Thursday, February 7, 2013

Patch impact Fallout

After reading various reports of problems, we would like to give you some tips to work around problems with the patch versus moded games.

The patch changes a lot of things "under the hood" in physics code, but the result is that some properties (variables) were changed or removed. Any physics mods out there may now have values stored in them which can crash the game. If you are using a physics mod, switch this mod off, it can be done individually per-profile and per-mod - you just need to go to Profile Edit screen. Really, for any mod user, the Profile Edit screen is now important for you.

If you acted hastily and decided to nuke all mods just to make sure the game doesn't crash because of mods, you may in fact hurt yourself. As described above, for the time being switching off any physics mods is a good idea (until you obtain fixed mods from their authors). On the other hand, many cargo mods people are using have become embedded into their save game files, and their removal can be a source of a different type of crash. So you need to be selective about which mods you remove and which you don't - it may be the case that both removing none and removing all mods may be wrong, and you need to find the right mix.

It's not just physics and cargo mods, there are also problems related to sound mods, as the updated game has changed some stuff and added retarder sounds, if you sound mod is "masking out" our new sounds by an old sound bank, the game may crash when it cannot find expected sound effect.

If you are a Steam user using mods, the situation may be even more complicated - with mods embedded into save games and the game automatically updating to version 1.3, players may have been caught by surprise. The above suggestions should help, but in case you want to revert to previous version of the game on Steam, it is now possible, we have made the older version temporarily available through Steam, see for more info here:


  1. Some good advices, but how about the profile reset?? when launching the game, my profile show al my stats from before the patch. After actually starting the game / trying to continue driving it resets & clears all progress... any comments on this problem??

    1. This is side effect of the mod issue. The cargo mods cause the load of the save to fail so the game will try next older save and this repeats until it finds save which can be loaded (e.g. some created before addition of the problematic mod) or until there is none left in which case it shows the HQ selection screen.

  2. Sound noise motor for the steering-wheel in the booth Volvo
    The sound is not audible at all. This is not correct.
    Add motor sound in the cockpit Volvo !

    1. the ideal would be a bar to adjustment of cabin volume, such as to adjust the braking force.

  3. What about Linux? I hope you don't use "Valve's time".

  4. Have you in your plans to make maps for Greece ?

    Thanks. :)

  5. As a armedassult player there are nothing new whit some update vs mod problems, thanks for a greate update! Love the game and are wery happy whit the work and time u put in to it.

  6. Good work on the patch. Good explanation, that's why i don't like to use many mods, cause after big patches most of the mods become useless and everything can end up in starting a new game, witch of course is not that fun.

  7. I don't use any mods, lucky me.

    1. You are missing out 50% better game with mods.

    2. In my opinion, it is best to remove all mods before you install new patch and than put them all back. If you have a mod truck, you have to sell it and save the game, then remove the mod and install the patch. I had some problems, becouse i use MP IV Actros. I removed it, but then i had problem when i wanted to manage my drivers, the game crashed. I managed to solve my problems by adding an removing mods.

    3. He obviously doesn't miss out on the game crashing... ;)

  8. Just wondering if there could be a reduce/increase retarder slide, just like the normal brake-slide-thingy in the options menu...
    I'm not a truckdriver, but it seems that the truck is slowing down pretty fast, (maybe too fast?).

    Anyway, I love the patch, I really do, it fixed a lot and it made the game run better!

    What I also like is the fact that you take your time to explain stuff, something the bigger developpers should learn to do as well...

    1. The last sentence didn't sound very friendly I realized after re-reading it...
      Let me try again:
      What I also like is the fact that SCS explains what to do and what they are working on.

      Sounds better, doesn't it? Hehe.

  9. If i have to choose between mods and this patch, i choose MODS! Game is at least 5 time better than with or without this patch. Nowhere is written that using this patch is a MUST! Really new in this patch is retarder and trailer weight, but i can live without that, so i'm back to for now. This can wait a little.

  10. If I have automatic retarder turned ON, my game crashes.
    I have realistic physics 1.7 and few other mods. Could be conflicting. But I rather use mods than retarder. Crashes everytime I use brake with auto-retarder enabled.

    1. This is caused by mod which overrides the sounds and does not provide the retarder one.

  11. ¿me pueden pasar el codigo de activación por favor ?

    1. ¿En serio? Usted compra el juego, recibirá el código de activación.

    2. como queres que lo compre si acá no lo consigo , ya me averigüé todas la tiendas de vídeos juego para comprarlo y nadie lo tiene , por algo lo estoi pidiendo o compramelo vos y te lo pago ya!

