Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mainstream Game at Last

During the past 15 hours or so, Euro Truck Simulator 2 has appeared all over gaming news sites again. And it was mentioned in great company of other independent games - true "gamer's games" like Don't Starve, Prison Architect, or Chivalry. We are really proud that our game has been invited into the first batch of games for Humble Store launch!

But we have the ultimate proof for you that the truck sim games we all love so much are no longer a niche genre - getting covered by Dan Bull!


  1. yess ! SCS please add winter, to be more realistic.
    Cheers SCS

  2. Congratulations, SCS!
    Ha, there are moments when even old dog listening to rock music enjoys a rap song! :-D Great, great, funny, maybe it lacks some catchy chorus, but still, it's obvious it was made with love, and ETS2, and of course you, SCS, deserves that. So, congrats again, let's hope that Humble Store will be another great chance for students and all other people who must spend their money more wisely, but still, would love to buy your game.

  3. Nice!!!! Great coverage when such a game has a global pick-up.. Let it become the master of simulationgames, i'm in favour!

    Now i'm really not the kind of guy to be crying "i want this, i want that", but am i the only one who gets stuck on not having the possibility to hire more drivers.. i know the standard is 115 employees but hey, i'm expanding en with the first expansionpack bought and happily playing it, i want more drivers!!!!

    So could there be a possibility that in next updates and with the upcoming mapexpansions, that there also be a new batch of drivers t hire... now i'n stuck with half-empty or even empty garages... (not possible to sell eihter!!)

    Scs, please pick this up in your further devolpment.

    Yours truly,
    Iceman Trucking (World of Trucks)

    The Netherlands

    1. Hi, I thought that the last update included more workers. (at least different heads) So, this is already done, but you're right, more workers will be perfect.

    2. I don't really need more workers. The amount of cash you earn even with the 115 included drivers is already ridiculous. Instead of more drivers i would actually prefer to get some money sinks like mansions that i can buy or a real extendable headquarter or something like that.

  4. Great news, SCS! =)
    But please remain true to yourselves and don't become one of many "mainstream developers". I wish you all the very best!

    1. Didn't you read the interview Pavel did recently? SCS are being bought out by EA games in January 2014. Yeah I know, shit huh? Oh well...

    2. NOOOOOOOO IM NOT EVEN JOKING THIS IS HORRIBLE NEWS!! Everyone ready for Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator premium only $59.99 for all your dlc + another $60 for the game. Look at whats happened to Battlefield i would hate to see these trucking games ruined by EA

    3. Bought out by EA?!? Oh no Sir.. :(
      I hope is a "Sike, that's a wrong information."

    4. Yeah just messing with y'all. Posting as anonymous is too much fun sometimes!!

    5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mpqiq-FHDV4

    6. I'm the author of initial comment and I can only say: Wow, I did by far not expect so many replies! However, I don't quite like the sarcasm in some of them which caused me the vague feeling that some people think I've said something wrong. Was that really necessary? Disagreement can certainly be expressed differently. If it has to be expressed at all, which I think it mostly actually doesn't. But that's just my opinion, of course. Feel free to continue posting replies. And maybe I'll even read some of them...

    7. I am the author of the first reply to your initial comment. As far as I can tell no one has had any sort of dig at you or do any of the following replies indicate you had said something wrong. It would seem that most of the comments were directed at my trolling about EA Games. Don't take it personally mate. Some times people take things too seriously. Come on, lets hug and make up :)

    8. It's me again, the author of the initial comment. What I said in my reply was meant kind of sarcastically. Except when I let you know that I don't consider making fun of anyone posting comments here as the best habit. Unfortunately I haven't figured out yet how these new online-hugs work =( but if there ever was a dispute bringing about the necessity of making up, I'll not refuse you.
      Give me your hands, if we be friends,
      And Robin shall restore amends.
      By the way: My name is not "Robin" ;-)

  5. I don't want to be an ass, but will there ever be a time Mercedes-Benz trucks will be in the game?

    1. Don't ask SCS, ask Mercedes...

    2. I bet we owe the absence of this brand the arrogance and incompetence of Mercedes managers.

    3. Christopher? What up, Mucka? You're being an ass!

      Nah just messin. Would be nice to see it. But wouldn't hold your breath over it! Woop Woop, Poop Poop! Life of a trucka!

