Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Engine optimizations, game improvements

Good news - the engine team has managed to speed up the graphics engine in the past two weeks, in some scenes it now works up to 30%-50% faster than before. The feedback gathered from Scania Truck Driving Simulator players has helped us spot the opportunity for such optimization. Of course this is great news for ETS2 development as well.

The result is update to version 1.2.0 for the game. The new version has more cool things in it than just running faster - there are two new Dangerous Drives challenges in it, and the controller configuration screen was re-done to allow for setting multiple input devices (important for players using "pro" pedals or shifters in combination with a separate steering wheel. Last but not least, we believe we have identified and fixed a bug in OpenAL sound library causing problems for some people on 32 bit WinXP systems.


  1. And still no CrossFireX support?

    Other than that, this is great news!

  2. Thanks!

    Moving on to ETS2 news now please? :)

  3. I modified some file in My Docs, and made my H-Shifter work as buttons, so using X-Padder I am now able to shift gears with an standard joystick, and it feels great :D

    1. Please tutorial :)

    2. Hey great. It would be possible to do a diy h-sifter with handle and splitters and stuff from real truck maybe o.O or maybe not :P

  4. Please, focuse on ETS2. Finish ETS2, and post news from ETS2.
    But it's great that it runs faster. Hope I will be able to run ETS2, without having to buy a new computer.

    1. Scania Truck Simulator was developed by a different SCS team. Also dont be so greedy. The people with Scania Truck simulator deserve attention too.

  5. My BIGEST wish and i know that´s everyone wish and that is TO POST A VERY LONG GAMEPLAY VIDEO OF ETS2.
    We would like to see ETS2 in action with the freight, the customizations and the phisics of the truck.
    I am sure that most of you would agree on this and will reply this comemnt.

    1. It's not a bad idea, but on the other hand, it would spoil some awesome ETS2 secrets SCS is keeping away from us.

    2. I totally AGREEE dud ;)

    3. @damian, with all this delays... They delayd the game with one maybe 2 months, a gameplay would be great.

    4. Well... I'd like to see at least some more landscape shots from Poland.

  6. Great work guys! This game runs so well, it always has, but now it's even better! I love how all the scenes are smooth, even the forest and city areas are smooth. Definitely smoother than GTS. That lagged and skipped all the time. But, not terrible enough to make the game unplayable. Other companies should take note - so many games out there are poorly optimized.

  7. Awesome news. Thank you very much and keep up the amazing work SCS Software team.

  8. ________________________________




    1. There isn't any check your settings most importantly steering linearity and sensitivity. (I currently use a G27)

    2. Not only G25 but also Logitech Driving Force Pro please!

    3. There is no delay! It's a matter of configuring your settings correctly.

    4. What? i use g25 as well and i font hava any problems... works perfectly without any options changing... it was working finr from the begginign.

    5. It works fine for me but after 40 km/h the sensitivity of the wheel is too much. It's hard to keep the truck on the lane without driving in zig zags. Maybe SCS will do some tweak of the wheel after that speed or add an option for sensitivity at high speed.

  9. Is there any possibility to use the features of DirectX 11?
    Tiago Barroso - BRAZIL

  10. Hello, anybody know maybe because g27 have only 12 gears max in game has no gears with more then 12 gears? and how many gearboxes be in the game?

  11. Good news SCS, 1.1.0 was great, 1.2.0 is even better, thank you, now i can play the game very well without lagging.


    1. What do you mean "does not work"?

    2. He has a pirated version :|. It works fine to me :), buy the game if you want to work the patch.

  13. somebody knows if the game division into classes?

  14. Hello to all,

    SCS I love your games, but there is something that still missing from your games.
    the thing that weights are different between trailers, and each truck have a different amount of weight can handle. so please adjust weight that should make your game very good.
    And make sure 6x4 have different tonnage than 4x2.
    Also another wish make another 18 wheels of steel sequel and make it a simulator like Pedal To the metal.

  15. A vast improvement! No more weird performance issues now, thank you SCS! <3

  16. This patch really improved the performance of the game, SCS. Thnaks! Also, i'm gald you make the range-splitter gearbox simulating the Scania gearbox, that's awesome! I expect it might be possible to add crawler gears and even the other reverse gears for ETS2, but its really good for now.
    "d like to seize the comment to suggest the same as said above, the total weight of the combination should be a little more if the truck is 6x2 or 6x4.
    Keep up the good work SCS!

