Sunday, April 22, 2012

The map is never big enough

The scope and scale of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 world is the result of a combination of priorities and compromises.

After we finished ETS1, there was a huge wave of feedback asking for "more local roads" - this feedback was really so loud and frequent that we decided to do something about it. There was no chance to squeeze in enough proper non-highway-type roads into a map with the ETS1 scale, we had to go for a more detailed map. We knew we would still be skipping large percentage of highways even with a larger scale map, there is no way would reproduce the real world in anything close to 1:1 scale (not to speak about the implications for gameplay with cargoes taking real days, not minutes, to deliver), but we felt lot more detail was needed.

The scale we decided upon in the end was the scale used in German Truck Simulator and UK Truck simulator "sister" projects. We had built those games to be the starting point for further growth, and this is indeed what the ETS2 world expands upon. Basically we traded detail for coverage. Once you start at a given detail, you can push coverage - the extent of the virtual world - over time, for as long as you can last. But if you start with small scale, there is a hard limit on how much detail can be hammered in. So the trajectory we are following is what was already started some 4 years ago.

At this time, there is over 30 man-years invested into the ETS2 map, counting the map construction itself and building of models and prefabs for the world. We have added new territories of course and added additional polish and roads to the existing areas, but it's a laborious incremental process. The map is a huge investment of time and money, really major risk for us. We have poured in everything we have ever earned from the earlier games.

Of course, now that we have better road coverage, there is huge pressure from you to add complete territory of Europe, and soon. Unfortunately, even though we would love to have all of Europe covered, this is going to take a lot more work and time to achieve. You can view ETS2 as a milestone towards this goal - we hope that the game's sales will help us finance further evolution of the Euro Truck concept and the world in which it is taking place.


  1. Very nice scs team Game of the year Euro Truck Simulator 2...

    1. Agree on that brother! ... ETS2 = Game of the Year "Simulators"

    2. Agree Dud :) thanx SCS team. I LOVE YOU

    3. agree to dat 100%

    4. Sucks..No Serbia again!?

    5. C'mon where is lithuania?

    6. If you want Lithuania and Serbia you should pay for this game.Excellent SCS team, hopes for Greece too one day.

      Mitsos from Greece.

  2. Keep up the work, it's really nice!!

    Greetz from Holland.

  3. That game is simply humiliating the makers of 'Tanker Truck Simulator 2011' xD

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. All looks good to me so I'm happy with the work you've put in.

  7. very good, but were is the rest of the france?

  8. What there is now is more detail even though there is less area. This is not a problem because more countries can be added at a later date.

  9. Replies
    1. where are the roads to spain?

    2. Possibly from Paris to Lyon then down to Spain by the Mediteranean coastline. I guess

  10. Creating a 1:1 map would be awesome but that's indeed nearly impossible to do or it will take ages. But what you could do of course (if it's possible) is instead of creating multiple or more/new games keeping ETS2 and improving it, this by adding new countries/cities, different trucks (old(er) models) and or trailers and sell this as a DLC. And make it a payable DLC so people who wanna see new features have to buy it. So you guys don't have to spend all money in creating another game from scratch but just continue to build on this one.
    I'm having no knowledge about creating games or something but I think this strategy will make you grow quick(er) because ETS2 is huge step forward in creating the ultimate simulator for us. Just keep advancing and updating the game.

    Anyway, good job! :)

    1. i would hate DLC .I buy all my games on disc and i never will buy games that are download only from the internet. I would never buy it if it was DLC but would buy expansion packs for the game

    2. I unerstand :) I'm same to you! Like having discs of all my games.
      What I ment is: You can still buy the game on disk and/or online with a creditcard and then buy an expansion pack with more/new cities etc .. :)

    3. I don't like this idea, because:
      ETS 1: A rushed simulator, to get people warmed up for ETS 2.
      ETS 2: To improve ETS 1.

      ETS 3: Better than ETS 2, this will be the greatest simulator ever.

    4. Yes Yes ofcourse but why make a new game (ETS3) when this one will already be awesome? I mean, for ETS3 they start with configuring ETS2 so instead of making a whole new game ETS3 they can add new elements and features inside this one?!