  6. What a nice song, It would feel great if this would have been for Scania truck driving simulator

  7. That video is awesome :D .

  8. Replies
    1. shut ur fail face pedo bear newb.

    2. I see only one fail here, and that is your attempt to be funny/clever. No one cares about what you have to say especially when all you have to say is verbal diarrhea. People like you crack me up. Arm chair warriors sat there with your anonymity feeling invincible. Truth of the matter is you wouldn't go around talking like that to someone in public for fear of a good smack, and had you been stupid enough to of said the above to my face you would be waking up with concussion my friend. Feel free to comment back or comment on every post I make. I will print it out and make good use of it as toilet paper. I will not waste anymore of my time replying to you. Good day to you.

    3. haha
      good response ;)

  9. nice fuckin rap song for this game scs..amazing job.keep goin dudes...

  10. Please add south europe kogel and euro 6 trucks

  11. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/193402/Staying_Legal_-_HGV_Driver.pdf Hello everybody I just thought that this link would be interesting to euro truck players and maybe even to SCS. If you click on this link you can see the driving hours in real life. It is similar as in game but it would be nice if it can be done so that all this rules from real life apply in the game. By the way I'm enjoying this game very much. I want Mercedes logo so much, it is my favorite truck. If Mercedes gives licence I would never ever play with other truck brands just Mercedes. So please Mercedes give licence to SCS, please. Greetings from bolus(World of Trucks).

    1. Sometimes, you have to be different..

      If it were to run as it does in real life, you'd be stopping every 4 and a half hours for a break, only doing 9 hours a day (10 on 2 days), and 90 hours per fortnight (averaged. 56 max per 1 week).

      A game is to be enjoyed, so these would limit the activity of many players.

    2. Kev Love I understand what you mean, but look it this way. You drive 4 and a half hours than you take a break 45 minutes. You can go out of the truck to eat, drink some non alcoholic drinks, read newspapers, use lap top, go to toilet, interact with other truck drivers and people who are on the break and after the break you can continue with the driving. SCS could put tachographs in the trucks so that we can see when to stop and we get a fine(penalty) if we drive more than 4 and a half hours. In real life truck drivers are paid by hour in Europe, so we can get paid by how many hours of driving we have on our tachograph. http://www.wageindicator.org/main/Wageindicatorfoundation/WageIndicatorgazette/2009/news-items/how-much-does-a-truck-driver-earn-may-27-2009. Of course there should be option in the game to disable all this for those who don't like it. SCS is the best gaming company in the world and if they can make all this things in a game they will be best gaming company in the whole fucking universe. :) bolus(World of Trucks)

    3. It's a DRIVING sim, not a read the newspaper and take a dump sim.

    4. John Haughey it isn't sleep simulator either but you have option to sleep. A simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated. The name of the game is not driving simulator, you don't just DRIVE in this game. Sleeping, repairing the truck, running the company that is not driving and there will be other options, because SCS is working hard on this game. I would like to have communication options like CB radio or a cell phone so we can talk to our employees and see them on the map. Communication with AI drivers and option to enter our company office. Option to meet other AI truckers in a bar and talk about business. I was a little gone too far with the toilet thing, You're right it's not take a dump sim. :) bolus(World of Trucks)

  12. With the current way it's being done, it is very hard to implement season changes.
    It can be done via a mod (and there are a few out there), but it's either on or off. Currently that's the only way, and it would take a LOT of changes to make it different.

  13. I understand, but MAYBE in ETS3 we will have fully realistic seasons, with all weather effects, including different types of rain, snow and wind+ice on the roads, moving branches, falling leaves, etc. and more realistic map pls.
    on the other hand, pls think and implement in actual game all is possibble to be more realistic, and to could captivate the player; more (types of) accesories to upgrade, even as a DLC: rims, tuned sideskirtes, other interiors, wheels with leather/furring...
    I already get bored of the game, it lacks in (so) many aspects. Volvo and Iveco are very cool detailed, but I wait for new Scania or MAN.

    and after patch 1.8 arrives, if U have time, make a comparision video between the first version of the game, and that one.

