Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Many Projects, One Goal

We are working hard on American Truck Simulator: California, fine-tuning it and polishing the content and features.  You may have seen glimpses of the locations already before in our earlier blog posts, but we thought the couple of panoramas below are still so cool that you will appreciate seeing them...

We have to admit that we have been in the "let's finish it" mode working on American Truck Simulator: California longer that we hoped.

Basically, the "problem" is that we want to give it all to you. Euro Truck Simulator 2 has been great success for us - so we thought that we absolutely should not abandon it - let's continue to improve and expand it! While we are at it, let's venture across the ocean too with American Truck Simulator so that we can make happy more of the global fan base of the truck sim genre. At the same time, we knew that we will need to go deeper - and from this the ambition to create the complementary World of Trucks project was born.

We are adding community features and infrastructure to support implementation of a grand trucking universe with Virtual Trucking Companies and eventually with rich multiplayer. We would also like to introduce more vehicles into our world than just plain semi-trucks, so work has started on adding alternate gameplay and driving experiences into our simulation system. At the same time, we know that we need to keep pushing our graphics technology, there are still many things in our game engine to improve and optimize, and balancing such changes while trying not to break the game mods too badly is not easy at all.

Pursuing all these goals at the same time has been quite a ride. We have more than tripled our head count at SCS Software to over 50 people currently since the days of release of ETS2. While the content teams working on the projects are separate, they share the programming team, and we are still learning tough lessons when it comes to improving our testing and release pipeline.

Sometimes it feels like for every step forward we need to take two back, but we are stubborn and dedicated, and we are confident that in the end we will deliver on all that we have started. In our quest, we feel that quality is the most important thing for you and us. That's why, more often than not, we tend to adjust our plans and sacrifice release schedules in order to stay true to our mission and to build new pieces of the puzzle in a way that they will all fit well together.

Very soon, you will see us take another step with World of Trucks. The first release in American Truck Simulator line is on the horizon, and the team working Euro Truck Simulator 2 has great things in development too for you for the next year. Please be patient with us and stay tuned!


  1. When will be this game done? Maye 2017?

    1. Good luck to scs software on releasing the "perfect" game. But we know there is nothing like it, hopefully both games will be released in 2016.

    2. they are doing a great job but its taking lon to finish and i know everyone is waiting in agony....

    3. Plenty of other games to keep me busy in the meantime. Fallout 4 - awesome game. Also about to try out OMSI.

      American truck Simulator: California. i take it from that title that each state will be a separate DLC or expansion of some sort? Or are we only going to do California and leave the rest to the modding community? I, for one, am already planning to do a full 1:1 map of Colorado after ATS comes out. I just need to wait to see what their map editor is like before I even bother to start learning it.

    4. Lets not rush them , the more time they put into the greater it gonna be. When forget , time will pass faster if we just dont focuse on it. However i just cannot wait for the game to come out. Keep up the good work scs

    5. will be Done in 2025 :))))))))))))

    6. world of truck games are released now wow

    7. I can't wait for this to come out. Those roads look so realistic, I thought those were real panoramas of real roads. I can't wait to see what else this game might bring and I am really excited for it

  2. ...and no word about upcoming 1.22 beta patch? Holy Jesus, your communicafion with us, the players, is so poor...

    1. Maybe because the focus have been on other things at the moment?
      They make several blob posts each week - that's not poor communication.

    2. The one post take less than 10 minute to inform us about the game progress..

    3. Comments "communication is poor" on a great communication to the players....scratches head

    4. Yeah, Nino - I was thinking the same thing LOL

    5. 10 minutes to post on next patch to ETS2, then hundreds of comments whining about not getting updates to ATS.

      Post an update about ATS, then comments on lack of updates on ETS2.

  3. And i hope you will make the sound feel better. Instead blinker is louder than actual engine sound

    1. I asume youve never been in a truck... the engine isnt loud at all.

    2. It's on the same level as some other idiot who yelled at every YouTube post that the players were not double clutching, when no one has needed to double clutch since the 1970's. LOL.

  4. Patience was earlier, really very long time. Give us something huge. If not ATS now, than maybe some feature to ETS2 but something that we are waiting for long time.

  5. Nice SCS, that we can see first time real whole Public name for that : "American Truck Simulator: California" and it is not just ATS what for sure is not !!!

