Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Evolving ETS2

Seeing the initial success of Euro Truck Simulator 2 on the market, we are more and more ambitious in our plans to improve the game in the long term.

We are working on many improvements for the upcoming game updates, and today we'd like to show you a glimpse of some user interface touches that you can look forward to in the next patch: using other currencies when listing expenses and general company accounting than just Euro, and making the information supplied through Route Advisor a bit richer.


  1. Replies
    1. yeah but i would like to be able to do certain things like using eddie stobart livery on all my trucks and being able to build my own cargo depots with my company name and have my own trailers that would be awesome

    2. Now we only need you guys to see this : and start looking into the things fans (guys who pay your salary and dont piracy the game!) want in the game ;)

  2. looking good SCS

    WE need more update on the next project

    witch is American Truck Simulator or just

    another new 18th WOS Series

    looking forward torch the next project in the future

    1. They just released this, wait next 2-4 years for your american trucks

    2. if they relaese a 18 wos haulin 2 we americans will go nuts over the light upgrades :)decorate our trucks like christmas trees

    3. I'm not even an American but I would be doing exactty the same thing. Give me a long nose Kenworth all done up in lights & I need to change my pants!

  3. Nice. Now what about deep sound of horn. At least the one you can buy additionaly. They sound like buzzers from cars. Or high beam rooftop lights - they eventhough bought doesn't do anything.

    1. You should try F4 and tick the Roof auxilary lights i think, than switch on high beam and enyoy some daylight

    2. Lights not working?
      Lol, it's like Las Vegas when you turn them on!

      Some more truck parts could be nice, but on the other hand, there ar plenty of good modders.

      I do hope the interior of the daycabs get fixed.

      And what about some addition trucks as DLC? A Scania T is as nice as f*ck and it isn't that different from the orriginal Scania.

      I think it's smarter if you'd start developping big things now, rather than making really small things (or useless things).
      Have s** with the elephants instead of the ants SCS...

    3. Good point of the interior of daycab, from outside the cab looks low while inside the cab looks hight,

      And as DLC trucks: MERCEDES-BENZ ACTROS MP IV, AXOR, Volvo FM, Daf CF, Scania G will be nice to see in the game (of course 1:1 inside-outside, engines gearbox, ...)

      And for updates:

      More Upgrades 1:1, engines (in special for volvo FH 16, Daf XF 105 dont have 360 HP engine), gearboxes,

      Better trafic, like adding Box Truks, the truck are not making any overcome I'd like to see that on hightway

  4. How about making the additional gearboxes available in the truck configurator which are in the resources ranging from 9 to 16 gears ?

  5. Replies
    1. +1

      Cities need to be optimized better. Game runs great until I enter cities then it stutters. I get stuttering when first entering and when turning into junctions and companies. Please fix.

      Also please fix the GPS/advisory panel that keeps popping up. Fed up of having to press F3 twice to get rid of the thing. Please give us an option to stop it doing this in the next patch. I will soon need a new keyboard because F3 will no longer work due the amount of times I have to keep pressing it.

    2. +1

      Stuttering especially when turning in cities is annoying.

  6. Nice :)

    And more infos about DLC? :)

  7. Suggestion:
    Put the ETA and Distance left information, as a footer, in al Route Advisor pages.
    And, maybe, update currency rates dynamically, from the internet?
    Good luck!

  8. Very nice. Keep up the outstanding work SCS Software team.

  9. SCS TEAM ,


  10. SCS please fix the length of the double axle trucks and put 1 more gas tank to the Majestic(Mercedes)! :)

    1. .. forgot about the gap between the trailer and the cab .. it's too much .. everything els is perfect!.. loving the game :)!

  11. *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan*************************

    *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan*************************

  12. *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan*************************

    *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan*************************

  13. ETS 2 is fantastic, I am sure that with the new patchs you'll ever fantastic. I was also expecting a double trailer in ETS 2 as published photos back time, I hope that in the next patchs you take into account the THANK YOU are amazing!! -)

  14. I want to see destination city shown like it was in the earlier games. The route advisor is nice, but it also feels nice to be able to look at the road signs for directions. I'm always forgetting the name of the destination city.

  15. Management is too easy,there are tons of things to add or change.
    First...I wanna sell a garage i dont use !!!!!
    So, Driving is great, but management sucks.
    Thank you

    1. +1

      Gameplay needs a lot more diversity. Also IMO upgrading garages from 3 to 5 should be more expensive, like 250000 and the gas station should be an extra upgrade 100000 or so. Finally the ability to repair / upgrade a truck in a garage like it was in GTS should be added as another upgrade perhaps for 150000.

      The weather should be overhauled. For example cloudy weather without rain, dense fog (visibility 50-100m) without rain, rain without fog (as it is usually), storm with wind gusts pushing around your truck etc. Not to mention snow, perhaps as standard setting in nordic countries if the map gets extended towards Scandinavia.

      Maybe special transport missions advertised via email like it was in GTS.

      My favorite for a DLC/Add On would be adding bus terminals to cities, adding long distance travelling busses and adding transport orders for the busses. Now that would rock or licences for bus connections between two cities and the ability to let employees drive busses on these connections.


  16. DEAR SCS!!! et2 is great just needs buy your own trailer and are you thinking of adding more citys to the uk?maybe even more companies so we can haul oversize loads?

