Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Scania Truck Driving Simulator Just Got Bigger!

Finally the not-so-small game update extending the free roaming "Deliveries" map is ready for download! The patch can be applied to any previous version of the game, whether purchased digitally or in any of the country-specific DVD box editions...

Update your game here!

We had to re-set the Leaderboard for the Deliveries map back to zero for everyone, so you are starting from scratch when exploring the new part of the map and delivering your first cargo.

This is still not the final word from us on this game. There are more Dangerous Drives maps in the pipeline, and we are also continuing to improve the technology. So more updates can still be expected from us. In fact the same strategy is planned for ETS2 - the release date is only the start of further evolution of the games.


  1. Thank you SCS Team

    ETS 2 Turkey Fan

    STDS Fantastic İmage

  2. i this 1 hour i news news gta 5 new 3 photo and sctds update lol and i m second comment now !!!

  3. Thanks for the update.

    By the way SCS, why are there black objects flying near the docks? Are they seagulls without textures?

    It happens on lowest quality for me.

    1. It supposed to be BIRDS. or UFO's on the lowest quality setting.

  4. Thank you, but Scania TDS is still too much heavy, the graphic engine needs a lot of optimization. There are some of my framerates:
    Battlefield BC2: 80-90 FPS Maxed out
    Battlefield 3: 50-60 FPS All on High
    TDU2: 70 FPS Maxed out
    CoD MW3: 90 FPS Maxed out
    Scania TDS: barely 435-40 FPS All on High and scaling only 125%!!! That's not possible!

    1. *35-40 FPS on STDS

    2. I agree, too too heavy to play on medium PC.
      I'll wait ETS 2 with my finger cross...

    3. The problem is high FPS really is a waste, because the human eye and brain can't successfully process more than about 25-30 frames per second. Less than this it is perceived as jerky, such as the very old silent films which were at a frame rate of around 14-24 fps. Above 30-40 it cant see all frames correctly, which is why on a rollercoaster for example, we see blurriness. Pigeons, as an example, see at 75 frames per second. We didn't evolve in that way, because we didn't need to have such worries about predators. I have played games at around 25-30 fps, and there is no jerkiness, because the brain can't process it properly. What happens is that the brain is desperately trying to "stitch" together all the images that come into it, which is why playing games for a long time in one sitting can cause headaches and dizziness, because the brain is basically overloading with neural information.

    4. Wow ! Very impressive comment, Rob. Plus I learnt something new about pigeons ! :) - JETLogistics

    5. I must admit, that fact I learnt from Stephen Fry on QI! The crazy thing that I discovered recently is that the BBC tested 300fps for sports events in HD! I now know mere my licence fee goes to!

    6. I know that the human eye can only process 30 FPS, but i can see a HUGE difference between 40 and 60 FPS, also between 55 and 60 FPS. When i play a game at 60 FPS my eye is relaxed and the game seems more realistic to me....instead, when i play STDS at 40 FPS i feel annoyed and got a headache after 30 minutes...
      However: this graphic engine is too much heavy.

    7. But the problem is low PC. I'm playing TDU 2 on high with 40 FPS, but STDS on medium i have only 20 FPS. And it's really bad :(


      Human eye can only perceive 10-12 unique images per second.

      But, anything below 46 fps will feel jerky, least according to wiki, and I believe it, I've played at 30fps and still felt jerkiness.

      According to that page they're testing 300fps for big screens at sports events, to alleviate disorientation suffered by the viewers...

      there's a difference between the ability to perceive individual images and the illusion of motion given by extra frames in between those. I think that's where you got confused.

    9. Also, on a roller-coaster you might be getting tunnel vision?

    10. Sorry for the multiposts :/

      but :P

      You get dizzy from prolonged playing if the FOV is incorrect for your distance to the screen and also if the monitor's refresh rate and ingame FPS is set too low. At proper FOV and refresh rates/FPS you shouldn't get more dizzy than from watching through a window.

      Sorry if I'm lecturing here but I've had alot of problems with refresh rates and FOV's because of my inner ear sensitivity that this is a matter rather close to the vest for me. So I've done a bit of homework on this. :P

    11. Funny thing is; I used to get a lot of what you mention, and then it cleared up when I got glasses! Not saying that you're blind as a bat, and it could of been coincidence. But, I don't believe in them!