    1. And on other hand, I hope you'll put every effort in ETS2 too ...not just in ATS DLC's .... and that you'll more improve ETS2 ! And I hope you have in mind too, that all players do not have good PC's like you have it ;) .... so, think about TC in game too ...not like DLC North , which 50 % higher with TC then other parts of ETS2 and we have because of that a lot of lagging too ... it is not everything in many Models and Prefabs on one place too which raise TC in game !!! I hope you have in your mind that !!

    2. Assured us multiple times that they won't put ETS2 out of their pipeline, for the record. Won't cheat on us.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You would choose a broken game over the practically market-certified one?

    2. Zakxaev68 what are you talking about

    3. @ Zakzaev68 .... he [apparently] has comprehension issues LOL

  7. Oh thats nice american truck simulator BUT WHAT ABOU ETS2! Its been 2 weeks since you mentioned about the beta of 1.22 in ets2 , thats 366 hours that past and not a word ever since. I think "ye" need to communicate with the public abit more as we all are anxious and waiting and 2 weeks and no news is abit of a discrase. I hope you will release the beta soon.

    1. Neither arranging them deadlines is fastening the roll out.

    2. LOL Petr Samko ..... I know .... it a disgrace isn't it ..... (I wonder how many people get it and how many don't)

  8. Please be patient with us and stay tuned! - Yes, SCS, we will do it! But please, hurry up!

    1. And for...? You demand an early patch - you eventually have it. Therefore you whine game-breaking bugs totaled your game. You demand a mandatory patch be rock-stable - ranting it takes a while. I can not follow you.

  9. 1. Please hungarian paintjob! 2. If you have ets 2 and ats, you cound go from eu to america with boat! It would be realy cool and great :D

    1. would be a long boat ride , Calafornia is on the pacific ocean side of USA, I wish American Truck Sim would be the east coast , then the boat ride would be more feasiable.

    2. Yeah i know, but still cool idea! :D like youre comment bro' :) (y)

  10. Bravo team SCS, complimenti davvero!! Solo una cosa se volete che ETS2 sia il più originale e completo, non rilasciate quei mini DLC, per la nuova realistica della gomme ci può anche stare, ma che dovete fare un'aggiornamento di 4 euro mi sembra inutile.

  11. This sounds interesting "community features and infrastructure to support implementation of a grand trucking universe with Virtual Trucking Companies and eventually with rich multiplayer. We would also like to introduce more vehicles into our world than just plain semi-trucks, so work has started on adding alternate gameplay and driving experiences into our simulation system"
    Cool :-)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Can't wait for the ATS, but what about the tyres and the upcoming Michelin DLC?
    When it come out the dlc?
    But still great work scs!!

  14. Good News the Qaulity is that Scs Sotware is. Sorry for my bad English
    You have all time for the real gamer is the Qaulity important.

  15. SCS Software, vocês fazem ótimo trabalho, mas eu acho que vocês deveriam comunicar melhor...Nós queremos saber exatamente a data de lançamento do American Truck Simulator e sua liberação para a compra na Steam. Fou anunciado datas mas não chegou, houve adiantamento, e já estamos no fim de 2015 e queremos saber se vai ser lançado nesse mês de novembro, ou mês de dezembro, ou em janeiro de 2016. Vocês estão nos mostrando um excelente trabalho, todos nós usuários admiramos o trabalho de vocês, estão de parabéns, mas falta serem explícito a respeito da data exata do lançamento do jogo e liberação para a compra na Steam.

    Eu gostaria que vocês nos mostrem mais imagens do Euro Coach Simulator e informações de como vai ser, mostrar o terminais rodoviários de ônibus do jogo, os modelos que vão ter, o menu e etc...

    Parabéns pelo trabalho de vocês, mas só falta nos dizer melhor sobre a data exata do lançamento do "ATS", esperemos que não adiem tanto para acabar lançando o jogo em janeiro de 2017, é tempo demais de espera!

    1. Cara, como ta descrito na postagem, eles estão trabalhando para lançar algo bom, sem erros, sem problemas, e tem outra coisa que eu me lembro bem, eles explicaram que tem o empasse das donas de algumas marcas, e que eles estão negociando para poderem colocar elas no jogo, então eu apoio a ideia deles.

    2. Aprenda Inglês, filhos da puta.

  16. look amazing ! take your time guys

  17. Keep it going SCS. I'm sure we'll get to play with some great content you have planned!

  18. What No multiplayer well have to wait for the Mod come on SCS pull ya finger out

  19. Só falta poder sair da cabine com um boneco e ter um multiplayer oficial.
    Ai sim ficaria show de bola!

  20. Great screens. Very excited for what you guys have planned.

  21. Any chance of preordering ATS on steam soon?

  22. Parabens pelo excelente trabalho! No aguardo e extremamente ansioso!

  23. These days greatness comes from those who can eloquently express their mission, expediently reply to their customer's whims yet wholeheartedly stay true to their passion to produce THE best product. Stay true, heads down, make us the most incredible simulator and you will be legends.

