Monday, July 28, 2014

1.11 Is Available Now

Finally the time has come - Euro Truck Simulator 2 update 1.11 is now officially out on Steam. We are now preparing 1.11 builds for retail game versions, give us a day or two to prepare it all and upload to mirror servers.

It has been quite a long beta period, but we have managed to address a lot of issues thanks to community feedback. If you are interested what had been done during beta, here is a series of patch logs of beta builds fixes.

We have covered items in the 1.11 update over the last several blog posts and even have shown here on the blog a promo trailer with the new cities included in the update. But in case you have missed it:

Let us shortly recap the major items that are included in ETS2 1.11 update, as it touched pretty much every aspect of the game: physics, AI, simulation, and gameplay refinements:
  • 3 new cities: Venice, Graz, and Klagenfurt with a lot of new kilometers to explore
  • Seat Adjustment feature
  • Several months of tweaks of car AI code
  • Re-designed radio player for with additional sorting and filtering options
  • New Cruise control features
  • Displaying current road speed limit in Route Advisor (disable, or switch car or truck specific limits in options)
  • Complete UI facelift 
  • Support for sway bar simulation
  • Refined the truck suspension for more control over truck and trailer stability
  • Recalculated the center of gravity of each cargo (more individual behavior of the whole rig)
  • Controls to adjust trailer stability in options
  • Improve collisions of player's truck and AI vehicles
  • Re-created all scratch and crash sounds in the game
  • Equalized the sound volume of in-cabin engine sounds and external engine sounds for all trucks
  • More realistic timing for the air brake sound
  • Retarder indicator is lit during automatic retarder usage
  • Ability to sell a garage 
  • Ability to relocate your headquarters to another city
If you wish to read the full list of changes for the 1.11 update, you can do it here.