Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Improvements in traffic AI

One of the areas that we are spending a lot of effort and time on for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is improving the AI of the vehicles in the environment. None of our previous projects even had a single full-time AI programmer, the AI was always a compromise as there were simply too many tasks for too few programmers.

We thought that you may be happy to learn that we are aware of all your complaints over the years, and trying hard to improve the AI for ETS2. This video is showing a couple of situations used for testing the changes in AI. Of course this is not a glimpse from the actual ETS2 map, this is a crude map for testing and debugging the AI code.

As you can see, finally the cars can navigate roundabouts, but there are many more things improved in the code, major as well as subtle, so that driving among the ambient traffic should feel far more natural!


  1. Thats awesome news! Traffic was a real problem in previous games! Good job!

  2. I think you might want to finetune the setting that tells AI how long to wait before continuing their actions, but this does look like a giant leap in the right direction.

  3. nice job! I hope somewhere on map will be very very hard trafic situations... try something like this to build in, would be amazing (in bigger size for trucks

    By the way, the delays before cars start moving when they got free way, are so long

  4. Great progres SCS!
    AI traffic was a big problem in older games.
    I see much improvments implemented.
    But one thing i don`t see in this vid,do cars and other traffic aclerate in 2sec and brake in 2 meters.
    But I`m sure that you will do it right,like the hole game :D

  5. wow!!!!!!
    i'm speechless..
    that's amazing!!!!
    great job SCS!

  6. Do not forget the doubles trailers ..

  7. You Rock!! That is amazing!! You are marvelous!!

  8. Great. Huge step :)

    How about the speed limiter for other trucks? ive sometimes been riding the limit but getting overtaken by other trucks in the game. Is there a mod for that or is it something you can try to fix? Well its just to point it out.. still this looks terrific!

  9. very good job scs
    could you show us map of Czech republic i am from czech republic and we didnt have map of our country and we are looking forward to see new map of europe keep it up!!!

  10. You are doing big progress from previous games, new traffic is awesome, good job!

  11. wow this is really great, but don't forget to solve the problems of speed on the smaller roads, like change speed from 50 km to 80 km or 70 km and reduce speed when cornering is hard, something like that. thanks

  12. please write me to
    if it is posible

  13. What are the differences compared with the ATS?

  14. there is one thing i noticed in that video the wheels on the lorries disappeared every now and again apart from that, it looks great

  15. Algo bastante interessante que gostaríamos de ver na AI do ETS2, seria movimento de veículos nos postos de abastecimento de combustível, esse detalhe é bastante monótono nas versões anteriores.

  16. Awesome job, that is very important.
    and more think:

    Stefan said...
    "But one thing i don`t see in this vid,do cars and other traffic aclerate in 2sec and brake in 2 meters."
    If that problem is, please fix for more realistic...

    The car in the trafic have sounds (engime, rpm , brake) ?

  17. German Truck Multiplayer :

  18. excellent job kee posting thanks for sharing

  19. SCS You are great ! Excellent job ! Now we can talk about real simulator because AI is one of most important thing.

    Greetings from Poland ;)

  20. Pánové!!! Tak tohle je fakt luxusní záležitost, konečne budou všichni dodržovat predpisy. Opravdu klobou dolu. Uz se nemůžu dockat az to pustíte do světa.

  21. Its looking good but clearly some problems still remain. In this video you can see that drivers are not correctly giving way to traffic that is already on the roundabout and also some vehicles are in the wrong lane when entering the round about which means they have to stop. In my person opinion it makes the AI look slightly poor when a vehicle has to stop on a roundabout

  22. Amazing job, SCS! :)

  23. Why don't you guys stop complaining about SCS? They already told us they are aware, just read before posting. The improvement is clearly visible and just by seeing this (so short!) demonstration video I agree with you that it'll be far more comfortable to drive.
    Great Work SCS!

  24. congratulations on the job, but keep missing the bus on the AI with them a sense of reality is much greater.

  25. Nice progress SCS, here is my little suggestion for traffic:

    1. Smooth braking: I think it's one of the most important things in the AI because we hate when AI brakes suddenly and we crash with it.

