Monday, August 13, 2012

ETS2 Management screens

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is primarily a game about driving trucks - about the time spent behind the wheel, trying hard to deliver your load safely and on time. That's why we are building so detailed virtual world to drive in. We tried to calculate how much real time you'd have to spend driving in the game, at maximum speed allowed, to visit every place in the world just once. The theoretical minimum is over 40 hours of time! In practice, it will easily take double the time.

However, we are aware that for many players the second gameplay pillar of our big truck simulation games is very important as well - the ability to build a company and progress though a "from rags to riches" kind of career. We are not attempting to go overly deep with this aspect of the game, to compete with "tycoon" genre games when it comes to company management, but we still hope that you will have an interesting time with this part of the game...


  1. ¸its cool to buy truck online...why no exaust smoke.......:( Glad to view new tipper trailer...:( nop multiplayer :( GREETINGS FROM CROATIA :D

  2. Replies
    1. If u look more atentive at the end of the movie there are two man tgx and a lot of renault premium and magnum

    2. Not in this video that's where they are.

    3. At 1:53 second in this video, there are three buttons on the left with the brands of cars, on the third button from the bottom, written all the brands that you are asked for

    4. At the bottom button at 1:53,it says DAF and IVECO,not DAV and IVEDO. So did SCS get the licenses or not?

    5. Who knows, maybe they will replace the brands before the release

    6. Its Iveco and Daf not Ivedo and Dav

    7. Yes but i heard that SCS didn't get license from DAF and IVECO so they called them DAV and IVEDO

  3. All in all it looks great, but I would advise you to change the name of the first driver in the video (0:14) as Oran Gutan when put together (orangutan) means monkey in Romanian. Just a tip:)

    Also, if you are going to spend lots of time developing the "tycoon" aspect of the game, please consider making the players' hired drivers appear in game and on the road. It will be a shame, taking the consideration the amount of features already implemented in the game, regarding the starting of your own company. If I am going to succeed in building a large company and hiring lots of drivers (cheat_money, lol) I would also like to see the truck drivers I hired on the road even several of them at once.

    Thanks, I really appreciate all the hard work you've put in the game and many of us here, even if there people like me who keep annoying you with suggestions. Thanks again.

    1. Yeah, I'd really love to feel like I've got at least a mini Convoy going. :)

    2. Hahaha... Oran Gutan is the joke! That's the whole point, it's a joke name :) Orangutan is a species of the great ape family :D

    3. It shouldn't be so hard to implement, that we can see our drivers with their trucks passing ourselves.


    4. "Orang Hutan" means "forest man" in malyasian language.

    5. +1 on this.

      Ive been asking for this since back in early 2011 thats how you feel more involved to see your trucks that you purchase for your company in the game would defo make it realistic,

      Maybe this could be a bolt on to the game an additional extra, i just hope SCS look at doing extras for the game, but the same time to keep the costs down on them, say £3.99 each bolt on its more money and would more than cover the man power costs to generate them.

      Also to have your branded trucks coming towards you and flash there headlights.
      CB interaction like American long haul. All these can be as bolt on to the game at £3.99 so there cheap but keep you interested in the game for longer.

      Then again who knows maybe SCS already have a team working on the next generation ETS 3 who knows


    6. +1 from me as well.

      I'm still playing PTTM just because of that future! Honestly, I don't mind to pass on all the graphics and physics improvements introduced in recent games (ETS, GTS etc), just to be able to see my trucks on the road.

    7. +1 from me as well. Going as a convoy would be nice to see.

    8. It would be so awesome to see your own trucks driving around, and specielle if you have the same color and graphics on all of your trucks. The game would fejl ten times more realistisk with that feature.

      noter feature you could do is when you are overhauling another trucks on the small roads or the two laned highways, that when you have passede the other truck it would flash it's headlights, to let you know you ære free to pull in to the lane he is driving in.

    9. These things all happen in real life,

      SCS your more than welcome to have a member of your team go out with one of my lads in for the day ???????

      Be warned, be sure to buckle up if you do though. lol
      But it would give you more inside knowledge of how the industry is in real life rather.
      I dont think any game maker has actually got involved, the knowledge of tachos, tipping time cos that is important rather than pull up as we do in game to the red slotted area hit the 'T' and then move on, we often or not lose time tipping sometimes we could be there for well over 4 hours depending on the company or goods your unloading / loading.