    12. The problem is: is not possible that i can run Crysis 2 @ 50-60 FPS maxed out and in Scania TDS i get barely 40 FPS (when it's raining i get 25 fps).

    13. Thanks Rob, that makes a lot of sense (caught myself there, no more Alots!! :P). Have had these glasses for about 20 years now, 'might' be time to get new ones. :P

    14. Well it was just a thought! I realised about 18 months ago that I needed new ones, when I sat down to read a book and all I saw were black lines, no words! I do alot of that :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Buy the Digital or CD Version of Scania Truck Driving Simulator

    2. Sure there is:


  6. Just came home. Two new posts. Ah, you're so cool, SCS XD

  7. Replies
    1. That's because you haven't bought it, you idiot.

    2. +5 :D can't believe some of us living amongst this society. seriously.

  8. Replies
    1. Buy the Digital or CD Version of Scania Truck Driving Simulator

  9. I've been waiting for this update. And you're posting news so fast. Thank you, SCS.

  10. And for what purpose there is a UFO, I was trying to do half an hour so they took me to my new galaxy, but did not work: ((

    1. It's called Eastern Egg! And there is more of them in STDS.

      Great idea to relax and to motivate players.

    2. Anybody remember the one in PTTM, when you drove past Roswell? (I think it was PTTM, could have been Haulin')

    3. That was probably the one I was thinking of, too many games, not enough memory!

  11. When ETS 2 is released?

    1. Coming Quarter 4 2012 (Excalibur Publishing)

    2. Quarter 4 2012?

      Mitsos from Greece.

    3. Yes... Excalibur hopes so, so do we.

  12. Wow thanks SCS I can't wait to get home and download this!

  13. Thank you guys its a wonderful update!! :) I really like the environment, and its running well on my laptop. Hmm a lots of delivery awaits ! Good work, this is the only one game STDS which was WORTH to buy! I hate other games full with LAG!!!!! At least you guys could make this game running on low - end PC. Great work, can't stop playing. ( I make my coffee now ) :)

  14. With the new patch game always starts at 12 a clock.. Only me????

    1. This is only temporary until you drive few km. The patch resets progress in that level so the game now considers you a newcomer to the level and gives you a nice sunny day.

  15. Has anybody els found the stone circle yet?

  16. Thank you SCS for the patch, great job!.

  17. You guys actually think of us and keep publishing patches and stuff, you're the best! Thank you very much and good luck with future work!

  18. Something that may need fixing is the pointsystem... When you cause an accident or run a red light points are now added while they should be subtracted from your total. Or am I wrong? Thnx for the awesome map addition. Keep it up.

  19. Here is a OVERVIEW map for you to print out or just use as a image.
    Its a complete map with the new update in it.

    See or Download it here.

    1. THANK YOU! This is excellent. I wish I could see this in-game. But this is a great tool for planning routes! I hate it when I pick up something from the docks for example and have to deliver it to the far end of the map but I don't know if to go on the motorway or the small roads and end up driving all over the place because I took the wrong way!!

    2. This map is so cool.. Thanks


    4. heroic. just play omsi it is and will be the best bus simulator.


  21. Very good news XD I like how you will continue to progress ETS2 after release.

  22. SCS Soft: Can you add a link to the update-page on the download-page, please? I never can remember the URL. I think, many people go to the download page first to look for updates (at least this is the first kind of place I always look for every software). I always forget about the tiny link on the main page and then seach my entire browser history. :-)

    PS: Thank you for this update!

    1. On the bottom of the STDS page is a row of links. The second is update.

    2. Ouh... I'm so ashamed... Thanks! ;)

    3. No need to be ashamed StanE, alot of sites are designed without any shred of common sense. You should feel shame if they had placed it in an obvious location, but as it stands, they might as well have put a pi symbol and have you CTRL+ALT click it to access customer areas...

