Friday, February 20, 2015

Corporate Cooperation

Our effort to secure official licenses of trucks to put into our games continues, now our focus is on Northern America. Courting the truck manufacturers - getting their attention and reaching the decision makers - is really not easy at all for a small company like SCS Software coming from outside of the transportation industry. The licensing negotiations in some cases take years to complete, and sometimes we are asked to prove that we are really taking this seriously.

Here is a little photo report we have just received from our friends at Kenworth/PACCAR. We have created a special demo based off an alpha build of American Truck Simulator for their corporate event, and they also tried to bounce it off the public to see the reaction. We are very excited to hear that both the company executives and the visitors of a science fair really liked the demo!

One more important step to give you fully licensed trucks in our American Truck Simulator...


  1. Why don't SCS release a beta of ATS on Steam??

    1. probably because it's still on alpha stage

  2. Why don't SCS release a beta of ATS on Steam??

    1. I don't think SCS wants to release unfinished product :). Let SCS be SCS not another company that leaves their product in "Early access" stage ;).

    2. No i dont care if its early access i would even pay 60$ to play the current alpha

  3. I know right please release a beta scs

  4. Why don't SCS release a beta of ATS on Steam? Please !!!

  5. Why don't SCS release a beta of ATS on Steam? Please !!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. can we try a beta version of american truck on steam (and play on mac please!!!)

  8. I don't get why are you wrote this post. You want to prepare us that maybe you won't have those license or you will be launching ATS for some years? If you don't get it, that's ok. This is only bonus. You don't have to worry. The modders will do that for you. But if this's an excuse to drag on forever launching ATS, that's really bad.

    1. Of course they need an excuse to drag on forever and make no money from the game because they don't need the money and work for free.

    2. If would think a little bit, you would notice that the licence is not for free. Don't you see that it's profitable for SCS to have the licence? It's great advertising for trucks companies to have their brands in the game. Otherwise the boss of SCS not bothered to the States by him selves. It could be settled by emails, phones etc.

    3. You really have no idea what you are talking about.

      SCS are not intentionally delaying the game. The longer they spend developing the game the more its costing them. They want the game released as fast as possible so that they can gain some profit from the game. Also it is not as simple as you think to gain confidence in vehicle manufacturers so that they will give the licence to include their vehicles in the game.

      I have no doubt SCS will release the game without the Licences and slightly modified no name vehicles until such time they gain confidence in the manufacturer to put the proper vehicles in the game.

    4. I respect your opinion, and may you that you have a right and not me. We all want to ATS was quickly released, it's obvious. For a long time, however, I live in this world to believe that it is all for the idea. The creation of the demo, a trip to the US, just to put someone else's logo in the game for free? I used to work in the company as a marketer and I know how the world works. If the US truck manufacturers do not have to pay for it, why should they not agree to this? After all, this free advertising. If the SCS will play without looking at the logo, it will be very good news for us all.

    5. Why should this be advertising? I think at least 99 per cent of the gamers will never buy a truck of one of these companies.

    6. You think so? A large part of the players are young people. It is likely that some of them will be in the future, truck drivers through this game. I do not think you realize the power of advertising. If we assume that one of the players will be a truck driver and likes to drive in the game Volvo in the future can buy the truck. You wrote that 99% of players will not be truck drivers. Agree. According to Wikpedia game ETS2 has bought 500,000 people ( So one percent is 5,000 people. Do you think this is not worth of advertising?

    7. Maybe SCS should hire you to get the licences then , because you seem to think you can do better than them and you seem to think you know better than SCS when it comes to getting the licences.

    8. First, you said that it did not know what I'm talking about, and now you want to hide my comments? Why? I thought that here you can freely express themselves. Do not offend anyone, I write about things that are obvious and data that can be found on the internet. Strange.

    9. I don't have the ability to hide your comments

    10. I'm a truck driver and I play ETS2...

    11. This conversation is getting pointless. From the beginning I'm trying to mobilize SCS to complete projects as soon as possible. I see that some of you are trying something completely opposite. Think before you write something.

  9. Very cool, but if the game is in alpha stage, certainly will release or at the end of this year or only next year ....

  10. I think that most of the players agree that it's not a problem for us not to have all the brand names at the release of the game.
    Please SCS, think about ETS2. There were only one at the release. Not an issue at all. We don't care waiting for it AFTER the release.

  11. Wouldn't it be cool if the screen below the steering wheel was without a steering wheel when such is used?

    1. It might work with that setup, but I have a g27 hooked to ets2 and it just wouldn't look right with the way the seat Is. The wheel on the screen is actually a more realistic distance away with the g27 seat then where the wheel is in reality. It's hard to explain, but it would just feel weird.

