Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gamescom 2015

We have spent two very busy (and very hot) days at the biggest European games fair - Gamescom 2015. The show is huge, noisy and overcrowded, but still very inspiring!

It was great to see American Truck Simulator presented at a public event already in playable form! Thanks to everyone who has stopped by!

Here is the American Truck Simulator promo trailer that we have created for Gamescom 2015:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. Atari 2600 , sega mega drive , WII U?

    2. Not by any chance im afraid, you console pesants have to enjoy Black ops III

  3. please bring the demo to steam its not fair for the people across the world you have been waiting since day on of announcement

    1. I agree a demo should be brought to steam so people who were not able to go to gamescom get gameplay of ats

    2. This is how game conferences work. Demos in a controlled environment.

    3. so u call people from gamescom recording the video of them playing ats and then putting on youtube for more people to see is controlled my ass its controlled

    4. Controlled environment as in they control the hardware, and whole experience? Probably not optimized yet so putting out a demo would be a bit insane. They probably only just got the demo out in time for Gamescom.

    5. Controlled environment as in they control the hardware, and whole experience? Probably not optimized yet so putting out a demo would be a bit insane. They probably only just got the demo out in time for Gamescom.


    1. Not ready to release? are you kidding me? this looks by far very least release a demo for the wait....ffs they keep showing and showing..sorry but the hype is dying pretty sure im not tired of dev being like "oh its not ready yet"

      YET they do a public demo at gamescom ..and like people said here its not fair for us that are far and wasn't able to go to it...oh well its the only downside of candies around them only :/

    2. just release a steam demo for now if you gonna so it to people and not let other people have a go at it then whats the point plus if you release it as an early access or demo all the players can help with the glitches and bugs let you guys know whats wrong as you are saying we will have to get more people to get the game done faster so why not release it and have th eplayers comment on twitter stream etc about anything wrong in the game plus you would have like 2 million aleast fans helping with the game so please just release it already i would pay $100 for this game to release today idgaf

    3. Uxot, you're not alone... I feel the exact same way as you.

      It's very annoying to me seeing some things, then have to wait for 5 more months only to see a short 20 second trailer...

      Then waited and waited for the interview waiting for a release date only to see. "We're not fully ready yet" blah blah... Yeah I too losing interest. I'll get it when it releases more than likely... But I'm tired of waiting forever.

  5. +1 for that chick with miniskirt , boots and light top

    You too need girl to communicate , czechtards ?

    1. Yes I need this girl to communicate about ATS, ... and various threads too !

  6. Also thumb up for Pavel dressed like a trucker peasant stoping in whorehouse

  7. So... still the exact same UI as ETS 2, right? that's not cool...

    1. there is another point of view. keep ETS2's UI for ATS mean does not lost time to create new UI when actual one is very clear to read and nice to see. ATS can be seen like a huge addon of ETS.

    2. @JPetriillo: What's the problem exactly? It's the same engine, meaning you just buy your trucks, tune them, buy garages, hire trucks, etc... I'm even surprised they chose to release it as a separate game instead of just renaming the whole franchise World of Trucks and have just one simulator with same engine for Europe, America, or whatever is to come, which they could update over the years. So it's not that bad....
      Not sure what other features or "UI" was you expecting, but for me it looks good, as long as they eventually go updating it with more features (buy trailers, doubles, etc.)

    3. I have no problem with them using the same ui because it saves them time which would be used up with creating a new UI. They should change the icons at the main screen though.

    4. wow .. like UI changes are what is critical path .... a UI leveraged directly from ETS2 is exactly the right call .... Maybe you were trolling .... if so ...LOL ... if not .... SAD!

    5. wow .. like UI changes are what is critical path .... a UI leveraged directly from ETS2 is exactly the right call .... Maybe you were trolling .... if so ...LOL ... if not .... SAD!

    6. Jack Wall: No, I am not trolling, my very dear mate. I just need a different feeling for ATS since it's "another game" from the one I played for years, I don't want to feel the same thing with different trucks and map. And yes, I know it's the same engine, but at least I can ask for a new brand interface so differs a bit. And next time try to write better. Bye.

