Thursday, June 21, 2012

Scania Truck Driving Simulator 1.1.0

Two new Dangerous Drives challenges plus a lot of fixes and improvements.

Head over to the Download page (if you haven't checked out the game yet, is it even possible?) or to Update page if you just need to bring your copy of the game up to date.

A total of about ten bonus Driving Challenges is "in the pipeline" for future game extensions, plus quite an addition to the Deliveries city map - so we still have an excuse to continue improving the game for a few more patches :-). Thanks for your support!


  1. The game is amazing the only thing i cant get to work is the radio live stream but other than that the new patch is a great adon the game

    1. radio livestream only supports mp3 streams.. no m3u or so..

    2. m3u addresses works fine

    3. .m3u is not working for me and i can't listen to my favorite radio stations...

      That's bad, but i don't know why it supports only .mp3, when there are many radio stations that use .m3u format.

      I want to ask something:

      Is there a way about navigation map like in Euro Truck Simulator to be included in the game for the Freeform Driving (Deliveries) ?

      This small mini-map is boring!

      Thanks :)

    4. That is why you should buy ETS2 when it arrive.
      There is no reason to try and make Scania like ETS when ETS2 is almost here.

    5. Please, link one of "unsuported" station. I want to try...

    6. Well, it doesn't play some of mp3s u put in the "music" folder.

    7. Can someone write in here his configs in live_steams.sii with the radio stations that are supported? It really doesn't seem to support m3u. Nothing simply changed after I edited the file.

    8. stream_data[]: "| (192k)"
      stream_data[]: "|DI Liquid DnB (128k)"

      Still want to try one of 'unsupported m3u' stations.

    9. Thank you. I'm gonna try those. Where did you get those so-called 'supported' stations?

      i've tried that one and it didn't work:

      stream_data[]: "|Radio ROKS 32 kbs"
      stream_data[]: "|Radio ROKS 128 kbs"
      stream_data[]: "|Radio ROKS 256 kbs"

    10. You should download and open those *.m3u or *.pls with notepad and copy/paste adress of stream properly into live_streams.sii. More info here (rus)^

    11. Thanks / Спасибо :Р

    12. Like this one(

      stream_data[]: "| (128k)"


    13. А чтобы раздобыть url из флэш-плеера на сайте радиостанции надо его сначала скачать?

      З.Ы. Отдельное спасибо за адрес на РОКС.

    14. С флеш-плеерами все непросто. Надо рыться в исходном коде страницы, и надеяться, что нарыть адресок все-таки удастся.
      Разные сайты реализуют воспроизведение по-своему. С shoutcast'а к примеру, достать адрес из плеера легко (было, по крайней мере). С остальными же надо смотреть по ситуации.
      Кто разбирается в тонкостях явы, флеша и хтмл, тот найдет. Остальным лучше поискать альтернативный источник с загружаемыми плейлистами.)

      Оставляйте линк на станцию с таким плеером если интересно, может получится оттуда вымучить адрес.

    15. Впрочем, те радиостанции, которые мне интересны, я нашел на, откуда можна скачать плейлист в .pls. Изьять адрес не стоило труда. Еще раз спасибо, уже создал свой список станций в игре. Думаю, добавит разнообразия, а то слушал только то, что бросил в папку для музыки в документах.

  2. a new city map? great.. btw. the manual shifting clutch bug i send to pavel is still in the game. fix pls?

    btw. hows the work on ets2 going?? any news? screens? :)


  4. Great. What about Euro Truck Simulator 2? You said you will post a video from the latest sound recording.

    Please visit !!!!

  5. Faster link for Update -

    SCS you can add that link to your update page.

    1. Why would SCS add a link from your website to download a update they created for their own game when its on their own website with fast download speeds, it does not make sence

    2. your comment makes no sense.

      Scs have now added the link to their update page anyway.

  6. Glad to see you guys working on improving an already wonderful game. I have to say though that performance in the Scania Demo Centre is still pretty poor compared to the other maps.

  7. I just say one thing. ¡AWESOME!

    Keep it up! :)

  8. the game has a sound problem, sound saturated. any solution?

    1. Is it the same problem as this?

  9. es normal que pida el serial denuevo?

