigger ,like Tandem trucks, something where we can buy trailer for our company and so one .... not only game makeup

  48. I downloaded a beta version and all the saves couldn't load due to "lack of Going East DLC". To repair this problem I had to switch my game back to basic version and start my game from five loading's back :(

  49. Hi Scs,

    The last game up-date,is so suc***s !!!!,the gameplay configuration is extremely annoying brake throttle & reverse brake is not great anymore,the truck does not stop as before,everytime I crash my truck and I have to load previous saved game,the steering wheel does not take curves faster than before,and again I crash the truck and again over again I should to load the previous saved game !!!!! ITS EXTREMELY ANNOYING !!!! IS USELESS AND ANNOYING TOO !!!!
    By the way,the newest navigator is useless too,and for nothing I/We have a great navigator or route self chooser if all over street/roads are still locked/blocked too !!!! Unlock/Unblock all over the street and than will be nice,not like now how it is .... !!! Will be nice the newest navigator,when we gone have access to all roads !!!!!

    1. this new navigation system where you can put your OWN route is an AWESOME feature in MULTIPLAYER when you drive in convoy

  50. Hi Scs,

    The last game up-date,is so suc***s !!!!,the gameplay configuration is extremely annoying brake throttle & reverse brake is not great anymore,the truck does not stop as before,everytime I crash my truck and I have to load previous saved game,the steering wheel does not take curves faster than before,and again I crash the truck and again over again I should to load the previous saved game !!!!! ITS EXTREMELY ANNOYING !!!! IS USELESS AND ANNOYING TOO !!!!
    By the way,the newest navigator is useless too,and for nothing I/We have a great navigator or route self chooser if all over street/roads are still locked/blocked too !!!! Unlock/Unblock all over the street and than will be nice,not like now how it is .... !!! Will be nice the newest navigator,when we gone have access to all roads !!!!!

    1. First thing: the reason why some of the roads are blocked is because you need a map DLC to be able to access it.
      Second thing: if that is happening to you you should report it on the forum (forum.scssoft.com)
      And post it on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.20 bugs thread and we will be able to help you :) (note that you need to have an account to post stuff on the forum)

  51. SCS can you consider to put double load trailers please

  52. When will the 1.20 go up on http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/update.php

  53. Hello. Good job and keep it up. I have a question: When will be implemented in game the sound of MAN TGX? I've seen a post on SCS Soft facebook page about 2 months ago with the recording for MAN truck. Is there an estimate date then will be implemented in the game?

    Thanks and best regards :)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hallo SCS

    Super arbeit gutes Spiel, jetzt fehlt nur noch
    der qualm aus dem Auspuff, und es wäre Real


  56. Congratulations for the work is getting better. We are waiting anxious for the new MAN and RENAULT Euro 6, but still need to improve the existing trucks, especially the Scania streamline, improve the on-board computer display in mirrors that are very different from the original, banks, finally, need to rework the Scania as a whole. The new Volvo FH also needs improvement in the headlights, add the Euro 6 engines, tanks, and naming adhesives, finally also need a good rework. And another truck that needs a reworked is the hi way Iveco, part of the tanks and Euro 6 model hoods, inside also needs a new look, as banks are disproportionate, that belt in the passenger seat does not fit and movement simulating the driver's head spinning is also quite different from the other trucks. Finally, there are a few modifications that will make huge success for players who really know the trucks and to work with them. Another very interesting modification would be the correct illumination of the interior, the original illumination colors of the trucks. One tip I have for the SCS is to leave aside the paintings packages, and invest the time pieces of equipment packages, such as LEDs and wheel bar to sales packages.

    1. Excuse my English translator google. I am Brazilian and I do not speak English. only to supplement, also lack that range sensor camera that sits on the dashboard in the new actros mp4, as has the new DAF in the new and hi fh way.

  57. Great Work, but Volvo Trucks still not having a sound or indicators inside the cabin of the suspended axles

  58. Any chance of adding Steam Cloud?

    And what are your thoughts about Vulkan API?

    Kudos for your amazing work as always!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. liking the new features though won't be able to test I'm back home tomorrow after being on the road again. I agree with both sides for those who want the Renault T range and those who don't, end of the day everyone has there opinion so just leave it at that.