  17. When will you fix the interior fault where the outside cabin doesn't matches the interior?
    Highline outside <> topline inside

    1. Agree, All the truck have the same TALL interior, no matter what model it is, low or high roof. That sucks.

  18. I would like to see some challenge in this game. When you start game, you are new and everything is nice until you realise that there is no goal to achieve actually. I would like to see some competition with AI transport companies and generally management is too should make it more difficult and make possible to directly send a driver for trailer to that city etc... :) I am looking for new usefull updates :) Thanks ;)

    1. +1

      Absolutely agree!

      George, Greece

    *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan*************************

    *************There is a grave error on the map
    I hope it corrigan************************

    1. Might wanna mail that info to support, not post bug reports on the blog, I did make the same mistake though. :P

    2. This bug is already fixed. It will be included in future patch. Michal

  20. Those are great improvements.I think we need more varied trailers.Good job, and as always congratulations from Turkey :)

  21. I'd love to see more features added for the interior. Being able to open and close windows would be pretty neat. For example, you shouldn't be able to lean your head out unless the window is down. I'd also like to see more camera improvements for the interior, you should be able to switch seats and positions within the interior.

  22. Will you remodel DAF? It has so little details.
    Will you give to community templates of skins on trucks in order to we can do our own skins?

    I hope you improve the quality of trailers and do some more trailers like "schmitz" or "krone". But you could try another companies. Try PANAV or lambereth or Kögel.
    And my last wish is that you will added tandems to game.

  23. What is about new cities, upgrade the map? Is SCS working on the map? How long must we wait to see new cities, that we can drive more distance?

  24. I drive with Route Adviser off and use dash board sat nav to guide me. I use the Route Adviser when I get to the delivery town. Doing this I miss what my drivers are earning because when I hear the money sound and turn on Route Adviser it doesnt tell me after the event.

    Could you provide a log of messages from the drivers earnings so I can see at any time and this could be seen in the Route Adviser.

    1. +10!!!

      This fix is very important and believe the next update should contain.

      George , Greece

    2. I too started playing with the route advisor disabled, kinda like removing the training wheels, it feels like finally being able to breath, dunno, hard to explain I guess.

      Anyway, I'd really like it if you guys at SCS took a little time out to think of how to make the game more functional with route advisor turned off. Like an option to keep it permanently off rather than having to press F3 twice to remove it. Time till next break as part of the dash display. the info text for company events at the top or bottom of the screen. Option to cycle the modes or zoom levels on the dash-GPS. Anything that could enhance immersion.

      All in all, you guys are doing a fantastic job. I really hope your sales are high enough to keep those games coming, I personally can't wait for the trucking game you might end up making in a decade or so, if you keep going at that speed, you'll be able to get people awed and giddy at the same time. for now though, awed'll have to do. :P

    3. +1

      I've too been missing the log that was in practically all older SCS games. There should be a log that holds at least the most recent 100 messages or so.
      The best log was in the 18 WoS Haulin/Long Haul games showing how many new messages were added since last checking them.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I should be really nice, when you can buy your own trailer and transport some freight, in stead of just transport a random trailer.

  27. Great job, keep it up. I am really enjoying playing your sim/game and look forward to new content and updates.

    I see that you are looking to new projects and want to get a bigger audience, I have recently returned to PC gaming from the lands of console gaming and if you have inclinatons toward that section of players, I have a few thoughts;

    What about looking at doing scenarios or a campaign mode, maybe through the decades , taking some classic trucks e.g. Foden, Fiat, Ford etc from say 1950's 60's... and so on through to present day, it could be interesting to see if and how loads, roads and the tech have changed over time. Is there a possibility to include unusual large loads, may be military, Aero-space etc? This may already be in the sim but I am still quite a low level, what about black market loads and customs?

    DLC is also a big part of the console market and the likes of MS, Sony, and Steam ( might help the green light campaign )seem to like the idea of expansions/add-ons through the year following release and I see from an earlier blog you are looking at this, It seems a logical progression although it is more controllable on the consoles where modding is not available as an alternative, most people seem happy to pay if they believe that the DLC was not just held back from the initial product to cash in.

    Thanks for your hard work.

    1. God, I hope they don't go the 'story' route, ever. I've seen plenty of examples of games going that route, and the way I see it, you can't work on restricted/driven experience and a freeform/open one in equal measure, one ends up taking all your efforts, and the other one ends up being a mere shadow of what it ought to be. I personally think there are enough story driven games out there, hell, 90% of the games are like that, I can only hope SCS doesn't choose this path. But there's nothing I can do really, it's their lives, I just hope for my sake that they don't though.

  28. Ladies and gentlemen. We have a kid in a candystore. I want this and,I want this. SCS will do its best and will listen to us, but it does not come any faster when they can do about things. And finally, I want to Scandinavia map. ;) ;) ;) And regards from Finland. ;) Good worth waiting.

    1. +1 and in a winter setting in the northernmost parts.

  29. add wheel circuit 8*4/4

  30. rendre le jeu plus difficile et au niveau du temps de conduite essayer de faire comme dans la réalité ça serai un plus merci

  31. Pointless "improvements". I drive without Route Advisor and other currencies are not so important! We need gameplay improvements! We want to own trailers, unlock more tuning parts after 30 level, remodel some trucks, etc.