    1. In the older post you see that the Scania gearbox says -1 in the reverse gears

    2. So bad I don't gave a wheel with H-shifter, it'd be so cool to play with realistic truck gearbox.

  17. Game runs better now but why cars and trucks at night look like they were made of chrome?

    1. This happens if you have the reflection quality set to medium or lower.

    2. Yeap, i had the reflection quality to medium too, change it to high and you will no more have that problem. It will slower you down with no more then 2 fps.

  18. Thanks you for additional Dangerous drives levels, i like this! :)

  19. Good news scs team
    I am planning to buy the STDS in August.
    I hope that ETS2 is as good as the STDS
    Good work scs team!!

  20. I get an error if i want to start the game: " aborting now "

  21. Hmm the performance for me isn't better, but worse...
    And my game is original.

  22. Hello,
    Ive just installed the new 1.2.0 patch and then my game stoped work :( Ive got original one, no internet copy or something. Always when I try to start the game, it show "the game filesystem failed to initialize, aborting now..." please help me! Thanks a lot

    I have few very simple and very useful suggestions/fixes:

    1. ESC button. When I go to options and press ESC I want to go back to the game with ESC too. This is faster and intuitive way. Same for the radio.
    2. Hazard warning lights. When I use hazard lights I can't switch to indicators without turning off hazard lights. It's my habit from GTS.
    3. Zoom inside. It would be great if we could zoom camera with mouse scroll inside the cab (not too much), like we can outside. It's hard to see in right mirror (I don't like to use virtual mirrors).
    4. Anti Aliasing. Even with ingame AA edges are not smooth, especially power lines doesn't look good and corners.
    5. Object in rear view mirros disappears too soon, like the world is ending behind us.

    I'm starting to like this game. Few more patches with those small fixes and maybe i will buy full game :)

    1. Yea, I agree with the option to add a "field of view" option to the in cab view.
      And with the Anti Alasing, I also notice objects (more so in the distance) are not smooth at all. Even with all the game settings maxed out. I tried using my video driver settings to overwrite in game AA but no difference. Please look into this as lack of AA is so distracting to me..
      (All suggestions for ETS 2)

    2. Yes even with AA at max i can se a line on the fences and road where the AA stops 5-10 meters in front of the truck, thats not much AA if you consider what it takes to run it at 400% + Mlaa

    3. I strongly agree with your fifth point. The objects just disappear and it's sort of distracting when driving

    4. Oh yes, rear view mirror, wish I could set to higher view distance for them, it does present a flaw in the immersion, as it were. Perhaps a setting, like the visible distance of light and that? (c:

  24. Absolutely stunning work on the engine optimization! The game now runs silky smooth everywhere...even on the Demo Centre! This makes me even more excited for ETS 2! You guys can be proud of yourself :)

  25. Respect... Amazing work you´ve done! I also cant wait for ETS 2 now - it will be loooong waiting...

    Just one detail from the game that realy surprised me: I was waiting by the road and nobody stoped for me, but than one truck came and stoped and blinked with lights to let me drive on the road... I was shocked by the performance of AI!! Realy nice...

    Hello from Slovenia!

    1. Here's another amazing detail: drive with high beam and sometimes other cars will flash their lights, letting you know that you're blinding them with your lights ;)

    2. I saw that too!
      it really felt "human"...

    3. Indeed, details like these are what makes it an experience. Fabulous! (c:

  26. YO check out www.ets2-mods.com ! News, videos and others stuff. Thanks!

  27. Great job on the multiple controller support!

  28. Does the ingame Antialiasing "Mlaa" work with a nvidia card????

    1. Yes it works but i suggest to deactivate the MLAA and use the FXAA from Nvidia Control Panel, is much better ;)

  29. Headlights should be brighter and clear because now they are too gray and foggy. When camera is straight infront the truck lights should be white and intense.

    Maybe someone could make a mod with better headlights?

    1. Yes! I think, that high beam headlights should definitely be more powerful than they are now. You should see a lot futher ahead with them.

    2. I think the problem yes, is with the high beams are to powerless, but on the otherhand, when playing STDS I noticed another problem, what should be corrected.