    2. Smooth Acceleration: We hate too when the AI accelerate from 50km/h to 90km/h in 1 millisecond and makes we feel more slower...

    3. Don't horn all the time, because makes players getting irritated.

    4. Stopping improvement: always when we are coming to a Traffic light, if we are following a car, when it arrives to the traffic light, we see the lights switch on and we apply the brake, but always we crash with it because you don't have time to react...

    5. Don't stopped traffic at speedways...
    When you are in one exit of a gas station, and you switch on the blinker, the cars stop and let you exit. Would be more realistic that you exit when there aren't cars coming...

    Thanks You.

  26. great work scs. but please dont forget the multiple trailer support, you could show us a video maybe just on a map like this ;) with improved AI will it also be possible for traffic having multiple trailers too?

  27. Congratulations for the work and thank you for update the blog. Good know the progress of work . Note the great improvements in the traffic, do not see sudden braking and sudden changes of lane.

    Good luck at work, and always update.

    Rafael Brusque Toporowicz
    São Mateus do Sul - Paraná - Brasil

  28. Great job scs team!, the AI in older gamer y bad and poor. In the single roads the truck only driving at 60KM/h.

    Salu2 from Chile.

  29. All i gotta say is you're doing a mighty fine job SCS! Keep it up! Can't wait to see more updates on this magnificent game!

  30. Wonderful news!!!
    I have been waiting anxiously about the AI improvements and am very glad that it will be significantly improved.
    Keep up the amazing work SCS Software team.

  31. I agree in all terms with route 77. In some cases some people give you priority even when they shouldn't but not on highway and doesn't aply for all cars. make the acceleratin and deceleration of trafic more smoother. Thx for the news keep them comming

  32. I agree with Redhawk, good job!

    Kostas from Greece

  33. this is really nice! good job guys;)

  34. excuse me but . . . . at 0:20 in the video, the volvo truck coming from the left , shouldn't it engage the left side of the road when turning into it ?

    i give you an example of roundabout to give you an idea

  35. Agree with "Route77" !

  36. a traffic will be faster?

  37. I was plagued by two questions will be whether the physics of damage and whether the game was the police wanted to

  38. GREAT JOB!!

    can't wait for the other upgrades to the game yet to be revealed!

    fan from poland

  39. NICE!!

    Can you make, that the trucks drive on the right side and that they all drive 90km/h?

  40. and please many more trucks, like on real highways!

  41. Not bad, much better than ETS1. Keep on making this game. I believe it'll be a good one. But in my opinion, first you should fix your previous games which the players have bought for.

  42. wow, the first european truck simulator with cars and trucks turning left on crosses :D

    it's really nice...

    haven't seen it in the film, so: don't forget busses!


  44. I like what I see :-)
    Keep up the good work!

  45. Awesome news. I'm really glad you're working on this, because same AI traffic on all games was starting to get boring, and frustrating.

    And even if you already got lots of requests / suggestions / complains about traffic, I will post mines, in case it helps.

    I will try to separate this into two different blocks. First the things I think that NEED to be fixed, and second things that would be nice to see implemented in game:

    TO FIX:
    - Cars shouldn't stop so suddenly, neither accelerate so fast. Specially trucks. Traffic should be a lot more... how to say it... smooth?. Once on the open road or highway it's OK to see vehicles moving at high speeds, but on cities and between traffic lights, they should move with more calm, take turns cautiously, etc...

    - No honking all the time. Only on some specific situations like going into the opposite lane, blocking the road for too much time, etc...

    - Vehicles shouldn't stop when you put blinker on. They should continue their way. It's very annoying to see a truck stopping suddenly when you put right-side blinker to return to the right lane after overtaking on highway, and not happy with that, honking at you.

    - Much more traffic than previous games. Cities have to look alive, and roads too.

    - Vehicles should know to change lanes to avoid an stoped/crashed vehicle, so if a crash happens on highway we don't have 3 lanes of stopped cars because one car uses 4 blinkers. Also an option similar to "advance time" would be appreciated, for cases where all the traffic blocks the road permanently.