    1. We? ;) Nothing you've just mentioned I personally want to see ingame except for remodelling of some trucks.

    2. We? You mean YOU! Nobody else but you. If I were you I'd stop commenting, SCS find no need to read stupid comments like this. Grow up CETS, SCS aren't magical genies, because shockingly to you, there's no such thing.

  32. When you go into the U.K. are the speed limits in mph or kph which are shown?

    1. Use your brain and you find it out... Amazing lazyness, just check it yourself

    2. @anonymous 11:16pm. Don't be such a asshole
      @anonymous 10:05pm, MPH when in U.K

    3. But you have to convert the speedo to mph!

    4. its like real.
      signs on the road are in mph, truck dashboard gauges are in unit of truck origin, advisor speed info is in units you set in options. any other UI info is in units you set in options as well.

  33. Great Work SCS !!! Keep it going :)

  34. Please make it a multiplayer game!!

  35. SCS you are very great and began in your history a new era :) I have bought this game twice- one for me and one for best friend ;) Everything is ok for us- nothing to complain :) But i have only two suggestions:

    1- Please change the AI TEMSA POWERBUS MIDIBUSES with REAL COACHES THAT WE SEE ON EU ROADS such as SETRA, MAN, VANHOOL, NEOPLAN, MERCEDES, VOLVO AND SCANIA IRIZAR ;) Because there are no midibuses on EU roads in real life. And this is so disturbing and unrealistic that all buses are same model in everywhere in all Europe in game.

    2- It would be excellent if we can see our company trucks on the roads LIKE IT USED TO BE IN 18 WOS HAULIN SERIES ;)


  36. Hello, what about sideskirts for 6x2 and 6x4 trucks, would be nice I think.

  37. Hi SCS,
    What is the status of the Steam epopee? Looking forward to buy in Steam also to have all my stuff in one place :). And a Workshop support will be very nice.
    +10 to message log. Still have no clue why did you implement SMS UI for only 4 (5?) messages at the beginning of the game. It may be used for logs from drivers as it has no other purposes right now.
    UI improvements may be nice to have, but I would like to see gameplay improvements. The main thing I miss is challenge.
    1) Parking is too easy. I need narrow passages and challenging delivery places. As probably not everyone will like them, information about delivery target may be included to delivery information so users may not take such proposals. Map is big enough for me, but the same (and very simple!) delivery places are very annoing. If it is hard to have many different places, at least some random stuff at the place will be enough. Like container, trailer (not related to delivery), truck/other technic, construction zone, etc., which may or may not be present at the target place (currently only trailers are random).
    2) Random events on roads, like accidents, closed lanes, etc.
    3) Please teach truck drivers to change a lane. It is very funny that they always leave route and never go straight because they cannot leave right lane and that they never turn left on crossroads if there are more than one lane.
    4) And I agree with other people that the economy system is oversimpified.

  38. weathering effect the trucks should get dirty and dusty i hate having a clean polished truck all the time

  39. Love the game, but I'd like to see some of these suggestions implemented:

    - steep mountain roads: a nice change of scenery for one thing, and also could play with cargo weight, ie.: need a strong enough truck if you pick up a heavy/oversize load. Also, you have to brake smart coming down, or you could overheat.
    - alternate dirt/off-roads: (remember hard truck 1? )you can take a shortcut, but the road quality is worse, so if you go fast you damage your truck and cargo, also can introduce sandy/muddy terrain, where your wheels can spin or you can get stuck. (sand turn into mud and you get stuck if you unlucky and a heavy rain catches you), off-road, hard to reach destinations
    - snowy, icy roads: again traction problems, slow driving in deep snow, snowplow functionality (could be a drivable option too), also, snowy/mountain/narrow hard to reach roads/destinations
    - Detours: combined with the above: too deep snow, river flooded the road, closed roads (constructions/accident site) -> forced to find off-road or other alternative.
    - Challenging roads, intersections, depots: narrow paths, with the possible need for reversing
    - Extreme over sized loads: precision turns, hire escort, possible linked 2nd truck, rear “Steer Car” like:
    - Little things like: tire wear, replace brake pads, oil/air filters, battery, etc. -> make things wear out, and need us to replace them from time to time (not talking about the damage when crashing)
    - Punctures, bogging down (snow, mud, gavel), overheating, locked brakes, etc.

    - ...oh, and add map for Hungary (I wish... :))

    So basically make the driving experience more real, to simulate not just the truck physics but also the "trucker life", and it's challenges. Make the course eventful!

    Also, headlights should be much more visible from a far, because it is really hard to see in the mirror, or when making a turn.
    Wipers and the rain could be improved: much heavier, thicker rain/thunder, where you need to switch the wipers to a faster setting. Also snow/hail could cover your window if you don't use wipers.
    Really thick fog could also be implemented, forcing you to slow down or even stop for a while (same with heavy rain and snowstorms).

    Hm, that's it for now :)

  40. Good work SCS! This game is really good and i am really looking forward to see where it is going with all the updates, i hope you will continue working hard on this game as it is really a pleasant experience!

    I would really like to see the following in a future update/DLC:

    -Random AI Traffic accidents on the highway which would create traffic jams and delay your delivery.

    -Multiplayer, a simple multiplayer which would just add real human truckers instead of the current AI trucks and whoever reaches a cargo delivery mission first gets it.

    -Some gameplay elements from SCANIA Truck driver would be really cool, i would like to see more complicated delivery points, the backalley of a store full of parked cars etc..