      You now these road border posts - the white ones. In reality, there are reflectors on them so if a light is pointed to this post from far away, they sort of glow. But the posts itselves become wisible later, when you move closer. In STDS I can't see any refection from these posts when headlights are pointing too them. They should start to glow lot earlyer and from longer distance!

      Somebody agrees?

  30. People please remember that the team working on Euro Truck Simulator 2, are not I repeat also working on Scania Truck Driving Simulator, SCS has stated this more than once, ETS2 will be released, when they have finished working on it, they also give information about the game than any other game developer does, they are working hard to try to complete the game as fast as possible, and have little time to do videos or screenshots or even write on their blog, they do what they can when they can

    SCS I am willing to wait no matter how long it takes for you to complete ETS2 and as I have it on pre-order it will arrive when it arrives, its that simple, I trust you will make the game as good as you can with as few bugs/glitches as possible

    1. They may not be actually working on it but they will certainly use any improvements/optimisations made to STDS for ETS2 .

      All information will be swapped between the two and used as necessary .

      ETS2 will have the same graphics and game engine as STDS

  31. One more. In tunels inside interior. In mirrors it's still evident sunlight and this is crazy. But it's my serial number STDS. So call me maybe ;) SCS rulez! Poland master of Poland :)

  32. Sound problem is fixed for me. Game runs smoother than GTS even on my old PC. Great job SCS! I will be buying STDS in the next day or so... It's a lot of fun, and will allow me to hone my driving skills before ETS2 :-)

  33. It would be good to have ability to turn off/on (with hotkey) the "automatic stering wheel center"...eg when the left/right key is released the wheel stays at the angle you turned it to,does not automatic return in center (then it would be more precisely and smoother passing thru sharp or long bends).

    Great job SCS and keep it up.

    1. I agree, in some situations the auto centering wheel is really annoying thing and it would be nice to have option to turn him off during the gameplay.

    2. Yeah really annoying that the steering acts like a real truck and self straightens .

  34. Feel free to use/print my map for STDS.
    You will find it in this link

  35. SCS I have great idea! ELECTRIC WINDOWS! When you look from outside windows are closed but you can immediately put your head out on 2nd camera. It would be awesome to open the window first! Only two buttons (up and down) and it would give us a lot of fun and make game more realistic. Notice the sound should be louder from outside when windows are open. It would be awesome to cruise with windows half way opened. Please make it happen!

    1. It's a nice idea to have electric windows!

      I support! +1

    2. Very nice idea!!

  36. I have a problem with 1.2.0 patch. I play for 2 minutes and then the game is quiting to the menu, i enter again in any category, free drive, dangerous drive, doesen`t matter, after 1-3 minutes the game quits into the menu. WHY?

    1. I solved the problem i hope. U uninstalled the game and installed it again, i deleted the save data too. I had 5000 points with the profile from 1.1.0, maybe that caused the game to quit to menu, i don`t know.

      I wanted to play the fosrt mission from dangerous drives and at 50 seconds the game quited to menu, now worked fine, i hope i wont encounter any more problems :|.

      BTW i saw a 10fps improvment, GJ SCS.


      Not solved.

      When i play at dangerous drive i have problems.

      I satrted all over gain, now at second mission at the end of it, just before that right turn the game quits into menu, WHY? Is this a bug, or i`m the only one having it?

    3. I have about 19000 points and have no problem with any version of the game.

    4. I installed 1.1.0 and runs ok, i installed again 1.2.0 and i have finished the driver licence and first mission on dangerous drive, i wanted to play the second one and at the end of it the game jumped into menu. :| I can`t explain why it does that it`s fucking anoying.

    5. I don`t have mods. 2 more friends have the same problem, it`s a patch problem. 1.1.0 runs perfect.

    6. Same problem here. Sometimes I can play for a whole five minutes before it quits to menu. 1.0.0, 1.1.0 I had no problems.

      Also why do scs not support 4:3 and 5:4 aspect ratio monitors ? Fed up with black lines above and below. Any chance of adding aspect ratio to the next patch, along with a fix to the quit to menu problem.

    7. Like S7efan said a little further up this blog:

      He has a pirated version :|. It works fine to me :), buy the game if you want to work the patch.

      I wonder if S7efan has a pirated version aswell. LOL

  37. How long STDS will be supported with patches? This game will be still improved with updates and new challenges? How many patches developers will provide? Before I buy this game I wanna know if it gonna last when ETS2 will be released.