  24. Amazing work! I love how you're keeping the community in the loop. It's very exciting to see all the hard work going into your products, as well as seeing the results. Thanks on behalf of the community.

  25. No hurry SCS, quality over quantity.
    Polish your work and release it when you feel its finished

  26. I hope you will change the engine for the next euro truck simulator.

  27. All the smaller DLC's (Paintjobs, Cabin Accessories, etc) will be on Steam.

    All major DLC's (Map packs and the like) should be released via Steam and a Retail copy (they have mentioned this in a previous blog post).

  28. Nice blogpost again SCS. Keep up the good work and on behalve of all the satisfied players, a big thank you for trying to make things as real as possible. And for those who aren't satisfied and feel the urge to express their feelings in a disrespectful way, stop whining as it won't make a difference.

  29. Haters gonna hate... I was surprised by the work planned in WOT, and I can only hope we will be able to create our own VTC to manage drivers and every stat sincronized with the game. Those screens of ATS are looking outstanding, we know you wont give us a broken game, like almost all AAA games coming nowadays. Keep on working guys : )

  30. Thanks for this update SCS, really looking forward to purchasing ATS even if the initial offering is in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Kalifornia (Left Coast) :-)
    Really enjoy playing ETS2 in the past, now looking forward to playing ATS in the future.

    Steve in Colorado

  31. Hey fans , let's create an online fund "Management Lesson for SCS Software" as a Xmass gift for them.

    So lame students have much to teach them into management and marketing.
    Stop cry and sell yourself, not crappy DLCs.

    1. So true, but blind people can't see this

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. How about... as a.... xmas gift..... to scs...... you.... fuck...... off

    4. SCS doesnt need any management lessons... They know very well how to sell crap. They are milking as much as they can for all this gullible fools that get over ecstatic whenever SCS lets out a fart in their nose.
      What lessons do you need when you come out with a trucking game built on a 4 year old game engine sell it for about 4 years and keep milking it with dlc's and on top of that plan to sell the same old game for another 4 or so years by changing the map and adding a few new trucks ???
      SCS is planing to sell us this shit untill 2025 with the same crap gaming with the same non existing economy in the game with the same crapy graphics with the same lagy gameplay that cant even hold 60fps, same same same...

    5. Yes, there is no much difference between ATS and ETS 2 graphics, since both are DX9, and copy-paste codes

  32. The reason because many developers are going to steam is that it has a very big community, it has very good servers to hold the info on, it is the biggest game store online also includes many programs. Steam is also good because it keeps tracking of a user than the ones on the retail option

  33. "Basically, the "problem" is that we want to give it all to you" Well just DO it..not a problem can still patch ATS after release you know.......... oh well hopefully ATS 2016 if not 2017 -_- ..soo much fans hype died over the years

  34. What. Your post makes no sense whatsoever, updates are small hotfixes, and other things the game needs to have so that you have the latest version. It doesn't matter if the game is brand new. Would you rather buy the game on the shelf and then never have updates unless you manually go searching for them. Its a convenience thing. Besides, have fun purchasing a game on the shelf nowadays cause its rare to get and also most store bought games have a code that makes the game run off steam.

  35. Also the achievements aren't a big deal if you don't like it then just ignore them, doesn't change the games mechanics at all. Please educate yourself if your gonna try and put out a opinion

  36. (scs took 3 years to make Euro truck sim from scratch) AND SCS Cannot finish making this wannabe (Euro American truck sim) I can not believe scs is taking more than 3 years to make ATS A copied Game cuz the's old engine they are using from ETS2 is ready made that's what takes time to make A Game is this the resurrection of ETS2 more then 3 years in the making i mean adding NEW---->MAP TRUCKS TRAILERS THE REST is from you people know FROM WARE from ETS 2 ladys and stupids our new mixe Game chiguagua mixe with pitbull (euro American truck Simulator)WANNABE -->AMERICAN TRUCK SIMULATOR NOT MADE FROM SCRATCH -->

  37. THANKS GOD for RTA MODS, they make PERFECT truck/trailer models in just a fraction of time SCS needs for deliver a buggy incomplete and low poly model.