    -Being able to buy your own aerodynamic trailer and paint it to your company colours.

    Thanks alot for the excellent game anyway!

  41. Great work SCS, but a few improvements for the AI trucks might be in order? They're way too slow (60-70kph when they should be driving at 80-90kph), I find myself mostly driving on the middle lanes and fast lanes. And on small roads I think it'd be better if they drove at around 70 kph instead of 55, 55 is just way too slow imo.

    Another small thing regarding speeds, special cargo, on the back of the trailer I see the speed limits at something like 70 kph, shouldn't I get fined for passing that limit?

    Last, I'm wondering if it would be at all possible to give us a bonus for arriving ahead of time. I've once delivered a cargo 48 hours ahead of time, I think it would have been great to get a hefty bonus on that one (by hefty I'm thinking of 100% for this extreme case, so maybe 2% bonus per hour?) :)

    1. The delivery time calculation is bugged as far as i can tell. If a ferry ride is involved then the delivery time is usually way too long.
      On the other hand, the algorhythm doesn't take road quality into account, so if you stay on the continent or in the UK it can happen that the calculated delivery time is too short for a priority order if you have to drive only country roads.
      These bugs should be fixed before any changes to reward depending on fast delivery are made.
      But in any case, you earn WAY TO MUCH in one delivery, especially when you get past level 20 or so, so extra bonusses are certainly not needed at all.

  42. Also, one more improvement: add multi step jobs.

    1: pick up trailer at X
    2: drive to Y, park it, and wait for loading (can unhook and drive around in the meantime)
    3: pick up at Y, and drive to final destination Z

    1. Yes, that would be very very cool!!

  43. Let us drive something like this:


  44. Please, put an option to remove or to configure the 90 km/h speed limit!


  45. I'd really like to be able to track my other truck drivers, on the world map AND also on the roads.
    Another important point:
    It would be really cool seeing not only large trucks on the roads, but also smaller ones. Furthermore, it is really unrealistic, when you drive a small cabin MAN TGX and you don't see any other MAN TGX with a small cabin.
    And the last point. I want to ride the trailers you can see on the roads, like a yellow-red FCP trailer or a green BCP trailer. It would make the game more interesting!

    Thanks for reading!

    1. There is a mod for that AI use all cabs and also have random bullbars and wheels on them too

  46. NEW MAPS PLEASE.And slow the trucks down when they turn off onto another road,,, they corner like a formula 1 car

    1. That made me laugh, but 100% true.

  47. Thank You SCS Team, I would much rather work in my own currency. Just what I asked for. Looking forward to next patch.
    Regards, South West Trucker

  48. Hi loving the game at the moment keep up the good work but think you could improve the game realism by something some roads e.g not a sharp cornering on motorway and need to improve the junctions they are all the same you need some like,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=959&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

    by making some like this you will add alot of realism cheers

  49. Thank you SCS. I've buy the game since day 1 and im loving it. Althougt, in the long terms improvement, i hope to see the possibility to have my garage, my truck and, why not, a trailer with my own company name. Also i would love to see the A.I. trucks with publicity, like posped, transinet, etc... Finally, it would be very cool to see my drivers in the road.
    Well, i dont know if in the future it will be possible to see any of those things, but i share with you some of my own wishes to this game. I apologise for my english. :(
    Best regards

  50. Hi Team, been playing since the game launched & have to admit am somewhat underwhelmed that it's essentially the same game as ETS with a few tweaks. With the hype surrounding the launch I had expected so much more that would see the best bits of all your truck sim games rolled into one product.

    To continue supporting your platforms I would like to see:

    - my trucks, employees and workshops branded with my chosen logo & to see my drivers on the road otherwise why select a logo when creating a profile?

    - AI trucks calling on depots to deliver / collect load and me needing to wait in line to collect / deliver a load

    - changes to cargo ie. i go to depot pick up an empty low loader head to a quarry to pick up my load (a bulldozer and see it loaded) the head to my destination

    - specialized loads ie. oversize that may require pilot / police escorts

    - if i breakdown either a service vehicle comes to my position or a heavy tow truck physically tows me to the nearest service depot

    - greater variety of trucks ie. tandems & double trailers. You promoted doubles in a blog but have not included - alternately release the mod so the simmers can include it if we want and those who don't wont.

    - diversity of roads ie. curvy, steep climbs / descents, sealed / unsealed etc

    - speed cameras have no purpose unless they were linked to your license. ie. 5 speeding fines in 5 days means loss of license for a period of time or loss of skills / experience points

    Overall I feel that you have missed the opportunity to make this a truly submersive gaming experience


    Kev the Kiwi

  51. loving the truck madness in australia, Hows about some ridgids with drawbar trailers????? I WISH!!!!

    1. Another Aussie here and loving this game, well done and looking forward to the next patch.

  52. id defintley pay for DLC too, im sure any true trucksim fan would.

  53. Pedestrians, pedestrians, pedestrian ...

    1. Pedestrians are already in the game!

  54. I want a compass on the screen of GPS.

  55. SCS...could you stop implementing pointless and useless things in game?

    Yeah sure just what we want, another picture for something in menu, and some statistic...come on...!

    Fix the god damn DAF, make camera to be adjustable in cabin, fix the god damn electric poles in the middle of the roads, fix HDR that you ruined in last patch, fix the lights on all vehicles that you ruined...