    1. No, no es normal. Y recuerdo que este foro es inglés así que no postees en Español.

    2. Pues aquí la peña postea en checo que no veas.
      ¿Creéis que se venderá el ETS2 en físico en España?

    3. Lo dudo, pero leñe, estamos en la era digital, qué mas da que se venda en físico o no.

    4. A ver, yo el Scania lo tengo digital. Y seguramente el ETS 2 también lo pillaré así, qué remedio!!
      Pero es que soy de la vieja escuela, de esos de tener mi formato físico.

  10. __
    ok SCS we know you need to make money in this game but PLZ, what about ETS2? will you guys improve the GEARS RATIO? anyway i see that i will have to work on physics later. GOOD LUCK SCS. Hope you make people very happy.

  11. The site isn't working for me anymore . I don't know why :(


  13. The PACK is BADDDD

    FPS MORE LOWWWWWWW :( 12 or 9 :( demo centre

  14. Please make support for CrossFireX in this game!

  15. como puedo programar la radio para que funcione..........ayuda por favor

  16. 10 Dangerous Drive challenges and extensions to the City?

    This game definitely worth every cent of its price! Thanks for the continuing support, and I hope you will manage to optimize the engine further in subsequent patches (and most importantly: for ETS2!!!)

    Keep up the good work!

  17. I'm a huge fan and I love this game. It's worth every single penny.
    Next patch should fix (if not already)
    - Shadows and moving textures on the part of the highway around the farm and near construction site.
    - Stopping distance of a truck with a trailer should be longer
    - Option to Turn ON/Off (cant remember what do you call em) those lights on the roof and back of the trailer
    - when headlights are off speedometer should be less visible during day/nigh
    - driving over water (small waves or something behind wheels)
    - there should be another speed for wipers (1x, 2x)

    Generally game should be a little bit more optimized because I can't run it on very high with my Core i7 proc and 8 gb RAM

    1. Well, it's not your Core i7 with 8GB that decide if you kan run it on very high, its your graphics card.
      My son has a 4 year old PC + CPU 4GB ram with a GeForce 560 and he run it on very high. Optimize you GFX then.

    2. I have an Core i7 with 8GB ram and a Geforce 470 GFX. I have erverything on higest possible, and it run perfect. I have splash behind wheels in water and dust on gravel road. Upgrade you GFX.

    3. Powerful gfxcard or not, fact is that the engine can do with some optimization, as was the case with ETS and GTS. Why did you think one of the first things they fixed in version 1.1.0 is the performance in the Scania Demo Centre?

      Anyway, when it comes to performance you're always going to have discussions like these...what might be considered perfect by you can be completely unsatisfiable for someone else.

    4. I have maxed all the settings to high and there are no dust or splashes, card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti

    5. I will take some screenshot later to show.

    6. Spray from wheels in rain:
      See it here

      Dust from wheels on gravel:
      See it here

      It is much more clear to see in game than on these screenshots. But it's there.

    7. How did you add a hyperlink?

  18. Thank You for patch and for extension of map, SCS.

    1. What Extension?

    2. I know what you mean, but I do not see any expansion in the map. I talk about the Free map.

    3. I didn't notice anything new as well, they better would have pointed what exactly they have added, because it looks the same.

    4. Have you even read blog post? :-/ They are going to do this in future patches.
      "A total of about ten bonus Driving Challenges is "in the pipeline" for future game extensions, plus quite an addition to the Deliveries city map - so we still have an excuse to continue improving the game for a few more patches :-)..."

    5. They've said about QUITE an addition. Before that they mentioned they would change something with this patch too. Or maybe they didn't and we're gonna wait till the next. They'd better be working on ETS2, I would live without bigger map in STDS, but I wouldn't with no ETS2 coming soon)

    6. There are two different teams, one is working on ETS2, second is working on STDS

  19. Great work SCS, but I'm missing some more things in the game.
    When you drive over water, it's not splashing.
    When you drive on dirt road - it makes no dust.
    And one more thing, I'm turning my steering wheel faster than the truck wheel turns in the game and it gets to 0 degree position slowly too, than my steering wheel. So, this is very annoying, I made several crashes because of this thing.