  11. I do not normally buy games and instead borrow them from friends however this game I will definitely buy without a blink!

  12. I don't think this is what I expected but it's fine...

    Please visit:

  13. This is PERFECT!
    Seems to me just the right balance in how long the hauls are.
    I actually HATED the huge areas/long straight highway journeys in 18WoS games.

    This more detailed map system to go from A to B is JUST what I was looking for!
    No need to make the map bigger:)

    I for one really hope the CITIES are a bit more complex, too.
    (Remember Hard Truck? and that's from a different era :) )

  14. Wonderful! I have never seen so large map in any of Your games, SCS. Only thing, that I don't like is that there is no baltic states. But I think that this is job for modders.

    1. Pavel: i have an august order for you. make the baltic coutries into the map

  15. That's just great :)
    But I'm kind of disappointed, because there is no Balkanian map (ex Yugoslavia - Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia,...)
    and I'm buying this game for sure ;)

  16. No. The baltic coutries is a suprise

  17. lol mala mapa dost :( malo štaty su tam :( aspon tam dajte viac štaty

    ETS 2 TR Fan

  19. Oh my -- 30 man-years spent on map... hardly imaginable number. Absolutely hats off before your map-makers and modellers (and of course before whole SCS team).

    I think that coverage is big enough, I mean, who doesn't want whole Europe or more cities in his/her country (even if it's already on the map), but come on... THIS IS F* HUGE! And remember all those unique landmarks and details we know from previous posts. There is no other game like ETS2.

    BTW, I like that feature visited/not visited cities and explored/unexplored roads. Perfect idea!

  20. non vedo l'ora di provarlo ! Good Work!

  21. Well, map looks well at all but .. NO SCANDINAVIA = NO FUN .. think this ;)

    Michael K. Czech republic

  22. Seeing as I have tried adding to maps myself via the graciously provided editor I know the insane amount of time it takes to manually construct these things with any amount of details added.

    Here's to hoping people will buy this so that expansions will be very much a reality. I think all of us would be happy to help expand the world into each others countries, given time for you to put it all together.

    Me, I am in for the long haul. How about everyone else? (c:

  23. loads of respect,this looks amazing.. a small criticism:i see in belgium the cities liege and brussels,while the most important industrial city would be Antwerp.As it is i believe 2nd(or 3th) biggest port in europe i think it deffenetly needs to be in the game..

    u might complain tht its a minor detail..and i guess it is but its the details tht make a game good or bad ^^

    besides tht looks totally amazing and cant wait for the game!

  24. Its very large map.But where is Bulgaria,Romania,Hungary.If you add those cities the game will be extra realistic.

  25. make more parking with standing trucks and filling stations and the card it was pleasant to me. Success in work.

  26. Scania Truck Driving Simulator - News Pic

    French Fans

  27. when is the release of this?looks very good!

    1. First week of August.
      Mark. :)

  28. Looks great. Thank you.

    Am hoping you open the game up for preordering in a couple of months.


      Mark. :)

  29. Seriosly... I just can't wait any longer. Please release it! lol :) Looks fantastic, go SCS :))

    1. Seriously**, my bad, but anyway.. Please release it soon :p

  30. WOW...

    how much time is needed for this game?!
    It won't be done easily...
    best regards from IRAN...

  31. wow!
    where do I send the money?

  32. wow, awsome, i have enough patience to wait for games but this is the first time i cant wait to play one. keep up the good work and add the rest of europe later as payed DLC's.

  33. No Portugal, no Spain, no Ireland, no Norway, no Sweden, no Finland, no eastern countries. This isn't even a half size of Europe!!! This game should be called "Central Euro Truck Simulator"...

    1. I agree. a big map but only bother to by the Central European

    2. Videogames sale better in the UK and Germany so they try to reach that market. In the rest of Europe many people play videogames but most of them don't pay for them as Germans and British do.

    3. You think just what Germany, Austria and England already had these games with the german and uk truck simulator. Other countries also deserve to appear on the map.

    4. Yep, everyone deserve to be there, my country's actually not there, but I'm OK with it becouse SCS have putted enough effort in the game so far, and the map's going to get bigger if the sales went well, SCS will add all countrys, just that they don't have enough time till August... so, the map's big enough for now, and I'm sure SCS will add more countrys later.. btw if you want it big with the release of the game.. why don't we wait 2 more years and have it, ay ?... :D..

