Sunday, August 5, 2012

Congratulations to the winners!

The best results of the competition make the challenge look like it was too easy! Ourselves we did not think it was possible to get the time under 1 minute, but you have proven us wrong repeatedly - we have some real masters of the steering wheel among the game's players :-). It's quite late here, we'll revisit this topic tomorrow again and get in touch with the winners.

Thanks everybody for your effort, that packed parking lot really got a lot of diesel burnt on it during this weekend! For those of you who did not win, here is a little consolation prize - a short movie made of scenes in Euro Truck Simulator 2, showing variety of daylight changes and weather.


  1. Replies

  2. Congratiulations to the winners! And nice video,SCS! Keep up the good work!

  3. nice, and thanks.

    i saw that stars dont move while watching the video! yes it's not a stellarium but details make the game more realistic.

    1. They should sparkle,not move.that's what i think.By the way,i'm the same guy who wrote "Congratiulations! And nice video!"

    2. they should move. because the earth is spinnig!

    3. Sparkle and move, but, depending on the time scale, when we drive a truck we would not notice it really. No stargazing when behind the wheel, tsk tsk! (c;

      Still, perhaps a detail for future games, imagine driving on clear nights and seeing well known constellations in different places... (c:

    4. You wouldn't notice it, trust me.

  4. Gz to the danish-boy!

    - Tillykke med din copy af ETS2, håber du vil uploade nogle film til os andre :)

    1. Uploade nogen film? Hvad... Du skal da bare ud og købe spillet ligesom alle os andre.

    2. Du skal da købe spillet ! :)

      Men det kan da godt ske der kommer en film på nettet ;)

  5. Congrats to the winner....

    Love the video.... but i´m missing snow!

  6. Yep, congrats to winners... but, everybody who buy ets2 is winner of great game..

  7. Pity to see the ai traffic drives the same route over and over againin the city.
    The rest is beautiful, thanks for making this game.
    Please make combo trucks in the future!

  8. Nice Video, BUT there have to be mutch more Trucks on Highways!
    You'll hardly find a place in europe, where trucks are rare as in your games. It wouldnt be hard to include but it takes more effect then better graphics;)
    Think about it!

    1. I agree, there have to more trucks. And you're probably right about "MUCH more".

      Btw, I really don't like the way the evening looks. 3:02 - the lights are good, but the skies seem to be unrealistic. I understand, what they tried to do, but the clouds shold look much warmer when the sun is still up (we can see the truck's shadow, so it is) and get darker only when it goes down. I hope they'll change it or there's others way the evening may look, but in STDS it's only like this.

      P.S. Really nice and relaxing video for my late morning. Thank you.

  9. Very nice SCS.
    Just Curious with the Weather Patters are they going to be a little longer lasting. Like in Scania Truck Sim the rain would last for 5min. Somtimes it should last for a bit longer shouldn't it.

    1. Ive had rain last for 45mins to an hour in STDS and fog so thick I couldnt see the traffic lights as shown in this screenshot

    2. Never had rain last longer than 5-10 minutes. It looks quite wierd, when the sun's almost down, then the rain comes, it's pouring for 5 minutes and after it ends, sun shines again. There have to be a big cloud or something that would make you think "Oh, here comes the rain". It sort of start all of a sudden. At least, it ends properly, always the same way, but quite realistic. You get that "Here comes the sun" feeling *humming The Beatles song"

      P.S. Why there's only Skoda Fabias as the AI-cars in the vid O_o

    3. You guys mustn't be from the UK. It looks like a typical English day in that video, one minute it's sunny, next we're all drowning, then it's sunny again. o__O

    4. Im from the UK,South Wales to be exact, where it rains more than the sun shines

    5. Ummm yeah wow ive never had fog like that *Ponders* acutally I don't think ive had fog at all.

      Maybe 1200km isn't enough to get all the weather patterns.

  10. Congratulations to the winners! great video SCS.

  11. Great driving, Rou10.
    You are the fastest.
    Congratulations :)

    And nice video...
    Can't wait until release.

    1. Thank Astoria711, you were a worthy opponent!

      Good run by you too ! :)

  12. bravo a tous les gagnants et quand est-ce que ce fait la liberation du jeu

  13. Congratulation to the winners!
    When are finally going to bring us the extension of the free driving map ??

  14. congratulations to the winners, great driving, hope you have many many wonderful hours playing ETS2 when it is released.