  12. Alguém fala português? Eu amo este jogo, mas fiquei um pouco dececionado, pois não puseram Portugal no jogo...não entendo o porquê é "Euro" Truck :/ não vão lançar um patch com os países que faltam? Agradecia uma resposta da parte da empresa. Sff

    1. Pelo que se vai escrevendo aqui no blog, Portugal poderá vir a fazer parte do jogo num futuro update ou DLC, até porque Portugal já estava presente no anterior Euro Truck.
      Resta apenas aguardar que essas evoluções aconteçam, tudo é possivel mas sem qualquer data prevista para que tal aconteça.
      É continuar a acompanhar o jogo e a sua evolução...
      João Pereira

  13. Do I need to download/install/update manually? I have ETS2 on Origin.

  14. I longing to see maps-add on from whole Europe and US and maybe rest of the world too... How about the map-mods how good and secure are they?

  15. Map-mods usually require you to start a new game.
    All I've tested work but the russian map-mod makes it hard to see anything in world map, zooms out so far. Especially hard to pick up a freight job. But the map is fun to drive.

    1. Enter the fashion files-zzzzzzzzzz maps
      Other mods-delete and start a new profile.

  16. Não existe Portugal ou Espanha no jogo, não percebo porque não.

  17. There's still lot of people that have no idea how mods work in this game, and I'm not surprised. For those of us that have been around since 18WoS times, editing storage files to mix several mods, keeping them organized with a clean console log, etc., things are pretty clear, except with those mods that include more files than they should and you have to be carefully doing some cleaning here and there.

    Now I guess there's been a completely new wave of buyers, instead of just the usual SCS followers, which is good for SCS as company, but also a headache both for customers, and also for SCS. All this with the patch, pretty much shows that the current mod system is broken, and needs a strong know-how from the player.

    I'm sorry for the person that has to read this blog because this is the third time I state this, but I hope these last events (and unfortunatelly others to come in the future with DLCs, etc.) show that mods should not be a replacement for the base files, but an addition/modification to them.

    There wouldn't be broken physics if we weren't required to completely replace the physics.sii file, for instance.

    And please don't get the wrong idea with this post, I wish the best both to the team and ETS2. I enjoy the game and love it. It's just constructive criticism.

    In any case, my Steam wasn't patched yet, so as I don't have any trailer addons, but just replacements here and there for textures, etc. I guess I will try carefully uninstalling the mods and end up with a clean working savegame without them, and then patch.

    Thanks for the notes about caution.

    1. I'm not a moder myself, but I guess they have their reasons to do things the way that they do.
      Personally, I think there's nothing weird with the game crashing after update because of some mods that are installed. On the contrary, it is something that should be expected. Mod creators can't foresee the changes in the game that devs might do, hence mods aren't guaranteed to work after game updates. This is applicable to any game, not just ETS2.

      Minecraft is a good example with its huge modding community. If you want to enjoy currently installed mods on an updated client, make a backup of the game and/or saves first, in case something goes horribly wrong and only then update.

      As for physics mod, just update it to 1.7

    2. Well, I'm a modder, I love mods.
      But I think there are quite some "newbies" that try to modify the game and then blame SCS for screwing things up...

      So my advice is: think if you really are "good enough" to modify the game.
      And then if you do f*** up, blame yourself, search a solution, don't blame the developper, blame yourself.

      ETS2 is very simple to modify, I don't think it should be updated.
      Just copy-paste a file, that's it.
      This game is far from hard to mod.

    3. You raised some good points there. I don't consider myself to be a modder, but a couple of months ago I remember messing around with the day cycle, trying to make it more winter like, with more dark hours. As inexperienced as I am, I achieved the desired effect fairly fast.

    4. @byubka: The reason is they have this engine from long ago, which has been improved game after game, but the mod managing system is still pretty much the same one as years ago, when there was a small fan base, and everyone had to read docs and learn how to install things, often having to edit text files. This is something that many people doesn't want, or know how to do.

      I understand 100% compatibility can't be guaranteed. What I mean, expanding the example I put before, is that the game should not reload the whole physics.sii file. Instead, I should be able to change truck_mass variable, and my mod would only include that modification, without affecting anything else. This means that if a new update is released, my game still loads the base physics.sii file with all new variables, and then applies the only variable I modified: truck_mass. This could be applied to many other things. But instead, now if we have an old physics.sii file (must be complete file), game crashes because newly added variables are missing, or because it include removed variables not used anymore.