  23. please can we have openable windows on ETS2 it would be a really good feature look at this video for openable windows

    1. Yes that's a good idea.

    2. And virtual farts! Please SCS we want the game to be released in 2013!

  24. There is still a big BRIDGE , which can open up more roads and environments, if the developers still thinking about extend the map. Across the bridge. (in the future) Yep some refueling options still can be added, police ticket for speeding or crossing red light. I don't modding the 90 km/h limit, in real life rarely goes trucks higher speed than that. So thats okay. Love the new update keep up the good work SCS!

  25. people READ this:

    SCS is not going to add anything to ETS2 like opening windows, map upgrades, multiplayer or other things because it is just TOO close to the release. No game company does this because now it is just Bug fixing and BETA testing. so stop whining about them adding new stuff because they simply can't do that at this stage of the game(every game). So just stop with those posts and post something usefull for scs.

  26. Hey guys i need your help, when i add a patch when i type the codes the game doesn't plays(if you know what i mean ).
    What the hell i have to do?
    Show me a video if you have.

    Mitsos from Greece.

    1. Buy the game or get lost.

    2. Nobody buys a stupid game when you can download it for free.

    3. Shhh Mark

      Mitsos from Greece.

    4. Skip Bayles I hope you works for free and don't expect payment or salary . Eat your own poo to feed yourself. In the supermarket you get everything for free? You don't have to pay? see? its also valid for the games. If you like it, buy it. If you dont wanna buy it, don't expect support for your stupid game. IDIOT.

    5. So you all want SCS to never release another game, b*s****s?

    6. skip bayless well i do,you idiot.

    7. Well, you probably don't have where to spent your money, so you decided to waste it on this shitty game.
      To Mark - If they can't do it to work properly, so yes, i want. You fuckin asshole.

    8. I don't think they will make it anyway.

    9. " If they can't do it to work properly, so yes, i want. You fuckin asshole."

      1. Learn English before you come on his blog so you don't look stupid.
      2. They have done it amazing. They have done at LEAST 10 times better than I thought they could have done. Instead of just moaning, give some legit points to back up your argument.

    10. Mark, you fuckin' asshole. Skip BaylessAugust 23, 2012 at 3:03 PM

      You say they have done it amazing??? Oh, okay, I won't argue with you, you fuckin' asshole.
      P.S: you probably thought they could not done this game, you fuckin' asshole

    11. Ok, we all get it. You're an uneducated idiot. I have an idea for you - if you don't have enough disposable income, get some education and a decent job other than stacking shelves. I don't say this from a holier than thou standpoint, as I have pirated games in the past, generally when a demo is not released and the game costs a large sum of money. I refuse to pay unless I know I shall enjoy the game, once I have evaluated and decided yes, I will buy the game; if the decision is no, I delete and never think about it again.
      By the way, f'ing and blinding doesn't make your argument stronger, it just makes you look vulgar and uneducated.

    12. you want to be a fuckin' asshole too? you fuckin' asshole
      P.S: Everybody google Skip Bayless and see what idiot I'm trying to look like. lol

    13. Ha Ha Ha, you're SO funny. You really upset me by calling me asshole, son. I've been called a lot worse by guys who were under my command when I was in the army. You really can't say anything to me I haven't heard before, so do me a favour, and go away.
      Oh, I see now who you're trying to be. I faound this headline from the Washington Redskins:
      "Skip Bayless is a Moron and Tries to Start a Race-War Between Skins Fans"
      and from the Bleacher Report website:
      "ESPN's Skip Bayless Should Face Punishment for Jeter PED Comments"
      Yep, sounds like you, an idiot.

    14. I'm not upset :D I'm just annoying you :D I don't care what you say, piracy rules, and you can tell that army story to your grandpa, you fuckin asshole, because I don't care that you were in any fuckin' army. Sorry, but I won't go away. You fuckin' asshole.