    Thank you SCS for showing us the wonderful transformation from day to night in ETS2, I was excited before about playing the game, I feel more like a 5yr old on christmas eve now.

    Keep up the good work.

  15. well done to the winners, knew I should have given myself longer than 2h to practice and compete lol.

    For me “easynote” was the best driver after looking at the replays, as he would have been the only one of the top 3 with his mirrors intact at the finish line, the others would have smashed there RH mirrors on the parked trucks RH mirrors and would have been explaining to an irate driver!

  16. My third place was difficult :D

    Thanks to SCS for this Contest ;)

  17. The game is perfect, i'll buy the game. :-)

  18. Congratulations to the winners!

    Nice video scs, when you're so busy with this Scania TDS competition and making ETS2, you still make some videos for us! That shows that you really care about us. I like that.

    1. Well said about SCS, Anonymous one, I agree! (c:

  19. Indeed congrats,

    I couldnt even get it round the first bend lol.

    Awesome video SCS on a sunday aswell, now thats what i call dedication.


  20. I second to the Sunday deal, awesome dedication SCS! That video looks absolutely beautiful as well. As a beta tester, I was a little bummed I couldn't be counted in the competition, but I also agree it would have been pretty much cheating :P

    Keep up the amazing work SCS!

  21. I came back, you wanting it or not! hahaha.

    Just kidding folks, but returning the news, congratulations to the winners and everyone who tried to stay in top positions.

    SCS's good video, but I wonder if you could reach that level of awesome graphic in ETS2, for a company, say small, I guess with the success of sales, you, can they improve themselves increasingly in the graph in gameplay, the IA in general future simulators as ET3.

    More one turn, sorry my english, using Google Tradutor...


  22. para que el rayado peatonal y las aceras si no hay gente caminando? fail.
    for the striped pedestrian sidewalks if there are no people walking? Fail.

  23. you'll win the best truck simulator of the year award if you keep up all that good work

  24. Congratulations, awesome times! Prices well earned, seeing how close it were in the end! (c:

    Nice video, SCS, quite a nice treat with the images and music alike.

  25. Quite a boring video, not so good as the old videos that you guy showed us but...donuts don't come always with an hole!!! By the way, compliments with the winners and very respect to everyone who have tried to win this "Scs Olympics contest" XD
    At the end, I'll hope that you guys at Scs announce very soon an official release date. I know that excalibur website say 21st of september, but untill it's official, I don't believe it ;)

    1. ETS 2 official release date 2012-11-13.

    2. It's NOT an official release date, it's just your speculation. Like SCS said, "the game is done when it's done".

    3. ETS 2 official release date by Excalibur Publishing:
      21 September 2012

      Euro Truck Simulator 2

    4. OK OK!! It's version!

    5. It might not even be out on the offical date cos last time the offical date was august and its delayed to september so mabye not out until cristmas.

  26. Awesome!Just inform us about place,date,time and forecast of these weathercams :-).

  27. Scania TDS add-on of the map when is expected ?????

    1. It's out since friday. AHAHAHA READ the anterior posts :D

    2. No, José, that is the patch with 2 new challenges, the patch with the extended map is not yet released -- but soon! As for when, only SCS knows the exact day, I think...

    3. NO, they said they would release the map add-on shortly after the competition is over.

    4. OK OK!! It's version!

    5. >Damian Obuchowski

      Will you please show me where they use the word SHORTLY.?
      They wrote that they would start PREPARE after the weekend. They did not wrote for how long they would prepare.

  28. Where can i see those replays of the winners they must be awsome and i have a few ETS2 ideas : we could open the windows on the truck and little squares on the exits an example picture : congaratulatons to Rou10,Astoria711 and easynote on your free copy of ETS2 WELL DONE!!!!!!

  29. Looking forward to driving in dark rainy nights and then romatic misty dawns when the lack of vision and beaty of all that stuff will force me slow on the gas.

  30. scs I have a question:
    all trailers in your previous games have a same weight so trailers in ets2 have same weight or have different weight?

    pls I found something not cool in the video at 2:04 there was a very long line of cars on a single line road please fix it.

    1. Well, this video isn't about the traffic. All the cars are the same. Skoda Fabia's all the way. In that part of video, you are talking about, there are cars driving in that other lane, too, but much faster. Problem is that AI-cars are turning so slow, only a few of them can make a turn before the lights are red again.