    SCS could you please add features to music player such as repeat and shuffle features. it would make it a little more better. thank you for all your hard work though :) all the best from all the way in Scotland

  61. Snowing Snowing Snow Sno Sn S . . . :|

  62. +1 for: repeat, shuffle in music player, IF possible, support playlists as well , instead copying the tracks in my documents..
    @Rektophos: snow and modifications to seasons is not possible, without rewriting the whole code... expect this feature in ETS3 ...maybe
    Instead,they could work on/ add/ rework >>>
    --sounds (all kind of sounds, especially engine and ambient, tires-asphalt, rain & wind )
    --add stronger engines where missing
    --improve some terrain-decors (old-quarry rocks looks hilarious, they have way too few polyg)
    --sideskirts for all chassis
    --fog lights
    --new AI: Police, fireman, ambulance , motors ..
    --sound (and keybind) for fastening the seatbelt
    --truckers AI: prevent everytime Garage-Destination > Destination-Garage jobs
    --trucks interior touches: more poly @ wheel and mirror-frames

  63. ATS -->is a copy from ETS 2 and is going to be the same game play from a 4 year old game called ETS 2 arcade with no double trailers

    1. It's a truck simulator dude. What gameplay you want to have: to fly and throw grenades?

    2. oprea rafael you are so stupid 10 out of 10

  64. so is 1.20 really the final update ???

  65. Thank you SCS, it's just great if a developer loves the game as much as the fans :D Keep up the good work.

  66. If is possible to add some companies in Slovakia City, like Peugeot Samsung Volkswagen and more City in Slovakia map thank i hope that you can do something different thanks.

  67. If is possible to add some companies in Slovakia City, like Peugeot Samsung Volkswagen and more City in Slovakia map thank i hope that you can do something different thanks.

  68. If is possible to add some companies in Slovakia City, like Peugeot Samsung Volkswagen and more City in Slovakia map thank i hope that you can do something different thanks.

  69. Hello folks. I saw that the update 1.20 is out now. But where can I download it? I have original game, but I can't find it on official web site of ETS2. Help!
    Thank You

    1. If you have steam, the game will be automaticaly updated. But if you not, you need to update it via Updater tool. You can find it here: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/update.php

    2. thte steam version of the game will be updated when the blog post saying that a new update is Available, the retail version will be available 3 or 4 days after the blog post saying that a new update is available ;)

    3. Version 1.20 for the retail version is available! :)

    4. If you have the retail version, you can download the ETS2 online updater from the official website. You have to save it to the directory where the game is installed in order for the updater to work. You just follow the prompts and it will update the game for you. It will take some time, but trust me it's worth the wait. I hope this helps

  70. Dear SCS, Why you not make all engines for Volvo FH Classic 2009 ? FH13- 420 hp , 460 hp, 500 hp, 540 hp. FH16 - 540 hp , 600 hp , 700 hp, 750 hp.

  71. Good Job, but why not in ETS2 Truck's - Tandem? Adding please 3 new city's in this game whith update 1.21.

  72. I am loving the GPS customization. The other night I did a delivery using Iveco Stralis and for some reason it was hard to get up to speed, but when it finally did, it kept dropping back down again. I don't know if this is how this type of truck is in real life or if it was to do with the load I was hauling (wall panels), but if there is any way this can be fixed in the next update, that would be great

  73. Hahahaha. The SCS website is really freakin hilarious. It seems that SCS is better at typing up misleading facts about the game... then they are at actually designing a game with real "gameplay" rather than just a program full of graphics. According to the SCS website:

    A) Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not only about driving - the economy in game allows you to create and grow your own transportation company exactly as you see fit.

    ........ ok. I just have to ask. Exactly what in game economy is SCS talking about? Because i've been playing ETS2 for about 2 years now and I haven't found any evidence of an existing economy yet. And grow our own company exactly as we see fit????? You mean there are recognizable options for us to talk about???

    B) There is no set career path in Euro Truck Simulator 2.

    ........ Well, there you have it. SCS actually got this one correct (by mistake of course)... because there are NO CAREER paths in the game at all. You buy a truck, and drive it up and down the road. That's it. Hardly what I would call a "career".

    C) Every player in given the opportunity to create a character and grow their skills as they see fit.

    ...... See, once again, SCS is misleading. You don't really get to "create a character".... as in "create a sim" from the sims franchise. And I agree, SCS isn't suggesting that you can. But SCS IS is stating that you "can create a character". So far, all I managed to do was select a tiny square pic to represent "me" in the game. I assuming at this point that "i'm the character". So where is this "character" I am supposed to be able to create? Is SCS talking about that little pic I can choose at the start of the game? That's not exactly what I call "creating a character".