    1. Well perhaps your PC or graphics card is not big enough, because I have splash and dirt in my game.
      Setup your steering wheel in windows with how many % is should turn.

    2. To make the wheel in the truck turn as fast as your steering wheel, you have to increase non-linearity. It's not SCS' fault, that you don't want to try another settings.

    3. 50% linearity is it ok?

    4. Oh, boy. I'm sorry. I meant sensitivity, you have to increase that. That shows how fast does the wheel in truck reacts. And non-linearity shows how sensitive is the wheel in a truck is. So, that's the sensitivity you have to change.

    5. I must admit getting the setting correct doesn't happen instantly, i have had to play with mine on my wheel each time i play the game. a little tweak here and there, but i would like to know how you twaeak your steering wheels without being in game ?

      Well perhaps your PC or graphics card is not big enough, because I have splash and dirt in my game.
      Setup your steering wheel in windows with how many % is should turn."

      Please explain how to do this more as this could help many people out more, and educate more people me for one if i am being honest.

      I know how to callabrate the steering wheel using windows is this what you mean ?



  20. You Goons as you do, your game is how many people have bought you all a little look of greed will be worse. So better to give the key to a patch 1.1.
    The game I'm not going to buy, expensive for her to give 20 Euros, you need a lot, to the table a little distance in the game.

    1. You better invest that 20 euros of yours for a "Simple English for dummies" book then.

    2. lol fantastic,

      Let me see if i can translate this for him.

      my balls have not dropped,i ripped my arse open with a little look of greed for big c**k so you better go see my mum for a crabs patch 1.1
      i sell my crack for you to buy very cheap 20 EUROS you need a lot to fill me up i have big hole keep distance when in full game legally.

      Hope this helps


  21. EEEE i have STDS box edition and after path 1.1.0 my cd-key don't work. What's happening ?????



    3. wtf ??? I need to pay again to play new path ?? pfff
      No thx scs ...

    4. Not again, you fool. The stolen keys wouldn't work after patch, that's it. Already activated game would work just the way it did.

    5. Or actually you may have bought a pirated version of a game. With stolen key included.

    6. If you bought it (which i doubt) why not send a email to support to get help?


  22. ETS2 NEWS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. The patch is great (less load in Demo Centre), but could you give us at least one more info about ETS2 this month, please? This is what I'm eagerly waiting for.

    Thanks in advance and keep up your work!

  24. Perfect news SCS ! .. Just updated my game ! .. Btw can we see the Mercedes Actros sound recording session ? Tnx again for the patch, and hope to see more things coming !

  25. SCS you are amazing! You already have a great project put together, yet you are still not satisfied. You want to add more. Excellent, just excellent that there are still companies nowadays who still care about their customers.

  26. Hi! I just updated to 1.1.0 and then i thought to drive some deliveries. Ok, so far so good, but after the update now im getting strange enviroment lights flickering.

    Time in the game was around 22:00 and i got these flashing lights happening every minute or so. It didnt go away. It just kept repeating, so i quitted the game.

    Not sure what is causing it, but i thought to let the developers now, if they are reading this.

    Otherwise a good game. Runs much smoother than earlier truck games done by SCS. Atleast in my computer setup.

  27. SCS, Please create a Forum to Scania and ETS2..
    TOO many people in here needs help, and have problems that they blame the game for. Problems which is in 9 of 10 cases where there own fault.
    Then We could help them all much better.

  28. Though they have made AI-cars start when it's green, not the yellow, as before, but AI-cars are still braking when I'm just passing by in my lane on a narrow road with one lane in each direction. Then they still are stopping and giving you the way, when they clearly can go without even braking. There's a screnshot. I was waiting for the oncoming traffic but those cars stopped in both lanes.

  29. 3 weeks and no news about ETS 2, real news not a few pictures and two words about it.

  30. Why have you made the base.scs file Locked so it won't let me open it with 7-Zip or anything, I want to much about with the settings, I can access the base.scs files for every other one of your games but not this one, why ??

    1. The file uses a different format. Corresponding extraction tool can be downloaded from

    2. The unpacker is in the download area on the official scania site.

    3. That unpacker is a total crap! When I launch it appears on the screen for 1 second, then it disappears. It's quite obvious to me - Scania poured out money into this game and they don't want us to be able to modify it, so SCS locked the files and give us a crappy not working "program".