    1. They said they where going to expand the free world too so they have to make at least 1 patch more

  38. STDS is now running smoother, but the range rover's rear lights and brake lights are lop-sided [one higher than the other] can this be fixed in the next patch?

  39. I must admit that after a long time since I support your work. I look forward to ETS2.

  40. I noticed that the tail lights are ON even when the lights and engine are OFF! This need to be fixed.

    1. It's because you use automatic gearbox. It means that the driver keeps his foot on the brake pedal when standing still.

    2. The engine is OFF, when the engine is off the tail lights shoud go off too.

    3. To S7efan

      NO . As in real trucks the lights operate seperately to the ignition . This is for safety reasons so that the lights can be left on in dark areas while the vehicle is stationary or parked if necessary

    4. You said "can be left" but I say I don't want to. When you leave truck on a parking for a week you don't leave your lights on, right? Truck is safe, all lights should be off.

    5. 'When you leave truck on a parking for a week you don't leave your lights on, right? Truck is safe, all lights should be off.'


    6. OK, just imagine like the driver put his foot on pedal all the time (automatic gearbox/simple gearbox), when stands still, and because of this tail lights are on. Stop lights glows when you press the brake pedal, regardless of whether the engine is running or not (magic, isn't it?).

      If you choose H-shifter mode - i bet you will be amazed.

    7. Truck driver in this game is always inside the cabin, behind the wheel, and this guy still pressing that darn pedal. So what's the problem?)

    8. I totally AGREE!!!

      Mitsos from Greece.

    9. The truck driver in this game does not leave the cab and go off for a week .
      I would be more annoyed if the lights did not come on rather than the fact when you are stopped they are still on .
      Has anyone actually tried stopping , turning off the engine and lights and applying the parking brake to see if they go off .
      Not that it is of any importance as there are a lot more important things for ScS to do than something as totally trivial as this

  41. Very frustrated.. it was nice to see the multiple controller support, until I discovered that all my pedal axis are reversed! Still undrivable for me then :(

    1. What kind of pedal HW do you have? The game configuration makes some assumptions on behavior of the pedal axes which did work for normal integrated pedals. You can manually change the configuration as described on http://www.scaniadrivergame.com/en/input_config.php#using_multiple_controllers

      That text is long so it might be easier to look at the existing configuration generated by the game (search for "mix aforward" and "mix abackward" in the configuration file controls.sii). From the default configuration it should be relatively easy to determine how to change the expressions to invert the axis for your case.

    2. Thanks for the response Kombat,

      I use G25 pedals with a Bodnar cable that makes them a standalone set. I also tried with my brothers custom built set of high end pedals. Neither of which have this problem in anything else we've tried them with.

      I've had a look through the config and found the bits you're referencing, and the lines referring to my pedals but I really don't have a clue what i'm supposed to change/edit etc.

    3. I do not know how the that cable reports the axes however you can try following variants (replace the existing double quoted string with the new one) to check which works better:

      For situation when the axis is returned as value from <0,1> range where 0 is not pressed and 1 is fully pressed:
      "mix aforward `normalize(j_throttle?0, c_throt_dz)`"
      "mix abackward `normalize(j_brake?0, c_brake_dz)`"

      For situation when the axis is returned as value from <-1,1> range with -1 not pressed and 1 fully pressed (this is inverse of what the G27 pedals do when connected trough the wheel):
      "mix aforward `normalize((j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5), c_throt_dz)`"
      "mix abackward `normalize((j_brake?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5), c_brake_dz)`"

  42. SCS Hello... Again, beautiful work ... I would like to make one question ... How do to set up a gearbox 24 with gears, for example. I could not understand how to change the command line "gears [0]: _nameless.1BDB.E138" ... I could not understand how to change it ... Whenever I change, the game back to the setting of 12 speed... Thank you ...


    André from Brazil..

    1. To use 24 gears you would have to do more than edit this file as it only maps between inputs (up to 16 positions, two toggles) and simulated gears. To add more gears you would also have to modify the vehicle definition file to add transmission ratios for all those gears.

      As for the editation of the gearbox.sii. You might want to compare the provided configuration of range-splitter gearbox with the range-only gearbox. The range-splitter adds additional blocks. Note that you need to back up your gearbox.sii before launching the game when experimenting with it because if the game detects a syntax error in that file, it will recreate it with default values as you already noticed.