    I'm guessing SCS is very aware of the negativity they bring to their game with their constant updating of the graphics, while always ignoring the gameplay functions of the game, as well as their constantly ignoring their customer base....... because SCS was smart enough to also post on their website....

    D) Heed the mockers and you'll miss one of the PC's finest and freshest driving games.

    Here's a tip SCS. Maybe take the time to create some "gameplay" functions in the game, instead of always focusing on just graphics, and maybe your fan base might be a tad bit happier. Finsish the buses you promised everyone. Allow for multiple deliveries instead of just drive from A to B. Lets us see the Trucks we purchased in our garages. And holy freakin wow, please fix that damn non-existant "in game economy" you boast about so well.

    1. Point A

      Very true. Although the game starts with some economy at the start, if you've played this games for more than hundreds of hours, the economy starts to "fail" quite a bit. I can remember Pavel (SCS CEO) saying something about that in an interview tho... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMZypGnkMyE&list=PLbphwhPw2JusD3cuhUAR9-hasI2QWErm1&index=4 somewhere around the end of the video ~40 mins or so but it's quite a nice interview so you could listen to the whole interview too)...

      Point B...

      Well that's just stupid sales language, of course there is no career path in the game... It's driving... Although I have to say being a "Trucker" is a career... But yeah... it's a strange thing that they wrote there...

      Point C

      It may be a bit misleading indeed, but you can choose your profile picture and the driving that fits your profile picture (that sounded more stupid then I thought it would sound lol). But I agree that there can be some misleading in "creating a charter".

      Point D

      Well, I have to say... It's one of the best (and maybe one of the only) that has got such good physics in combination with the "open world" aspect. I don't know really much games where you can just set your route and drive literally where you want with this graphics and physics. Although I do agree that there is still quite a lot of work that has to be done in this part, it still isn't as bad as it could be.

      At the end, I totally agree with your points. I really do. I think it would be 1. more interesting with busses (it'll give a complete new viewing point in the game) 2. Would be nicer and more challenging to have multiple deliveries (or you could even have to collect your freight at point A B C and deliver it at D E and F or something like that). The trucks in your garage.. (I think you've had that in some SCS-trucking game, but not sure about that), and at last the economy. Yes... it's just non-existent at some point... (and srry for my English) :)

    2. Thanks for the video link... I checked it out and I must say..... Pavel should make more videos. It was nice to hear him admit that the economy is an issue. He's right... it needs work. More complex deliveries coming to ETS2 he said. That'll be nice as well. I also liked the idea of the merged world... and maybe an official MMO with more trucks and delivery options. (years ahead he said)

      Though I can agree with him that everyone just needs to be a bit patient as He (Pavel/SCS) gets everything worked out and tweaked.... at the same time however... I think he needs to be careful as to how much patience he expects us to offer.

      It'll be interesting for sure to see how some of these ideas, and others, appear in the odd FREE update. I would prefer a nice DLC to purchase. Something meaty to pay for.... which funds the company at the same time. He did say that he wanted more funding for staff expansion. A great DLC would help with that.

    3. if Pavel wants more money he have to stop all the bullshit and release the ETS 2 COPY SAME GAME PLAY with no truck no damage on the trucks no flat tires no real braking Truck does not loses air the air lines from the truck don't connect to the trailer no smoke from the pipes which they had on 18 wos hauling no double trailers which is ATS the same star from ETS 2 with same little garage only new trucks new map the rest is ETS 2 we have to waiting 4 years for A copy from ETS 2<---arcade

    4. Oh, wait a minute anonymous man, he wants more money to make his company bigger, and make development faster. Not just to suck money from us...

      And i have a feeling you didn't even watch te video, but correct me if you did tho.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Replies
    1. We have and we are improving it
      (If you compare the AI from Euro Truck Simulator to Euro Truck Simulator 2 the AI has improved so much)

  76. Hi SCS.

    Please do something for traffic overtaking. Its too hard in this new version.
    Though it is not a racing game but do something for overtaking traffic on roads.

    Hope to see this update in new updates.

  77. So how difficult is it to make the fog lights work??? You managed to add DRL but failed to make the fog lights work? Come on!!