    15. Oooooh, aren't you clever you changed your name! Well done. What did my comment cut a little to the quick? I don't really care whether you care or not, I'm just stating a fact, and the fact is you cannot insult me. You are not big, nor are you clever, you're just a silly little boy who needs to grow up.
      This is what education can do for you:
      Dutch - U bent slechts een klein stuk stront op mijn schoen
      Afrikaans - Jy is net 'n klein stukkie van die kak op my skoen
      Irish - Tá tú ach píosa beag de cac ar mo bróg
      Catalan - Vostè està a només un petit tros de merda a la sabata
      Norwegian - Du er bare en liten dritt på skoen min
      German - Du bist nur ein kleines Stück Scheiße auf meinen Schuh
      Now go away, and get some education, and then you might be able to afford things; Who knows, you may even find a girlfriend (or boyfriend, I don't discriminate). ;-)

    16. Hey bitch, you stole my gmail account! Listen everybody, this guy above me is not Rob, his name Stuporon, and he stole my gmail, and is now trying to be me!!!!!

    17. Love the way you change your name constantly, when you're made to look small. Do you really think everybody is as stupid as you? I've never even used gmail, so I suggest you get a life. Seriously, you're boring me now, just go away so I have discussions with somebody higher up the evolutionary ladder than a demented bee.

    18. Rob, why are you trying to reason with a mentally deficient? As if comprehension was within his grasp? Just ignore the twat, don't give him more attention than he deserves, you'll never be able to change him, doubt anything could, some ppl just aren't wired properly...

    19. That was my thinking; although I did find him quite amusing. I like playing with the feeble minded!

    20. email me

    21. Yeah, don't waste your time and ignore that idiot, who can't say a good argument, and just keeps trying to insult you!
      On topic: just downloaded the new patch, so what can I say, it's quite impressive. Like somebody write before, it requires high amount of driving skills. Love these tight backstreets!

    22. I agree with you on that! Some of those streets are something of a nightmare, but if you have good throttle control you can just about make it. The problem I had was trying to make a turn on one of those backstreets, I went back and forth so much I thought I was on an elastic band!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. SCS will give you the name of the trailer is eg
      Euro Goodies caN replace in my company name can or not pls reply scs thank you ets2

  28. I must say I am really impressed by this new expansion. The added country is so beautiful and so different from the previous one that I could hardly stop playing yesterday ;-) What I probably like most on this game is the right amount of driving skills required in free-roam mode. Not overly tough but not an easy ride as well. Those tight backstreets, short-cuts and a bit-too-small loading areas are simply the right spice of the game. Excellent job, SCS team, thank you!!!

  29. Really liking the free roam map, but is it possible to do in right hand drive for uk drivers ? I understand that time is tight and they are a small team, so if the team do not have the time to do this. Can the right hand drive prefabs be included in the next patch, so we can change it ourselves ?

    1. I bought the digital download version from an Australian online shop and its automatically right hand drive for me. Maybe because there's and in UK also its the trend. I was wondering this morning really I didn't notice I was driving right handed wheel in the cabin until now. Coz in my country also right handed driving.. but in Sweden I think its left handed.

    2. No I mean the wheel on the right side , but you also have to drive on right side on the road. Instead of the left side what supposed to. ok I know what u mean.

    3. So in their country the wheel on the left side and you drive on the right. In UK the wheel is on the right side and you drive on the left.. just fukit so complicated!! LOLZ. never mind. but its true. x

    4. Sorry my question was confusing. Right hand drive = Wheel on right, Drive on left. In the map editor you can change the roads to left hand traffic, but the junctions (Prefabs)(.ppd files) are only available for right hand traffic. What I would like to see is the possibility for UK drivers to be able to drive on the left. As SCS will continue to improve/add to this simulator for a little while yet I hope, I am hoping that even if they do not have the time to alter the map for right hand drive (left hand traffic) then they will give people like myself the opportunity to alter the map to left hand traffic by including the relevant .pdd files. It is then possible for people like me to change these in the map editor and then release as a mod so other UK or even Australian drivers can enjoy this simulator even more by driving on the correct side of the road.

    5. Yes got your point, the fact is this is Scania Truck Driving Simulator, and the Scania factory is in Sweden. In Sweden according to my knowledge there are Left hand drives (wheel on left, drive on right) but in the game is different, (wheel on right, drive on right) . The wheel should be on the left.