    2. Thank you ... I'll try ...


      André from Brazil..

    3. Unfortunately I could not configure ... SCS, please, help me!!!!


      André from Brazil..

    4. Can you describe the setup you are trying to achieve in more detail?

    5. I'm trying to rebuild a transmission equal to the U.S. Eaton 18 and 13 speeds...


      André from Brazil..

  43. Please ETS2 skirts in the three-axle lorry!

    1. Yes! Should be included!


  44. Kombat, you're a lifesaver :) Thanks so much for your input.

    The solution for anyone else with the problem was the first solution:-

    For situation when the axis is returned as value from <0,1> range where 0 is not pressed and 1 is fully pressed:
    "mix aforward `normalize(j_throttle?0, c_throt_dz)`"
    "mix abackward `normalize(j_brake?0, c_brake_dz)`"

  45. Please add support for crossfire ;)
    it does not work with catalyst control center 12.6 and application profile 12.7cap1

  46. Playing in Lithuania language (Lietuviškai) some text are offensive. For example dangerous roads (Pavojngi keliai)

    1. Get to GetLocalization and fix it yourself, if you want to, translations aren't done by SCS. http://www.getlocalization.com/ScaniaTruck/

    2. May I ask how is it offensive?

    3. This how:

    4. Searched on geolocalization and found who did it

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. C'mon, mate, go change it yourself, write your translation, click on a green button and report that idiot. I'm not sure they would do anything to him, but that's the right thing to do. Wierd that that bulls*it is in the game, I mean someone should have noticed

    7. I see, they are doing something, that's good, but it won't be fixed in the game itself 'till the next patch.

    8. A new patch 1.2.1 is available. It should fix this issue.

  47. ruszcie sie z Euro Truck Simulator 2 a nie caly czas tylko ta Scania Truck

    1. Spokojnie - wydaje się, że to tak długo, a czas tak naprawdę przeleci nam wszystkim przez palce.

  48. First of all, to those without wheel, I use a Microsoft XBOX 360 for PC controller. The L1 and R1 buttons acts as axis, so they are perfect for acceleration, and the left analog is perfect for use as the wheel.

    Second, nobody is bothered by the speed tickets? When you pass from 90 to 50 and you are breaking, is still gets you a ticket if you are over 50. Maybe it could be used a system like 18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul, where you got a ticket only when a "cop" sees you. In STDS could be with "cameras" or a similar thing. Is not too realisting getting tickets every time you pass the speed limit.

    1. Do you think a ps3 controller will work too?

    2. Without a steering wheel you can steer with the mouse.

    3. Agree! If I want to drive 90km/h where the limit is 70, then i shouldn't get a ticket if it isn't a fotobox or cop that checks speed.
      Anyhow, in real trucks, it's a card or paper you need to put inside of the truck. SCS should also use this in the game!

    4. Anonymous n° 1, a ps3 controller for PC should only work for the wheel (or whatever use you want) with the analog stick. Unlike the XBOX controller, the ps3 type don't have L and R buttons as axis (ot at least, none of my ps3 type of controllers have this option, they only work as buttons)

    5. Kristian you mean the tachograph? Yes it detects your speed too but then you can only get a ticket when the police sees the print-ticket.

      Huenchunlao I'm totally following your opinion! I prefer the style of 18 WoS LongHaul too when the police sees you but in ETS2 they will have speed cameras and I believe I saw on in STDS too (not sure if it works) and I think only these 2 reasons are best to get a ticket. I think its super annoying too ..

    6. Yes it's ridiculous when you drive 90, pass 50 sign, and immediately got ticket even when you drive 55. It should give more margin for error, eg. 100m after sign to slow down and acceptable speed 100 when limit is 90 and 60 when 50.

    7. Yes, should be reworked!

    8. ok, some countries allow a 10km/h tolerance, but, come to mine and you will get your ticket 2m after the sign, if there is police around!
      they won't care about your lame excuse and will tell you that you did not drive cautiously enough! :))

    9. Well once you go past a signpost with a speed limit if you are over that limit you are speeding . All you need to go is look out for the signs and slow down before you reach them . Its not rocket science and its not as if there are a lot of different speed limits involved .