    10. Don’t know if it was deliberately programed as such, but in GTS, when you have very few trucks you see lots of truck in many different colours with no one colour being seen more than another, when you have lots of trucks of the same colour you seem to see more trucks of the same colour out on the road.

      Unloading time really depends on the nature the types of work you undertake and the places you deliver or the management in place at a particular depot or if you load/unload yourself.

  4. Why is the Renault named as Runner, although the Renault is a licenced brand in ETS2?

  5. Replies
    1. I don't see Portugal :'(

    2. There isn't in Ets2..

      hace un par de meses dijerón que España y Portugal NO van a estar en ETS2.

  6. Very interesting management UI.Its obvious a step ahead of German Truck's UI.Just one idea for the cargo terminals, why all the loading/unload points are outside? I saw several important warehouses where all the action happen inside.Maybe not all are that way, but some random should do (:

    1. +1
      it would be awesome, and it would bring more variation to the game!

  7. Management is a big part of a game. Can't wait to see the new licence plates system in the game.

    Btw, it's not right that you can change fuel consumption that sort of arcade way. I hoped it would be more realistic, I mean, truck would eat less fuel if you actually tried to save it.

    Noticed that your name is in the truck drivers list and you can choose your avatar. Lol. Oran Gutan (0:26)

    Anyway, nice vid, can't wait for the game and to see the company grow by myself.

    1. Also Company name: Money Poo Ltd. lol:D

  8. I may or may not build a company, I like to roam around alone... Maybe a small company. Looks good though, not too heavy on the "tycoon" side, I personally would not want that...

    40 hours driving time to reach all locations at maximum legal speed and free way, eh? Sounds like there are quite a bit of road in there, impressive. (c:

    Can barely wait, but will do so!

    I think Oran Gutan is quite intentional, a joke if you will, since it is a type of orange ape in most languages. (c;

    1. Yeah i feel like you i don't wanna be the big boss, i feel more comfortable as "just" a driver.

  9. Wow new trailers.
    Great scs!
    Keep it up before release date.

  10. Cool SCS junction numbers on roads would be good.

    1. YES also openable windows on trucks.

    2. Opeanable windows yes! Nice feature to have, would be!

    3. Stop spamming about this useless openable windows!

    4. It's not up to you, to tell, if somebodys wishes are spamm or whatever they are!

    5. Unless you state why opening windows would add function you have little chance of justifying it being added over other things that may add more function, just bleating “also openable windows on trucks” or “Opeanable windows yes! Nice feature to have, would be!” in reply’s to someone’s unrelated post (Cool SCS junction numbers on roads would be good.) Then it is really little more than spamming.

    6. Not everything in a GAME needs to make sense! Opening windows is more an immersion thing. I'd like that too. Ooops it starts to rain ... quickly close it!

    7. If it doesn’t make sense there is NO immersion, like why close it if it rains given your virtual self or the truck inside doesn’t get wet, cold, steam up etc, or suffer detriment? ergo there is no sense to closing the window given the absence of effect ;)

    8. If it rains you would get wet :)

    9. The point was yes in the real world you MAY get wet from an open window (NOT always as some trucks are good in that respect while moving like my Unimog) but in the game you don’t get wet, there is not detriment to necessitate closing the window to give immersion.

      Ergo closing a window based on a misconception of getting wet rather than a function of getting wet will only add immersion to people who are labouring under a preconceived misconception that an open window = guaranteed wetness in rain while moving.

  11. this game is so cool.i am played ets 2011 and its good too.

  12. Is there a way to see your incomes and outcomes? To see week summarys and so?

    For example, if I want to take a loan, and I have to repay it for example 5000€ per week, I would like to compare it with my weekly income, so I know, wether I can handle this loan or not.

    Could you have an answer to me please? Thanks a lot!

    1. Look at the video in full screen 720P HD, per KM & per week profit are listed for each driver, per week & last week profit totals are listed for all garages combined (would imagine individual garages also), so you should be able to make an informed decision based on average historic profit.

  13. Hey SCS,
    nice video, but please correct the plates of UK.
    The plate on the front is white and the plate on the back is yellow. It would be much more realistic if you would correct this.
    Greets from Danmark

    1. Thats right, please change it!
      Now you still have time to improve it. Later players from UK and other countries will be mad about the mistake.