  12. Looks really good SCS, What's the steering wheel you're using?

    1. It looks like a custom wheel made by kenworth. The seat hs a kenworth logo on it, and the wheel looks like the traditional wooden style wheel in older kenworth models. As for the functional part, it's probably a g27.

    2. Know your wheels...:

  13. Great news...
    But more importantly, where can i get that setup? Looks awesome for playing any kind of simulator.

  14. SCS Good job! :D Visit my WoTS profile :) ~

  15. The waiting is awful, but I know the game will be amazing, so I'm ok with It. I've been waiting for scs to make a decent american truck sim since 18wos. And the pics and vids I've seen look great so far.

    As much as I hate waiting, please please please do not cut corners and release a pile of junk just to make a quick release date. Make the game as perfect, if not better, as ets2 and us loyal fans will gladly wait.

  16. february 20th 2015 was set as an initial release date for ATS, I believe that the game, if scs wants all truck licenses, will be release late 2018, maybe, or in just a few more weeks

    1. Than why would they say February 20th?

    2. SCS never mentioned that the game would be release on February 20th 2015 (meaning today). There is no release date for ATS.

    3. I believe it was just some one who wrote a blog on Gamespot or something speculating a possible release date.

    4. "Any release date you see published on the Internet is pure speculation coming from distributors or merchants."

      There is no release date for ATS.

  17. Some things that I would love to see in ATS:

    1. Remember in 18 WOS Across America there were emergency vehicles driving around such as police cars and ambulances with their lights and sirens on? That would be cool in ATS.

    2. Remember in 18 WOS PTTM when you can across a friendly driver employed by you and they honked their horns? I would like that, just not every 5 seconds like it was.

    3. Sometimes on the highway when you overtake another truck, they will flash their lights to let
    you know you have enough room to clear their vehicle. This is a small feature but would mean the world to me, having some feeling that the other trucks aren't just AI driving around pointlessly.

    4. Seeing the AI drivers actually drive into the depot and drop off their trailer, or disappear like they did in 18 WOS Across America.

    5. For the love of god bring back some kind a CB Radio interaction with the drivers. It could get repetitive sometimes, but I would rather have that than nothing at all. I wouldn't even mind if you just added the old one back from 18 WOS Across America and Petal to the Metal.

    6. Busses, I remember someone in one of your video's talking about how there might be an option to drive a coach along a route instead of a truck, delivering passengers and not goods. That to me sounded amazing. I also saw in one of your pictures a school bus that was driving down the highway. I would so enjoy driving a school bus on a route, I wouldn't even mind if all the houses looked the same and the stops were generic. If the lights work and the stop sign comes out, like what should have been in Bus Driver, that would make my day.

    I'm sure this list could go on and on, but I think these few features would make the game so much better than what it already will be. I am excited for the release of this game and wish you all at SCS Software the best of luck developing it. See you on the flipside.

  18. COME ON! You said American Truck Simulator will be released on February 20th 2015! Release it on Steam! Im tire of waiting!

  19. Sorry i got a little upset. some idiot hacked my google account. Keep up the good work SCS . the game looks realy good

  20. Cool. Can't wait for ATS. But what I was asking me is how it is possible to set this up for ETS2 while waiting for ATS. A monitor just for the steering wheel? Cool but how do realise that?

  21. ....really?? what about a special alpha demo for us who couldnt be at their event??? very unfair honestly..because of this people who live close to kenworth got to play ATS before the main fanbase... :(

  22. scs is this true that american truck simulator is release on 2/20/2015 is all ready on we are tire of waiting

  23. when is the next up date coming out and will there ever be anymore trucks

  24. That's great news SCS. Good luck on getting the licensing from the rest. ;)

  25. Now your publisher (Excalibur-Publishing) says release day is August 10th, 2015? D:

    1. "Any release date you see published on the Internet is pure speculation coming from distributors or merchants."

      There is no release date for ATS.

  26. The U.S. truck manufacturers would be foolish to pass on this chance to market their brand. Your work on this project is simply stunning! From what we've seen so far the level of realism is staggering. Those that make the decisions about these matters should not hesitate in giving you the licence to use their vehicles.

  27. wow great work!! im sure these company's will also love to see there trucks in a great truck simulator and could also learn from it.i can't wait to play this.looking forward to it😃

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi,

    I am rather surprised by this comment.

    "Courting the truck manufacturers - getting their attention and reaching the decision makers - is really not easy at all for a small company like SCS Software coming from outside of the transportation industry."

    It seems to me the answer is staring you in the face. Take a rig, or more than one, similar to the one used by Kenworth to the biggest truck show in America. Provide access to everybody for free or for a nominal charge which goes to charity.

    Explain to everybody what you are trying to do, i.e. get permission to use models of real trucks in the game.