    5. Fx ETS1 havent got UK in version 1.00, but in 1.32 uk was in the standard map. So maybe in version 1.01 scandinavia, spain, portugal, RUSSIA and they other "east countries"

    6. I certainly hope so. Because already from ets1 that there is no one to play with Europe more or less complete.

    7. ^Everyone above me is too lazy to read,

  34. Read the whole text CETS, they just explained why the have done it like this.
    Be happy so much detail in one map with such coverage is a real accomplishment. Good work and we'll try to make ETS3 even better by buying ETS2 and recommending as much as possible.

  35. Portugal and Spain do not appear

  36. This is the final map or later we will get more? (DLC?)

  37. Even if some countries are missing,the details of the map will be amazing,i'm sure about that.Good work SCS! Sorry for my bad english.

  38. That's bad...too much cities in England and Germany and only 3 cities in Italy? And where are Spain, Sweden, Portugal, etc..?

    1. Be happy we have only one city in slovakia :-/ I hope that is not finish yet

  39. Even Rome is missing!!

  40. We gonna make the map like this.


    1. that looks great!

      greets Chris from Holland

    2. Good luck!
      Mark. :)

  41. This is truly an EPIC scale! It's so massive!!!
    Absolutely AWESOME! :)

    I hope the sales figures for this game get as high as never before...

    I will definetly buy this as soon as it is released... (And of course Scania Truck Driver Simulator!)

    I wish you all the best, SCS Soft! :)

  42. Why are the cities yet so small? This is rubbish.

    1. if you can do better, then you must make the game!

      greets Chris from Holland

    2. Seriously just shut up guy above Chris. If you can do better, go mod it. Make every city, country, town,road, motorway and village in all of Europe. When you've done that, THEN you can complain and we'll all agree with you.

    3. The map will be 4x bigger than ETS1.. you probably can't imagine it but believe me the map will be huge.

  43. If this should be final map, then create more cities and roads models, (more hiden challenges) and finish france italy austria slovak and poland roads and cities in the whole country, we can wait, we support you SCS, you know best to create maps. sry for eng. THX

  44. Very nice map. I never understood though why you didn't make the games map of lets say GTS extendable by DLC's (or Add Ons) and added country by country to it over time. I'm certain that every fan of ETS/GTS would have bought all maps over time which would have given you a lot more profit than making a new game everytime.

    Also with this huge effort going into the new version of ETS i really hope that you give up on that completely pointless and retarded A-B-C class truck system. A truck has a performance defined by hp/torque and thats it. I really hate it to see a truck advertised with 500 hp in the shop but since it's C-class it's weaker than a 350hp B-class truck. Thats pure bull.

    I made a complete rebalance mod for GTS that gives each truck precisely the power advertised (and also removes the completely unrealistic rocket truck acceleration and power of most former A- and B-class trucks which is A LOT more playable and satisfying and believable than the original GTS.

    So please work on the trucks simulation, remove the class system from former games and the unrealistic performance of trucks and make it a lot more believable, don't let them drive again as if they are driving over ice (Play NFSW to see how a GOOD driving model works). Anything else would render all your efforts that went into the nice map, trucks and grafix of the new game pretty much USELESS.

    1. Maybe it's not so easy with paid DLCs or addons or whatever we call it -- there are publishers and they certainly have some conditions under new content for game can be released. We can only guess... Fact is that if it was possible, I would buy DLCs for SCS's games too -- even though I hate DLC business model.

      By the way... giving any NFS game as example of good driving model? Come on... ;-)

    2. I think it's more a technical problem since the map can't be split into several parts. Would require some major changes in the game / 3d engine i guess. Kinda like a map model that FSX uses which can work with any number of extensions / mods at the same time.

      And sorry but NFSW has 10 times better driving model than any SCS game ever had.

    3. hey dude :) check out older posts, especially about truck upgrades. ABC classes are long gone, now its all real, just as you describe

  45. Yuo guys should ADD Denmark, i know it isint a big contry so that is a good ida to add it to the game

  46. Nice work!
    But what about the road grip, when the rain comes? It may be more true if you have even less traction road grip when rain is there. :-)

    Sorry for English language.