    2. I would also be happy if you could do it.
      Is it a lot of work to correct it?
      You did a good job untill now. Please continue it!

    3. I checked the pictures from older threats and it seems as if SCS interchanged the yellow and the white plates.
      It right on that way: yellow in the back, white in the front. The number remains the same nevertheless.
      Silly mistake that should be corrected.
      It is strange that you did it right in the UK Truck Simulator and now you did it wrong.
      Cannot understand it and hope you change it directly!

    4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAVE A LOOK ON THAT COMMENT. IT IS RIGHT AND IMPORTANT TO CORRECT THE BUG IMMEDIATELY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    5. read the Tuesday, August 7, 2012 blog "Can you help us with ETS2 license plates?"

      things take time.

  14. mmm a truck getting ~16.6mpg [~17.01L/100km] (1763km [~1095.5miles] with 300L [~66gal] of fuel used) going from Birmingham UK to Bratislava SK with a loaded trailer with zero eco-driving skill! you may want to double fuel consumption to ~8mpg [~35.31L/100km] at rank 0 as a baseline for eco-driving skill loaded (10.8mpg [26.15L/100km] at rank 6), and as a baseline with NO trailer starting at ~11mpg [~25.68L/100km] at rank 0 to 14.85mpg [~19.02L/100km] at rank 6

    At least this would give some grounding in the real world. (L/100km are approximate given they are not something I would normally use!)

    1. Just noticed at the start Dusseldorf to Osnabruck = 189km & 93L so ~5.74mpg (~49.2L/100km)

  15. It will be fun to play with... until I get really pissed 'cause I stink when it comes to finances :D
    To bad Renault didn't (yet?) give you the OK for the name...
    Anyway, I care more for the trucks and driving than for the names!
    Thumbs up!

  16. I found a bug: The plates of Great Britain are white at the beginnig of the car/truck and yellow at the end. Would be fantastic when you correct it till release

    1. Oh, man. That bug's been spotted a long time ago. And haven't you read the news below this one? They are working on a new licence plates system. Even if they weren't, do you think british publisher wouldn't tell them it's wrong? It'll be alright and even more.

  17. So, Spain is not included? I see at the end of the video that it's not highlited.

    1. It seems it will no spain and portugal..

    2. Ireland is'nt included but you dont see me complain

  18. why cant i build a company and buy not only a truck but also a trailer how get load and unload at the other companys?

    i dont think its very realistic nor typical to only have truck and play trailer change..

    most speditions have trucks and trailer and go load and unload..

    would that be to hard to make? :)

    thx scs

  19. Sigh... thanks, SCS. This is exactly what I expected from company management in ETS2.

    Mails from employees regarding income... wow, that's VERY deep!

    I don't care about real brandnames, as long as trucks are modelled as these.

    Don't give a F about windows spam, as drivers windows IS opening already in STDS, in very clever way.

    I hope that community will help you in the future to expand map to Iberia, Scandinavia or Balkans, but for a start, this map is VERY enough.

    Thanks, again, boys! My heart is content.

  20. I liked the menu called "diagnostics" especially because in some screenshot they've shown us the board showed "oil level o.k.". Maybe it suggests some kind of maintenance, and that is cool.

    Also, the new interface for finances is great! I'm eagerly waiting for the release.

    Well done, SCS!

  21. Preaty detailed for driving simulator we must say, SCS! .. Keep up the good work ! .. Hope to see new models of car transporters in the DLCs! .. It's the only thing I saw that wasn't right, everything els is nice! (the brands but as this good detailed trucks brands're not that much needed :D, and a name changes, if you know what I mean XD!)

  22. plllllllleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee SCS openable windows on truck.

    1. Justify why they should open rather than function just like the driver’s side window in STDS which you can put your head out of.

      “plllllllleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee” is not justification its childish whining

    2. It is a long standing tradition to suntan one arm only, elbow sticking out casually while driving. (c;

      Not really, but it is another little detail that would be nice to see (personally I would take it over numberplate since I will never see that myself in the game unless I watch other trucks).

      Pointless, yes, but so are a lot of the little details that make the whole enjoyable.

    3. Openable windows, why?

      To be able to hear the lovely sound of truck engines! The sound difference between opened and closed window is a nice feature to have.

      Also, maybe a thermometer inside the truck, so if it is to hot, the driver should start to complain. The same way, he is complaing, when he gets tired. So in worse truck, you don't have the A/C, and you open the window to cool down the interior. In better trucks there is A/C and you can use this.

