Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Scania Truck Driver Simulator now online

The big moment is here, we are launching the digital edition of the game today, along with the official web site at!

Scania Truck Driver Simulator The Game has appeared on store shelves in Poland this week already, ahead of the official street date, so we had to act faster than we anticipated to allow people to compete online.

We also have a new, shorter and more dynamic cut of the official game promo video trailer on our YouTube channel as of today:

We would like to thank sincerely to all of you who have helped us in the closed beta testing period, and to those of you who have helped us translating the game into so many languages. Now that the full game is out, it will be easier to see any trouble in the translations and correct them for future patches of the game.


  1. Thank !!!

  2. awesome!!!
    you really make a very good job, i´m fascinant.
    i´m can´t wait for play this game.
    thank you very much,
    miudo_10 from Portugal

  3. Good work SCS team But Are there SCANİA Game in turkey ? İnfo Please ?

  4. Finaly :). I hopw the game won`t have to many bugs, it`s a very nice game, can`t whait to play it.

  5. Oh man EC karte no funktion buying paypal...Only Kredit karte buying... :(

  6. When it will be released for Mac?

  7. Thank !!!

  8. Is there a torrent link for it? 'Cause it really slow form the website.

    1. Same here. Wait untill the fast links will be there

    2. you can use your torrent program to download it. I use bitcomet and i just copy-pasted downloading link to new download in bitcomet

  9. A great news! Awesome game, it is the way better than T&T.

  10. Wow, still 6 hours left for download, when I started it said 50 minutes, now 6 hours left downloading at 15 kbp/s
    I have an 100MB download connection .....

    1. Same here. Wait untill the fast links will be there

    2. Better start downloading it, while waiting. It might finish downloading before they post the fast link.

    3. Well, it says 3 hours for me now, but it's been 4 hours two hours ago and the speed's getting lower and lower.

    4. I has lawnwowed for my grandparents and make the computer running. Before i go it was 21 persent and now it is 41

  11. You are the BEST game developer i EVER seen!!!! Thank you!!!!

  12. Great job! Also I see a nice little "thank you" gift in my email, thanks! =)

    1. what's the gift if i may ask??

  13. YEEES !!! love you guys<3

  14. I`ve played the trial version now and it`s awesome, i like the engine, the gearbox, now i can feel that i have 40t in my back and 19m it`s a lot harder then i thinked, T&T it`s easy, the controls are so real, two word SCS, GOOOOOOOOD JOB! ;)

    But if you can make on thing real that woud be great, when i`m in automatic if you can make to help the gear, lot of times the truck is reaching 2000 rpms and a little gear up would be nice.

  15. Thank you SCS for the gift in my email, this is a great day!! Translating the game was an honor.
    Greetings from Italy!

    1. I didn't get that :(

    2. Probably, depends on how much you have translated and whether you have been suggesting new translations\editing the mistakes\voting.

    3. Or you've checked the wrong mailbox. They've sent it to the one used on GetLocalization.

    4. I translated and voted, and in none of my mails is something

  16. SCS i noticed somthing really bad. I have an E7300, GTS 450 1GB, 4GB ram, on Scania Demo center on MEDIUM graphics the game is at 13-20 fps WTF:O, just in DEMO CENTER. If i change anything, then the game runs perfect untill i lokk again at trees and other vegetations.

    1. In the other challenges how many FPS you have?

    2. 35-50 fps in any challenge, only in demo center in some areas run like crap. It should run perfect on medium with this system, like it runs on other challenges. I closed all programs and still have the same problem. I think the game is not very well optimized. The recomanded system requerements are dual core 3.0, i have 2.66.

    3. Sadly it's a general issue of the free roam maps it seems. I also experienced the same performance issues on the City and the Demo Center with my rig: it's definitely not a top PC, but I can run Battlefield 3 on Ultra settings without any major fps drops, so the problem definitely lies in the new Prism3D engine.

    4. Go to Start\All Programs\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\Troubleshooting\ and use "Play SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator (DirectX)".
      If problem is still actual after that then something other makes your gameplay slow.

      I run STDS on MAX settings without video card on normal 20-30 FPS, I use Intel HD Graphics 3000 integrated into processor.

  17. OK SCS Software I want to say a big THANK YOU for that game,but one question we will translate Euro Truck Simulator 2 too? answer me please!