      @Anonymous: Maybe you misread my comment. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm saying that the mod management it's not what it should for a game that is trying to get to as many people as possible (Steam, lots of countries, etc.). I've been moding SCS games since 18Wos, and spent countless hours editing files, the map. So this is not flaming or whining, it's called constructive criticism, where I talk about something I think it could be improved, and I give ideas or suggestions as of how it could be done.

    5. regarding physics mod 1.7, the "NO" speed limit is not working. ( ).
      I saw the original updated "game_data.sii" & the "truck_speed_limit" line is missing.

      but in physics mod 1.7, that line is there & still I'm limited to 90Kmph only :(

      any help

      - regards,

    6. @Anonymous
      That's strange, it works for me. Maybe you're doing something wrong? It may be obvious, but double check if you actually downloaded the physics mod without limiter. What about the path, are you putting the unzipped .scs file into C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod?

      Thanks for explaining. Simply overriding additional variables to a file, as opposed to overriding a complete file definitively sounds more fail proof.

      The only problem I can see is that, say a variable that affects extra content is removed/renamed in a new update. It fails to load the mod, but the game loads just fine and you start the game unaware of that. Let's assume it's something obscure and/or not easily noticeable. The game loads and everything seems fine. You play, have fun. Then you save and exit the game without noticing that something is missing.
      I'm having trouble thinking of a good example. I guess in Minecraft that would be something that you built with modded blocks. In Fallout3 that would be a property mod that you bought (and where you kept all your equipment). In ETS2 that could be a garage that was bought on a map mod that works as an addon for the original map. So you start the game, you play it, then save it and leave it. But
      later on you realise the mod wasn't working the last time you played the game, but it's too late because you saved the game and you precious garage on a modded piece of map is lost forever, because there's nothing about it in the save game.

      Could the same thing occur with the current override complete file policy? I don't know, but it seems less likely, as whatever that is broken would prevent the game from loading in the first place.

      Now as I said, I'm not a modder, let alone a coder, so if there are some obvious flaws in my line of argument, please don't shout :)

  18. steam version... can't alt+tab out to desktop correctly.

  19. Katixa:

    Im new to SCS franchise but still, take for example the Russian map-mod. Those files are passwordprotected so you cant move files around.

    DjFIL: Happens to me too every now and then, pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL is the way I use, Start taskmanager. Then I get to desktop.

  20. Jak jak to tady čtu, tak jsem asi jediný člověk na světě komu to hraje bez problémů. Bude to tím, že jsem se časem naučil NEpoužívat žádné mody. A vůbec toho nelituji. Ano mám jeden mod a to je celá nová Scania od českého šikovného programátora - Vlasta, který v tom umí chodit a to je vše. Přechod na novou verzi 1.3.0 byl absolutně bez problému. Lidi neblázněte. Ta hra je fantastická sama o sobě.
    Každý má to co chce. Kdo chce moc, nemá nakonec nic.
    Jinak mám mapu na 100%, takže SCS - sem s Polskem, Slovenskem a Maďarském PROSÍM :D

    ENG (google trans...):

    How to read here, so I'm probably the only person in the world whom it plays without problems. It will be by the time I learned to not use any mods. And I do not regret it at all. Yes I have one mod and it's a whole new Scania from Czech clever programmer - Vlasta, who can walk in it and that's it. The transition to the new version 1.3.0 was absolutely no problem. Do not be silly people. The game is fantastic in itself.
    Everyone has what he wants. Who wants power, is ultimately nothing.
    Otherwise, I have a map to 100%, so SCS - here with Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary PLEASE :D

    1. If the game was fantastic without mods, there wouldn't be any. As simple as that. Nevertheless, mods for this game exist, which leads me to believe that it might not be so fantastic after all ;)

  21. The only problem I had after the update was the volvo 6x2 side skirt mod changing it back to valiant, so it took it out and everything is fine! Thanks for the update!

  22. While I'm very happy for the patch release it doesn't affect me at all since the linux version has not been released yet... I wouldn't mind some news just to know what is going on and how long we'll roughly have to wait.

    1. On the bright side, once the linux version is released, you won't have to suffer mod incompatibility issues and corrupted save files due to update, as some of us did.

  23. next update if you consider add the whole as in you can select any country you want to start in.Like Japan,America , China India. just my opinion

    1. The game is called Euro truck sim 2.
      Look at the word Euro then google what that word means.

  24. so what i have to do to restore my savegames??

  25. hello! can i have problems with stand alone trailers with the new patch?
    If i try to remove them the game crashes!
    Please let me know!
    HELP ME!!!

  26. and this is why I don't use mods

  27. Any news on double-trailer? You put when you working on it but ingame there is no double-trailer...What kind of company you are? why don't you answer to us!