    10. I know how transit laws work. The thing is that is unrealistic to get a ticket for EVERY sign you pass over the limit even when you are braking, or EVERY time you pass the speed limit when you are driving on any road. Signs in the game can't be seen far away as in real life.

      In fact, even inside companies or construction roads you get tickets. You can call it reckless maybe, but not realistic, it's called simulator for something and knowing that a system worked fine in previous games from SCS Soft. why not ask for one here too?

    11. I agree, due to the fact it is hard to see the signs (that they even are there is the main issue) compared to real life. So either more lenient penalty system or perhaps some kind of discreet "zoom" or notice of upcoming speed limit?

  49. engine improvements are great
    i thit play the game on full option only first paremeter i used 200% now i use 400%
    shadows are now perfect and stil able to play the game like it should be

    there is only one thing i like to have see
    in the interior you can turn the camera outside
    i like to see the game can get a little bit further so i can see my left front bumper
    on the normal truck it is also possible

    so a little bit further is fine
    now i look to the outside a need to gamble where the bumper is

    some mirrors let me see i am to close to object but i am able to drive further
    when you now this you wil do this automatcily but mirrors in the interior may be a little bit more brighter so we can see it better

  50. one mods or option with a hands visible to the driver would be cool....
    in the external camera the driver is visible...keep the driver visible in the view cabine give more realistic...Sorry for my bad english...

    1. Do not be ridiculous,you asking too much.There are many other important things to do,and in real and serious simulations you can not see the hands on the wheel because it is unnecessary and only slows the game.In these types of games the most important is physics and not a fancy graphics and details.(negative example: Shift 2)

      ...no hard feelings

    2. lol ridiculous? I think that will be ridiculous ...
      Each one his opignion ... and then a serious simulation of the driver's hands are simulated ....
      rfactor is a reference simulation and they simulate the hands ....
      and then I said a mod or an option, not a mandatory thing for everyone ....
      ps: Each one's vision so the answers derogatory .... very little for me ...
      ... No hard feelings also.

    3. +1 from me too.

      I would not mind the option to show the hands on the wheel. Immersion, it is called. Like Test Drive Unlimited, for instance.

  51. For those in need of different screen resolutions, not offered by the game menu, there is a simple fix:
    Go to your "My Documents" folder and locate the game (SCANIA Truck...) folder. You will find a file called "config.cfg" which you can edit using Notepad.
    Locate the line starting with "uset r_mode" and enter your exact screen resolution, replacing the first two values, corresponding to horizontal x vertical. Note that this doesn't mean it will appear in the game menu.
    All modifications of the default settings using third party software, can lead to performance deterioration or even game crashes. Always create backups and only modify what you are certain of!

    1. What about aspect ratio? I play on 5:4 but have that stupid black stripes on both upper and down screen, and I can't properly see text on information pannel

    2. normally, you should get a full screen if you enter the correct values. the aspect ratio is the result you get when dividing the horizontal by the vertical values. so, if you have a 1280x1024, your ratio is 5:4. this means that the screen should be completely covered. if not, then there must be something wrong. maybe your screen resolution is not set to the native values of the monitor, or... I don't know.

    3. Game does not support 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratios. I have a 5:4 monitor and have the black line problem. I guess like most developers SCS design there games for widescreen. If they did support 4:3 and 5:4 aspect ratio the drivers mirror would not be so visible, maybe not even visible at all. Not that this would cause a problem as it is a simple press of a button to see the mirror now, or a slight move of the head if you have a trackerIR :) I do not hold out much hope of SCS supporting 4:3 and 5:4 ratios, so it is a case of getting used to the black lines or buying a windscreen monitor.

    4. Opps..typo. I meant widescreen monitor. windscreen monitor LMFAO.

    5. OK, I can't really check this until I get such a display, but, if I use windowed mode, I can obtain any aspect ratio, with no problems. I even set it to 1280x600, so the game obviously supports different values.

    6. Not for me it does not. Even in windowed mode I get the black lines. I guess you are running a widescreen monitor, because a couple of my friends have 5:4 monitors and they have the same problem. To get my monitor to display a full screen no black lines my resolutions have to be 1280x720 which then stretches the picture to fill the screen and as the native resolutions are 1280x1024. The screen is therefore being stretched by 304 pixels, which of course make the picture blurry.