  38. SCS needs to fire poorly trained employees, and hire some real ones !!!! They could be 50+ if they are good at.... Solitaire. Spintires was made by a small group of people(~10), and has far better physics, textures, and effects (tire fingerprints in mud...).
    IF you have 2 designers, put them to develop better textures, NOT flags, dragons, Santas, witches...
    OR PAINTJOBS, but smthg that worth buying (tribal styles, Raven look-alike, Flip-paint-design like, or similar with those already in game: all kind of color-customizable strips )
    OR make skins with in-game's Companies.
    Change the f****ng (inexistent) ECONOMY.
    We are waiting in fact more than 3-4 Michelin Tires for 3 euros. Or at least, implement Physics in tires.
    You could stop for a while the EuroCoach and focus on ATS map. Hire 2-3 good Programmers exclusive for ETS2.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. haha lol, they will hire designer to deliver us another bullshit paintpack for new year... instead doing something usefull

  39. See I knew it! ATS gonna be released 2016 cause of "Next Year" but better than next year with a 110% finished game, than a Game released in 2015 with 70% as result. if u got Patience u will be awarded.

    1. I agree with you on that one lolbroh

    2. Would prefer 70% RIGHT NOW than "next year" or even more...

  40. Exciting news....much to look forward to in the sim trucking universe. Hopefully we can play as police one day in the multiplayer universe...that would bring some interesting dynamics into the world!!!

    1. Unbridled chaos more likely unless there was some minimum standard to achieve prior to getting access to the police car and it's associated privileges ... not to mention some on-going 'Quality of service" monitor where abuses of power would render the police car driver and ex police car driver with a cooling off period before becoming eligible again for the role.

      Long to short .... I like the idea, I won't dismiss it off hand but I do highlight it's a potential power keg of not properly designed and coded.

  41. Congrats SCS!! I see allot of people complaining about the time it takes for you to complete ATS, i myself have been waiting over a year. And I will wait another year if I have to! Good work explaining your goals to your fans. I love ETS2 and your support for it has been more then generous. All good things are worth waiting for. I will definately be buying a physical copy of ATS and i hope that your support for ATS will continue to be reflected in the same likeness as ETS2. (hopefully you wont charge a DLC for every state though that could get very pricey lol) I will continue to be a supporter of yours! You are truly a company I admire. More updates to be awaited! I just wanted to let everyone at SCS know (or anyone who reads this) how much I appreciate your work, and attention to detail. Keep up the good work!

  42. "Alternate driving experiances" wonder if they're gonna add missions like th ebus missions or sports car missions from 18 WOS Convoy.

  43. You are one of the few companies that don't have to set a release date for things since we know you are working on something you love.
    If this had been a tile from a really major company, where they set a release date, then tell us it has been pushed back, the fan base would've gotten angry.
    Your company and team get all the time you need from us, the fans, and you don't have to give a release date because we know you are working on something that will be good both for us and you

    I think SCS Software's approach is very good and I think other companies should look at your way of handling your games and your community interaction.

  44. personally I would rather you take your time and make things right the first time, than do an EA or UBISHAFT, after the mess both of these companies made with SimCity and anno2205 respectively, I have only just started playing ets2, yes a little slow I know but I figured that it would be as boring as hell, but with all the mods out there, there has been no time to be bored,. love your work SCS, keep up the great work..oh and please don't forget us down here in Australia we wouldn't be objective to a dlc whether it be aussie trucks or just some new Australian liveries, like the opera house or even Uluru..cheers guys

  45. Are you going to add Oregon in american truck simulator ???

    1. As I understand it, the whole US map will be developed over time. In what order the US states will get done is unknown. I like Oregon ... it'd be cool to drive up through northbound ....

  46. How ungreatful people can be. How impatient they are. After everything SCS is doing for us. They are not your slaves. I wanted to say, use your brain, but obviously you don't have one. Thanks SCS for all the work you do for us.

    1. Jup thats Right, Be glad they wanna perform 110% for us, They don't wanna be Like SEGA,EA,Ubisoft,2k and other big compagnies uses games like cows and releases unfinished games.

      easy explanation is: they baking a pie/cake, when its finished they cut 1/4 off and sell it as "extra content" and Idiots who buying it getting scammed where they standeth. like Micro-payment, DLC's (Except SCS Sofware that another story), Before 2010 we had Expansion Packs, like Battlefield 2. Kids of these days dont know what a real game is. Whole Game Industy is changed.
      I wish it turned back, but if idiots still buying it, it would never changed that way. SCS still their own path as they made 18WOS, For the gamers. EA games made : for the idiots who like to be scammed by us to bring us more money. their main goal is kids 8-18 Years.
      Quality over qualiteit is the key! Love gamers not the money!
      thats a Bonus.