    6. Not on about the Scania Factory. Free roam map. Scania Truck Driving Centre does not have traffic, so you can drive on either side if you so wish. Free roam map has traffic and as far as I am aware is not based on any country, city or town. Free roam map is the only thing I would like to see use left hand traffic. STDS is a simulator which even with the release of ETS2 I will continue to use, it would just be nice to be drive on the left side as per my country rules.

    7. But, you have to admit that it's good practice for when ETS 2 comes out. I personally will be starting in the UK with RHD, which it will still be when I drive into Europe. I used to have the same problem when I drove real trucks into Europe, many's the time I caught myself driving down the wrong side of road in France! Quite unnerving really! :-)

    8. I agree it is good practice, and I do not mind driving on the right side sometimes. Like you I will start ETS2 in the UK and when I go into Europe I will continue to use right hand drive. But, then surly it would be good practice for people who are used to driving on the right to be able to drive on the left ? So when they start ETS2, and they start in Europe, and then they go to the UK, they will have some practice at driving on the left side.

    9. If the wheel in the cabin is in good position, (right side on a left drive, and left side on a right side traffic, ) than doesn't mean big problem to get used to drive any side of the road. It could be complicated if you using same truck (as usually) in every country including enter the UK.

    10. I've recall in Euro Truck Sim 1 there was an option you could choose which side in your truck can be the wheel. So players from UK could choose right side, USA players and EU players could choose left side. Problem was solved.

    11. Wrong Anonymous Aug 24 2012 5:21 PM. ETS was all left hand drive interiors and drive on right until UK was added as a patch. Then all interiors were still left hand drive but you had the option to drive on the left in the UK. Not until the release of Extreme Trucker was there the option of a right hand drive interior, and that was only because people like myself used the files from the Australian Volvo FH12 RHD interior and added it as a new interior for ETS. After the Release of GTS/UKTS more RHD interiors were converted from UKTS to ETS, but SCS never did release any RHD interiors as part of ETS.

    12. Okay thanks for the explanation appreciate it.

  30. Thank you team!
    At the end of my holidays one of the first things i will do it will be to explore the new map.

    This time, however, I can not say that I can not wait!

  31. Hello Scs Team,

    ETS2 Truck Customization add LED Light Please :))


  32. We need more gameplays!!!!

    And when is the release????

    Sorry if i have mistakes.

    1. The release will be tomorrow.

    2. And to be honest SCS said it will be released in september and this is not a guarantee its only an estimate date if all will be running well. So we dont have an exact Release date....READ WHAT SCS WRITTEN IN THEIR BLOG-HOMEPAGE

  33. no there won't be an open career mod for this game.

  34. Nice addition and some parking spots too

  35. I just played the demo version of Scania Truck Driving Simulator for about 10 minutes, and I was a little disappointed. I was amazed by the large amount errors in spelling and grammar (language set to Dutch). It's not just about a few typos, there a literally dozens(if not hundreds) of errors in all the texts and titles.

    1. So why you have not helped with translations?

    2. the translation errors are not made by SCs. also try the Dutch(belgium) language. I have translated most of it.

    3. The Dutch(belgium) translation is indeed much better, and I hadn't even noticed it was there. Thanks.

      I was also not aware that it wasn't translated by SCS. How does that work, is the translation done by the users of the product?

    4. yes, you can do it here yourself

      I am dutch myself but because I couldn't see Dutch I thought it was the same until I finished translating the whole thing so I actually translated the belgium one into normal dutch. Sorry if some words are different in both languages but when I started it was the only Dutch I saw and I thought it was used for both countries.

  36. Please tell me when ETS 2 will be relased? on web sites is to more dates 22 august, 21 september ,please tell us

    1. Stop asking for release date!!! When it's ready it will be released!!

    2. If you own STDS , you wouldn't rush them w release date. STDS with 1.4 update now it seems 'complete' for truck driving satisfaction. Nuff said.

  37. the new update is the slip road..

  38. can we not have navigation on the dashboard instead of the on screen map?

    1. I second that! I do seem to end up making mistakes, because I'm trying to look at the map, the road, and my speedo all at the same time; Unfortunately, I don't have 3 eyes!