    1. You can self translate it when it will be on GetLocatizion, but it is more realistic when it is in englísh

    2. I don't understand how would English make the game any more realistic.

    3. Since, there's no characters using some specific language, translation to some other language wouldn't harm the realism. That would only make the game more understandable, and that means bigger market,which is good for SCS.

    4. I am pretty sure that crowd-sourced translation will be used for ETS2 as well.

    5. Im fron Denmark, and its not evry trucker in europe there talk danish.
      But if you dont speak english, its a good opportunity.

  18. bought the game thanks for it

  19. dear ets can you put paysafe method???
    specially in euro truck2 you will help us very much!
    thank you!
    (sorry for my english)

  20. You are awesome!

    I am very happy with it, and of course, I'll buy this game, the problem is still riding the computer but nothing that a few months and a little more money will not solve!

    I am very happy for you, and hopefully make a lot of success with this wonderful game!


  21. Too bad that this game requires an high-end PC. I've got a good PC, I can play the latest games on high details but STDS will run only on low details for me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think because the game isn`t very well optimized. I have the same problem just in Demo center, in all challenges runs at ~30-50 but in demo center it is a different game, 18-25 fps.

      Even in BF 3 i have more fps :)) lol. I don`t think SCS has a better graphics then BF 3, BF 3 is stressing the PC at maximum, so this should mean that STDS isn`t well optimized.

    3. Yes, I totally agree that STDS isn't well optimized.

    4. Same problem here, i can run games like Battlefield 3, GTA 4, Skyrim at 60fps and highest details. STDS runs only 35-45fps with 150% scaling, all on medium, MLAA, DOF, HDR off.

    5. Can you all stop comparing fucking BATTLEFIELD and SKYRIM with this game? Christ, some people are unbelievable. Do you seriously expect the same graphics from a team that is 1/20th the size of EA and Bethesda?

      If you knew anything about what a graphics engine is, you wouldn't have said that.

    6. Scaling 100% ! MLAA off, DOF off, HDR on, shadows medium, mirrors low, others high and game not run under 40fps thats not bad !! average 45, 50fps, my spec 2.5@3,3Ghz core2duo with shity HD4850 .. overclock your CPU !!

  22. They should work out the optimization. That always was a problem.

  23. SCS thank you for game ^^
    I played it already and it's fabilous so far ;)

  24. This game runs like a bag of ass. Nearly twice as hard on the pc as GTS, harder on the PC then battlefield 3. Thanks but no thanks.

    1. Let`s hope that ETS 2 would be better optimized. This is not as big like ETS 2, but still is very anoying to see that now you have 50 fps and then you have 20. I have the recomanded specs, only CPU is 2.66 instead of 3.0 but this souldn`t be a big problem.

    2. I don't think ETS2 will be better optimized. I won't invest a big amount of money into a new PC just to play their games. With that money I can be a real truck driver, which is better than playing trucking games on PC. ;)

  25. Game bought and downloading the game, was expecting to buy the game on the 18th but this is a more than welcome surprise.

  26. I'm very happy to see that the game is available now, and especially glad to see that we can now pay by PayPal. The initial price is a bit high, though - I expected it to launch around $19 instead of $25.

    Anyway, despite the optimization issues, I will certainly get the game - I thorougly enjoyed the beta, so I am happy to support SCS in making the phyics and the engine of subsequent games even better. ;)

  27. Game bought. Please add the fast download links soon.

  28. Did the offical website stop working, or that's just me?

  29. I found a new bug SCS, when you stop the engen all lights should turn off, but the braking light still are on, fix this.

    1. It's not a bug.. get in a real truck and try it.

  30. What happened? I only get a 404! :(

    1. Everything is fine at me, all works, site, blog, game... It`s from you.

    2. i can't reach the site either.

  31. Wierd. If they were renewing something, they wouldn't shut it down, probably.

  32. Fast download link up.

  33. What do we get in extended version? O_o

    1. It says "The extended version includes some extra images and movies."

    2. Says only images and movies. It's not worth spending time. I want to play, though i thought i wouldn't till the 18th. ;)))

    3. You get pictures of Scania trucks, buses, new models, pictures from the the Truck Driver competition, videos of the competition, dangerous roads in Peru (all videos available on YouTube).

      Some of those pictures make excellent wallpapers.

  34. Actually the game engine is very very heavy, and have some framerate drops without sense. For example in the main menu the framerate goes from 200 to 15 fps sometimes.