  47. I hope one day soon, ETS2MP will meet ATSMP on the road, on any server :)

  48. take the time they need you guys are not the best for nothing

  49. Well guys all i can say is take you time I for one would prefer polish than bug filled rushed jobs for me when its ready it will be ready and that is good enough.

    For instance i play ETS2 without mods for me the game is perfect and need's none and I will assume ATS will be the same.

  50. That's awesome news SCS!! ATS looks brilliant!! I must confess that I never had expected that the landscapes would look so magnificent!! I am really anticipating the game. It is my firm belief though, that this game will be way better than Ets2. Suffice it to say that the brighter roads are of great benefit and it gives you the feel of driving in the US! I wish you the very best! I am certain that you have exceeded the expectations of many us with this blog post! Keep up the good work SCS!!!

  51. All those people commenting like Hurry Up and Your communications with us are bad. Just be patient. Have you all finished ETS2 to 100%? I'm still waiting for an update on Pac-Man since 1986. Do you see me complain about it?

    1. i think u r done with world...and are saturated....or somethings wrong wid u..if u r seriously lookin for update of Pac man

    2. Seriously Krupal43 Gandhi. I'm still waiting. Got Mrs. Pac-Man but that wasn't it, you know? We needed new maps and different coloured ghosts. But no, Konami or Sega (I forgot who made it) never communicated about it. Could be because the internet still had to be invented. I've contacted Steam if they knew anything but they're still laughing I guess....

  52. Nice work friends!
    But please don't forget the Euro Coach Simulator!!!!

  53. if scs really cares for us fans u pls.....fix that traffic AI mess...with almost real density and...random jams on highways....

  54. Tak vyzerá dobre to ATS, ale prečo len (zatiaľ) California? Predpokladám že budú vychádzať dlcčka s ostatnými štátmi a mestami - prečo však ste neurobili komplet USA s aspoň 20 mestami a už potom len niektoré mestá v forme dlc/patch dopľňať? Tak to robíte pri ETS 2 - nebolo by to jednoduchšie pre vás?
    Tera niečo k ETS 2 - osobne po grafickej stránke nemám vyhrady, nevadí mi ani to, že sú len čisté tahače + návesy a nie combo. No čo mi prekáža, že v Škandinávií ste spravili niektoré reálne špecifické križovatky tak prečo nie aj vo zvyšku v EÚ nenastali zmeny niektorých úsekochv/križovatkách (predsa nieje možné aby všetky výjazdy na diaľnice a následne zjazdy boli v celej eu rovnaké), prečo sa nespravili mestá o niečo väčšie, tiež navrhujem pridať nejaké mestá (hlavne v taliansku, na slovensku, v česku, vo francúzsku) a Španielsko/Portugalsko a nebolo by na škodu dať nové modely MAN a Renault T, keďže ste ich už fotili, nahrávali ... tiež vizuálny tuning by sa mohol posnúť na vyššiu úroveň, ako nové svetlá na predok prípadne na zadné spoilery, možnosť si zafarbiť disky vo farbe tahača, zjasniť led denné svetlá na niektorých tahačoch (pretože ak sa má hra priblížiť čo najviac k realite, tak v reáli tie led svetlá svietia jasnejšie aj za slnečného počasia) ... tiež by nebolo naškodu dať na svetelné križovatky s prechodmi pohybujúcihc sa chodcov cez tieto prechody - toto je môj osobný názor, v čom sa má posnúť ETS 2 dopredu
    a nejaké informácie o EuroCoachSimulátor?