    4. oooh yeeeah, i wish that was in the game :((

  23. ok, you can release the game already, I make my morning coffee and wanna deliver goods (even monkey poo) to the industries. with future DLC you can add all EU roads in the game etc.. Aww thats why Im only driver , coz I had no school to understand the management lol.. Let me hire my boss to do these paperworks. Can't wait ETS2 come out . Scania was the real deal, if ETS2 following its steps, the game will be the greatest Truck sim ever!!!!! Jeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    1. and plz make it available as digital download , coz where I living now, just some birds are coming here to visit. No game stores are here just for consols. Thanks.

  24. Damn, it looks so difficult!

  25. Hello.

    This simulator is having very good looking to many innovations that are being introduced, but there are still details that are not just well-squared, as is the lack of many European countries like Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, ...
    Another bug that has this simulator is that trucks are not updated with new models (such as the new Mercedes-Benz Actros, the new Iveco Stralis Hi-Way or Man TGS / TGX) and their current engines (engines with the Euro 6).
    It also lacks the ability to have a trailer itself (so that the person who wants to work in standalone mode can have its own set of entire trailer [truck + trailer]).
    Furthermore, this simulator would win a lot of players become a reality if the possibility that there was a multiplayer mode, in which the player can find while doing your routes with other players who are registered in a particular room (public or private .)
    I'm sure it would be quickly resolved these errors that remain, and exit the simulator for sale, people are already looking forward to having you play and enjoy this great work being done.

    A greeting.

    1. i agree with you on everything u said, especially when it comes to Multiplayer, if ETS3 will have Multiplayer, the game will go viral and SCS will gain a lot of publicity :D

    2. Take Merc, the new Actros and the older modal are sold concurrently, new type have Euro6 the old modal Euro 5, it is quite common for all truck makers to sell concurrent modals as e.g. the “new Actros” doesn’t yet have all the same driveline options as the prior modal, e.g. 6x4, 4x4, 6x6, 8x2, 8x4, 8x6, 8x8, etc, so the prior model has to still be sold to cater people who need specific types for jobs.

      It is also NOT a bug.

  26. At the release of the game the trucks manufacture (or how is it sayd ex renault or daf etc) will be the real ones or scs's manufacture name ex runner, majestic?I ask this becaus at your video put at this comment u put runner instead of renault and at this video is the extended movie from the trailer)majestic actros instead of mercedes (benz) actros.At the movie link put appear the truck manufacture (Mercedes Benz) but i don't know why don't u put the real manufacture name. Plz comment if i'm wrong or u have other oppinions

  27. When do you have the webpage ready for ETS2 ???

  28. SCS can you please make one small detail by make the windows open on the trucks.

    1. Yes god idea cool gameplay, hey scs can you make real truckstop with food, and where we have to take a piss and we can walk the dog and we want to be able to make food in the truck to..

      OOOHHHH yees its so important

    2. Oh my, I think someone is taking a piss already... (c;

    3. &#x2605 &#x2605 &#x2605 &#x2605 &#x2605 &#x2605&#x2605

    4. Open windows? pointless feature, don't waste your time adding it SCS.

  29. You have claustrophobia in the cabin or breath taking problem. Open the windows at your room wide. Take a big deep fresh air.

    1. hehehe , u r right :D

    2. Ever watch a movie where everything takes place in the desert and you end up feeling the need to drink WATER, regardless of the actual temp in your room or however much you've already drunk in the past few minutes?

      Pretty sure opening your RL window won't alleviate your need for fresh air if the game makes your feel choked (doubt it will, but might for some?).

  30. Why are you guys worried about the logos and names? You'll get it with mod in just few days if it's not originaly in game :)

  31. Latest MAP for STDS. Almost as good as GPS.

    Map Version 2

    Ready for you to print or save.

  32. WTF with the windows? Do you people realise how much hassle it would be to add credible-looking opening windows? I bet you don't. I'm much more bothered myself that the truck dynamics (acceleration, braking, steering) are correct, which is something which traditionally has been poor in SCS's games. Scania TS is better but still not really convincing. Also still wrong in STS is the headlights, another long-standing fault.

    1. In STDS the right window is opening when you look full right side. Thats more than enough in ETS2 too. Im fully satisfied with STDS if ETS2 would be the same good then sold. STDS is a big improvement amongst SCS truck simulations, the best way to go forward. Some talking about things that would take 2 more years at least to develop. NO.