    And how difficult is it to make realistic physic like realistic cab bounce, much better v8 sound for the Scanias, and other trucks? Even the mod makers make better things than you SCS and they're mostly kiddies! You as a creator of this game, you can't do that? That is truly sad.

  78. It possible to add the Sound for GPS ?

  79. plz relies old trucks like the scania 143M and 164L

  80. Dear SCS team ,
    first of all , I'd like to thank you for your great efforts in developing the game , on the other hand i have a little comment on weather in the game , when playing hours and hours i don't see any rain happens but in rare conditions although the game simulates the European conditions , even in scandavian countries that almost have rains in summer and severe snow in winter .. please take the ( weather changes ) into consideration in your further updates to make the GUI more realistic .. thanks .

  81. Every time I try to save or make a new profile the game just crashes, what the hell is going on?

    1. well simple i'f you have to many mods activated the game will crash i had the same thing when i put alot of mods on non active the game wil not crash anymore i'f that is not the case for you i don't know why it happens

  82. if Pavel wants more money he have to stop all the bullshit and release the ETS 2 COPY SAME GAME PLAY with no truck no damage on the trucks no flat tires no real braking Truck does not loses air the air lines from the truck don't connect to the trailer no smoke from the pipes which they had on 18 wos hauling no double trailers which they hade on18 wos hauling is ATS A copy mmmm????? the same star from ETS 2 with same little garage only new trucks new map the rest is ETS 2 we have to waiting 4 years for A copy from ETS 2<---arcade

  83. When it comes to SCS, I find myself between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, I understand their complaint that ideas take time, and money, to create. However, on the other hand, a main issue for SCS is the fact that they spend far too much of their time and money creating game ideas that we could do without. Sure, these ideas are nice to have, such as 2 windshield wiper speeds, speed limit on GPS, or the GPS route indicator that we just got, but..... these microtransactions take time and money to create. "Time" and "money" SCS could have better allocated to more meaningful projects.

    While also, I have a difficult time feeling sorry for SCS when I keep waiting, and waiting, and... (yep, still) waiting...... for SCS to finally sell me something. Outside of yet another paintjob, what do we ever see for sale??? The only other idea that SCS does bank on for income (map expansions) SCS tossed us for FREE in an update (3 new cities).

    So what will SCS use for its next ETS2 income stream? Another paintpack? It'll likely be a year or so before another map DLC is offered.... so what does that mean? SCS earns no income till then??? Or will SCS use the ATS project to grab some christmas money? Then what.... another string of paintpacks for ATS?

    In my opinion, SCS needs to smarten up, and start allocating their time and money more efficiently.... and on projects that offer us more meaningful gameplay options, so they can fairly add a price tag to it.

    These microtransactions are nice to have..... but the time and money its taking to create these new updates are costing us more meaningful projects.

    1. At the end of the day, i'd be willing to argue that one of the reasons why we don't get much of the ideas we keep asking for is because the SCS team is too busy creating microtransactions. They don't have time to fix the in-game economy. They don't have time to create multiple delivery options, or the ability to see our trucks in our garages, etc, etc..... because they are too busy adding the speed limit to the GPS, and creating 2 wiper speeds.

      I don't know about anyone else, but I would have rathered payed money for the ability to customize garages, the ability to purchase trailers, and/or the option for multiple deliveries, etc, than trade those ideas for FREE updates with wiper speeds, and speed/route indicators.

      Sometimes I think SCS is allergic to making money.

    2. I agree with some of your points about the microtransactions, and I do get annoyed when they give out paintjobs, but you've got to remember that the next expansion will hopefully take much less time to design. When SCS were making Scandanavia DLC, they were also implementing major software/coding changes alongside it, and by their own admission it had taken more time than they wanted it to.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. pls make a new update more countries like spain turkey etc PLS

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. "Short" Recap of ETS2 shortage:
    - REALISTIC and RANDOM (over time and country specific) : PRICES (for trucks, parts, garages, updating garage slots, fixing, fuel, assistance service...), FINES (forever 300 and 550?), TAXES (on barriers, customs), LOANS (same values for loan and VAT forever, everywhere?) and EARNINGS (JOB-PROFIT IS TOO HIGH on HIGH LEVELS >> reduce the bonus % and base earning too)
    - same load delivered between the same 2 points on the map (same city and company), could have a different price @ a later date
    - on high levels (14+) it make no sense 10.000 loan value, it could be replaced with 200.000
    - signing the custom papers (and showing them at customs)
    - purchase own trailers
    - see your drivers on the roads and owned trucks in your garages
    - police control: speed & alcohol control, paper control , loads investigation against drugs&co