    This would simultaneously, raise the profile of the ETS and ATS and put you much closer to all the movers and shakers of the American Truck industry. I believe the likelihood of an introduction to the decision makers would be vastly increased.

    There are difficulties, the cost and inconvienience of building the rig and moving everything to the States, immediately spring to mind.

    All I have to say is that you have to 'speculate to accumulate'!

  30. just visited the excalibur ATS website and release date is set for August 10, 2015, and it seems that the only state available for this game will be the state of California, so it should be renames as California Truck Simulator, that is what I saw, but let us remember that the US is far bigger than Europe

    1. Please remember that SCS shown us Las Vegas and this city is in Nevada state.

    2. Remind me the whole company name of Excalibur. They are just publisher, don't believe them about a release date.

    3. They're starting with California, then they will continue with the rest of the country.

    4. "Any release date you see published on the Internet is pure speculation coming from distributors or merchants."

      There is no release date for ATS.

  31. I hope the huge 9W9 sleeper will also come again :D

  32. SCS we want USA Mexico Canada and double trailers to

    1. USA? No! Mexico? No! Canada? No! Double trailer? No!

  33. Seeing as ETS2 released with Majestic (Mercedes), Valiant (Volvo), and DAV (DAF), I'm not concerned about licenses delaying the game. I think it might be interesting to play with Pedrobilt, Canworth, Mick, Freightshaker, and Eastern Star trucks.

    1. And while I would love to see damage, I understand that some manufacturers are likely not to agree to it.

      It would be great to also see some real shipping companies without modding. Sysco foods, Walmart, Xtra, FedEx, UPS, etc.

    2. And while I would love to see damage, I understand that some manufacturers are likely not to agree to it.

      It would be great to also see some real shipping companies without modding. Sysco foods, Walmart, Xtra, FedEx, UPS, etc.

    3. SCS has said previously that they dont plan to release the game with unlicensed trucks.
      "We don't want to release even the initial version of the game with unlicensed vehicles."

    4. You are right! So everything is clear now. So it can "takes years to complete" :-/

    5. Nobody in America cares about you idiot!!!

    6. The dlc is coming out at the end of this year. They are not going to put both games out at the same time. We won't see American truck simulator till early 2017 they have to wait on Lic. and testing we are looking at another year and a half at least.

    7. By the way you really should learn how to spell. It's nobody not noboy.

    8. Maybe if you had spent more time in school instead of humping the Neighbours cat you would have learned something.

    9. Patrick Kuhns you replied to the wrong post :D

  34. noboy in Europe gives a fuck about american simulators or about america...Quit stalling SCS and deliver the promised DLC ! Do you hear me bitch ?

  35. Old fart here.... ex OTR driver ''bring it on!!

  36. I went on steam and searched ATS and its not there.i went on google amd typed ATS release date and it said it will be released on August 10th 2015 but it said it was gonna be released in February 20th. should i have to go to amazon or Ebay if i want American Truck Simulator now? Come on ! Just put a pre order of ATS on steam! I DONT WANT TO WAIT ANY LONGER!

    1. It is pointless to pre-order ATS. There is no release date.
      "Any release date you see published on the Internet is pure speculation coming from distributors or merchants."

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. You should license Mjestic (Mercedes-Benz) in ETS2 too


  39. And is the 5th time I say
    You should make a DLC to add Portugal, Spain, South and west of France and the South Italy

  40. BTW I'm portuguese and I would like to have my country in one of my favourite games

    1. I know
      I can download mods but isn't the same thing

    2. Why mods?! @ fredde 1409 That's nowhere near as good as properly made by scs...I totally agree with Pedro martins... And I think almost everybody here wants Iberia as next dlc...

  41. release date ATS? release date Scandinavia add-on?

    1. There is no release date.

      "Any release date you see published on the Internet is pure speculation coming from distributors or merchants."

  42. how to do like that? but in 2 screens, that what i have

  43. SCS we don't want the same ETS 2 arcade game engine for American truck simulator and we don't want the to games to meet and we want double trailers tooooooooo

  44. SCS Software

    SCS really this game American Truck simulator totally modern and different from other games as building the new graphics engine 10 times ETS 2 new trailers Bitrens etc. So SCS my opinion this game has no definitive release date can be 2020s or 2030.

  45. Please make the Kenworth T800 it`s my favourite truck of all time and a genuine game version would make a large portion of the community interested in all typres of haulage very happy.

  46. Please make the Kenworth T800 it`s my favourite truck of all time and a genuine game version would make a large portion of the community interested in all typres of haulage very happy.

  47. You guys got to get Freighliner esspecially the Centry. Or International trucks.

  48. Is ATS map just going be USA or the rest of North America also? and is it going be on the Mac or just the PC?


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