    1. +
      Fix the god damn DAF, make camera to be adjustable in cabin

  56. scs can you make AI police car and parked police car ..
    just make the game even realistic with a real life in highway or in a road i always seen police patrol car even not everytime ..
    so scs pelase can you add the ai police car and parked police car into traffic ..

    you make a great game .. thanks

  57. Develope is retarder. please.

    realistic retarder add the game.

  58. Please add more variety of AI buses to the game,bus added in previous patch looks very small.

  59. Nice to see that working on the game continues. Kudos!

    I'm joining with one suggestion, hope you can implement it. It is regarding the Route Advisor. When you drive on a job, the route you should use is in red. Unfortunatelly it covers the road below, so you can't see, if you're allready driven on it (yellow below) or not (grey). So you must guess in choosing an alternate route. Please try to fix that. Maybe a way is using a thinner red line (something like green arrows in croassroads). Thanks. Cheers!

  60. nice work but can you put more stats of the game (money spend ,win ,police bill ....)


    1. Agree, YOU NEED TO BACK THE OLD LOG SYSTEM! I want to see when I started the job, when I finished, how much money is spending or earning... I just cant belive that you removed that feature? Every Simulator need to have NOTEBOOK like that!


    3. Also you need to fix that driver issue, when they cant find the job and have to return. My drivers have licences for all type of loads, so how come that they cant find the job? Too much money flying away when they returning back...

  61. =================================================

    - more animations at the load / unload process.
    see here for example


    - own trailer or drive to a depot and pick up an empty low loader or dumper then drive to a quarry to pick up the load
    (an excavator loaded on the trailer or an excavator will load the sand - animated)

    - different loading and unloading stations (rail loading, construction site, roadworks)

    - ai trucks driving on depots to deliver / collect load and we have to wait in line to pick up a load

    - more variety of trucks ie. tandems & double trailers. (please include the double function)
    Gigaliners are not so important

    - see my own trucks / drivers on the road

    thanks in advance

  62. bonjour, très beau jeu, amélioration de la végétation serai bien, les arbres et les herbes manque de réalisme au niveau des qui donne un petit coté enfantin au graphisme du jeux....une mise a jour de la végétation donnerai plus de réalisme au jeu.

  63. Dear SCS
    At the present time, people want to see a lot of functions. For example see their car on the road, seeing the movement of its chauffeurs on the map.
    Card management functions and more.
    Enter the game settings, enter the driver seat game a certain selection of cargo under special delivery.

  64. ETS 2 isn't evolving, just because you say user interface doesn't evolve a game. all you have done is make a graphically improved ETS 1. SCS needs to start listening to the people who play the game or you won't want players or buys anymore.

  65. Thank you SCS Software, very, very good JOB !!!!!

  66. "using other currencies when listing expenses and general company accounting than just Euro, and making the information supplied through Route Advisor a bit richer."

    Sorry to say that SCS, i bought your game and i support you the best i can, but... no one probably cares about this seriously. I've seen so many nice ideas on this blog that i'm disapointed to consider that like an "evolution". What about bringing some new trailers/trucks, co-op/multiplayer, possibility to see our drivers, views improvments (news spots, rear view, or views wich automatically return in neutral position when you let the joystick go), Anti Aliasing/performance patch... Many things i don't remember, but i'm sure about one : i'll pay for that, and i think many people will do also.
    So dear SCS team, can you tell us that you're considering our suggestions and what you're expecting to do in the next months. Thank you.

    1. +1

      I'd also like to see some of the improvements suggested by the community rather than some pointless details that nobody really cares for.

      I think most wanted are the features:
      - own your own trailers (possibly with your own company logo)
      - see your own trucks on the roads (this doesn't make too much sense without own trailers).

      People simply want to see their big company and not just as some unimmersive list somewhere in the menus.

      Anything else is perhaps nice to have but basically a waste of time.

  67. add lifting air suspension system on the trucks and correct the tuning by adding side skits for 6*2 and 6*4 trucks add the back lights and make scania longline in cabs and intereor customization eg catains stearing wheel red blue yellow lighting
    own trailers customization and realistice loging places truck crashing side mirors foling etc

  68. this is what we want for lighting and modifing truck and trucks

  69. add scania sound v8

  70. Could you add two motorized wheels in traffic please?
    The windshield is always super clean, no bugs, no dirt, it's strange :)
    The position of the drivers on the card is also a good idea.
    else, pedestrians never cross the roads!
    you could also improve anti aliasing please?

    Good luck ! ;)

  71. Please, make the turbo needle work in volvo, thank you

  72. In case no one mentioned it: for Pounds Sterling, you should use '.00' to show whole units, not '.-'.

  73. My 2 cents:

    1) Being able to program the different roof, and bumper lights to a key so you can use them separately.

    2) New horns actually doing something

    3) Fix the DAF cabin, it looks very bad

  74. This game needs double trailers, I'm getting sick of it there is no challenge with just singles

  75. how about we can see the drivers that we hired on the road, driving the truck?plzz..

    1. I definitely agree with this. Like on the driver manager page it should tell you which road they are on enroute like A-2 or M-1 or whatever, then if you happen to be there you pass them by. Would be pretty cool.