  35. fucking game is just like the T & T just as bad, good hardware available and there is absolutely shit! I will never buy ETS2!

    1. Shh, you're boring. No one cares.

    2. your problem game runs fine buy better CPU

  36. Faster link /files /98213 /scania-truck-driving-simulator-demo#

  37. I want my money back, i have Sli gtx680 and intel I7 2700K at 4800Mhz, Sli or no sli the Antialiasing on 400% everything at highest and every thing hops around and no super/multisampling from nvidia controlpanel is working

    1. There is also a free trial, you know.

    2. Did you create a SLI profile for the game?, select "Force alternate frame rendering 2"

    3. Hey Komat, i am an Idiot and you are my personal favrit :) It worked, did as you said, now its running fine in dx9 sli but wow, with everything on max, night and rain it takes 90% of 2 gtx680 cards, this is insane.. greetings from Denmark..

    4. With the 400% scale, the game processes similar number of pixels as if you had 4 monitors.

  38. @MrGrigorakos, i don't think that Euro Truck Simulator 2 will be translated as STDS, but as i say - i just think.

  39. absolutely lousy graphics, poor edge smoothing, always the same shit! I never buy ETS2

  40. SCS, i hope that in the next patch the graphic engine will be optimized.

  41. waiting time for a demo and yet so slow the download. fuck the game and scs

    1. I've waited for 4 hours now and none of my enthusiasm is gone. If you're having a neurosis, go visit a doctor. Being angry doesn't solve anything ;)

    2. Just so you know - the game is being released early. Also, SCS added the faster download links after the site went live.

      My download (enhanced version) finished in 15-20 min.

  42. In this edge-smoothing you get eye cancer. shit graphics. ridiculous this game

    1. Once again, I'd love to get to know a kind person like you. It's very kind to talk about eye cancer like that. I'm sure nobody is offended.

  43. I`ve played more the game and i saw that in any other mode i get 50-65 fps with v-sync off, instead of 30-50, but in demo center still runs like crap, now i get 20-35, instead of 17-25.

    I switched to low settings and still runs like crap, +5 fps maximum. I HAVE THE RECOMANDED SPECS.

  44. Game looks absolutely astonishing, runs perferctly smooth on very high, really dont know what you people are complaining about

    1. what do you have for a hardware

    2. nothing special really: i5 2500k 3,10 ghz, 12,0 GB Ramm, Geforce Gtx 570 1 GB game runs about 45 fps in game, and about 35 in the Menu.. so the optimization isnt perfect, but its playable

    3. and btw, this game isnt meant to be played by 3 year old hardware, its clearly made for High end pc's this new engine leechs performance.

    4. Read the recomanded specs man, Dual core 3.0, GTS 450 GB, 4GB RAM. This game si bad optimized. Is not normal that a game such BF 3 to run better then STDS. BF 3 is the most demanding game along with Batman Arkam City. If you can`t understand this...I can`t explin more to you, think for a second, it`s not normal to run this low a game with such poor graphics comapare to the bigger games like Crysis, BF 3, Batman...etc. Cleary bad optimization, they need to work hard on this.

      Only in free roam and demo center runs like this, in any other challenges runs over 50 fps on my PC, in demo center below 40.

    5. 2600K @ 4.8GHz, GTX 680, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD for games. Runs well for me. =DDDD

    6. S7efan what is your Hardware specs? and please bear in mind that this is actually the first time ever SCS create a high end Engine for its truck games, so of course there are bugs, and bad performance issues, every game got somekind of issues once its first released. Be patient im sure SCS is aware of the problem, and patch is in progress

    7. also remember to have the latest updates

    8. people with more then 3Ghz 2 cores have no problem

  45. can somebody who have this game reupload it to the other host, because atomicgamer shows error?

    1. Download the 550mb version, no difference to the 1.5 gb, just some pictures and videos.

  46. I went to a friend and played the demo. He has a quad core @ 3.4 ghz, 8 GB of RAM, Nvidia GeForce 560GTX with 1024 MB and surprise - the game is lagging on high details; I played it smoothly only on medium details.

    1. Curious, I have got a Core Due @ 3.0 GHz, 4 GB RAM, GTX 560 with 1 GB and I can run on everything maxed out, between 25 and 60 (limited by v-sync), usually 40-45 range. CPU usage average about 44%.

      Funnily enough it seems to keep about the same level on these numbers regardless of video settings.

      Love the game, SCS, happy to help any way I can.

