Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Steam today!

We got word from Valve that finally, Euro Truck Simulator 2 should appear on Steam Store today. It has taken many more weeks than we hoped, but finally we have managed to push the game through the system and get it ready for release. Unless they bump into some last-minute show-stopping problem, this page should be on Steam tomorrow:

Product Keys (also known as CD-Keys) issued for ETS2 should allow for activating the game on Steam as well. No key-gen trickery will work though - this is a topic which will be addressed by the next non-Steam patch, too.

The first version of the game to appear on Steam will be equivalent to 1.2.5 which has been out there for a long time. We are working on several improvements and new features for the game, but they will only appear in the next update - When It's Done.