      1280x720 is a native 16:9 aspect ratio (widescreen) so as I said in my last reply, SCS does not support different aspect ratios. Set resolutions to any widescreen aspect ratio (16:9) and the game displays full screen (stretched picture). Set resolutions to 4:3 – 5:4 aspect ratio and you get the black lines.

  52. !!!
    Please Ets2 in improving the control of three-axle trucks, STDS because it was very bad!

    1. There's no three-axle trucks in STDS. If you installed mod with one, you can't blame SCS for the way it works, since, I'm sure, it doesn't represent how it's gonna be it ETS.

  53. Can someone make a video with shifting gears with H-shifter and simulated range-splitter transmission?

    1. You can check video from the real truck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQHbvLiwUL0 The switch at the upper part of the lever corresponds to Toggle 1 and the bottom one corresponds to Toggle 2.

    2. Yeah, yeah, I know how it works in the real truck. I just wanted to see, how does it look in the game. Thanks anyway, i'll show that vid to my uncle, he loves stuff about Australia.

    3. Yeh .. that's a good idea.. I want to see how the clutch works in game.. does it lowers the RPM when the clutch is down no matter the gear.. Becouse I'm buying G27 next week, want to see if it worth it !

    4. ArmoredLKW: What? "Does it lowes the RPM when the clutch is down no matter what the gear" - Well, yes, if u press a clutch the rpm drops IF u let go of the throttle ^^

    5. Now that sounds perfect O,O.. lots of other games uses the clutch just to release and change gear without RPM drop.. nice .. tnx man, seems the G27'll worth buying ! :D

  54. Looking good, SCS, keep up the great work. Can barely wait for ETS2 but sure will!

  55. my key is not working now

    1. Just get a new crack and leave these rich idiots who actually buy a game, when they don't have to. Who wants to buy a game where your truck slides sideways driving 30 km/h? GO PIRATES

    2. it isnt sliding in this game, its you who is diog something wrong, and since when are you rich when you have 20 euros. you don't buy a game because you have to do it, you do it because you like the game IDIOT

    3. Truck is not sliding sideway, and you are a stupid. BUY THE GAME!!

  56. ETS 2 NEWSSS PLEASE SCS team.....

  57. I don't want news, I want them to be finish with ETS2 instead. I'll see all the new stuff in game.. Go make the game to the end now, instead of pleasing us.

  58. Would be great to see other trucks in ETS2.

  59. man I LOVE the job you have done with manual shifter. Especially Scania version with splitter! I wish you had authentic gearboxes in each car at euro truck simulator 2. For example Iveco manual you have to use clutch and there is 8 gears each with splitter and range changer between 1-4 and 5-8. Quess I may have to invest H-sifter now. How about Thrustmaster T500 with external H-sifter is it gonna work?

  60. , Hello SCS team
    my English is not so good but I wanted to write because of the mirror
    at gts ats and it is back to normal view declined it sucks when you turn back must always have you had with gts ats and better resolved

    the scania truck driving game is great thanks for this game

  61. www.trucksimulationmods.com

    Join Today!


  62. Just wanted to say thank you for the 1.2.1 patch, keep it up SCS.

  63. Can you *please* add an option where the steer gets set to neutral right once the arrow keys are released. I know this new steering is way more realistic, but I prefer the old, arcade-style steering like in GTS and ETS1. I really can't manage to control my truck, and I'm not enjoying the demo.

    1. Just put steering sensitivity about 80% ,and non- linearity 25%, and you will be fine.

    2. + I agree Anonymous

      SCS improve the keyboard steering!

    3. The keyboard steering is very very very good. Steering in GTS was very shity, in STDS is like you are having a wheel. Stop complaining about something that is right.

    4. Keyboard steering in STDS is on good way but it can be even better.Eg when the steering sensitivity is set to 0% the steering is quite smooth and accurate but the wheel is turning too slowly and is unable to pass through sharp bends.When the sensitivity is increased the wheel is rotate quickly but is rough and skips angle degrees,quite difficult to precisely control the truck.

      The wheel rotation must be equally smooth and precise regardless on steering sensitivity,without degree skipping.

    5. I say again

      I simply cannot understand why people don't steer with the mouse!! KEYS SUCKS!!

    6. How to control your truck is purely a user preference. I'm not asking SCS to *change* the steering controls, I'm asking them to *add an option* for arcade-style steering (similar to 99% of the driving games out there).