  55. REALLY ?!?!?!

    "Working hard" on what ??? The game engine is 7 or 8 years old.... Come on, you are planing to release ATS in 2016 with a antique engine Seriously !!!
    ETS2 is a very dull and dusty old game by now and ATS it will only be another ETS2 on a new map and new trucks.
    SCS have you taken a look around in the gaming area ? Look at how other games are looking and are being played and then look back at your crapy products.
    Why is it so hard to implement a new engine. ATS would be 1000x better if SCS would build it on a new engine (lets say Unreal 4 or Cry Engine 3). Why?
    Because they dont want to. Why would they, when they can sell the same crap and make the money with less effort.
    I am amazed with people that are getting orgasm on every post from SCS praising them to the moon and back.. for WHAT ?For the hard work they are putting into ETS2. What hard work is that ??? In the 3 years that ETS2 has been launched, SCS has released 2 small map expansions ( 1 at about 1.5 years) added 4 new trucks to the game ( 1 at 0.75 years ), other then that only some small improvements that came in the form of updates or dlc's, all this while the gaming community has released an amazing amount of mods, ranging from maps to trucks, trailers and so much more. Because lets be honest the only thing that keeps this game going are the multitude of mods out there.
    And after all this time, the game still lags like shit, cannot maintain a decent 60fps on even a very powerfull gaming rig. The AI has been problematic since the game was first released and it continues to be as retarded as ever. If you take out all the mods from the game, you will end up with very shitty game, and ATS will be no different.
    So lest get this straight it took them 4 years to release a new game on the same engine so by that thesis the next one would be released in 2020 ??? on maybe a new engine when the all the games out there will be played in VR or who knows...
    SCS are milking this as much as possible as they know ETS2 its the only trucking game out there at this time. Because if we would see another game developer coming out with a trucking game made with a decent game engine, then SCS would be out of the business for sure.
    SCS get off your asses !!!

    1. The answer is very easy. It's better to make only 1 change to 2 games, than making changes for each games separately.

    2. Adrian, just a few points which you are welcome to ignore .....

      1) ETS2 is not like other games out there .... this has been the case for some time. Your judgement is valid for you but it's not universal for all. If you compare ETS2 when it first released with ETS2 today, you'll see it has been in a constant state of slow, steady change. Frankly, the dust has never really been allowed to settle. I'd like it at a faster rate too but hey... it is what it is.

      2) You are quite right that the mod community is a very (indeed the more)significant part in terms of content. Licencing issues that SCS as a company face seems to limit certain aspects of their content delivery. However, SCS have been and remain very mod friendly which is a real positive for all of us players .....This is a very strong nod to SCS here.

      3) Regarding performance, you are best served to look at your own PC if you cannot run in the 60 fps region constantly. I mean that with respect .... the sim does not run as bad for me as you claim it does.

      4) Overall, your post seems you are pretty fed up of this game.
      I'm going to assume that this is based on a wish for an overall improved experience and the frustration that you cannot see this in the near-medium future. I get this ... difference is, I'm am more willing to support SCS here positively ....... hand that feeds you and all that ......

      I'd suggest to give it a break. Move on and play something else.

      Good luck!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Adrian Gabrie I understand what you mean post this on SCS Software (@SCSsoftware) | Twitter i thing they don't read our comments on this post

    5. So true brother... "I am amazed with people that are getting orgasm on every post from SCS praising them to the moon and back.." well said.. Look at SpinTires... The game is made from -10 people and still is better in physic, textures... .. They're giving us fantasy shits DLC's (dragons, santas).. And they are gonna sell the crap called ATS until maybe 2021... Engine old almost 8 years, same crap interface, ui, horrible physic, souns... The only real thins in this games are the logo of trucks.. Nothing more

    6. Compare graphics between ETS and ATS.. THERE is no difference! Almost same copy-paste codes, enviroments, they'll just brought new trucks and another crap map.. And yes,, another problem... Imagine this game without mods... Truly given 3/10..
      Sad that the game is depending from sweet community modders

    7. @Jack Wall

      If i am pointing out flaws and adding some remarks, it doesnt mean that i am not "supporting" the game... Hey i bought the game original price soon after its release, continued to buy their dlc's that not always where up to the price and probabily will continue to do so, because dont get me wrong i like this game i put in over 500h in it. All i am saying is that i am expecting a little more for my money.
      I know very well how this game looked when it was first released and i saw the changes with each update but after 3 years you would expect the to come out with something new something in step with the times we live in and not do a copy-paste game. Because all in all SCS has still not addressed the original issues of ETS2 and i feel it is within my right as a consumer to point it out.
      I do not need to applaud SCS for their mediocre efforts and hide it underneath the rug, i would rather make a constructive remark, at least i feel better about it, even though i know SCS is not reading it...
      And make no mistake when u have a company with 50 employees and you take half of them to gaming conventions, shows me that they are doing pretty well and have all that they need to produce a top act game but they do not desire to do so... WHY?
      Because ETS2 is the only trucking game out there at this moment and they know it.
      It is disappointing that they decided to continue this rather great series on a very old and unoptimized engine. And not only that, but they are planing to sell this 2 games for a very long period. Let me tell you what i wouldnt mind if ATS would come out with lots of bugs and short-comings, especially from SCS knowing that they support their game for the long run, but on a brand new engine that they could build on and not a old and dusty one.