  14. I actually agree that this game we love.
    I just think there should be a little modification in it.
    Companies loading and unloading should not keep the gates open just to get up and go up anytime. Should be closed, and some command when it was loading and unloading time and have given to it.
    I think it would give more reality.

  15. really? RAP??? (Retards Attempting Poetry) with ETS2..or any trucking...just no... god... /vomit... -_-

    1. dat biased ignorant dude ^

    2. I'm guessing he is 12 years old. I was like this, when I was 12. :D Though not with trucking, but overall. He'll grow it out.

    3. Just ignore him, Uxot is hated everywhere he goes.

  16. ETS...is it possible to use Euro Truck Simulator key in ETS2..?


  18. Give that man a cookie, now.

    What a cool song! :D

  19. please add service stations out of city, many chassis, many more trailers and replay job... :D

  20. I have to ask... when might be seeing a little sneak peak of the two trucks you're working on guys?

    1. don't force your luck :)) we must live on & see.. i preffer blizzard style, once in a lifetime, but good ! first they focus on 1.8 patch, the reworked AI.

  21. Prepáčte,že offtopic, ale niesom si istý či je to bug či nie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTkh5Vijxqg - na tomto videu v čase od 04:37 do 04:39 prichádza chlap na benzinovú stanicu a zrazu sa tam zjaví AI. A toto mi presne robí aj v mojej hre od patchu 1.5 len stým rozdielom, že tieto AI vozidlá sa zničoho nič zjavia nielen v mestách ale napríklad aj pri predbiehaní na rovnej ceste - sa zrazu takto zjavilo oproti. Čiže neviem, či aj vašim beta testerom to robí, no mne to robí dosť často. Ak je to bug napravte to prosím, kazí mi to dojem z hry. A to nepoužívam žiadne módy!

    1. Jo to je normální a dělá to i na těch nejlepších strojích. Je to pravděpodobně vlastnost enginu protože se takhle AI auta oběvovaly už i ve starších dílech od SCS.

  22. It is good to see, how on of your favorite games growing, but i think that the process will be quicker when SCS will start to use many of products and ideas of great moderers. Games have another life in the internet and in the hands of fans the game evoluate. Sorry for my english

  23. Чем снимать пустое видео лутьше переделали поведение трафика (ужас)и разметку дороги в крутых поворотах прерывистая должна сплошная ,ещё раз утверждаюсь что игру делают дилетанты .

    1. Самое главное это повндения тягоча Физику лучше реалистичнее сделали и фур на стоянке побольше.

  24. разнообразия в дорожные условия, просто тумана без дождя так и не увидел. также в растительности какие-нибудь существенные отличия, особенно если выйдут в дополнениях южные регионы( Италия, юг Франции, Испания,Балканы), и противоположная им Скандинавия. также хочется увидеть в траффике различный спецтранспорт: полицию, дорожную технику, скорую помощь. хочется разнообразия в перевозимых грузах, побольше крупногабаритов, перевозка животных и прочее (моды не хочу рассматривать).а также поскорее новые территории, хотелось бы сначала южное направление

    1. Многое из выше перечисленного постепенно появится в игре, прочтите интервью с директором SCS Pavel Sebor

    2. Simonov согласен да все ФУРЫ НАДО ПРИДЕЛАТЬ а то сделали krone и schmitz и все а остальные прицепы это не прицепы а черти шт о полный бред!!! где SCS нашли или придумали такие прицепы что трудно посмотреть в окно или за лесть в интернет!!! я купил игру что бы было качество а не бред!!!

    3. Когда игра только вышла (2012 году) то мне вообще многое не понравилось, т.к до симулятора ей оочень далако и она быстро надоела, НО... лучшей игры в этом жанре просто не существует, и спустя время благодаря патчам и ДЛС, игра стала намного интереснее и разнообразнее ) добавили 2 грузовика+расширили карту+ исправили и добавили многое, за это разработчикам ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо ! Скоро выйдет патч переработанный АИ трафик+физика грузовиков. Ещё обещают добавить полицию, пожарные, скорые и т.д, так-же вроде графику улучшат, пару грузовиков добавят ! Ждёмс :)

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yatg89gi0nM



  26. incredible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Wicked wicked, jungle is massive
      Wicked wicked, INCREDIBLE!!!