  31. salut a tous;quelqu’un peu me dire si il y a des stations essences dans scania ?dans la mise a jour ça en parle mais je n en n ai pas vu

  32. The sound of the truck is very low.

    1. Yes, i also think that after patch, the sound of the truck is a bit lower. Maybe they thought that it was too loud before.

  33. Is it possible to load BACKGROUND MAP in editor?

    1. try to press "A"

    2. I know, but ETS/GTS method doesnt work. "Shader not found", no errors in .log file :/

  34. SCS, please, an other user has reported my problem also. I have unpacked the base.scs and when I play any sound in winamp or windows media player, they sound fine, but when I load the game, it sounds like this:

    Please, help..

    PS: I have updated my sound card drivers, my DirectX driver, I have uninstalled all my codecs and I tried everything. What should I do?


    1. In the setting of the sound card is the controller "hardware acceleration", it is necessary to reduce

    2. I don't get it how I haven't encountered this problem on any other SCS game (or any game for that matter) regardless of the settings. I have even unpacked the STDS base.scs and played them with winamp and they sound fine..

    3. I also ran the first time with this, and even checked on three sound cards, sound is distorted only in the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi. On the integrated Realtek sound card and ESI Juli@ sound is clear.

  35. Thank you very much SCS Software team. Keep up the excellent work.

  36. Does anybody know where to send crash logs and or bug reports ?

    1. i would use or ;)

      ive send mine to pavel directly, and hope he got it. but maybe he has spamfilter or something.. dont know.

    2. correction:

    3. Send to support AT scaniadrivergame DOT com, it was set-up for this reason. ;)

  37. After this patch the game lags like hell

  38. Gearbox switching to neutral issue on slow maneuver with sequential gear fixed !!

    Thank you SCS !

  39. I wanted to ask the community for their opinion on the HDR matter. Do you think that the game is more realistic with or without HDR?

    I ask because with HDR it gets much brighter and i cant decide if i prefer it on or off?

    I also searched the HDR feature for gaming at the internet and i found that both opinions exist: some people think its more realistic with HDR off and some others the opposite.

    So i d like the opinions from the other funs of this game and to discuss farther that matter.

    Thank you!

  40. I want to hear more about ETS 2, dont know about anyone else but i feel this release is going to get pushed to the back burners now.

    I personnally think we are most likely looking at 2013 before this is released, i have always supported you SCS and purchased your games to help you grow, so that you get more money in your company. i have never downloaded and cheated you, i want to see more on ETS 2 the real reason why we are all purchasing your games. Scania Truck Sim is ok i would say it is probably the best you have done so far without a shadow of a doubt, but lets face it chaps / ladies the real McCoy is ETS 2 and we haven't had a sniff of progress on this game for over 2 months now.

    We want more ETS 2
    When do we want it
    We want more ETS 2
    When do we want it

    Anyone else feeling like this ?

    Sorry Scania peeps you had your glory i bought your game now its us gamers time to have our game move along.

    Im bored with Scania Truck Simulator already :(

    Come on SCS share something ?

    We want ETS 2
    When do we want it
    We want ETS 2
    When do we want it

    Just a glimpse to show you are still working on us gamers baby just a glimpse.


    1. Molie don´t SPAM this blog with your bitching!!!

      And i see that you found google translate!!! DON´T USE IT ANYMORE!!! you make no sens in the other languages.....

      there are 2 teams working: 1 for ETS2 and 1 for stds!!

    2. Fantastic,

      atleast google is good for something then lol.

      This isnt a bitch this is freedom of speach, and i speak the truth, not often do i write on blogs but come on ChrisCross you got to admit it, all we have heard about is STDS, and we all support there work whether it is Team 1 for ETS2 or Team 2 for STDS that isnt any excuse to neglect blogging about ETS2 ?

      Wouldn't you like to see more on ETS2 ?

      Be honest, remember this isnt bitching ChrisCross this is your right to express your opinion blogging.