    8. It is difficult, The only way this will leave afloat and to project, it is to create a source of very grande..Esto material must cover a market that likes the model, which includes LEGO market Hotweels, matchbox. This is completely out of the game The game never considered entering the modeling, the adventure to include nuts trucks. The development GT cars, which have a large market that was previously created by the modeling. No one had thought about the importance of trucks, buses and engines. So SCS with 18 wheels lashes after 10 years, the public must commit to buy the games, I'm willing to buy every game that comes out from now on, however the issue of sales has to be clear to us .. we should have a profile scs not suffer when formatting the pc and can interact with the game .. The question I ask myself now is philosophical; Why I am a follower of trucks games ?. Everyone has their own answer. I see very entertaining dynamic thinking of so many transport problems in the past, with no electronic control engines, looking for spare parts in the desert, in the cold of Patagonia. There were no rigid rules. Carrying 25 tons with MB1114, climbing slopes unforgivable.

  56. They should make it steam only. It's simple to use, and most people love that all you have to do is select the main title and everything you bought for that title is installed with it automatically.

    In this day and age you'll need to start getting used to technology if you want to continue gaming.

  57. SCS are taking a piss and lots of people are clapping them on for that...
    How can anyone feel ecstatic for ATS its something i will never understand. From all i have seen and read about ATS it has only made me sad. Same old game from SCS with minor improvements here and there.
    The only thing that makes me anticipate for its release are maybe the amount of mods that will follow but will that be enough ??? I wonder how much of a new experience ATS will really be ???
    You know what the hell with SCS they are only making dlc's selling platform. Really ? American truck simulator and now they reveal their real intention, making only California with a few cities. So if they have not managed to make all of Europe( which is far smaller then North America) in ETS2 in almost 4 years, i wonder how long it will take them to make ALL OF NORTH AMERICA or at least US for ATS ????
    They are planing to sell us this shit(ets2 and ats) untill 2025 with small map expansions and useless dlc's just milk us and fill their bank accounts for as long as they can, untill a real developer sees the oportunity and comes out with a real trucking game with game engine suitable for the era we live in.
    SCS get your self a new engine and start making some decent looking games !
    They are working in implementing Directx11 for ATS.... LOL when DX11 has been around for ever and we are waiting for DX12... the fudge is that ???

    1. just have patience we will get a new engine by and hopefully....a new truck sim....which will be in progress...lolzz ..u better dont waste time no one gonna take u srsly nor y would we waste time...posting here really crappy game is....i have stopped playing it...and more or now gonna uninstall it....bocz m done wid the game ets2 mini europe...

  58. You guys should do going north to alaska or south to mexico please do that :D

  59. Jack I think you are right about chaos with police. A system would be needed where players are allowed to play as police, and replays are saved for any interaction with other player. Then a player could file complaint to a review board (retired player police who work for free dlc) who could then revoke police rights on the spot. The replay of police player beating a trucker with night stick could then be posted on world of truvks further punish the offender.

    So players now have self police to stop general idiots, and police can be monitored as well due to replay system.

    1. Interesting idea ... I think the ETS2 MP mod team probably have some experience to dump into this idea too ... their EU #1 servers seems to be a pretty good experience now. I recall a year ago giving up on the MP mod because I was sick of silly idiots on the roads and I had no confidence that the mod team would ever make the good and perhaps hard decision needed to address them ....Seems they got there on the EU #1 server at least hand is up ... I how wrong I appear to have been .....

  60. when ets2 just came out i shone it to a frind on youtube, he thought that the game was real life. in fact he was certain it is in fact real life. and amazed to find out it is actually a virtual world in a game.

  61. You guys should not open any new projects before 2020. I was in your situation (many projects, no more manpower) before. Your fans will get very angry very soon. :)

  62. When does ets2 1.22 for Christmas?

  63. California California California .... Phooey. Everything that is North American based seems to be centered on freaking CALIFORNIA!! Well, North America is much more than California. Sheesh. Seems like all the other countries in the world think California is the center of North America.

  64. But still no news of double trailers. SCS, listen to your community. This is one feature that you are leaving out that desperately needs to be in ATS. ATS will not be ATS if it doesn't support double or triple trailers that we run here. I've seen you guys added a short 28 foot trailer but care to actually turn that into a set of functioning doubles or perhaps triples??

  65. did yall ever realize you're driving a virtual truck?