  47. Can someone help us ? The link from th official site is not working .

  48. Great SCS!
    Download local (ugh...), fast link down, in fact, the whole site is.

    1. Just downloaded it from fast link!

  49. Great that the digi version is up but I'm gonna wait to get my hands on the retail version pre ordered on Amazon :)

  50. what a shamnbles

    The atomic gamer download keeps giving me a connection refused message

    the other one the slow one keeps giving me a temporary unavailable message

  51. this game is shit optimize CPU utilization almost never, GPU running at full capacity. I do not buy this shit

  52. Un bug au niveau de l’embrayage...quand une vitesse est enclencher le moteur cale même si l'embrayage est maintenu enfoncer....manque un peu d'optimisation...mais très très bon jeu ;)

    1. Erreur au téléchargement : lien invalide...

  53. When will the Mac version be released?

  54. The game is unplayable when i play at 1920x1080, but when i play on 1680x1050 it plays super smooth. Please fix it so that i can play at 1920x1080

    1. btw i have a Intel Core i5 2400 @3.1GHz and a AMD Radeon HD 7850

  55. People with fps problems try to switch to OpenGL it runs better for my ATI HD 6770M ;)
    Around 25-40 FPS even in city and scania centre

    1. How do I switch it to OpenGL ?

    2. on the Start menu you have several options under the sub-menu called Troubleshooting. Try those to see if it helps.

  56. Game runs like shit. Computer better than minimum specs and it still pays like a slideshow. Just in case someone tells me it is my computer MW3, Battlefield, Sniper Elite v2 (could list more) all play at over 60 FPS. This has not been optimized properly. What is the point of making a game like this if it is unplayable ? I hope you sort a patch out as it does look better than the crap you have released before. You need to make sure this is playable on all types of computers for optimal sales.

  57. Hello everyone. I apologize for my English, I use google translator. I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the developers of the game. Lord, You have done a great job. Changing weather conditions in the game is impressive. The behavior of the truck, control, head light is separate from the marker light ... Just no words. Confuses only the lack of steering return when you play the keyboard like in past games. He returned when the truck is moving, it's very realistic. But I think that for those who seek realistic and needed to drive it this behavior is justified. For the keyboard would be good to do a simple alignment, or to offer a choice of settings. Best regards, Andrew

    1. you can already set sensitibity in options menu ;)

  58. Bought the game.... One down... one to go :-)

  59. why do scs put the download on third party sites for goodness sake .

    talk about stupidity

    1. Yeah talk about YOUR stupidity.
      All developers do this.

    2. no actually all sensible developers put the demo for download on their own site and servers first then on outside ones later . people love either having to buy an account elsewhere or sit there waiting on a timer before they can even start their download , or then being restricted on download speeds because the outside sites have limits to cater for all the downloads they have .

      ScS did it for their earlier games so why not this one .

  60. I've a 5 year old gaming rig and it goes perfect! :) Thanx!!

  61. Congratulations SCS Software team on your splendid and hard work.
    Purchasing the game right now.

  62. Game runs perfectly for me. I get around 60 fps anywhere in the game, everything maxed out @ 1920x1080 resolution and I can record well with Fraps locking fps to 30. My gaming rig is almost 1 year old. i5 2500K @ 4.5GHz, GTX 560 Ti, 8GB RAM and Windows 7 64bit (if anyone is interested).
    The gameplay itself is just awesome. I just spent 1 hour to fool around the Scania DemoCenter with manual H-shifter and clutch (I got a Logitech G25). So much fun. Tomorrow I'll get more familiar with the challenges.

    But all in all, a very good game. This makes me wait Euro Truck Simulator 2 even more, but time will pass quickly by playing STDS. Great job, SCS!

    1. why oh why...can't you see that your pc is over recommended specs? o.O
      Not everybody has such a good pc or neither if it's new...