    1. I don't think this will be a feature, sorry.
      Mark. :)

    2. If they stick to the pacejka simulation for the driving model it would actually be easy. If i remember right it was even planned to use different pacejka parameters for different tires in the 18 WoS seriea, especially Haulin and ALH but they didn't do it.
      All it takes are different pacejka parameter sets per type of tire and different base parameters (or modifiers) for dry, wet, snowy and icy roads.

  47. Nice map, not bad and let's room for modders to extend the map !

    Only 1 thing bothers me (maybe it is something you can't know) but you never place the E number of the road. Like In belgium I see A1 and A7 which people never call A1 but E19 or E313.

    Pls add the E numbers of the highways as well, especially in the countries that used them.

    1. Interesting. I understand why they made it: here in Czech Republic, on the contrary, is usual to name road by national system, not internationally. No one says E65, but D1, for example. :-D

      But you know, that's good remark. At least good to know it, but I agree, international numbering should be more integrated.

  48. Pls change name from Newcastle - Upon - Tyne to Newcastle

    1. And also plz add a warning sign for the toll motorways - the ones you need to pay on.

    2. They gave the city its full title what is wrong with that

    3. @Afterfearprod
      This will be a huge waste of time, but your reply sounds like an ok idea.

  49. Cool. But... you have a fairly large and insanely devoted fanbase who have proved to create a lot of fine mods and maps in the past. Why not just release the map editor in advance, give some general instructions and crowdsource most of the work and just use what you need?

    1. it doesn't work that way, this isn't an open source project.

  50. cool but,romania where is ?:(

    1. Romania won't be in the game.

  51. loool 3 cities in poland .. pff .. lol ..

  52. Where are the Doubletrailer????

  53. Are you planned to make Serbia on the map

  54. PLZ can you try to make ai cars so they can overtake on country roads!?

    1. That would be so cool!

    2. LP from dk is right, they said this a very very long time ago.

    3. can you read just look at the old news

  55. Yet again you guys forget to put Leeds into Englad grrrr. Come on Pavel its a major city!

    1. I agree, but is it really worth it? UK has so many cities.

    2. Leeds has the biggest road container distribution centre in the UK .
      They should have removed Sheffield which has virtually no haulage industry now the majority of the steel works have closed down . I just looked at the map and cannot understand why they have added a road across to where Hull would be but no Hull on the map so the road goes nowhere .

      It really makes it seem like they did not research/design this properly before implementing it

      At least though the UK is on the map which is more than a lot of European countries are getting . I would have preferred less cities in each country but more countires

    3. Cannot understand why Cambridge is on the map . The only thing it is famous for is its University and definitely NOT road haulage . its also an absolute nightmare to drive a lorry round in with cyclists wobbling all over the road and most of the City has lorry bans

  56. Why not leave Spain in the map?

  57. What about Denmark, Sweden? :)

  58. Some great places on there ! Verona, Innsbruck, Bratislava ...

    It would of been nice to see a little more of Serbia, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria etc ... but that would be pushing it !

  59. Hhahah NONO I'm not buy this game, because he is realy boring, cuz they are same of previous simulator city is too small ... and all is same of fucking previous game....


    2. I wouldn't say that cities are too small, they will make each city different and also the scale of the map will be 4x bigger than ETS1.. you probably can't imagine it but believe me the map will be huge.

  60. Only 3 Polish Cities ?

    1. Just be happy about it im from Denmark, and there is no Danish cities there

    2. Patch, expansion pack, update.. don't know what, but I'm sure SCS will add more to this map just don't pirate the game, but buy it... -,-

  61. YOU JOKE ?! There is not spain ? The is noth Italia or south france ?!

    I am disappointed, very disappointed. And in case of disappointment, my sentence is downloading. I hope my money that you will not you have be a lesson to take the customers for a fool like the big américan studios.

    1. The map will be 4x bigger than ETS1.. you probably can't imagine it but believe me the map will be huge.

  62. you dumb idiot, its much bigger than previous maps its just that they didn't zoom far into the map in the screenshot so it will be a surprise.