  66. Mod will maintain people to play scs just try ets2 it without mods and give ur feedback ok

  67. Where is the snow ? i want to drive in a snowstorm like what happened in I-94

  68. When are we going to see 1.22 update

  69. i see no difference when i tried 64bit...and no news of scs doing development on that topic.........its better to focus on single project rather than multiple to avoid mess...

  70. 51 DLC's? make then $2.99 and we'll talk. Any higher and you'll find people will not be willing to pay. IT's wrong to make out that the game is AMERICAN with no limits, and then suddenly add 'California' to the end, to just introduce the DLC quietly.

    This might have worked for Train Simulator and Flight Simulator... but I don't think it will for Trucks.

  71. Hola amigos de SCS, hasta ahora los proyectos se ven muy atractivos,se ve que a mejorado el detalle en los y en general la actividad del jugador es mas intensa..insistir en que el tema de los autobuses a causado alguna preocupación incluso el tema de los automóbiles,el nivel de los mapas podría contener una actividad mas diversa entre estos tres tipos de vehículo,que cada cual cumpla su misión..Comenzar el juego haciendo fletes con una camioneta vieja para llegar al camión,antiguo y de tercera para asi trepar en la lógica del juego..Siento que los productos que podrían ofrecer,mapas,vehículos,etc.podrían integrarse en paquetes discretos que puedan interactuar entre si..que el juego de camiones pueda integrarse al juego de aque autobuses uno compro aparte,lo mismo un pack de automóbiles cons sus respectivas misiones y temas..etc..pero de estos juegos el unico que existe es el de todas formas al cargar un MOD buses,la ausencia de script y roles para el tema es considerable..saludos

  72. The other thing I think is important, is the multiplayer..Ya is common for two brothers in a home, have each their PC ..Estos two boys want to play with the PC linked even two good friends who encuentran..Debe if possible, SCS cualquocesoier game, play with the PC in enlace..Yo I think that would mean cuántico..Pero it has its complexities jump to an average PC for each PC must reproduce autonomously instruction that immediately there generates the other PC, then there would be a division process, unlike what happens with a server remotely, the Windows program can link computers without problems ..

  73. If it's ever possible. Maybe you could merge American simulator with Euro truck Simulator and make it worlwide. Online and have it to where we could literally travel around the world. I thin that would a really cool idea to think about.

  74. I think that two levels are needed. A first level of interaction of domestic bond. A second level of online interaction with a remote source to propose a topic for trucks, buses and cars that one has .. Also, remember what there is still a cult previous games .. SCS may offer to sell, any script for setting up a home network between 2 computers. I think that coincides with the emerging paradigm that through technological means we wish to share .. Play in groups, meet in the middle of the game .. Sincerely virtual spaces not reveal their answers and reasons as soon .. (not me I will question why the taste for video games)

  75. I believe in hard work of the team ... and would like to congratulate the effort, giving a suggestion that will make richer and more enjoyable game: The team should create sound courtesy horn to cross / pass with other Camimhões, lack police cars and firefighters to give more reality to the game. Lack more pedestrians and people in business to receive the goods (good to end the void that the company runs out of people) Guards transit ... The team can make the game Online so players can share their experiences in EuroTruck world. (Players must wait for the time to unload the goods, until their turn comes) Horn and light of courtesy in version off would be very interesting. Lack police stations on highways, people transiting in parking lots and garages. The team podde create the On Line version without the need to download the steam, but be able to download and automatically updating making Online. Creating tambpem an option key to play On line and off line. Thank you. Hugs!

  76. Congratulations on your work once again.
    I am just wondering would this project eventually enable use of other smaller delivery vehicles and automobiles as well as intercontinental transport of goods (Europe to USA? I must say you guys have such an awesome map in ETS2 and it would be awesome to able to explore it in an automobile as well.

  77. Oh yes, i love it, can´t wait for driving ähhh "trucking" through the USA

  78. They have thought of creating a map of Mexico has very interesting highways would be a great experience

    :D "Saludos desde Mexico" SI SEÑOR !

  79. Ive been hyped for this game for so long that im honestly starting to lose interest 2 damn years still cant give us a release date but pushes out ets 2 updates weekly...ets 2 is old and boring now move onto new and better things already.

    1. one things for sure i wont be paying for the game, i waited far too long to "support" developers who are absolutely useless and dont communicate with customers

  80. 1- 2 people play at home with the linked PC.
    2- You can play connected to the web.
    3 - A wide range of models that can be loaded into the game.


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