    2. Nope, the window is not opening, you merely stick your head through it, take a closer look (with mouse or TrackIR if you have the latter). (c:

    3. I would say that the lights are too weak, especially the long beam. Another issue is that the road signs are not reflective (high visibility) and can be easily missed.
      The window opening would be a fun gadget, but almost everyone will forget about them after playing with them for about 2 minutes.
      Just a noob (:D) question: can I adjust the mirrors?
      And a small request: please put Romanian license plates, although the country is not in the game. I would really love to have my car's registration on the truck :D. Thanks.

    4. Dracula needs to deliver his boxes to London , for lately resurrection.. :) Hungary, Romania should be in the game . Maybe with DLC's , who knows. +1

    5. hello ohaha

      yes you can adjust the mirrors in ETS2.

      there is an earlier made ​​movie where they show this

    6. yes we need openable windows

    7. I'd like invite u in Finnland or Sweden for a december month drive with open windows. U must pull down all windows all the way.

    8. @ChrisCross
      Thanks, I was asking about STDS. I should've mentioned that.

    9. Ohaha

      no i don't think we can do that, maybe an idea for a update??

    10. Could be a good idea, but I think they are keeping this as a treat for ETS2 release, to make it more attractive to buy. :)

  33. keep up the great work scs software.

    greetings from

    1. Looks like i'm not the only one having SCS Truck Games and Farming Simulator in his top favorites. The only other games are Skyrim, Fallout and XCOM-like ones. Hope it feels ok for SCS to be mentioned together with Bethesda Softworks stuff in one message.

  34. Thanks SCS good video!

    Jast fun:

  35. I like the progress and yet hoped you'd also improve gameplay (you know that tycoon stuff) a bit more too. For example by having to pay for garage add ons like fuel tanks and workshops and not having them automatically included when you buy the garage. Or some better statistics, or some stuff where i can make good or bad decisions in terms of profit.

    But i like trucking as well as management. And 40 hours minimum to explore the world sounds great to an old explorer type of gamer. Really looking forward to driving through the new world, especially if the driving modell is same as in STDS (or better). Never liked the driving modell really in the predecessors due to the driving over ice feeling in some places.

    I still hope though, that SCS will produce a few addons for ETS2 with maps of other european countries, maybe add a few trucks or even add some fun stuff like busses, some Mercedes or a sportscar just for cruising fun. Or an Unimog. Or some interaction with NPCs. How great would it be if you could talk to your secretary in your garage or something. "Hey hun, did we get new orders while i was on the road?" ... Well maybe in ETS3 then ...

    1. STDS has beautiful environments in the "dangerous drives" section. These sceneries needs to put together and add them to the free delivery mode.

  36. I want to know game leaves in September?

    1. When it comes out , you'll ask when ETS3 will come out. We waiting a lot in our lifetime .. I wanna know when?? and when I know when, I can ask when ETS3 will come out. :P

    2. Scs should give release date next september (2013) so people would'nt complain n were surprise if get your hands on this year.

    3. Yes we wanna know when Euro Truck Simulator 3 is here.
      SCS has bought the domain aswell.

      Euro Truck Simulator 3


  37. Why oh why do people have to ask for a release date in every single news article?

    We will get a release date when SCS is ready to give us a release date. Why cant you impatient people understand that.

    1. Its simple Steve Farrel, people do not have enough patience to wait for some thing, so they have to keep asking ( plus most of them asking are kids I think and you know what kids are like ), I think everybody who plays SCS games are looking forward to the release of ETS2, but we just wait, the more excited you get the longer it seems, at the moment I am just loving playing STDS as much as possible and getting my moneys worth out of it

  38. už to vyšlo?? :-) Se těším, jak malý děcko

  39. Great to see videos of ETS2, one thing I have noticed in one of your recent videos is trains. Will there be the correct trains for the correct country? IMO this a must have feature in UKTS the trains looked very out of place. No I am not asking for the correct trains on every single line (although personally I think that would be great and I would put it in the game) just the right trains for the right country.

    1. There are quite a few rail company’s mainly in eastern and sothern Europe who operate freight trains with more than a passing resemblance to US type GP/SD/U/B/C/RSD freight locomotives with both low & high narrow nose, as GE, EMD & ALCO sold licences to their older models to eastern/sothern European state rail company’s and the Soviet union prior to its breakup, also some state rail company’s would buy old US loco’s and remanufacture them with different engines etc and modifications to fit the relevant loading gauge.