  8. I would like too know where to get the shirt and the hat

    that says American Truck Simulator

  9. Can't wait!!!
    When can I pre order it?

  10. When would the demo for ats would be on steam or through the website??

  11. Maybe in the future of 2015 maybe another gameplay video of ats??

  12. Jak by nie mogli zrobić coś w World truck św

  13. Jak by nie mogli zrobić coś w World truck św

  14. You will not have bi-train the ATS ??? trucks rigid ??

    release date 25.11.15

    1. There is no release date. The developer said that release date is just plain speculation. He says this at the end of this video

  16. release a steam demo for now early access, like scs did 18 wheels of steel and earlier truck games?

    1. When is the steam demo or gameplay video going to be released to the public??

    2. Nobody confermed a demo or second gameplay video

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  18. Trailers are too short! They should be much longer... Look at a picture of a real american truck&trailer... This is just an american truck with a european 13,6 mtrs trailer on 2 axles...

    1. They have both long and short trailers

    2. Like u said Ron in usa there is trailer about 48ft like wabash ones

  19. As I feel (and know) that the feedback is a needful thing, I would say we here, waiting for this, we are missing somethings on this game, just by this trailer.

    First of them, are other truck brands, such as Freightliner and Mack (and also others like Western Star, International, etc).
    Second, the long trailers. Actually those trailers have almost the same lenght as the truck, which is wrong since as far as I can see, USA trailers are much longer than it.
    Another thing, is the AI traffic: there are too many classic cars, old cars, but too much of them, and also, not so much as I've expected of new vehicles, from 2014-2015.

    Besides it, my purchase of this is already guaranteed, and I'm really looking forward this one. I really hope you can improve even more this and I can't wait to see the final result.

  20. It's been a real joy to follow SCS for so many years and finally seeing these guys go "big" after all their efforts. You've deserved it guys, keep up the great work.

    Greetings from Croatian fan :)

  21. when is the ATS demo coming to Steam or at least a gameplay video for youtube? Can't Wait for American Truck Simulator to come out to Steam

    1. It would be nice if @scssoftware could give more information on ats??

  22. I'm a big fan of scs products and can't wait for American Truck Simulator.

  23. What this game will bring new? Especially nothing, just vegetation, new map, new truck, the rest will be same. That all? Cmon better add as DLC. You can find all these things at mods pages rolf.And I'm sure that trucks will use SCANIA blinker sound haha.
    People will get only disaspointment, believe me

    1. Thats your opinion ;) and guess what , we really dont give a flying f*ck about what you think.
      Stay in ETS 2 dont come here complain

    2. I totally agree. I'm looking forward to the release when the time actually comes, hopefully before we're all on our death beds. but you never know, SCS might be working on better things before the release date. if they could get permission to use real truck brands, I'm sure the can get permission to do real truck sounds. they've just about pulled it of with ETS2 so we can only hope they'll do the same for ATS.

      fantastic work though guys, please keep us MORE informed

  24. About the only problem I have with SCS is the idea that.... they're not all that "innovative". They learned how to create roads, they put a few trucks on them..... and.... well that's pretty much it. Then they spend literally years copying and pasting the same old ideas over and over and over, into what they dilussionally call a "new" DLC's/game.

    When I first purchased the ETS2 game, it was then the version. Yesterday, I took some time to look over the changes in the game over the last couple years resulting from the to what we have today...

    To be fair. I have to admit that over the last couple years there has been some considerable changes and tweaks to the game..... all of which we received for FREE. However, what is also fair to note... is all of these changes are "micro changes/tweaks". ie; 2 windshield wiper speeds, speed indicator added to GPS, adjustable seats, more tires to purchase, and also changes to the appearance of the startup screen, mod manager, and truck dealers showroom.

    As much as all of these FREE updates are appreciated.... and i'm rather liking them myself, at the same time, one can argue that the ETS2 game isn't evolving. Its not moving forward. It seems stuck in a placid wonderland lacking any real innovation, or freshness.

    Without innovation.... ETS2, in my opinion, is reaching its saturation. Unless SCS plans to add something new to the game that can be considered .... "game changing"... then ETS2 has pretty much reached its maturity.