    2. Skoda is from CZ. SCS is from CZ.

    3. Yeah, I was thinking about that, too XD

    4. Question: but don't you get lines of traffic driving to work everyday have you ever heard of a traffic jam. I think traffic jams should be in the game it makes the time challenges more challenging

    5. Quite a stupid jam, isn't it? The left lane is empty. But everyone's turning right, cars could have gone the longer way and make it faster. Hopefully, it will be better in the normal motion, because, despite the AI-cars are quite slow, so only a few of them can make the turn before the light are red again, it's good in the STDS.

  31. Everyone is a "winner", if complete this hard stage.

  32. WHERE ARE THE TRUCKS? Scs this is serious you HAVE to add more trucks to the roads! When i saw that scene in the industrial area with lots of warehouses and oil rafinaderys, there were tons of cars! And like 6-7 trucks! There should be crowded with trucks in the industrial area. And the highway scene at the end.. When i'm out in the car on a highway, it doesn't matter day or night. I always see loads of trucks and sometimes big convoys with up to 10 trucks! Now i didn't see a single truck.

    I'm sorry for yelling at you scs, my favourite game producers, but i think this is wierd. I hope you see this.

    Otherwise, beautiful video. :)

    1. I want crowded warehouses with trucks cars and stuff and also forklifts to make it more realistic. I hate easy-to-go loading docks, theyre just so boring. In game or in real life

  33. i used to be a truck driver, then i took an arrow to the knee.

    1. I was a truck driver like you once, but then I too a Rig'n'roll to the knee.
      The internet is a wonderful place XD.

    2. Hehe it sure is. I didn't know so many here play Skyrim? ;)

    3. It may be from that game, but you don't have to play Skyrim to know about it. ;)

  34. Scenery looks the same as in ETS or GTS and it looks boring! I means there are only Trucks and Cars in AI traffic. Why? There are no other vehicles in the world? Would be great to see something new like Travel Buses on the highways, City Buses and Taxis in cities, Tractors on the country (village) roads or Ambulances, Police Cars and Fire Trucks in normal traffic. Not to mention Garbage Trucks or Tow Trucks. SOME VARIETY PEOPLE! Please bring some life into this game.

    1. Here's our annoying little rat again. ^.^

    2. Have I offended you or someone else that you insult me by calling me a rat? I know what I'm talking about and you know that I'm right talking about boring traffic. My other suggestions were also good, so these types of abuse keep to yourself if you don't want me to insult you.

    3. @cets +1 the traffic is very boring in this game! i hope there gonna be some mods to make it more realistic!

  35. Please make traffic adjuster and the game will be fabulous :)

    1. +1 - great idea Anonymous, if our PC's are able to handle it we can then turn traffic up to max, but if we have PC like me then we can just keep traffic on low

    2. +1, I've suggested this from the start.

  36. Where is SNOOOOOOWWW... Demit...You have been working for three years and there is no snow huh... Poor SCS...

    1. Hmm, what about releasing the game and add an Snow 'add-on' on December?

    2. It's not that easy. And although there was winter in other SCS' games, I think, if they were doing that, they'd want to bring it to the whole new level. And just having snow wouldn't be enough for people. They'd want it to melt times to times, because "it doesn't often snow at Christmas"(c). Then they would want to have spring and autumn as well. I don't blame anyone for anything like that, but endless summer is alright too XD

    3. It's fine there is no snow, we have global warming anyway ! :D

  37. Please upload a video of the winner since i doesn' have the game yet.

  38. Please SCS make the windows open on the truck it would be a good function please listen to me SCS that would make the game complete im sure lots of people agree with me.

    1. +1 I agree best idea that would just complete the game.

    2. I hope SCS adds this its a good function also i found on ETS the wheels where not covered with enough detail when you look at the bottom of the truck one side is detailed and the other is plain i hope SCS fixes that. +1

    3. This idea was suggested several times in previous months. Although I want electric windows also. +1

    4. Would be so cool.

  39. Hello SCS

    Of course, first off thanks for great game!