    2. @Rob: OMG, you're not checking your rear view mirrors?? :P

      I think you're supposed to rotate through those things, I'm still no where near able to do that properly but that's what ppl that drive cars tell me...heh

      And isn't that GPS on the dash for higher quality interiors?

    3. What's the old saying? "I don't need rear view mirrors, as what is behind me I don't care!", or something like that! But, seriously, it is one of the arguments we have in the UK about the proliferation of speed cameras. People end up going past them in a residential area at way lower than the allowed speed, and all they do is look at the speedo; Lord Lucan could jump out of the bushes on Shergar, and they wouldn't notice; tends to make people more dangerous. The problem is with STDS that the speed limit signs seem to be very few and far between, so it makes it a little tricky to know what your speed should be. I would like to either see the gps or a full screen map like in all the other recent games. With the full screen, I can quickly check my route, and say: "First right, fourth right, 2nd exit from the roundabout, blah, blah, blah".

    4. Ya, the map in STDS isn't very helpful, its one of the first things I headbutted with at the begining, but I accept the fact that it's taste of things to come and not 100% representative of ETS2, not saying you're not, just saying how I felt..heh.

      Anyway, the second and probably only other thing I've had any gripes with is the speed limits, first you can't always tell what speed you should drive, as you said...heh, secondly you get tickets for the slightest infraction, even got a few tickets on the highway, and no construction in site!,

      Thirdly and I don't know if this is really a problem that needs fixing or get used to and change my way of playing...heh, cruise control often gets me in troubles, as soon as there is a drop in inclination my speed goes up like there's no tomorrow, as soon as I apply the brakes and basically remove cruise control, then the truck is more manageable, engine break now works. Looks like cruise control disengages my clutch or something, when going above its set speed, dunno if it should do that?

    5. you know that there are a few speed cameras on the highway and that if you drive 90 they fine you.

    6. but isn't the speed limit 90 for trucks on the highway?

    7. no, it's 80 km/h but the speed limiter is set to 90

  39. Thanks for all your work, SCS, another great (and free!) patch. (c:

    1. Yeah, I can't believe the turnaround speed of SCS, can't think of any other companies that churn out this many patches with so much content at such a fast pace!!

      They sure are creating alot of goodwill. :)

    2. lol, just cracked myself up looking up 'alot' on google, found this little gem:

      felt like sharing with the class...heh, just too funny!

    3. Ha! So, you have an alot, eh? Looks, uh, cuddly-ish... (c;

  40. hello scs it is a great patch, and your doing great job developing euro truck simulator 2. So now in this stage you should consider have a new game engine one that fit well and not too expensive like Unigine which offer cryengine 3 quality with much much lower price about 30000$ ,and if you cant afford it start a kickstarter project and we will help you. see yourself

    1. Only US citizens can start a kickstarter project...

    2. Wowoow, this Uningine is AWESOME!!! For what game as been used? It's light or heavy to run?

    3. great graphics engine..

    4. so when they finnaly finished the game and are bug fixing and beta testing they afre giong to add a completely new engine for the game wich they are unfamiliar with and that they can't use because it's only available in the US. Grow up graphics are not everything what most counts in these kind of games is gameplay. just look at OMSI, it has not the best graphics but amazing gameplay and when you lok at one of those bus simulators of TML studios. all they do is make sure the graphics are fine while the physics and gameplay is not good.

    5. Definitely with you there Michael, cept maybe the US only part, unless the engine is somehow region restricted?

      If graphics weren't as high, they could add things like seasons (some were whining about snow not too long ago), and many other neat features wouldn't be such a daunting task either with less emphasis on gfx.

      I personally prefer when the main focus of a game is what the player will interact with directly, rather than eye candy they'll only see in passing or on back of the box images. Your players main conduit of interaction with the game world has to be primary, how many games have we seen lately with choppy controls and interactions? lets see, skyrim, MW3, Saints row 3, and that's just the ones I've bought recently. And before any die hard fans starts bugging me, I mean choppy as opposite to smooth/fluid. The gaming industry has a lot to learn still.

    6. @Michael: I mean that they have to use a new engine like Uningine in the new game. Maybe if they use a pre-ready engine, they don't take 5 years to publish a game...