    1. Calm down. Working on something means just that i.e. a work in progress. Also, would you rather let them waste time answering your comments or let them improve the game? In comparison to other game studios, they post in this blog fairly often and that's something not many studios do. There should be time to talk to the public and there should be time to develop. But as a game studio, they should focus on a latter.

  28. fking ruined my game thanks to the new patch all the mods i was using to actually make the game good now make it crash , well done scs u morons , i WONT be playing this half decent game any more

  29. I´m happy to have no mods. The standard game is really good enough and SCS did a good job, so mods are not really important. Only map expansions maybe, but SCS is already working hard on own expansions. The only thing that is really annoying me are the truck horns! Please SCS...change the horns! They should sound deep and loud!

    1. The horns are fine. Their sound isn't the problem. Their action(s) is (or the lack of it to be more precise). Because, when you press the button for it, the car in front should move, or at least try to make room for you, but it doesn't. Unfortunately, in ETS2, the horn function is only as a desing, not a game functionality.

  30. i think scs got jelous that the modders were doing a better job than them so thats y they screwed things for the mod users , im fking lv20 and now i cant play the fking game , any1 know how to remove the patch ?

  31. Thanks a lot for this crappy patch! There are some people that use mods you shouldn't have forgotten about those!
    Now i can't even play the game...

  32. Guys, stop bashing devs for braking mod compatibility. It just how it works. Wait a little bit for modders to release updates and be happy mother-truckers again :)

  33. I really don't get it...this is the first time i see a company taking time to help fixing bugs due to mods!!
    It's "use at your own risk" usually but here, they help and still...A lot of ungrateful buyers complain!
    I had mods too, i had crash but i took time to check what could be the problem(logic, physic as change, the physic mod was the culprit) and now, it's fixed!
    So get your hands out of your attention to advices and stop complaining!

    BTW, Thanks SCS, the patch is great (the cargo weight add on is awesome)... keep up the great work :)

  34. Hi all

    I installed the patch last night and the game crashed on starting. I then moved all of my mods and then added them back one at a time, on each occasion I started the game, updated my profile to use the mod and also loaded my saved game. If the saved game loaded successfully I then saved it again and moved onto reinstalling the next mod. If either failed to load I then moved the mod out of the Mod folder and into a new folder I'd created called Do Not Use.

    I only played for a short while after completing this exercise but found no problems with the game. I'm going to have a longer session shortly and will let you know if I run into any problems.

    1. It's nice to find another reasonable man here.

    2. Just a quick follow up, drove from Glasgow to Poznan with no problems. Am now on my way to France and again no problems, apart from my driving! I've also installed a new physics patch and that hasn't caused a problem.

  35. What happend to the skills? mine lock'd and can't klick on it, i have the new up date 1.3.1

  36. I have a problem is when I go back will not stand

    1. I have the same problem.
      But there is a lot af problems with this new patch.
      I really hope that they can do this better and fix it, because no matter what I´m trying the game crash all the time :-(

  37. Eu não tenho o jogo original ainda, vou comprar essa semana. Por isso eu baixe o Euro Truck 2 na versão 1.3.0 e quando eu vou para diminuir as opções graficas o meu jogo cai.
    O meu PC é um pouco lento então se eu jogar sem mexer nas opções o jogo trava muito.
    Será que é porque eu jogava na versão pirata? Eu estou com medo de comprar a cópia original e o jogo continuar a dar problemas. Então, será que isso vai se resolver com a cópia original?

  38. Well... I've updated my game to the latest patch and it crashes! When I run the game I get a shocky result (sound and graphics!). When I start driving the game is blocking, no chance to have a fluent gameplay! :S

    Please fix this ASAP! I just bought a new graphic card so it can't be due to that!

  39. Hello!
    I've got one question.. yesterday I've updated my ETS2 to newest patch. I drive Majestic Across with best engine and 6x4 wheels config. I've took the 25T cargo and my truck has just only got 30km/h. Is that a new feature connected with cargo weight or new anti pirate security? (I bought my game in online store)

    Sorry for my english ;)

  40. Hellow!
    We need a replay mod to see better the enviroment and other beutiful things we have in game. I want to see mi trip again but from diffrent angles.
    Try to implement this its fun.

  41. I have confirmed that with 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 all MAN trucks do not stop when they are in reverse. Up arrow, W, Down arrow, S, B braking and the parking brake do not stop the truck, only hitting objects does.

    The trucks will all backup and reverse indefinitely at 1 mph and you can only go into forward mode by either hitting something and stopping completely or saving and reloading, both of which are not ideal at all.

    Please, can someone please confirm this bug?


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