    ATS seems to be the rebirth of ETS2. SCS has reached the end of the line with ETS2, (except for maybe a few more tweaks to the vegatation, AI, or yet another paint pack), and decided to start all over and do it all again under a new name.... "ATS". Same game... different name.

    Like others, I too am waiting for ATS. For me, I think its the new trucks (bigger trucks) that has me interested in playing ATS. I could never get used to those small Euro trucks with the flat face... and greatly welcome the opportunity to finally use a good variety of American trucks.

    The downside however, is that i'm not very excited for the future of ATS.... as ETS2 seems to be a great example of where ATS is going to end up. Nowhere. No innovation, no game changers, nothing fresh.

    1. @SilverSatin

      I hate to say it... especially where I think you seem to be a pretty good person.... but... aren't you like the "pot calling the kettle black" on this one.

      If I recall, and i'm sure we wouldn't have to review too many previous blog pages to see.... you aren't shy either when it comes to voicing your complaints about ETS2 (there are quite the list of your very own posts).... not the mention the posts of my own where you've clearly posted your agreement of my opinions.

      I'll be the first to admit that my constant posts can really get annoying... especially to those who think SCS is God's gift to the gaming world. But as annoying as they are to see again and again.... that doesn't mean that I don't have valid opinions ... of which many people post as well (yourself included). I'm not alone in my complaints.

      I can be quiet and go away.... so can everyone else with similar opinions. But I think that would be sending SCS the wrong message.

      Personally, I prefer to excercise the freedom of Right to voice my opinion. I apologize if that upsets you, that wasn't my goal. I can only invite you to exercise your own freedom of Right... to ignore my posts.

      Good luck... hope you have a great day.

    2. Euro Coach Simulator (bus) will come as a DLC for ETS2 and it's a pretty cool features for me. Multiplayer's road will get more variety.
      ETS2 benefit all new features from ATS and it's nice to see SCS working on growing up their game released 3 years berfore instead of working on fake new one as mot of the company does on the game industry.
      I still understand a part of your feeling, but as there is no other descent game in this genre, we have to accept this slow evolution.

      Triple A games using steering wheel are not much better, Forza 6 will not include real time weather (it's a choice of weather condition before to start, then it' will not change during the race losing all the interest of weather condition) when SCS own this feature for our ETS2. Turn 10 are 200 people studio + modellers are freelance outside of the studio...
      You think that SCS are slow but what Gran Turismo's fans might think about Polyphony Digital when they're waiting for a PS4'S GT, even so much money they got from their big success.

      ETS2's fan are quite lucky in my opinion.

    3. With games like Gran Turismo, there's no such thing as DLC's. So we just wait for the game to come out and what we see is what we get. When considering games like that the idea is pretty much cut and dry. Either its something you want.... or its not. Because any hopes of it getting better after you buy it... is well... its not going to happen.

      Euro Coach Simulator would be a great DLC for the game... depending on how they implement it. I'm quite willing to give that idea a try... sounds interesting for sure.

      What I don't understand about SCS... is why they aren't fixing up the "company management" variable in the game..... especially where the company management idea is part of their marketing scheme when trying to sell the game. Its not difficult to see that the whole company management idea is pretty much non-existant and greatly needs some touch-ups.

  25. If I were to try to summarize SCS into an overview.... I would have to say that SCS is about "graphics", not about "gameplay". Thats the impression I get when I play ETS2.

    ETS2 is jammed packed with great scenery, nicely polished trucks, attractive buildings and landscapes, and well, lets just say.... the game looks amazing. For sure, ETS2 is... "eye candy".

    The gameplay part of ETS2, however, is where you'll see the majority of negative posts from those who play the game. Apart from being able to drive the polished trucks up and down the roads of amazing scenery... the game doesn't offer any real reason to click the play button.

    SCS focused on.... "size matters". ETS2 is no doubt a vast world. You can literally spend hours driving your truck back and forth across the map. This has already encouraged a recommended 4GB Ram. For SCS to add some great new features in the game, at this point, may have the game unplayable for those who are still dependant on older computers. The ability to purchase trailers, better economy system, tandems, rigids.... what would all these additions cost the GPU/Ram?