    7. I am with Jos Wayne scs took a lot of time tweaking and upgrading their engine which cause that long run and I don't think implementing bullet physics will take long to work with Unigine, and i think their is one already within Unigine. Please scs take this step and we will support you by any mean we have.

    8. you guys do realize that 99% of the time spent making a game is building assets? WHILE doing this they're tweaking the engine and whatnot, they work in parallel guys, not like you can use a programmer to build assets with.

      and FYI, the last 1% is putting it all together and making it run...

      PS: I using hyperbole here but the principle is sound :P

    9. we know that the most of the time scs are building map and 3d models and other stuff but scs could use Unigine or any other game engine or maybe update Prism3d with DX 10 or 11 or OpenGl 4.1 ,and add some missing features like 3d clouds and dust.

  41. Quick question, the UK distribution of this game (the one from Excalibur publishing) is the same that other places, specially language? I'm thinking of ordering a physical version of this game and I'm outside Europe, and this is the only option available for me. Thanks!

    1. You'll have to contact support for an answer, the game not being out yet, there's no one here that could possibly know for sure if they'll have localized versions.

  42. Please tell me when ETS 2 will be relased? on web sites is to more dates 22 august, 21 september ,please tell us

    1. SCS said it can be released in september and this is not a guarantee its only an estimate date if all will be running well. So we dont have an exact Release date....READ WHAT SCS WRITTEN IN THEIR BLOG-HOMEPAGE

    2. September 28 , 2012 according to Gamespot (EU release date)

  43. How come when you drive for about, lets say 2-3 hours the fuel marker just stands still, you never have to refuel, and also the day time cycle is really slow, time moves slower then real life.

    1. Refuelling options maybe in the further updates. In every truck game there were refuelling options , so I dont't doubt in STDS shall be. The timing management should be our computer local time . Thats a REAL time, as you spend your real time driving in the game.

    2. Alright thanks a lot, that cleared all the speculations, appreciate it :)

  44. OMG I just saw an UFO while driving on the new part. I drove on a small unpaved road, maybe you guys know the road with the little rocks on it in front of a lumber company? That's where I saw a black UFO landing behind the lumber company. I wanted to turn left, but I immediately slammed the brakes and were like o_o. I pressed 2 times F10 so I have a few pics about it. It turned around after the landing and I saw a white flashing light coming off the weird thing a few times. Lol, STDS gone Science Fiction XD I have no idea how to put the pics on here. If anyone knows I'm glad to hear :D

    1. Hey awesome experiance there! they used to have UFO's in their previous games as well, those Hard truck series ^^ anyway you can use somekind of source to upload your screens and put a link to them here. it's just one of many picture/screenshot publisher.

    2. yes its exactly there at the lumber company, I've seen too.. but don't report your observation to the UFO society :)))) UFO's does exist!!! :P

    3. This was on the old part aswell.
      Way OLD news.. Several fine screenshots has been here months back..


    Thanks for the tip Anonymous 1!
    Yeah I think that too Anonymous 2.

    But here are the screenshot. At screenshot 1 you can see the black UFO at the back of the screenshot. At screenshot 2 you can see it taking off. I was just on time before it flew away:D Enjoy!

    1. Sorry to say that its old news..

  46. You're welcome Anonymous ;D Thanks for sharing the screens, without any doubt, that's definitely a UFO looking object! awesome i didn't have the slightest thought they would put one in STDS too hehe :D

  47. In the free delivery mode , somebody plz tell me how it is possible to reach 4000-9000 points as can be seen in Top Drivers Leaderboard. I could play 24/7 with STDS, except when sleeping but my point would get around 1000 now. Since the update released. You won't be top driver to cheating up 1 million points. Ridiculous.

    1. I don't think it's worth it for SCS to try and invest time and effort on making a cheat free game. Some of the biggest companies (Activision, Dice) have tried and failed to get rid of cheaters.

      Some ppl just feel the need to have the highest scores, I wouldn't dwell on it. :)

      PS: Maybe I'm just not competitive enough to understand the urge?