  41. Chci slyšet více o obchodování s emisemi 2, nevím o nikom jiném, ale cítím se toto vydání se chystá tlačí na zadní hořáky nyní.

    Já personnally, že jsme se s největší pravděpodobností při pohledu na rok 2013, než se to uvolní, jsem vždy podporoval vám SCS a koupil vaše hry, které vám pomohou růst, tak, že dostanete více peněz ve vaší firmě. jsem nikdy stáhnout a podváděli vás, chci se více na obchodování s emisemi 2 skutečný důvod, proč jsme všichni Nákupem hry. Scania Truck Sim je v pořádku, řekl bych, že je asi nejlepší, co jste dosud učinili bez stínu pochybnosti, ale nechá si to na rovinu chlapi / dámské Real McCoy je ETS 2 a my jsme se museli čichat pokrok v této oblasti hra pro více než 2 měsíce.

    Chceme více ETS 2
    Když budeme chtít
    Chceme více ETS 2
    Když budeme chtít

    Někdo jiný pocit, že to?

    Je nám líto Scania peeps jste měli svůj slávu jsem si koupil hru teď je, abychom hráčům čas, aby naše hra postoupit.

    Im nudí simulátoru kamionu Scania již: (

    Pojď se na něco základního SCS?

    Chceme, aby obchodování s emisemi 2
    Když budeme chtít
    Chceme, aby obchodování s emisemi 2
    Když budeme chtít

    Jen letmý pohled vám ukázat, stále pracujeme na nás Gamers dítě jen letmý pohled.


  42. Ik wil meer weten over ETS 2 te horen, weet niet over iemand anders, maar ik voel me deze release gaat krijgen geduwd aan de achterkant branders nu. Ik persoonlijk is denk dat we de meeste kans te kijken naar 2013 voordat deze wordt vrijgegeven, heb ik altijd ondersteund u SCS en kocht je games om u te helpen groeien, zodat je meer geld in uw bedrijf te krijgen. ik heb nog nooit gedownload en bedrogen je, ik wil meer zien op ETS 2 de echte reden waarom we allemaal de aankoop van uw games. Scania Truck Sim is ok ik zou zeggen dan is het waarschijnlijk het beste wat je tot nu toe gedaan zonder een schaduw van twijfel, maar Laten we eerlijk zijn kerels / dames de echte McCoy is ETS 2 en we hebben niet een van de vooruitgang snuffelen op deze spel voor meer dan 2 maanden. We willen meer ETS 2 Wanneer we willen het nu We willen meer ETS 2 Wanneer we willen het nu Iemand anders het gevoel als dit? Sorry Scania gluurt u had uw heerlijkheid kocht ik nu het spel zijn wij gamers de tijd om ons spel mee te bewegen. Im bored met Scania Truck Simulator al: ( Kom op SCS aandeel iets? We willen ETS 2 Wanneer we willen het nu We willen ETS 2 Wanneer we willen het nu Gewoon een glimp te laten zien nog steeds bezig met ons gamers baby gewoon een glimp.


  43. Želim čuti više o ETS-2, ne znam ni za koga drugoga, ali osjećam se ovo izdanje ide gurnula na leđa plamenik sada. Ja personnally da smo vjerojatno gleda na 2013 prije toga je pušten, ja sam uvijek podržava vam SHS i kupili igre koji će vam pomoći rasti, tako da ćete dobiti više novca u vašoj tvrtki. Nikada nisam skinuti i vas prevario, želim vidjeti više o ETS-2 pravi razlog zašto smo svi kupujete vaše igre. Scania Truck Sim je ok ja bih se reći da je vjerojatno najbolje što su do sada napravili, bez sumnje, ali to omogućuje lice čeljust / dame real McCoy je ETS 2 i nismo imali njuškanje napretka na ovom igra za više od 2 mjeseca. Želimo više ETS 2 Kada to želimo sada Želimo više ETS 2 Kada to želimo sada Bilo tko drugi osjeća ovako? Žao nam je Scania peeps ste imali svoju slavu i kupio svoju igru ​​sada je vrijeme za nas gamere imamo igre premjestiti zajedno. Im dosadno s Scania Truck Simulator već: ( Hajde SCS podijeliti nešto? Želimo ETS 2 Kada to želimo sada Želimo ETS 2 Kada to želimo sada Samo pogled vam pokazati još uvijek rade na nas Gamers dijete samo zavirili. Molie