  76. While everyone is posting their wishlist...

    - Junctions. There are still a few junctions where the traffic NEVER STOPS COMING. I waited almost 10m real time for a break but it never came. In the end I had to thrash through the traffic in the oncoming lane to continue, resulting in damage, fines and a complete loss of immersion. There are also some areas where AI traffic disobeys right-of-way rules, resulting in dangerous overtakes and the associated crashes/vehicle respawning in front of the truck further up the road.

    GPS - I would appreciate the GPS not vanishing each time the "you are getting tired" message appears. At that time it is key to find a rest area and removing the map does not aid this process.

    - Route Settings for AI Drivers. I have a garage in Amsterdam and my AI drivers insist on doing the channel crossing/UK deliveries, which means 18 hours of 24 they are resting or on the ferry, which results in very slow skill gain. I would like better control over which routes they can select. Likewise, I keep getting "couldn't find job" notifications when I see many suitable jobs for the drivers.

    - Variety of weather. The rain slider is a great improvement, but I would prefer something more reactive with varying degrees of fog and clouds. I don't know how feasible it is but perhaps linked to real world weather conditions as a toggle?

    - Dynamic roadworks/traffic reports via SMS. At present roadworks can be factored into schedules as they never move. I would appreciate contraflow systems or traffic accidents to add more challenge to the routes.

    1. The only thing i can help you with, when the tired message pops up hit the F5 button and it switches right back... but i agree maybe the tired and fuel message should scroll like the driver messages underneath

  77. Regarding money conversion it is not that important right now, i mean thanks for your efforts, but you could put your efforts in something alot of people are demanding, especially log of each driver, as you have to drive and read quickly what is going on.

    1. Also for these drivers, too many times in my opinion do they return "because they cannot find a delivery". I have my drivers originating out of Duisburg which i have seen tons of activity and usually offers the highest paying jobs when i am looking for my next load. And i agree on a log. I would like to know what they have been doing in case i miss a message.

  78. We are waiting for multiplayer now.

  79. I love ETS2. I do have a question and didn't know this blog existed until now. I have unlocked tons of "Exhaust Upgrades" but i have found no place on my trucks to put them. I have 4 Valiant trucks. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Also, in the upgrade shop for an already owned truck, if i want to edit one of the colors on my current paint job charge me a small amount, not the whole amount for a new paintjob. E22,000 is still alot for me now as i am working my way up through the ranks. Level 20 and climbing...

  80. game is to simple and need improvemet:
    1. police, police regulation because accidents or bad weather which will include alternative roads; closed road
    2. snow, iced roads which will make game more difficult
    3. new types of cargo which will make game more difficult
    4. our own trailer with copmany logo would be nice

    Use DLC's for:
    - new maps (Balkan - Croatia - driving trough mountains and near sea, Bosnia, Serbia - they have interestig roads because they don't have too many highways... Scandinavian routes - you can use it as heavy part of map because of snow and ice..., Russia - same as scandinavia..)
    - old trucks (but with all licenses)
    - new trucks (but with all licences)

    1. i would pay that DLC's!

    2. Balkan - Greece, Romania, Macedonia, Montenegro... YES

    3. I wish to have real clouds, precipation, wind and temperature downloadable from ATIS , but wind is difficult because there are hills tunels etc

    4. If you want reality then in Croatia you have often closed highway because of wind. then... XD

      SCS need improvement that will keep players to play games and buy DLCs. they also musn't wait to long until players gone!

    5. I would only add to this damage to the truck
      "VISIBLE DAMAGE" ....

      And what's with heavy loads .. you could have those windmills to disassemble and prepare for transport .. first tower and then the wings ..... many, many opportunities this game have ...

  81. One idea i would like to se is a second hand market for used trucks not just only new orders. And like "skiba" a multiplayer option with community :P and if you like this ideas include the second hand market to multiplay so it could be a online market if we want to sell our old trucks to other players.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. The oil level pressure arrow in the Valiant is not working, or is it just me?

    As already mentioned before, an ETS2 community is what SCS Software needs now.

    1. My oil pressure needle twitches slightly but you could be right. i am not 100% on how it shoudl behave.

  84. Finaly I have my copy of the game, arrived directly from CZ about a week ago. Cant find it in my country(Serbia) So friend form Praha just got it for me.
    Realy good work SCS, but you sure need to focus on improvements cause its realy what needs to be done. And you should really open some blog or post just for bugs report, errors and suggestions what needs to be improved.

  85. This game is simulation, and somethimes truck can be broken especially if it make too much kilometers... that will make a game more interesting...

    1. And repairs after something like this could be too expensive... Money flying away even without that, when drivers returning to home empty...
      Their fuel, maintance cost and dolar per kilometer is enough waste of money. So I think that it is enough for the moment.

      SCS please fix this with drivers in the next patch, its really annoying and its not like reality. When did you see that licenced driver couldnt find any job, and needs to return all the way back.

    2. agreee, they need to fix a problem that drivers can't find a job when they come back.

      But when you drive to somewhere you ca see a truck which is broken... It's not a same thing to have a truck which made 50000 and 200000km. That would contribute a game reality.

    3. Please SCS don't listen to the whiners. The employed drivers do make enough cash, even without return jobs.

      Guys thats all a balance issue. If they raise the probability of return jobs they need to lower the profits too.

      Also guys, just PLAY the game. Your drivers get significantly better as they level up. So no need for whining.