    What we end up with, in the sense of gameplay, is a game that is.... "alot of nothing that looks really, really nice".... instead of a smaller map of more features.

    I have to be concerned now about ATS. Sure, the map will likely end up being huge. And i'm betting it will look amazing. Add to that the nicely polished trucks, and wow, another game we can label as... "eye candy".

    But apart from being able to drive trucks up and down the road..... will there be any real reason to click the play button? Will ATS finally bring us "gameplay" options as well?

    1. @SilverSatin

      I can play the game just fine as long as the needed Ram doesn't exceed 4GB. I have an old dual core 32 bit computer that can't be upgraded past 4GB. I can afford a new computer (and want one)... that's not the problem... but Microsoft (windows 10 vs 7/8x) is making the idea of buying a new computer a wicket world of tech politics. I'm not sure how I feel about W10 yet. I prefer at the moment to continue using W7.

      I never played Rigs and Rods. I don't know anything about the game. However, if it offered more features, and gameplay options (than ETS2) then yes, maybe you are correct. Perhaps that would be the better game for me. (fair argument.. thank you.) I'll check out the game.

    2. I agree about gameplay apart from hook up and go there is little else, it needs a little spice. I am a bit worried myself that ATS will be ETS in a different skin.

  26. I want more different kinds of combinations .
    Like roadtrains and small truck hanger and multi steering axel heavy load trailers

  27. SCS we want double trailers in ATS and be able to purchase our own trailers too we like A challenge with double trailers and big hills interstate 5 elevation of 4,144 feet. the grapevine is one of the steepest in California we don't want the same boring scenery textures all over the map same citys with flat grounds no hills and single trailer delivery leave that to ETS2 we are looking for A new and different game challenge and american truck Physics and engines sounds when you backup automatically hook up trailer and is time to connect air lines from the truck to the trailer when you press t and take tanker trailers to fill gas stations and Transport cars to car dealerships try not to make it to ARCADE LIKE ETS 2

    1. If you install the TSM map for ETS2 there are alot of steep roads to climb, then install Maybe Jazzycats train trailer mod, then you can pull up to 70 tons up a road that zig zags like a motherfucker:)

    2. But yeah other than that, EST" was made to simple, but again it was another time and they didnt have as many followers as they do now, im pretty sure that they know that they have to do better. The whole business side of the game needs a boost so bad..

  28. I agree with what the anon said, we need at least doubles in triples in ATS! Without doubles/tripes, ATS is NOTHING. And also don't mess up parts of the interstates with the steep climbs to where you can only go 20mph up a hill. Also trailer purchasing, bring that back for ATS.

  29. honestly im starting to loose interset in the game as they keep showing us pic's and gameplay but no demo no nothin its just making me loose interest in the game so please @scssoftware release something soon or else you guys are going to loose lots of money and fans from ets2 and ats hope you read this

  30. What are people moaning around with boring and stupid game and all that kind of stuff... I understand that you want some other/newer things like double trailers etc. But if you want it as a simulation - in some countries, double trailers aren't even allowed (not that I don't want double trailers, but that's not the point here now).

    I'm not saying here stop suggesting, because suggesting is really important, but you don't have to say "stupid game, I don't like it it's boring BRING DOUBLE TRAILERS"... You can say, I would like SCS to make double trailers. Or something like that. And it's over 2 years now that this game was released! 2 YEARS! Other companies would have stopped giving FREE updates and (paid) DLC. They would have stopped to give support for this game. And SCS just does not. So it's not only nice, but also really really special that they're doing that.

    Although I understand (and sometimes like) the suggestions, some are just (I'm sorry, don't take this personally) stupid. Like the "We want another engine for ATS". Why??? This engine is perfectly fine. And besides, if they ever want to make a World Of Trucks (ATS + ETS2 + Something else in the far far future), you'll have to have (in my view) the same engine.