  44. Искам да чуя повече за СТЕ 2, не знам за някой друг, но аз се чувствам, това издание е да се избута към задните горелки сега.Аз personnally, че ние сме най-вероятно гледа 2013 г., преди това е освободен, аз винаги ви подкрепи СКС и закупени на вашите игри, за да ви помогне да растат, така че да получите повече пари във вашата компания. Аз никога не са изтеглени и излъгани, Искам да видя повече от СТЕ 2, истинската причина, защо всички ние сме закупуване на вашите игри. Scania Truck Сим е наред, бих казал, това е може би най-добре сте направили досега, без сянка на съмнение, но позволява лицето бузите / дами, недвижими McCoy е на ЕСТЕ 2 и не сме имали един помиришат на напредък по този игра за повече от 2 месеца насам.Ние искаме повече СТЕ 2Кога го искамесегаНие искаме повече СТЕ 2Кога го искамесегаНякой друг да се чувствам като това?Съжаляваме Scania надникват сте имали славата си купих играта си, сега си ни време геймърите да имат нашата игра се движат по.Im скучаят с Scania Truck Simulator вече: (Хайде акции SCS нещо?Искаме СТЕ 2Кога го искамесегаИскаме СТЕ 2Кога го искамесегаСамо един поглед да ви покажа все още работят върху нас геймърите бебето само един поглед.molie

  45. I wanted to ask the community for their opinion on the HDR matter. Do you think that the game is more realistic with or without HDR?

    I ask because with HDR it gets much brighter and i cant decide if i prefer it on or off?

    I also searched the HDR feature for gaming at the internet and i found that both opinions exist: some people think its more realistic with HDR off and some others the opposite.

    So i d like the opinions from the other funs of this game and to discuss farther that matter.

    Thank you!

    1. It depends on HDR effects settings. In case of STDS - very disgusting, imo. Too much bloom, brightness at night, etc...
      I prefer turn off ingame HDR and to use 'enbseries' graphic mod, that offer more flexible settings of bloom and color correction. Thus, you can get a really realistic image, such as you imagine.

    2. I think that with HDR on the near by cars and your truck glow too much at night and i occur periodic lag spikes with HDR on even at 40 FPS.

    3. Lol i searched that mod and its for Skyrim. But i ll try to max all other graphics and turn off HDR.

    4. It's gotta be your personal opinion on this thing, it's the matter of taste or something like that. Turn the HDR on, look outside the window and compare both pictures. Turn it off and do the same thing.

    5. Ive tried many times that and i cant decide, each option has its pros and cons. :P

    6. Theres several versions of enbseries for many different games, not only for Skyrim. Sadly, but developer did not make modifications exclusively for 18WoS (DX) and ETS/STDS, so better use Richard Burns Rally version.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I think you should think more ETS2 than STDS, I know it's a team apart, however, ETS 2 is much more important.

  48. I am from Serbia Download dont work stop at 33 mb
    (sorry for my English)

  49. what is the serail key for patch v1.1.0

  50. I'm actually hoping the SCS is going to correct the whole environment thing till the ETS2, 'cause it doesn't look much realistic - seems like colors are too cold - it just doesn't look like summer midday, when it's 12 o'clock in the game. Even in T&T it looked bit more realistic and I felt that. Probably, I can try to change that myself and probably people would with weather mods or something like it was with previous games, but then I wasn't unsatisfied. So, I'm just hoping the game's gonna get better and better and that we can help it.

  51. can someone write serial key for scanita truck driving simulator patch 1.1.0

  52. ITs the same from the game

    1. you do not need serial for installing the patch

    2. It's one of Banhammer victim.

  53. But after installing the patch, when i  turn the game asks me serial key

    1. You used a leaked key which was banned with the new patch. Buy a legal key to receive the patches and support.

  54. Has enyone found the 50 Scania triggers in the free map? I have driven for over 30 hours now and been everywhere 10 times at least. I have only found 49 of them. Where is the last :-)

  55. can someone help me about serial key

    1. NO stop asking...

    2. just buy the game if you like it!