  63. would love to see more places in scotland as you only go up as far as aberdeen

  64. I know everyone would like his country in the game, but this is impossible.But the truth is that I expected more countries than the old game or at least the same like ets1.I was disappointed not to see the Spain,Portugal,danmark,hungary and if I'm wrong I see only northern Italy.will wait at least to see good quality in new map. greetings from GREECE,and please buy the game don't downloading

  65. Holy F@ck, That's awesome.

  66. i have to agree..i tought there would be spain,portugal aswell.even tough i live in belgium and tht is on the map i kinda regret it tht these countrys arent on it :S

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. In Euro Truck Simulator 8 , Romania appear on map?

    1. Maybe Romanian roads are not so interesting...why there are so many guys who wants Romania in the game? I think that we can be happy whit this map, there are so much roads and country to drive! And don't forget that after the release the community modders are so active, so you can maybe find romanian maps with that way!
      SCS can't do miracle XD

  69. What's so great in this map that people says "wow"? This map looks like bigger version of GTS+UKTS with external routes. I want to drive from Finland to Greece and from Ukraine to Portugal! Don't you see this game will be focused in Germany? I have enough of the German cities...

    1. they worked 2 years on this game and your still complaining, why dont you try to make ALL europe countries in 2 years with a little company

    2. I love when people say "why don't you". I don't have small company in my garage ok? If they are making game that should be better than ETS1 they should make whole Europe. Why they spend 2 years to make bigger Germany??? They could use maps form GTS and UKTS and make in same scale other countries! With some upgrades the map would be twice bigger then ETS1. Why it's Germany and UK again???

    3. Or there is other way: became a publisher, order game from SCS with full Europe map and bankroll the development. Pretty easy.

    4. The map will be 4x bigger than ETS1.. you probably can't imagine it but believe me the map will be huge.


    !!autors: we could work together somehow? thank you

  71. Once again nearly nothing in France !
    BUT ! France is in the middle of west Europe, each truckers needs to cross all that country to accomplish their mission...
    It's poor ):

  72. I couldn't agree more.
    Mark. :)

  73. if you look there's a water mark of a MAN truck on the pic. Does this mean you have a license from MAN?

  74. MAIN priority should be finish France, Italy, Poland, Denmark!!! Add some missing important cities and some more roads. Then release the game...
    After that create Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia like DLC or next update... also Slovakia, Hungary and whatever else.
    I think it would be the best plan!
    SCS You're already almost done already just finish unfinished countries.
    Who agree with me??

    1. DLC is the best way to help small teams such scs...and not to give money to giant company like Elect***** Ar**!!!
      If scs release DLC, I'll buy everyones

  75. In this map there's not road DK3/S3(E65) between Świebodzin and Szczecin. This road is the best connection between Wrocław and Szczecin.

  76. The world was never big enough :)

  77. Looks great but I really wanted the eurotunnel train on the game to increase the difficulty.

    1. it is, look at earlier posts on this blog

    2. They already showed pictures of the eurotunnel train and the lorry going onto it

  78. Ok, to make you happy I analysed the pictures and found a few facts..

    1st Picture:
    2nd Picture:
    3rd Picture:

    I might be wrong on one or two of them, but you never know :P

  79. Thank you very much SCS Software team. Keep up the outstanding work.

  80. I am anxious to buy. Very good!!

  81. Portugal e Spain ?

  82. I am just wondering if they are actually showing ALL of the map
    ETS1 players will remember how the countries were blacked out until you paid to be unlock them .
    This could well be the same and they have just shown part of the map .
    ScS know they will quite possibly lose a lot of sales if they only have a small part of Europe in there and alienate players in countries not covered .

    1. PS look at the edges of the first map .

      they seem to indicate that the map continues down below what is already shown . There is a faint outline of countries carrying on down from France .

      Having said that if the countries shown are the actual size of the game map then i for one will be seriously disappointed as that is not Europe but a little part of it .

    2. Anonymous here above,

      i sure hope it will indeed be that only a part is shown.
      i would understand that some requested countries don't make it but as for example Spain, portugal & Italy (few of the original united countries of europe). but i'm sure they keep a lot as surprise too, and they will be in game, even if only to make sure they don't lose fans from these big countries.