  27. So, who's lying?
    Humblebundle store says that ETS 2 is available for Linux.
    For almost a year you didn't say a word about Linux.
    So, is it or is it not available?

  28. I have a request for your next blog update.

    Please, please, please put to bed the rumours of multiplayer (in the sense of being able to see other players on the road in your game.)

    There's so many people on Facebook groups saying it's coming this year that it's really starting to tick me off.

    1. They have been put to bed numerous times... Pavel even stated it with his interview with DaSquirrelsNuts.

      There is no current development on true multiplayer. It will be a massive undertaking and they don't have the resources right now, and also they have other games in development.
      It will be really hard to develop and implement correctly for a relatively small games company.
      It will also take a large amount of money to do. Will the investment really be worth the end result? I doubt it. It will end up like GTA after a couple of weeks, where everyone is just crashing around, ruining it for the real gamer.

  29. Congratulations to SCS. This is a wonderful game and do not intend to stop playing.
    I have some ideas for the game, such as radio communications with the other drivers of your garage, and puncture holes in the road.
    They are only my ideas.
    Thank you.
                                                                           BRUNO SOUSA

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. communications like my trucks broken down and he thinks its a write off so he needs a new truck that should be a email i think after 80.000 miles trucks should slowly start to brake down

      the email system should be used more

    3. Good ideas Bruno. I would like radio communications in this game. bolus(World of Trucks)

  30. Some news on the new expansion or date of patch 1.8.0 SCS?

  31. Our team had gone to rest on Cyprus "where we plan to celebrate Christmas," and we will not be able to release a patch 1.8.0! We ask the fans to understand and forgive us! Viktor Avdejev. SCS

    1. Not will there be any patch before the end of 2013?

    2. Christmas !!!! What you are talking about, Christmas in November ? You must be kiding ? Get back to work !!! You wrote some time ago about beta tests of new patch and now you are going on vacation ? We are waiting for patch ... and the good patch with glorious changes and go celebrate, even on Cyprus !!!

    3. Relax, guys. The real Viktor would have a special icon next to his name as all SCS team members have and he also wouldn't talk such BS. That's just a sad little troll seeking attention. Throw him a cookie and move on to the next cage ;)

    4. Trolling is fine when its funny!

  32. I would ask if you can win the game 8.1 compatibility in the next update thanks

  33. http://scania.com/media/calendar/2013/a-complete-euro-6-range/A%20complete%20Euro%206%20range.aspx

  34. I would like to recomend a game for you :

    Keep it up SCS!

  35. Hi SCS

    On the World of Trucks site are we allowed to see some pictures of the game.
    There are over 6000 photos, but we can't simpely go to the 3000th photo (or you sit 5 hours behind your computer). We can't either search for a name. We only can go to the next page, or 2. We also can't name the photo. If you can add this, would it be great. My photos are 1/2/3 times watched, but nobody can watch the photos now, becouse they are in the middle of 6000 photos wich every day become more and more.
    I hope you can add this.

    1. It's in the very first alpha stage. Be patient and there will be additions.

  36. we want Scania euro 6 in game, plss so much

  37. we wants south-west France, south Italy, and Spain!

  38. Чувак, это репчик...

  39. SCS software, You really need to make possibility of setting up sitting position in trucks. Settings like positioning of steering wheel and drivers seat. Because (and I am surely not the only one) I really like MAN TGX, but seating position in that truck is catastrophic (MB actros is not better either), and I dont drive it just because of that. I can not afford steering wheel like Logitech G25 or G27, but I see that this game shows full potential with this devices, and position of view in trucks is made according to that gameplay feeling. And for us/me who play just with keyboard and mouse, POV in trucks needs some sort of settings menu so we/I could make our/me driving more comfortable.

    1. yep, you can change camera position yourself but it requires a lot of trial and error editiing 3 co-ordinate positions (left-right, up-down, front-back)

      Why not add a simple in-game feature to adjust camera (similar to the mirror adjustment). Some arrows to click to increase/decrease these 3 values whilst viewing the camera changes would take the guesswork out of it.