    3. The only help you need is how to respect people...

    4. 19 EUROS are worth for this game.. . you can spend it for such a wonderful game . . i agree with Mark

  56. Help me out guys ... I installed the patch and the game keeps crashing in freedom driving anymore, just like it did before I installed it. The game works fine on driving school or dangerous drive mode, but every time I want to do some freedom driving it crashes after a few minutes.

    1. Didn't you try to reinstall the game itself? Install the game and then the patch again. That's such an obvious solution. You were hoping the patch would solve it? Well, that's not somthing wrong with the game. Maybe, the instalation didn't go all smooth. You could try to install it again way before you've noticed it's same with patch

    2. Run the game in openGL mode instead, you can do this by, clicking start, scania truck driver, support, click on Play SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator (OpenGL) that should sort the problem out

  57. Nelutu, do you run the game in OpenGL or DirectX? The Dangerous Drive levels sometimes hang up my PC if using DirectX, but everything works fine with OpenGL - try that if you run the game in DX9.

    That said, if the game keeps crashing, make sure to send the game.log file to the support e-mail address of SCS after a crash.

  58. hi i m from India.i am playing the demo version of STDS.but i am disappointed with the graphics quality of this game.its not as sleek as UKTS OR GTS.why scs has done this?the shadow and rain's are very good but the graphics are not sleek and smooth as GTS/UKTS.plz do something scs.

    1. Of course, they are different, they are taking steps further and I hope graphics are going to get more and more realistic. You either just don't like what they've done or u r running it at settings that are making it look that way.

    2. Change to OPEN GL!

    3. Turn the effects off - maybe u r gonna like it this way.

  59. Even though it's been said that STDS and ETS2 got seperate teams working on it, it looks like since the hype around STDS, there's barely any blogs about ETS2. (Which gives the impression that ETS2 development suffers under STDS). Could we have more frequent updates on ETS2 please?

    1. I really hope that there is seperate teams on STDS and ETS2, else we for sure don't have ETS2 here in 49 days. No way the same people will have ETS2 ready if they continue to patch STDS. UNLESS ETS2 already is finish and they use STDS to beta test for errors and correct them in both games. 49 days and countdown.

  60. I'm sick of this error

    [dx9] Failed to lock vertex buffer of size 1048576 a position 0 [0x88760827]


    1. Run the game in openGL mode instead, you can do this by, clicking start, scania truck driver, support, click on Play SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator (OpenGL) that should sort the problem out

  61. Hello guys! I prepared short cut of Scania TDS from free driving mod. Enjoy and support developers!

    1. Link works.. butr, try this format

  62. I need to pay again to play new pathc?

    1. How on earth did you even manage to buy this lovely game in the first place?

    2. No, you don't have to pay. Such a problem might have occured if you shared your key or used a stolen one.

    3. Some people don't even read patchnotes or hints, that were posted few days before patch release...

  63. For those who complain about HDR and other effects. I've tried to turn off all of them and then turn them back on. Actually that stuff and HDR mostly makes the whole picture look much more brighter. And you can't say which is more realistic since you don't know how is it meant to be. Look at pics:

    Effects off:

    Effects on:

    1. What time of the day are these photos taken?

    2. About 10 PM. I have to say with no effects it looks softer and softer is sometimes more natural. And by looking at the on-screen mirrors you can notice that the picture in the mirror is the one with no effects, that's why reflection looks different when HDR on.

    3. Yes the mirrors are always with HDR off.

    4. As you can notice, HDR no only adds more gloss, it makes the whole picture brighter.

  64. I don't quite understand how I can change the game to OpenGL. Can you explain it to me step by step?

    1. Press the Windows start button, click on all programs, look for Scania Truck Driving Simulator, click it and finally click Troubleshooting. There you'll find three shortcuts to run the game either in OpenGL, DirectX or Safe mode.