    So this is my view on this. You could disagree with me and that's totally fine, but I'm just pointing some things out. :) And btw, they have a whole "Feature Wishlists and Suggestions" thing on their forum here: , and some things that are here, are there too. (And you can also see that some stuff has been done in future updates/patches :P )

    And I myself have also very much suggestions, like better company managing etc. etc. but hey ho, some time it'll come :). Happy trucking.

    1. Hi, just taking a moment here to say that I appreciate your comments... and understand where you're coming from. I trust that it gets quite frustrating for people who love the game to constantly see posted complaints.... especially when those complaints include unneccessary decriptive words such as "stupid". On that note I agree with you.

      However, and I think you may agree as well, that people here aren't wanting to attack SCS or the game... but rather.... I trust that what we are seeing in the comments (mine included) is an example of people's frustration of continuing to go without the ideas they would really like to have implemented in the game.

      I think also, what makes it more frustrating, is the fact that we are always left not knowing if our ideas are even being considered. It would be nice for SCS to post a message once and a while letting us know that they are willing to give an idea or two a try.... or simply tell us "no" that idea won't be added to the game. This would give us all either the hope of a future addition we are crying for.... or the opportunity to move on because we know we're not getting it.

    2. I do (indeed) agree with this. Like I said, I do understand the frustration.

      Although I do think it's hard to reply to comments/suggestions for a small company as SCS, I don't think it's impossible.

      I know that they are responding on Facebook/SCS Forum/Steam discussions, but indeed, on their blog, it's just guesswork if they are reading it or not.. And that's (what you said, and what you kinda made me see) making it indeed also more frustrating and leads to let's just say "stupid" reactions (don't know how to phrase this better)...

      Of course, if they respond to reactions, you'll get other "problems", like people saying "why don't you respond to my reaction" and some others finding their moment to insult SCS, but that's all solvable. (For instance, something what they already did, removing the option to comment anonymous).

      (And sorry for my bad English btw).

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I would like to get out to attach or detatch my trailer as just pressing a key seems to me very stupid.I would like also to buy trailers for my companies. I'm very impatient on the release of the game but now I'm loosing patience because of no indication of the release date or even no demo to play.

  33. Ok people... bare with me now as I am in Canada and i'm not familar with U.S. landmarks but.....

    In the video (53 sec)... doesn't that look very much like the "Eiffel Tower"?... Which I thought was in Paris France. Lol... just saying.

    1. there is a replica of the eiffel tower in las vegas and thats exactly what you saw.

    2. Ah ok... fair enough then. Thank you.

      I had no idea that Las Vegas had a replica of the Eiffel Tower. I was watching the video looking for new stuff when I noticed it.

      And hey... did you's (anyone) notice the police vehicles in the video? One passes the truck on the bridge, and another just before the Eiffel Tower sighting. Nice to finally see emergency vehicles in the game.

  34. What stands in the way to make the premiere of the ATS at the moment? What's missing? Nothing on this subject do not you write. The game looks finished. It's about the license or something else? Do not be such mysterious about it. We are curious.

    1. we want more information of ats in the next blog post if that is okay?? :) :) :) @scssoftware @scssoftware

  35. Where is our buses at ETS2. Put the buses or forget the ATS


  37. ATS really needs complete new UI, PLEASE. We all know it's the same engine of ETS 2, but if it uses the same user interface, it's unacceptable, I won't buy it that way..

    1. Well I guess you won't be buying it so you won't get to use all the awesome trucks and features. The UI is perfect there is no need to change it. Your seriously not going to buy a game because it has the same UI as another game they make that you most likely have and play and love the UI in it so why change it.

  38. I have played an another American trucking game, i.e. "Rig'n'Roll" by 1C. It's an old game, but I have to say it still has something better, or much better than ATS judging from the released trailers. The Rig'n'Roll has more animations, like pedal or shift lever movements, and real police cars that can force you to pull over. Besides, IMHO, its lighting system and flares are much better than the new one adopted in ETS2 after 1.17 and in the coming ATS. I'll never forget the scene when I drove the Freightliner Coronado on the coastal highway at sunset. Anyway, I hope that the ATS will be a good game that can satisfy as many old players (and of cource new players) as possible.


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