      As it is, you have to edit camera files, start game, check camera location.. adjust respective values (guesswork) and try again until you get the camera in the right spot.

      The fact is you can change camera position already but take a few moments to allow adjstment from inside the game so we can actually SEE the changes without having to keep restarting game to adjust.

      The fact some options like this have not been added to the multitude of patches we've had is mind boggling considering some of the other additions we've gotten over little things like this which would stop people having to waste so mch time to adjust seating position!

      You want people to be spending time having FUN with this game not getting annoyed at the tedious nature of HOW some things have to be adjusted.

    2. Yeah, Im amazed that SCS hasn't implemented this MONTHS ago.

      Driving the MAN is just... Annoying because of the camera position.

    3. No, they must find a way to make possibility of changing steering wheel position (up, down, forward, backward) like on real truck, because if I change POV (camera), the steering wheel will be in bad position/angle according to driver, and I can not see all instrument clusters on the dash. If Pavel reading this, I just want to say that game is the best driving simulator I have ever drove on PC, but it really needs that sort of improvements to make it more realistic and more fun. And AI is bad, but that is other story... I would like to see this in upcoming patch, or the next after this one. :D

  40. Please continued Going EAST :)

    1. We develop our game world in the direction of south, in particular: France, Spain, Italy, Balcans, Monaco

  41. I forbid you to it! We go just to the east. Victor you're fired :D

  42. Trolls, Trolls everywhere.

    1. you have a problem with a sense of humor!

    2. Look, another troll!

  43. Usually I hear Heavy Metal or sometimes also Country. Rap and Hip Hop is absolutely not my thing.
    But the video with this song is about the limit. Ingeniously made ​​a big thumbs up

  44. hi, good job scs keep going.
    please make sideskirt for the three axel trucks or what the name is.
    well done!

  45. SCS, добавьте пожалуйста для разнообразия на новых территориях в игре загрузку на удаленных от городов базах ( например лесопилках, фермах где-нибудь в лесу или горах, аэропортах, загрузку контейнеров в морских портах, может на каких-нибудь крупных объектах, как например, реализовали завод Scania в "mod Scandinavia") хотя надо сказать, что в этом моде Скандинавии мне не очень понравилась, по моему мнению они несколько намудрили с городами, особенно со старинными домами, которые как клоны заполняют весь город, и похожи на коробки от дешевых гостинцев на новый год. Надеюсь ваш вариант Скандинавии и других стран будет радовать ваших поклонников!

  46. ETS2 is a true "gamer's game"

  47. SCS, do please new Kamaz 5490 ! ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuJAxfM_kRU

    1. http://www.russiasupplychain.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/5490_dmec_16784.jpg

    2. какой камаз??? это Европа, оставьте свои глупые предложения для мододелов, на этом форуме только конструктивные и серьезные предложения

    3. Вообще то часть России относится к Европе, и Набережные Челны где производят камазы в том числе .

    4. вообще-то географии учить меня здесь не надо, давайте ЗИЛ ТАТРУ и еще десяток, другой брендов попросим сделать, еще забыли про МАЗ от Белоруссии, она ведь ближе к Европе, и еще много всякого хлама есть на свете, который почти не отличается от КАМАЗА. Как я понимаю, Россию разработчики не собираются включать в карту(думаю для нашей Страны нужна отдельная часть игры, с ней карта будет чрезмерно громоздкой да и условия которые в игре принципиально противоположны нашим).

  48. hello ... apply to Euro Truck Simulator 2 ... The contracted drivers and their trucks can be seen on the road ... and behave different from the original traffic plis ... thanks

  49. Hello SCS. I model cars in the program 3D MAX. I can help than that, then let me know, perhaps modeled car for AI traffic. I prefer to do 60-s 90-s years old cars. Can simulate and you already adapting themselves under the game. Ready to do it for free :)

    1. don't talk, just do it and realease the mod,
      but you will need zmod3...

  50. American Truck Simulator update please since some of your publishers have put an early 2014 release date up!

  51. https://twitter.com/SCSsoftware/status/403829010150735872/photo/1 Well SCS DAF XF 106, I guess? :) It is beautiful, not beautiful as Mercedes but I like it. I would like to drive it in game. The more the better. bolus(World of Truck)


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