    2. I can't find Scania Truck Simulator in the Start menu. Where else can I do this?

    3. Go to where you've installed your game (folder called Scania Truck Driving Simulator).
      Go to the bin folder and into a folder called win_x86 (or win_x32). In there, right-click on the game's executable and select "create shortcut".
      Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select properties. Look for a field called "target" which contains a line similar to this: "c:\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe"

      To force the game to run in OpenGL mode add the following command at the end of this line: -rdevice gl. It should now look similar to this: "c:\SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator\bin\win_x86\scania_truck_driving_simulator.exe" -rdevice gl
      To force DirectX mode use -rdevice dx9.

      Hope this helps ;)

  65. I have a problem. When I instaled a patch and tryed to play the game, then appeared a window that says: "the game filesystem failed to initiralize, aborting now..."
    Can anyone help me?

  66. i dont know where is the problem , but you try again

  67. do you need key for first version or another version ?

  68. version 1.1.0 please

  69. i dont know , just i know key for first version , and i need key for 1.1.0

  70. OK, changed the game to OpenGL and it's still crashing at Free Driving mode. What could the problem be?

  71. you have to change game on directx

  72. after patching an entered cd key it shows its invalid before that its working fine

  73. key for patch 1.1.0 please

  74. if I find all logos(50) with scania I win some? the logo help me?

  75. if I find all logos(50) with scania I win some? they help me?

  76. Does anybody know key for patch v1.1.0

    1. Sure here you go :


    2. Sure, what is your email?

  77. Slow download speeds on scs software's links for this game

    Heres my demo link for it

    it's the demo it has no CD key or anything illegal it's just the demo.

  78. I absolutely respect and appreciate your point on each and every object.

  79. I tried making shortcuts with both -rdevice gl and -rdevice dx9 commands, but the game still crashes at free driving mode. Do you guys have any other advice?

    1. It's really hard to tell what the problem is without some sort of error or log file. Have you tried the more common solutions like updating your videocard drivers, directx etc? Also, are there other games that crash on your computer?

    2. No, this is the only game that crashes ... I can play Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Mafia 2 smoothly, to give a few examples ... so it's not the videocard's fault.

    3. In documents/scania truck driving simulator is a file called game.log. Scroll down to the bottom and see if there is any kind of error message before it shuts the game down.

  80. hello guys, i have bought the game yesterday, but i noticed that it doesnt have night time, its stuck only in late evening time, why is that ?? i am a bit diappointed

    1. It does have it X_X. Restart a free ride mode a few times.

  81. I was so looking forward to this game but i cannot get the steering to work. ive tried all sorts of combinations of sensitivity, non linearity and deadzone but the truck wheel is jittery and doesnt respond naturally or smoothly like it does using the keyboard keys for example. i find the truck very sluggish and hard to control. much worse than GTS which i played a lot and got good at driving. The graphics seem all bloomy and too reflective - i think gts graphics are better to be honest. i hope this isnt what ets 2 is gonna be like . The truck handling is apalling to be honest. Why is that so hard. Unless it is my steering wheel, but my wheel is fine with gts. very disappointed because i think gts is a brilliant game in every way.

  82. The command C (cruise control) not work!!!


    1. Rebind it. Works fine for everyone else.

    2. Friend. Does not work!!!
      Even changing the keys or rebind!!!

  83. Thank you SCS Great Game, really great and keep the the good work.

    My spec's

    Intel Core i7 2600K @4.0GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16 GB ( 4 x 4 GB ) DDR3 1600 MHz (PC3 12800) / Corsair Hydro Series H100 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler (CWCH100) / Corsair 600T / Corsair AX850 / ASUS SABERTOOTH P67 B3 / 2 ASUS ENGTX560 TI DCII TOP/2DI/1GD5 / 1 Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green 2 SATA II Intellipower 64 MB Cache / 1 Corsair Force Series GT 120 GB SATA 2.5-Inch SATA III Solid State Drive (CSSD-F120GBGT-BK) (Boot Drive) / Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit SP1 / Logitech G27, Logitech 5.10.164 /Nividia 301.42 / JVC 42" LCD TV FPDUS-P510 @1080P 1920X1080.

  84. Replies
    1. You get a serial key when you buy the game ;)

      ..honestly, people asking for keys on SCS's official blog? The stupidity never fails to amaze me.

  85. Interesting information I haven’t been through such information in a long time.
    pay per head company

  86. Just so everyone knows their is now a 1.2.0 update on the official website


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