      The point is game is not optimized well, they need to work on it

  63. Yeah, it works on highest settings smoothly for me. My graphics crad is GTX 460 SE.

    1. Graphics card is not significant but CPU

  64. Runs maxed out on my pc and its low spec conpared to most gaming computers out there spec is

    Q6600 2.4 quad core
    3gig DDR2 ram
    Radeon HD 4800 1gb DDR

    But I also have the problem with the on screen mirrors being back to front IE the left mirror is diplayed on the right side of the screen and the right mirror is displayed on the left side of the screen, took a screenshot as below

    Plus the game has crashed on me twice, for no reason that I can figure out, Getting a bit confused with the steering holding in place, but as im not used to it yet wont take me long, I got a microsoft xbox 360 steering wheel I might try to connect upto my pc see if that works, but so far apart from the bugs ive mentioned I love the game, lets hope theres a simple fix for the mirror issue and that the game wont keep crashing on me

    1. Crashed on me again, I know my pc can handle the game, I thought they where ment to fix these bugs, i cancelled my pre-order for the cd version of this game so i could play with it today and all im doing it crashing the game, and the mirrors are way wrong this was pointed out in the beta testing stage this should have been fixed as a minimum

  65. Downloaded the demo, but I can't play it because the sound is completely distorted and sounds like a deafening musical explosion!!! All other games, movies and music sound perfect on my PC.

  66. le jeux ne se lance pas scania driving simulator a cessé de fonctionner je ne comprend pas pourriez vous m'aider

  67. Hey, im having problems with your game. I cant rotate the camera in any direction, nor switch the camera to a different position in the drivers cabin. So i cant move my head, and when I click num 1-9 nothing happenes. Is there any help for that? Also could this be a limitation to the demo version or what?

    1. I have the same problem. I use Logitech G27.
      My son has not this problem, he uses Logitech G25

  68. please can someone help me about if it will work good on ATI MOBILITY RADEON HD 5470 PLEASE ?????

    1. please someone help me i want your oppinion please !!!

    2. Why don`t you test it! It`s free.

  69. Game keeps crashing, mirrors wrong way round when truck is right hand drive. Not much of an incentive to buy full game is it scs?

  70. Hello SCSSoft,

    congratulation to your new truck simulator! It looks very gorgeous and I'm happy about the development progress. I will buy the game soon. :-)

    Additionally, I just wanted to say that I figured out how the coordinates are stored in the memory of ETS and I began my small project at It is not finished until now but the main system is ready. Players can see each other in real time on a virtual map, maintain their statistics and compete with other players or VTCs.

    PS: Your leaderboard of Scania Truck Driving Simulator is a very cool statistics feature! Incredible, how many people already submitted their points.

    Best regards,

  71. i play in demo andi think this game is awesome! very good sounds and nice graphic with all details on full :) great work and i want buy this game!
    greetings from poland.

  72. This Game is a Big FAIL..Very Bad Graphics...where is the Antialisaing?
    Laggy Graphicengine like ALL other Truckgames.

    My Specs GTX 580,Quad 3,5,8Gig Ram

    1. Options -> Display -> Scaling. Try pushing values above 100% for how much your card can bear with decent fps (GTX 580 should surely do at least 200%)

  73. I really like your work SCS! It's excellent! The game is so smooth, no lag at all, and I was afraid there would be a lot. Also, unlike Trucks and Trailers, this game has an amazing camera angle, as well as trucks that are actually bearable to drive! I am definitely going to buy this game soon, I especially love that Dangerous Drive mountain mission!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Best TruckSim!!! congratulation!
    I had the 10-minute demo to make decisions that I'm willing to spend $ 24,99
    Please do not stop! Grow your game!
    Special thanks and respect for the Russian language in the game!

  76. Is there anyway to unzip the base.scs?
    I want to make a narrow road lane mod.

  77. Hey,
    Although i do have some tiny things that bother me (like the "optimization" (some slowdown in the scania democenter)), i'm surprise about how good the game is...
    To be honest, i haven't bought (yet) the full version but i feel like i'm gonna make the jump right after this comment...

    I really like the "licence" or the "time reaction" test, the support for the H-shifter is clever and i love it!
    Graphically, it's quite good and i'm happy with that (sure, some could complain it's not the greatest but it's better than a lot of game and it's the best truck simulator available)

    Great Job SCS!
    Now i'm anticipating ETS even more !

  78. I got to say looks very good so far. I'm downloading extended version right now with 918kB/s with bitcomet and still can't wait to have a look

    1. Well done :O It was the first time it actually felt like I were driving real truck when playing SCS games. And I have been playing them for a while. I even managed to drive that hairpin at Scania's test track full speed but in sideslip xD I am also truck driver in real life. I see there have been huge amount of work with this game and everything is just like it should be :) Except for the poor cruise control just like before and a little bug. Briefing music won't stop playing sometimes when I start driving. My dad has crappy 50e graphics card so graphics were set to almost minimum for smooth play but even then it feels great and looks pretty detailed to me. So thank you SCS. Make many more of these!