      Though it is true you won’t see them as you move Northwest threw Europe.

  40. why costs premium (high roof) more than magnum? o:

  41. quando que o euro truck simulador 2 vai estae no brasil

  42. I was very happy when I saw the video, very well produced, but I was a little sad about licensing, because I see that Renault did not authorize, for so unfortunately you had to invent another name. But the models were, much like the real, very detailed.

    Congratulations SCS, for the great work.


  43. it is possible that the player could be buy his own trailer?? apart the truck just like in 18 wheel of steel... could be better

    sorry my english..

  44. Theres still a lot of bugs left.......
    1. runners still on there insted of renault
    2. the drivers are not filled in with colour
    3. what about company names on trailers

    1. So if windows isn't openable thats a bug?? (I didn't know) Bugs mean there is some problem with the scripts & in your head. Thats bugs. I think u won't buy the game if windows are won't be openable.. what a loss hahaha

    2. YES WE NEED OPENABLE WINDOWS IVE WAITED AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. stupid little kid

      become self a trucker, then you can open your windows!

      And don't speek in WE, becouse you don't speek for me!!!

    4. Chris, he is not stupid, he has the right to post his requests or wishes to SCS in this blog as a fan of the game, who are u to judge everyone ? and plus, he didnt offend u or anyone .

    5. YES WE NEED OPENABLE WINDOWS IVE WAITED AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      You call this a request or a whis????? I don't!

    6. he is trying to catch the attention of the developers eyes while reading the limitless comments ( 200 - 250 sometimes ) why u take it in the negative way ? try to have a positive mentality dude !

    7. guys, just think about this, its just a month before release hoefully(maybe 2). Do you guys really think that they are going to add new things while they are bug fixing. adding new stuff in this stage of any game would give more bugs and would require the developer to stall the game more. just think for once instead of demand things, do you really think that scs is surely going to add it if you use CAPS and type so many !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. can we have openable window

  45. under Ddos attack !!??

  46. Hello developers, who cares if we'll be able to take a loan etc, what a minor thing... what about the key elements? -> What's wrong with map? You still show us the progress that the most of players won't value but the map is same for many months already ZERO PROGRESS, that's wrong .. i think the map is that what we'll care mostly.. there is not scandinavia.. the mekka of truckdriving moreover the map is smaller then in ETS 1 .. there is just half of Iberian peninsula :/ ... PLease, update the map! Thank u so much.

    1. The map was 'finalized' a few months back man...might wanna check on older posts and read up on why!

  47. Why cant people just be happy that we are getting a new Trucksimulator..

    Be happy about the things that are in the game instead of focusing on the things that are not..

    be happy not angry and childish..

    1. You are asking a lot here. People will never be happy with what they get. These people are forgetting that ETS 2 is a budget game not a full priced game

    2. And they forgetting it's a GAME not REAL LIVE!!

    3. I'm happy...doesn't stop me from making suggestions though...for me, someone that isn't looking for more outta things, already has a foot in the grave. But I'm assuming you're talking about those crying kiddies that have started to flock...just ignore those, don't give them more attention, that's exactly what they're looking for.

    4. I get your point, anonymous 10:33 AM.

      But scs even said these suggestions are very important for them. They let them know what people want. But some of them exaggerate, and start whining too much, like you meant.

  48. Agreed. If wanted something like this since i discovered ETS 1, I'm finished with my driver's license in three weeks, and going for a truck driviing license after that and I love SCS games, but they all lacked something. For example STDS didn't have the same kind of free gameplay that ETS had, but ETS 2 seems to be combining a lot of features that were divided before, and also adding new ones - really looking forward to this.

  49. Can We Have Scandinavia In ETS 2??

  50. No truck exhaust fumes bununiçin working yet? scs video beautiful

  51. Opening windows are you serious? Why would anybody waste there time on such a pointless feature. Cop on idiots!

  52. It would be nice if we could communicate with other drivers, such as your hired car drivers who drive or others.

    It would be very real.

  53. opportunity to start their own company by buying an old truck, and then to design their own company name and company logo.