  83. SCS Team grat job on the work you done, but in all these years you just not get enough work on Europe map in generally. Yeah, it's quite big but not big enough... so sadly about the map. I'm dissapoitment about the size of map. What the hack happend with... where is Spain, Portugal and roads to south Italy, other regions of France, regions of Poland, Slovakia, Austria... and where is other countries that belongs to EUROPE. Where is balkan counties (Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bolgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece). For anyone is huge map, but for others is a big dissapotment -- And this is for all the players of ETS that belongs to balkan countries. That's all i can say. It's a sadly reality :( --- Alex(RO) that i'm commitment for balkan coutries added to map.

    1. it IS very big, so big that a full europe wouldn't fit in 2 years of making this game. this is more then 10 times bigger then the ETS 1 map

  84. Look at to my map I was bored :D

    1. In my opinion this would be a good patch :D

  85. Hi Anonymous
    can you please put HUNGARY and BUDAPEST on the map please cities along the way from Wien to budapest are Wien,sopron 84 highway number mosonmagyarovar,E60 and E75 as refered as But hungarian refered as M1 To get to gyor you have to use the M1 then turn off then go on the 83/82turn off and then go into the city center then drop off goods and then proced the same you goto Budapest on the M1 or other destanations,to have a better idea where im going on about goto i hope you find this usefull and please do this

  86. Hmm, for german players, it maybe the best map ever. But I think it is not real European. There are missing several countries.

    Good luck

    Regards from your Mods&More TrucksimCOM

  87. shame yugoslavia romania bulgaria map not included in shame

  88. It's good to see that you're keeping us informed, and while I'm sure that we'll have lots of routes and cities to explore on this map, I think you should add more cities to the existing countries. Germany, UK, Belgium and Netherlands have a fair number of cities, but there's only a quarter of France and only 3 Italian cities on the map, which is quite a shame. I can understand that you can't add all the countries in Europe and that as much as I'd like to see Romania, Bulgaria or Greece on the map, that is impossible at the moment, but at least finish the work on the existing countries and add more roads and cities to France and Italy.

  89. Bonjour,
    J'ai une suggestion pour ETS2 : intégrer au moins un modèle d'autocar... Qu'en pensez-vous ? Style Irisbus ou Scania par exemple ?
    Merci !

  90. Whoa, huge map...great scs!!!
    For the future, why you guys don't expand this map with the DLC system? I love the DLC if they add quite a lot of thing(like GTA IV) and I think that can help your small team to find more resources...

    1. there are expansions for other simulator games like "farming simulator" so why not...there are modders who can create stand-alone trailers, so why not extra trucks (longlines/torpedo's), accesories, drivers, .... for maps i think it will need serious patches. but i believe the costs might be lower then going for ETS3 straight after this.

    2. I second that. I'd also like to see the directory structure and logic for some parts of the resources changed in a way that makes the game finally MODDING FRIENDLY because it's one of the worst games for modding out there unlike what SCS says and every experienced modder knows what i'm talking about.

      First of all it should have a resource structure that actually allows adding of trucks without replacing existing ones.

      Second of all it should allow adding map extensions without replacing the whole map.

      and so on ...

      Would also help with DLC's.

      But such decisions would have to be made at the beginning of the development, not at the end ...

  91. I don't understand why everyone is so excited. You are going to buy the exact same map of GTS and UKTS with a little bit added of France, Poland etc. That means more than 50 percent of the map was finished already. Why do you want to buy the same product over and over again?

    1. Because the map is bigger, there are more details, the trucks. All with ETS2 is better than all they other games SCS ever had made

  92. If the gameplay is good this map is big enough, Think about all the changes Scs have made in this game from Ai to Rain, be happy that there is a ETS2, I am..
    Nice work Scs.. Greetings from Denmark..

  93. Hi, well the game looks great - i just want to be clear about one thing which i'm not after reading the blog. Will there be more minor roads in ETS2 than in GTS and ETS. I like these games but felt that more minor roads were needed. I am hoping that ETS 2 will expand on the GTS map and not just by adding more countries but by making those countries more detailed ie more minor roads than GTS has. Can you confirm if this will be the case.