  48. Other observ the green/red light period could last a little longer, from complete stop, 2 long truck can pass green and its changing red. Its few. Or it was developed for the recently traffic situation. The weather options ( I don't like drive in rain ) actually I waiting this period until stop the rain, would be nice to choose weather options manually.

    1. Aww, and I who loves the rain so much!!

      But ya, I noticed that also, green light doesn't last long enough, while red light seems to last forever, I know there's a psychological effect that makes you feel time as longer when doing something boring but I can't help but feel that this isn't just that effect.

    2. Ya but interestingly at the road construction the green/red light last much longer than the traffic light. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain too, but not at truck driving where u have to concentrate ur delivery, traffic, speed limits etc. ( like in real life, when a trucker opening his newspaper to read an article meanwhile red light) in the game you don't have time to do anything at red light coz soon will change. :P :)

    3. I think it has to at that road construction, since it's single lane you need time to get across.

      And if you need more time to do things at red lights, I think you can pause the game...heh.

    4. No pause, I going to the parking lot if I need pause. Switch off the engine and do my things. Eww I take this game too seriously.. hahaha ok thx for reply.

  49. Sorry if this was asked before,why view replay option it's disabled?


  51. Can we have a train passing thru like in ETS2?

  52. selfish firms that are unable to respond to emails scssoftware

    1. selfish kids thinks that scs has nothing else to do that reading emails..

  53. Can somebody help me? I'm driving in free mode when suddenly it crashes to main menu. How to fix this?

    1. @ano

      as far as I know that is not a problem with not buying the game. that would be a problem with his computer

  54. @Michael You do not seem to know what is caused by a crack an what is not. You Told me I was using a crack when I was not.

    1. I never said you were using a crack, I haven't even replied to you and even if I did say that. no I don't know what a crack does because I buy my games

  55. So I have never seen a dung(rubbish).
    The truck pushes about the Voderräder, braking(brakes) function(work) quite badly and the times of the given(declared) ones
    Players are not real. From reality every trace is missing. You had to do yourselves sometimes with real ones
    TRUCK drivers put and the whole one anew work on this is for me scrap metal(rubbish).

    1. Is this is even human speach? think you landed on the wrong planet buddy.

    2. If I may, I'll try to translate!
      He's saying that the game (Which game? We may never know!) is rubbish.
      That the front wheel brakes work badly (How he can tell which brakes are working badly, I have absolutely no idea).
      The third sentence is alittle tricky, I think he is saying that the game is not realistic; what he wants I don't even think he knows! Maybe a combination of truck driving and the sims!?
      I think I just about translated as best as anyone, and he need not be ashamed, because I used to drink and take a lot of drugs myself.
      Btw, Ziland, alittle is the lesser known cousin of the alot, just less friendly!

    3. For a long time the Alots and the Alittles were considered two distinct species, but recent genetic studies have shown them to be offshoots of the Ahuge's but on a different evolutionary path. Alots and Alittles have been known to procreate, though their offsprings, the Afews, generally don't survive to maturity.

  56. I am a big fan of fsx and all kind of simulators and on this site there are constantly published news about ETS2! And this site has a lot of viewers so the word is spreading:)


    1. SCS said it can be released in september and this is not a guarantee its only an estimate date if all will be running well. So we dont have an exact Release date....READ WHAT SCS WRITTEN IN THEIR BLOG-HOMEPAGE

  58. Hi SCS, look some items from previous games which should be to find and East 2. Are taken from 18 WoS Pttm and Long Haul.

    1.American Long Haul...

    2.18 Wos Pttm

    I think there are some interesting items that should not be hard to do considering that were used and in the previous games. If the launch date has been delayed think it would be time to put something in the game and I know in the patch will be launched after.

    sorry for my english

  59. SCS why is it when u drive around 45-50 km/h in a sharp turn your truck just slips out of the road, and the AI driving faster continues smooth on that same turn. Also would you consider in the future games to make the AI truck sound exact like the truck you're driving in, cause when the AI pass by you, it sounds like a huge tractor both for cars and trucks. if you could make it sound exactly like this, in 3rd person camera, and when other trucks passing by you: i think its the tires that makes that sound.


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