    - Not all vehicles should put blinker.

    - When you use blinker (both highway or city) some cars should be polite and allow you to change lanes. I'm not talking about an instant stop, just leaving a little room slowing down.

    I think that's all for now.

  46. This is great! I love the fact that the AI traffic makes left turns, not just right turns. I also like the fact that in the roundabout, the cars in the second lane stop and let the coming car pass them, and then make their right turn (0:35-the Ford Mondeo). I believe ETS2 will be the best game ever!!! SCS Software ROCKS! Good luck in the future!
    I also agree with Katixa about the things to fix.

  47. Yes! Finally cars will not turn into you anymore, thanks for specificly making improvements in the traffic AI, the other cars on the road are a major part of the immersion.

    Go SCS!

  48. Just one mistake ;p but i think u know it very well ;) For example see this car on roundabout in 0:22 ? Behind truck with green trailer ;p This car stopped on left side :D this is kind of dangerous ;p hope you will fix it guys ! ;) Good luck

  49. And add more trucks ;p On that video we can see only a few trucks ;p its not a car simulator but Truck simulator ! Still love you!

  50. This is a big improvmend SCS. I am realy glad to see that you xied AI so much. Just one thing i saw during the wideo. at 0.21 one car has to stop to exit the roundabout. I should schange lanes beafore or go one circle more.

  51. faire en sorte que les camions roule a 90k/h

    bon travail scs

  52. would it possible to have high trialers and narrow roads with low tunels so its more real and challenging and smaller cargo depots so reversing trailers ar harder.

  53. SCS Did u fix the stoping time of the AI .. i mean they drive and they stop & u hit them :D:D

  54. Sorry, but your AI in the video is Epic Fail. why the cars turn right from the second line? why did they stop there? Why do cars stop before entering the intersection? They have an advantage over those moves in a circle! It's very sad, your AI is very stupid...

    Извините, но Ваш ИИ на видео - epic fail. Почему автомобили поворачивают направо со второго ряда? Почему они останавливаются во втором ряду? Почему автомобили останавливаются перед входом на перекрёсток? Они имеют приемущество перед теми, кто движется по кругу! Это очень печально, Ваш АИ очень тупой...

  55. correct junction is:

  56. Salut, bon travail sur l'AI, Hate de voir les nouveaux modèles de camions, vous faites du bon boulot, j'espère que ce jeu sera pas trop gourmand au niveau des cartes graphiques, avec mon Geforce 9100! Bonne continuation dans vos projets et surtout dans le bon sens !!! Hate de voir ce projet voir le grand jour !!

  57. Look at the orange car at the top of the screen 0:20 to 0:40. Completely the wrong lane, this isn't the only time that happened, once you stop that it should be great. But one other very important thing not shown in the video, how does the AI react around the player? They are now alot better reacting to other AI vehicles, but if they still crash into the player or stop suddenly when the player indicates, the improvements will hardly be noticable. AI also needs to be smoother, with slower braking and acceleration, and also be able to navigate around obsticles, not just be 'stuck' to invisible lines like a slot car. One thing I noticed in UKTS, when you entered a motorway junction prefab, all traffic would suddenly stop and refuse to overtake you. I really hope that can be fixed. I would also like to see a far greater variety of prefab junctions, most motorway junctions I know of have roundabouts an the end of the slip roads. You also need to add proper road markings at the crossroad junctions so it is clear who has right of way. Parked cars in cities and more narrow city roads and lanes to navigate would also be fantastic, like in the yungas road map on extreme trucker and make the game a challenge, rather than just identical wide main roads. Randomly generated road works would also be fun, as well as working toll booths. Keep up the good work anyway!

  58. I saw a few cars stop while on the roundabout. Vehicles joining the roundabout from the right side lane should only take the first exit, while vehicles joining from the left lane should only take the 2nd & 3rd exits

  59. hallo scs software könntet ihr nicht die kennzeichen in den ländern original gestallten


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