    7. "Just put steering sensitivity about 80% ,and non- linearity 25%, and you will be fine."

      Thanks. I set them both too 100% and it does steer a lot better. still prefer arcade-style steering, but this seems to be the closest it'll get until SCS adds an arcade-style steering option. (Please?)

  64. new news. Brawo

  65. Here is a mod that adds all the missing trailer definitions for AI and player for use in both the editor and in free drive, which brings the total number of trailer variants for AI to 139 and for the player to 141, all of which the AI trucks will use or will be spawned for the player to deliver around the map, which makes free-drive a more colourful and varied experience.

    http://webspace.ssesurf.co.uk/~m.todd/stds/STDS_all_missing_trailers_for_freedrive_and_editor_v1.1.zip (338kb)

    1. Thank you for this mod
      Great job ;)

  66. Congratulations ScS

    STDS has managed to put both myself and my friend off from bothering to get ETS2 . The frame rate and controls are atrocious and seeing as ETS2 is using the same game engine and controls neither of us will spend a single penny buying it .

    after the game freezing 5 times in an hour and crashing and once actually turning off the nvidea graphics drivers on a 6 month old gaming machine you really need to look at optimising it as it SUCKS

    1. Tbh i think your computer has severe problems. My computer is over 2yo and the game has NEVER freezed nor crashed for me.

  67. What is with the view not centreing back to the windscreen when you release the control to look out of the side window as you pull out of depots or companies . Having to then re centre the view is ridiculous . by that time the traffic is once again there and smashes into your truck or you pull out without seeing where you go .
    Also the steering straightening back up is way too slow no matter how much you adjust the settings

    Thirdly for those who want to play with an automatic gearbox like my son the brake why the need to press other buttons to select forward back and neutral .

    all these changes for me make the game worse

    1. Use "Simple" in the setting for the old style automatic gear box, no need for any other buttons then.

  68. I have everything in hd it traverses me well but I do not see the lighting ignite the lights of the truck and nothing does mas happen to someone?

  69. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    Hi Everybody

    ETS 2 Preorder this link. Check it please.

    I give preorder. Preorder Game release 8/31/2012 ;)

    Thanx SCS team :) I waiting ETS 2 :)



  70. Has anybody found all 50 Scania signs in Free Drive map?
    I still miss one and after more than 60 hours I begin to think it ain't there.

  71. Would someone please help me calculate here.
    I see that record in Scania DemoCenter is around 40.000 point.
    When I drive deleveries there, I make around 400pt/hour.
    Can it really be true that I need to drive over 100 hours to gain first position there?

  72. SCS Please show us 'Where is This place# ?'

    Like you did before, we want to see the pictures of the map.

  73. [url]http://www.try-phpbb.com/30x/viewforum.php?f=2[/url] my new forum check it out and register my forum is going to be an anti modern football forum

  74. I think there is something should be fixed before releasing ets2. You see in this picture http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7udaXVjKxf8/T-zAISiJm2I/AAAAAAAAA0Q/IjfiZjLvERA/s1600/04.jpg that the lights aren't good and the light beam not realistic at all, so please change them and your game will be better.

  75. There is one big problem, as you look in the mirrors, you don't see the shadow you have to see. There are no shadows in the mirrors, so please change that. Thank you.

    1. What do you want the shadow in the mirror? It just loads the game more. Everything should be done in moderation.

    2. No, i think he means that whne you look into the mirror you can`t see the light projected on the ground, when you look on the window(camera 2) you will see the lightning reflecting on the ground but when you look into the mirror it`s completly dark. This helps you out a lot when night.

      When is night i can`t see nothing in the right mirror, NOTHING, because there are no reflections in the mirrors, you can`t see the lights.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's European truck sim for god sake...

    2. You stupid.
      It's called EURO truck simulator, so shut up with your Volvo VN780. Do not disturb the developers.

    3. I dont like that Volvo, very ugly and with 'Merican style..

  78. New news in euro truck simulator 2 np. mercedes sound

  79. SCS would you have done in the Euro 2 has a slope and roads as a Renault Magnum on-board computer displays what percentage is the slope.
    It would be good.

  80. I did update to 1.2.1 version and when I press F2, the mirrors doesn't appears... why? I have Windows Vista.

    Thanks SCS Teams


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