  86. I would only add to this damage to the truck

    And what's with heavy loads .. you could have those windmills to disassemble and prepare for transport .. first tower and then the wings ..... many, many opportunities this game have ...

  87. SCS, you could put functions at airports, since there is also deliveries at airports, and why not put a company for deliveries there, if possible also in ports, would also like to see my drivers on the road.

    1. And add the "Scout" company to the list of job providers :)

      Did you just forget that or is it intentionally not included in the order generation ?

  88. Aaaaa :D Złotówki, polskie złotówki :D I love you, SCS :)

  89. SCS Why don't make Norway so we can drive thear and get more challenges?


  90. You have nothing to do anymore, like pictures or screen saver change?)))
    Or the same currency, the euro, and will now mail for example. But the game will not become better from it.

  91. Hi SCS! Bought the digital version a few days after launch, cant tell that i was disappointed but i wasnt either overwhelmed by the game either. The reason why im writing is because i see youre taking a turn for the worse...
    -Whats up with FORUM, cant take a bit of critics?
    -Whats up with DAF? Arent you guys playing your own game and seeing how much the DAF sucks?
    -Whats up with light posts popping out all over the place in the middle of the roads? Little patches of grass too.
    -Whats up with AI, cant see much of improvement from GTS or ETS?
    -Whats up with AI vehicles, is it so hard to make 3.5t trucks or BUSES that are actually buses, not not vans with extra axle length?
    -Whats up with cameras, their positions and a wider range of choice, ex.looking from co-drivers seat, from the bed in the back of the cabin?
    -Whats up with extra cities on the map? Sure, you could make a DLC, but i wont buy it until countries that are already started arent finished(ex.France, Chech Republic, Italy)
    -Whats up with seasons, or to put it more precisely, SNOW? Want to make a DLC out of that one too?
    -Whats up with company logos, is there any point in having them if you cant see them? Or, on that matter, trucks that are driving for our company, why cant we see them? Now that cant be that hard, you already had that 18WOS series?
    -Whats up with interior? Why isnt it clickable? Take a good hard look at games like OMSI Bus Simulator, which was a STUDENT PROJECT? You see guys, you dont need money to build up a great game, just passion and love.
    -Whats up with double trailers that were promised before launch?

    The list goes on, but for now i just wanted to tell you DO NOT GET GREEDY! You guys made a nice game, you are on to something here, this thing could put you in with the big boys, dont get greedy. Listen to your loyal community, give us what we want, than you can pick up the rewards, much bigger than now... Sure, the next patch with all(if all)currencies is cool, but how much does it improve the game?

    1. +1000

      Totally agree!

    2. Yup, I agree too.

    3. This sums up a lot of the current issues, please take note of this post.

    4. very nice u tell this but dont give critics anonymous...

    5. "... DO NOT GET GREEDY! You guys made a nice game, you are on to something here, this thing could put you in with the big boys, dont get greedy. Listen to your loyal community, ..."

      Totally agree

    6. +1000

      and from me.
      Totally agree!
      Please scs you can do it all of this.
      Don't disappoint us.
      Make an excellent game perfect.
      with very very respect to your work!

      George ,Greece

  92. Relax

    Euro Truck Simulator-2 / Switzerland-Bern (episode)

  93. Add cabin light, it will be more realistic :D

  94. Nice Photoshop. :-)

  95. No Portugal?????? soo badd

  96. Some nonsense things in the game
    1.IN Renault magnum, the dashboard(speed, tachometer etc.) It depends on the windscreen, if there is raining the dashboard becomes less visible, if there is some sun on the windscreen dashboard lose colors...

  97. add to the game tax payments (taxes)

    1. [url=http://СМАЙЛОТЕКА.РФ/onesmile.php?smailik=1064.gif&wrd=%E4%F3%F0%E0%EA&num=1][img][/img][/url]

  98. Sorry SCS, But it sounds like your going to lose some loyal fans of your games at the rate your going. I for one am getting fed up with all your silly mistakes. There's no fun or variety, its just same thing, different day. Go forwards, not backwards. Listen to fans before you lose them.

  99. Yes ! Complete the country's you already started, and try to differentiate various scenery . It is not possible that England and Italy share the same trees and grass or yellow flowers.

    And try to add variety, as the game of course tends to be repetitive and annoyng after a while....

    1. +1

      Fully agree on the missing variety.

      Also UK needs foooooog!

    2. Last update allows you to change the chance of rain already, and with that comes a TON of fog in the UK. Just did a drive there in fog and I couldn't see past 2m in front of me.

      As far as variety goes, unless you're past the 100 hours gametime, which I very much doubt, you shouldn't have a prob. Hell, even past that time you shouldn't have a prob really.

      Also, the same trees and plants grow in England and Italy, at least the northern part of it. Now if we had Scandinavia without pine-trees, that'd look odd...

    3. Correct most common trees are native all over the EU.

      There are noticeable “plant” differences between the UK and Italy etc

      e.g. I have never seen a field of sunflowers in the UK, but I have seen lots of fields of sunflowers around the rest of the EU.

  100. hello scs,

    thanks for the patch and for the future updates

    you do a very good job

    hopefully some of the above mentioned features will arrive in an update or patch

    for DLC i would pay up to 15,- EUR

  101. Do some roads to forests. Really thin and dirty.

  102. The one thing this game is lacking more than anything else, and is something that will bring a massive boost to the games sales, is in fact a multiplayer mode. Having an online mode will bring to the game hours of more fun and enjoyment where you can cruise around with your friends in the large virtual world.