    - truckers AI: prevent everytime Garage-Destination > Destination-Garage jobs
    - some AI (not too many) entering-exiting from companies, hotels, garages, even from repair centers
    - AI enriched with 2 or 3 types of small trucks (Antos...) and for the sake of diversity and life-like:
    some Police, fireman, ambulance , motors .. just driving on the road
    - need more accidents between AI and more overtakings

    - sound (and keybind) for fastening the seatbelt
    - repeat, shuffle in music player
    - an option to bring/copy just m3u or other playlist formats in /music folder, OR just the mp3/flac shortcuts
    - update sounds where necessary (engines, horns, brakes, ambient, tires-asphalt, rain & wind)

    - car transporter trailer has 3 different variants, but it's the same car type, just the color differs
    (need mixed car brands on same trailer or you could use MORE dif. brands AS you have them in traffic)
    - some more polys for wheel, mirror frames and maybe cabin frames for all trucks (from interior view)
    - improve some terrain-decors (old-quarry rocks looks hilarious, they have way too few polyg.)
    - sideskirts for all chassis,
    - fog lights
    - further MAP expansions rich detailed (france, spain, portugal, italy, ireland)
    - more accesories and tuning parts
    - individual traffic-lights behaviour among different countries
    - up to 30 tons loads and re-evaluate the actual weights, some are totally unrealistic
    - some diversity in how companies, truck dealers and garage buildings are looking across different cities (outside & inside too where the case).
    - specific realistic traffic signs in all core game countries (as in Scandinavia)
    - 3D coupling-wires for old DAF... and coupling these wires (4 all trucks) with the trailer
    - speed bumps
    - recoverable random failures (motor, electronic system, brakes, lights, tires loosing pressure, ....so on)
    - changing baterry when discharged, changing the tires after x km or when weared down (not repairing), changing filters, filling /changing the oil...
    - add stronger engines where missing
    - light smoke exhaust especially on old trucks (according to actual standards) ; better rendering for dust particle on country roads and raindrops hitting the pavement/ground

    Gameplay enrichment:
    - Tires should have different behaviour on wet/dry conditions
    - Rigids and Tandem trucks
    - too much light at night (00.00-04.00)
    - improve the FPS further on highend PCs, without alter the actual graphics
    - Realistic connection for trailer with players interaction
    - LOAD/UNLOAD the truck (a ~5 seconds video as SNEAK-PEEK )
    - SEASONS with realistic weather effects

  88. velocidade limitada poderia passar a 100kms, poderiam colocar programa para montar emblemas de empresas com nomes para botar nas laterais dos caminhões e frente. também q de para compra sua própria carreta assim ficaria mais legal, a carreta e o caminhão emblemas com o nome pra própria empresas. tipo quando chegar nas empresas para carregar você chega com a sua carreta seleciona o produto q queira transportar e depois pegar sua carreta ja carregada. nos postos de combustíveis os pátios de descansos poderiam ter mais caminhões parados e os pátios poderiam ser maiores com mais vagas para estacionar. e na parte do clima, poderia ter neve também.

  89. I need 345 truck drivers. No drivers available. SCS, please help me.

  90. toll not work well if you've paid you drive through is normal but sometimes the tree is beaten again and then you have to drive back then paid 0 euro is an error in the game scs.

  91. I think you should enhance quality of inside-truck-dealer, adding an option to dim light, in order to have an idea of how the truck looks during night, without being at night and/or outside the truck dealer.

  92. Thanks for the update. I can now route myself to hit some of those side roads that I have never travelled.

    That's all. No complaints, no feature requests, no truck requests, etc. Just thanks for the update.

  93. Merci pour cette mise à jour !
    Génial les WayPoints qui seraient encore plus géniaux si on avait le kilométrage entre deux WayPoints pour mieux gérer les temps de conduite et les temps de pause.
    Juste pour info, voici comment notre groupe utilise votre logiciel

  94. Important front fog lights, can no longer appear when 1.21

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. I think the MAN E6 has to be added to the game.
    And SCS Software you are doing a great work!! :))

  97. What has happened with the cuise control with me it keeps turning it self off


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