    Two 'small' requests from this side of the world,
    1 - Would you be able to increase the time before the online sign-on time-outs? I live down here at bottom of Africa and while my internet seems to be working OK (cause I can browse here etc) the game says unable to connect - maybe my internet is just bad and then thats fine i will just try signin and pray each time that i get connected :) I haven't been able to connect since the launch of competition patch, and,
    2 - Would it be possible to make the game run in proper windowed mode, ie if I wanted to I can minimize/maximise the window as well as let the cursor be seamless between my STDS and windows. I realise this might not be just easy to implement but if possible it would be cool.

  40. Hello SCS.

    I've a request for ETS2, since i've a Steering Wheel "Thrustmaster RGT Clutch Pro" Since the its a Sequential Shifter, its give no sense there is a clutch with. It i possible that you guys can do in the furture you can config by you self if you want to press the clutch down for shift.

    Its really sad i can't stall, doesn't have to press clutch down them i'm stand...

    - Jacob, Denmark.

  41. Amazing job so far SCS, can't wait till the relase... by the way I think there could be a slightly more trucks on the roads (mainly on the motorways)so it would add up to the realistic feeling of the game, but anyways it's still breathtakingly amazing what you guys did to this game and I'm looking forward to finally hold it in my hand when it arrives...

    Keep up the good work guys ;)

    - David, Transylvania

    1. We have a little problem showing too many trucks at the same time - with the push for top quality models, some of our truck models easily have 30-50 thousand triangles or more. Even lower Level of Detail variants are still very much triangle heavy in order to look correct. Showing too many of them at the same time (and also some of them visible in several rear-view mirrors!) can really bring an average 3D card down to it's knees.

    2. Please SCS it would be good if we could open and close the windows on the truck.

    3. Thanks for your answer! So it's like you have to choose between more realistic environment or stable running? Then no problem just make it stable and well optimized to run smoothly and I think everybody will be glad with it :)

    4. I had an 3D Card but when it seen 50 thousand triangles it took an arrow to the knee.

    5. Or it might be a simple slidebar in gameplay options menu which allows each player to adjust the maximum possible number of trucks he wants to see at the same time in game.

    6. Thank you for answering SCS i'm glad you read our comments :)


  43. stop crying!!!! i want to play next month, not 2013 september.
    Work hard scs team! You're the best! (if not put the snow on the game even) :) :$

  44. SCS, maybe you could make weather effects more realistic?

    For such, take a look at the thunderstorms. It's quite unrealistic because always you can hear the rumbling quite loudly and second, rumbling always comes like 50 milliseconds after the lightning. Please make the rumbling have random time, as in, they should be a lot later than the strike itself.

    1. Lightening vs. thunder delay is proportional to the speed of light (~299792458m/sec) vs. the speed of sound (~340m/sec), lightening 1km away you will see the flash virtually instantly (~0.003335 microseconds (1ms = 1000 microseconds)), the sound will take ~2.9411sec to reach you.

      When dealing with lightening over 2km away its quite possible that Lightening vs. thunder sound gets confused due to the visual/audio delay if there are multiple lightning strikes,

      in 50ms (1/20 of a sec) sound will have only travelled ~17m

  45. I'm not good with computers and stuff so i've got a question:

    Will this graphic card run ETS2 and Scania TDS smooth with HD and stuff without any problems?

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 (2 GB dedikated)

  46. i want snow road, ice and.. of course police car with traffic rules ( stopped by the police, not a little notice on the screen : you heve.... )
    the game looks fantastic, keep going!

  47. Congrats to the winners and SCS is doing a great job as always :D PS: tist slovenc k je prsu tok visok sam neki mu morm rect legenda mudel :D

  48. Great job SCS! These scenes look breathtaking, nice presentation! Keep 'em coming!

  49. make the trees of different varieties; only one type is boring and monotonous

  50. I want to have more type of the cars on highways every morning, night and day.

    Great work SCS!

  51. Hey guys, remember the cities and the crossroads of ets1 and almost any other older scs game? I do, becouse they were all the same! Now this looks just F**KING GREAT to me :)

  52. bonjour y a très peu de véhicules dans le jeu...

  53. pas assez de véhicules dans le jeu, jour comme nuit surtout sur les autoroutes...pas de bouchon rien etc.., trop vide au niveau des véhicules ...dans ets le temps passé trop vite pareil dans gts...

  54. If you are looking for SCANIA TRUCK DRIVING SIMULATOR MODS and ETS2 news check out this website!!



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