    1. i disagree.Multiplayer is not mandatory at all.

      I prefer that the game fix some bugs and adds some content to the solo experience.
      It's the best thing to do.

    2. You're wrong. Even on Farming Simulator they have one.

    3. So, what exactly will you do with this multi-player then? You drive trucks from point A to point B, where are other people needed in this equation? Please explain, I think we're all dying to know why multi-player is so crucial.

  103. If the Game had multiplayer, the sale wod be sky high. Please let os have it.

  104. Dear SCS, i have a question. There are several realistic mods...but in my opinion, you should be the one to do this game as close to realistic as possible, cuz im not truck driver and how should i know that the mod is right or that your original setup is right ? One setup is bouncy, another one make a tank from truck cuz it feels like you actually drive some mass. Why dont you just do that the right way, so there are no more ,,realistic,, mods ? thx

  105. Good work SCS, people, you're demanding TOO MUCH from SCS, just let them relax a little.

  106. first i will have to say, yeh multiplayer will be awesome but not for short term. i like to see a fix for when u change the axel config, it also change some other stuff and give u a white paint. now i have a paint cost of 32.500 euro. thats not funny and i also like the ballance sheet for the company.

    1. double trailers would be very awesome too, but its traffic thats not supporting this. if i have the bigger trailer the traffic dont give space for ur turn most of the time... so that has to be improved to if u are working on it

  107. add a Scania T :D
    if you reached level 100 that you can buy a Scania T

  108. game physics need altering. weight of truck and trailer need to be more realistic


  109. Xenon


  110. Evolving ets 2?!?!? who the hell needs these toy trucks with toy-like physics this is what puts scs ets 2/ stds to SHAME FOR SHAME scs for shame where is my 8x4/4 in ets 2? WHERE IS IT?!?!?

    and many otehrs on gosh scs why didnt you include that kind of thing in ets 2 already? THE TRUCK IN THAT GAME FEELS LIEK A GODDAMNED TRUCK NOT A TOY TRUCK as in ets 2/ stds/ ets 1 etc...

    1. lol, you can't possibly be serious!

    2. LOL and in then 2015 version they'll actually already have a textured cockpit!!!

    3. You're a f***ing dumb***; That Game looks like it was developed in the stone ages

  111. Polska waluta świetnie :) puki co gra jest super mam nadzieje że zostanie bardziej rozbudowana i zostaną poprawione błędy które są np. przy liczniku który raz pokazuje prędkość raz nie chodzi o Scanie nie wiem jak na pozostałych. I mam ogromną nadzieję że twórcy nie spoczną na laurach

    Polish currency puki great :) what the game is great hope that it will be more complex and will be corrected errors that are such that the counter once again shows the speed is not about Scania do not know how the others. And I very much hope that the developers will not rest on its laurels

  112. Hi SCS

    I think multiplayer would be awesome, I would happily pay £20, or more, for online.

    Or at least put online leaderboards in like scania truck simulator


  113. sao 69 garagens,e 115 motoristas no jogo,como evoluir no jogo se voce nao pode contratar mais motoristas??

  114. they are 69 garages, and 115 drivers in the game, as to evolve in the game if you cannot contract more drivers?

  115. I want to ask you something... Why there is sleep system if I can drive anyway for days without sleep. There is no penalty in driving for few days. In real life truck driver cant drive so much. Even if there is no penalty then al that tiredness is useless it even dont annoy or making driving difficult! Screen just gets little darker but I can still see without problem and driver reactions are normal! There should be first light tiredness and little screen darkening but then it should be darker by time! And driver reactions should be delayed in that state! And I want tachograph! This is simulation then at least give me option to turn it on or off for those casuals who dont care at all and use cheats anyway. If it is called simulation then make it like simulation :/

    1. +1 So funny reading kids bragging they are this and that level.. sure, no fatigue and have friends using it.. any one can max up.. Some are always tiny persons and minds.. :P

    2. Instead of complaining on an official blog, just buy the game and you'll see what happens in the last update, when you don't sleep... You guys are morrons !

  116. STILL missing you can program your Navigator/Advisor yourself.. SO easy to implant, and would make driving affectingly and fun (drive new roads) so easy!! Kinda strange that isn't in game from day 1.. :(

  117. Greetings from Estonia! :)

    Thank you for your efforts to make this nice game even better. Would like to see Scandinavian countries in future patches / DLCs (snowy roads are challenging, so it would be fun to drive). It would be also great to have more trucks (entry-level models, like Volvo FM, Mercedes Axor) or even vans, like Ford Transit.

    I'm using Logitech G25 and would like to say that force feedback is not very realistic. For example, when the truck is not moving, it should be easy to turn the steering wheel (all modern trucks have power steering), and front wheels should stay turned until the truck won't start moving, only then the wheels should return to 0. Right now my steering wheel is constantly trying to return back to its central position, even when my truck is not moving. Maybe you could also recommend so called "official" settings for Logitech Profiler (spring effects and damper effects), that the developers were using during the game testing? I presume the game was tested on G25 / G27, because there are some specific control settings in ETS2. Thank you in advance.

  118. Optimize the game please.

  119. =============

    make the game good German plates of 3 - 4 digits.



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