Monday, January 22, 2024

Greece - Meet the Team

With the development of the Greece DLC in full swing, we wanted to introduce you to the hardworking team behind the creation of our next map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2.

We hope you will enjoy this presentation of these SCS Map Designers, and their short messages to you, our #BestCommunityEver.


"I have been working at SCS Software since 2016. I originally started as a tester, where shortly after I moved to the position of map designer. Since then I have had the honour of working on a variety of map projects such as Italia, Beyond the Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea and briefly on Iberia."

"For the last five years, I have been working as a producer, which includes the responsibility of making sure projects small & large are released without any major problems, as well as maintaining an overview of the company's annual plan. Among other things, my task is to build internal channels and create processes through which information reaches all our colleagues in our ever-growing company."

"Along with that, I continue to work on map DLCs on ETS2 projects such as the already mentioned Iberia, the beautiful Balkans and all ongoing reworks of older DLCs. I am currently responsible for the smooth running of the Greece DLC."


"I started working for SCS Software almost eight years ago after working for a few years in different game development studio. I started as map designer, which ultimately led to me becoming a DLC lead after a few years. I successfully led and released two DLCs - Iberia and West Balkans. With the developments of maps becoming more and more complex every year, I recently moved to the position of technical lead, so that I can assist the Greece team and ETS2 team as a whole with all the functional technical aspects of map-making; everything from the correct implementation of new features to fixing economy problems. In turn, this helps our map designers to focus on visuals and the overall game atmosphere without the need to solve technical problems on top of their current workload."


"I started at SCS Software in 2020 and worked my way up from junior map designer to DLC map lead. I started in Iberia and most recently helped build the massive West Balkans DLC. Working on Greece is my first project as a Lead. I mainly take care of the visual side of the map and assist our super talented and amazing mappers, so that they can work without any issues and have everything they need. Even though Greece is only one country, the humble goal of the whole team is of course to make the most impressive DLC ever released in Europe. I can't wait to show you more."


"I've been working in the map department for almost five years. I have worked on different parts of the game world since Road to the Black Sea. I have always been interested in environmental design. I love nature and architecture and enjoy finding ways to achieve the illusion of an impressive and detailed world. I believe in the value of beauty and hope that DLC Greece will once again be a little more beautiful than anything before. I wish players will enjoy discovering an interesting and unique DLC."


"When I was looking for a new job, one of my important requirements was that my work should make people happy. I honestly couldn't have imagined that the job of a Map designer would be the position that fulfilled that! I've been working for SCS Software since late 2022 and the first DLC I worked on was West Balkans. Even though I jumped into an already underway project and mainly helped in the finalization of it, it's a great feeling to hear the players' feedback and to receive positive responses to our work. I am proud to have worked on the beautiful area of ​​Durmitor National Park in Montenegro. In the Greece DLC, I was tasked with creating the city of Ioannina and its surroundings, and I'm already looking forward to the final result. Players can look forward to a true summer vacation atmosphere."


"I joined SCS Software in 2020 and started working on Iberia DLC, which was then in the middle of production. Since then I have had the honour of working on all the following ETS2 DLCs. Gradually, I enjoyed more and more tasks that required fine detail work, such as gas station complexes, industrial areas, surrounding depots, settlements, small roads and obviously cities. Most recently, for the West Balkans DLC, I worked almost exclusively on Bosnia. Cities, small roads, lake vistas, valleys enclosed by rocks, it was all a joy to create on the map. In Greece, a couple of roads near the northern borders awaits me, and one more in the south winding along the coastline at the foot of the mountains. However, I will stay the longest on the island, creating a port town of Chania. I believe the Greece DLC will be amazingly rich and varied and that there is a lot to look forward to."


"I joined SCS Software in May of 2023. In this relatively short time, I have managed to meet many great colleagues and gain a lot of important experience from them. Greece is a wonderful, distinctive country full of beautiful nature and cities with a rich history. I'm happy to be part of the team working on the Greece DLC and I will try to capture all the beauty of this country as best as I can. Working in the game industry has always been a dream of mine and I am grateful to have been able to make it come true."


"I joined SCS Software only last November, so everything's still a bit new to me. However, as an art major, I knew from the start that I'll enjoy myself most while working on landscapes and rural areas - and I'm told that's exactly what I've been chosen to do for the Greece DLC! I'm excited for this project and hope I can capture the Greek nature as I would in a painting."

We hope you enjoyed meeting the team members behind the Greece DLC, who are working very hard to deliver a great map expansion. We can wait to share more of their ongoing work with you in the future. If you are excited about this upcoming DLC, be sure to add it your Steam Wishlist! Until next time, keep on truckin'.