    2. oh and keyboard turning is one crappy thing. Mouse turning works very well

  79. Congratulations, bought, let's play .... uhuhuhu

  80. I was going to try this but gave up after the download was only at 30% after almost 2 hours . it kept jumping down to 50 minutes then back up to 3 hrs so i said to hell with it i will do without

  81. Im sick of the game crashing I thought they had got a patch ready for the game done and ready to go, the game runs smooth on my pc but the dam thing keeps crashing ( or as windows calls it failing to respond then I I have to click on close program, come on SCS the amount of the time you where testing it, and you didnt notice the bug with the mirrors being the wrong way around when your using a right had drive truck, or that the game crashes alot?

    But I got to say when I can actually play it for 10mins its a bloody great game just wish it would work properly, I cancelled my pre-order for the dvd version as thats not even ready yet, and bought the downloadable version so I could play the game while my wife is in work, and im on holiday leave from work

    1. Go to Documents\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\game.log.
      Problem can be explained in last twelve10-30 lines of log file.

    2. Most likely reason for the crash is that you run out of available memory if you have 32 bit system and too high scale.

  82. yes how do we open the base

  83. Well now ive emailed their support department ill let anybody know if they reply back and if they have a solution for it

  84. Hey, SCS! How to open base.scs in STDS? I want to mod it!

    1. Extraction tool is now available at

  85. Could somebody explain to me the process of buying the digital version of the game from the official website?


    1. hey Aditzu, if you buy the game from the official website, basically all you can do from there, is to purchase with your credit card, download the game full legally, and you're good to go, that means you dont need any CD to play the game. hope that cleard some stuff for you ;)

  86. Help! Yesterday and today morning everything was working perfectly, but now it's lagging. What should I do?

  87. The game is working.Im playing the demo version on max setting.The controlls are better than ETS 1.SCS Sowftware you are the BEST.Sorry for my bad English.

    1. good to hear more people can run it on high settings without lag :) your english is alright mate

  88. Can we know when the first patch will be released? The reverse mirror is really annoying.

    But still amazing game.

  89. I see people that complained about crashing, I have a dual core 2.66 and GTS 450 1GB, and 4GB ram, i didn`t have a crash so far. Maybe you have made a bigt Over clock, maybe you need to update the driver video, i don`t know. If you have OC, try to leave it at stock settings and see how it goes, i have on my GTS 450 900/2000 OC and runs perfect. One more thing, you must have all other programs CLOSED, because the game is lagging badly.

  90. Why is it when you're in gear and you lift off the gas, the truck goes straight to neutral. This is really annoying considering I've paid £18 for this game. When I reverse and lift off the gas, is goes back to neutral. It's REALLY annoying!

    1. i've got the same problem as well.. also the truck gas up automatically... when choosing sequentel gear.. and when u choose automatic gear, the truck shifts to 2nd gear and neutral all the time.. you cant move.. playin on xbox 360 gamepad..

    2. What? I`ve played the game since yesterday and didn`t have this problem. Only if i`m in first or second gear at 10km/h puts in N. Play secvential or manual.

    3. AnonymousJune 14, 2012 11:33 AM
      i've got the same problem as well.. also the truck gas up automatically... when choosing sequentel gear.. and when u choose automatic gear, the truck shifts to 2nd gear and neutral all the time.. you cant move.. playin on xbox 360 gamepad..

      BECAUSE IF THE GEARBOX DON`T CHANGE BETWEEN 2ND AND NEUTRAL THE ENGINE WILL STOP. Under 18 year old kids that don`t have a clew about DRIVING and trucks.

    4. damn S7efan you got some serious issues with the temper dont you? so you're whining about the game is lagging badly so if you were a bit more mature, you would know the reason, but obviously you're underage to know it.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. =))) Lol =))), you make me lagh bad kid, the reasson because the game si lagging is because isn`t well optimized, i won`t explain again this, if you think that is normal that BF 3 is runing better then STDS...

      I`m under age? :)) I`ve made a video for you kids that don`t understand why the truck is in gear and back in neutral. Next time make some smart comments ok? I`m 21 and a half :).

      You see how the engine starts to stop kid? That`s why the gear box is changing to neutral. Next time, mature guy, like i said make some smarter comments.