  54. I can't wait!thanks scs software!this wil be best simulation game ever!


  56. "Runner"??????????....why??? It's Renault

    1. maybe they do not have the license to use the real brand

    2. If it's Runner there's reason for that. Do you think SCS doesn't know the truck's names and u r the genius who does? And do you think if you'll put so much question marks you'll get the answer faster? It's childish

    3. Edward, be more respectful, he didnt offend anyone, u sound childish to me, not him, he has got a point, it was just a question !

    4. Theres the renault logo on the truck (it needs fixing) theres been about 5 videos of the renault so thay have the licence for the brand.

    5. I agree, anonymous.

    6. Look at the video at 1:55
      They have licens for Renault.. and all others.

  57. I hope this time those "A" class trucks wont go 0-100kph in 1 second and wont go easily over 200kph, like they used to go.

    1. Where have you seen trucks divided into classes in the ETS2?

    2. they aren't he is reffering to their last games, oh and if you would have paid attention you would have known trucks are limited to 90 KM/H(real life and in this game)

    3. I think that's good, the speedlimiter. I see people on youtube who are driving on country roads in 140km/h

    4. There's a speed limiter? When did SCS say that? I've read every post in the past and I don't think they mentioned it. It's a great feature, please show me.

  58. My only (minor) gripe are those gigantic floating icons indicating jobs, repairs, fuel etc. In an otherwise realistic world they just seem too arcade-ish and out of place.

    I would imagine the icons (and their functions) could be integrated in to the game world in a less obtrusive manner easily enough without rewriting the whole game.

  59. How about a Canadian truck sim? With at least 2 cities in each province! (Must have Ottawa and Toronto Ontario) We should be able to drive from Sydney Nova Scotia all the way to tuktoyakuk northwest territories

    1. what about an North America Truck simulator, that would be even better. But it would also take a long time to create with the resources they have now. I say we don't pirate this game, but buy it and support them.

    2. From Canada to Mexico across North America all cities, roads fully recreated with google maps, support multiplayer , players can talk on CB radio w each other, and even Smokey & Bandit will deliver their beers to Texarcana. YES> Give'em 5 more years. )))

    3. that would be awesome, but it would way more than 5 years. Especially when they have to recreated all the roads. I get your point, but I'm aiming at the 18 WOS series.

    4. These computers what we have today, still not yet capable I mean weak "creatures" . You have to make "sacrifices" within the game to bring out the most possible features. No processor and memory enough yet to create a real-life simulation. Technologies in children shoes. But a NEW 18 WOS would be possible to make with the STDS basics & graphics blocks.

  60. What trucks are in there game, for example. Iveco, Scania, Volvo ..... ?

    1. the same as in GTS AND UKTS but with better made models, plus the renault premium

    2. Iveco stralis
      Daf xf 105
      Man tgx
      Scania r series
      Volvo fh16
      Renault magnum
      Renault premium
      Mercedes benz actros

    3. Nice. I Love SCS Software

  61. I really think that this is great. One thing that I would like to see is a tachograph system (like in Haulin') where you can see your hours (Driving, Break, Other Work) and the hours of other drivers. It would be an interesting feature in my opinion.
    However, that is just my opinion, and so not a necessity !

    And I agree with what Molie said, about how long it takes to tip (unload). Sometimes you can be in and out in a 30 minute turn around if there's some decent forkies about the yard. Others, it could take several hours for a couple of pallets !


  62. Pavel Sebor is true that hedge participate in Euro Truck Simulator 2

  63. pavel sebor doet de den haag mee in ets2

    1. nee, je kon de HELE kaart al zien in april 2012

      no, you could have SEEN the whole map on april 2012


  65. And Thanks for the Reply :)

  66. Everything is cool and awesome but there still is a tiny problem, ETS 2 needs to have a ability to buy your OWN Trailer´s!!!!!!!!
    Now with this company system it would be a lot cooler if we could have our own traile´s...

    1. Our _O_w_n_ _T_r_a_i_l_e_r_´s_***

    2. That would be cool

  67. _________________________________________________


    1. Great. I visit that web-site, hoping to see some new stuff from beta-testing, too)

  68. Is the map so small??

  69. Hope skandinavian is in the game

  70. When the game is buyable ?

  71. SCS Where is the new patch for scaniagame?????

  72. Is it possible to have a "rev limiter"? Especially for going uphill, with heavy payload, on muddy surfaces. I often find myself unable to go uphill, due to wheel spin.


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