    7. ok S7efan you should know better dude, how can you even compare BF 3 and Scania? are you aware that BF 3 have been out for 8 months now, that is old, and BF 3 didnt really have any big hardware requirements due to the conosle ports. Infact Prism3d engine requires a lot more then Frostbite 2. Now compare EA games/DICE employess and SCS software. This engine is brand new, so of course its not perfectly optimizied for every hardware yet, just wanted you to know ;) and S7efan im not out to insult you. However using Caps lock makes me think kids are behind the keyboard, but you never know.. anyways i'll watch the video you posted, and i might learn something about trucks, cheers :)

    8. You say what man? :)) Prism3d is better the Frostbite 2. =

      I`m not going to insult you either, but you say some stupid things man. BF 3 when came out requeiered quad core and GTX 560 minimum, STDS has poor engine, poor graphics compare to BF 3. I mentioned BF 3 because so far is the most demanding game ever made on PC. You clearly don`t know what you are talking about.

    9. well obviously i didnt explain my self good enough, so lets just leave it out the area, we dont want to start a war here :) i absolutely agree with BF3 got better optimization and graphics then Scania or ETS 2, but all i can say is, i love the graphics in Scania so far, compared to Truck & Trailers :) so forgive me i made some useless stupid comments, anyways i tried to say that comparing a brand new engine that have just been released, wont run smooth for all. cheers ;)

    10. War? No, you like truck games, i like truck games, it`s just different opinions, BF 3 isn`t well optimized too, but from how it was at the begining it`s better now.

      I agree STDS, ETS 2 has very nice graphics, i said that has shity graphics compare to BF 3, but i like the game, has a very good control, it`s 100 times better then T&T.

    11. I don't see even 1 reason to compare BF3 with STDS, it's just stupid to do it. The Game's perfectly done as that SCS's still developing their engine.. STDS patches and ETS2 will be different when they optimize it .. so there's no reason to compare games such Crysis 2 BF3 and so on .. becouse their developers have lots of games behind them and have highly optimized engines, SCS got 10-15(don't know exactly atm) games and they're small company in developing..

  91. Also, when you opt for right hand drive, the mirrors are the wrong way round...

  92. Fix the mirrors please.

  93. I wait for this so long and after trying the demo I'm very disappointed...SCS what have you done?!?
    Graphics is heavy and not well optimizing but I find a decent (not good but playable) configuration, so maybe I can pss on it but...THE CONTROLS ARE HORRIBLE!!! I spend my morning trying to configure my Xbox 360 controller and NO WAY TO MAKE IT WORKS DECENT!!! Why you don't put a configuration for this beautiful controller? I'm the only dumbass that play truck games with a controller?!? I don't think so...if something change I'll buy this one, but for me now it can stay on the shelves. :(

    1. The keyboard control is very real, you don`t need a wheel now, SCS have made the best keyboard control that i`ve ever seen in any truck game.

    2. Jos Wayne just give up on the 360 controller, it's impossible to make it function properly.. however using keyboard + mouse is much better, that works well.. or you could always buy a racing wheel, makes the game 1000 times more enjoyable and fun cheers ;)

    3. I'm thinking about buying a wheel but playing German Truck with my controller was very good and I hope that ETS2 and Scania works the same but...someone can tell me what wheel works properly? The official microsoft works? And Thrustmaters? Logitech? Who knows something speak XD

    4. Logitech Force Feedback EX works perfectly even the wheel's turning very smoothly and the pedals're much more synced than any other SCS game(if you remove all deadzones). The graphics runs perfectly for me.. Just that you need to add the game to the NVIDIA 3D settings so it can work properly. STDS is perfect and I'm waiting for it in the nearby game shop so I can buy it !

    5. Logitech Driving Force GT has the best FFB for small budget. If you can spend more, get a Logitech G27.

    6. Jos Wayne maybe Scania is playabe with a 360 controller, but it needs a lot of time with the configuration, since they added more stuff compared to German Truck sim. Going for a wheel are you :) i would reconmend the logitech G27 cause it got 6 gears, even H shifter ;) look it up defiantly worth a try cheers ;)

    7. AnonymousJune 14, 2012 1:09 PM
      Logitech Driving Force GT has the best FFB for small budget. If you can spend more, get a Logitech G27.

      Driving force GT is a awesome wheel, but i heard that G25 si better in some ways then G27 is that right?

  94. News in romanian language about Scania Truck Driver Simulator only here:

  95. What about ETS2? All the attetion is going to STDS!


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