  94. Sorry i meant to refer to GTS AND UKTS (not ETS).

  95. Beautiful map that you set up, but you have to worry so much about small towns, and roads, that do not realize is still missing in this map there are many countries, Spain, Portugal, Sweden ... The ones I mentioned, is what I felt I was missing doing right, what I remembered, but imagine the other countries that were not mentioned, this is a bit disappointing, but it's like, the more the map is small and is more done, as we come acompanhandos all these years, and the larger the map, but hard to do well because it takes a long time, and you only have until August. But if you think about the map is relatively large compared to other issues.

    But at least I can do is wait for the final result in August...


  96. Hello to the good people of the scs team.This what i am about to say is something that i did say before butt i will say it again is it possible to have Finland in the new ets2 map because it will work better then the mod maps of Finland that i have been using now and if my country is not in the game and it can not be taken from your web site later maybe as on extra future from the download section then i think that i must keep my old games and not buy the new one and the reason for that is I WRILLY NEED TO DRIVE in all off the countrys in europe and not in few off them.

  97. Where's Bulgaria ??? add it please

  98. excellent Work SCS software

    I hope Add other country...


  99. SCS nice work BUT: you could take a map from ETS 2008 and add some cities for everyone country and much more roads. thats all.

    1. They can't do it, because ETS 2 map will be at least 4 times bigger, than in ETS 1. And SCS want to add a lot of new models and make roads look like real, so its easier to create new map, because old one is small.

  100. Dear SCS, can You please make hidden roads (roads that don't appear on map) like in old 18WoS games. This could be very good, because I really like to discover new roads and interesting places.

  101. Não da pra entender, os donos do jogo nao conseguem aumentar o tamanho do mapa dando a desculpa de falta de tempo. Um cara chamado Mario, criou um pet para o jogo deles com um mega mapa pegando toda europa + mais parte da africa em pouco tempo. Mario Big Map. só procurar no google.

    ai vcs da SCS, estao de sacanagem!

  102. How about Sweden and the Upper Countries

  103. make a game like asia truck simulator or something

    1. Oh god, no! Asians suck at driving.

  104. News in romanian about ETS 2 here:

  105. scs can we please have traffic jams on motorways it would be realistic an could you please add ukrane on ther also it would be very good if you could also potholes :D

  106. in what cities we can start game

  107. Thats kinda what i said above. I really would love to see them publish DLC's with map and other extensions after the release of the base game so that at one day you can haul stuff from Gibraltar via Moscow to Peking or so.

  108. do you you think scs we're stupid??????????????????????????????????
    two years just to add to some (less than 3/4 of the excisting one MAP)roads?
    REPLY FANS!!!!

    1. The cities can be more or les the same. But: more details

    2. No, you're really not the only one. The fact GTS and UKTS maps will be used is known maybe for year or so, as well as size and coverage of map. Rally can't understand how many people wonder a complaining now, it's all long time known facts.

      But as LP says, there will be more details. Considerable part of both maps should be re-worked, and there are many new small roads. In addition, there are two new German cities (Osnabrück and Kassel).

      You know what -- just browse this blog. From first post up today. You'll see amazing evolution from GTS/UKTS to ETS2.

    3. Not only two ;D three! Kassel, Osnabrück and Mannheim

    4. i realy think that you are stupid!!!! more details biger citys more realistic wtf? they have worked not just on the map!!!
      look at old post idiot!!!

  109. Take the opportunity to increase map of the game world. There are people who know how to make maps, they have maps of America and Africa.

    1. ''euro truck simulator'' not ''american truck simulator'' or ''african truck simulator''

      And the current map is very good i really love it with those small roads , yes im in a country of europe which does not show on ets2 map but that's not a problem.

      GREAT JOB SCS , all the best from Romania !

  110. Add cities in Italia. Add the Balkan countries. Add Spain. PLEASE !

  111. What is the game's name? Euro Truck Simulator or Half Euro Truck Simulator?

  112. Comparsion of ETS2 and ETS1 map size:

    That's for all who complaining about size or countries or so. Now you can imagine more easily how ETS2 map should be big to cover whole Europe.

  113. I hate to see so many retards over he complaining about map. They don't even understand how hard it is to create a map this big, with such unbelievable details

    Ungrateful bastards X.X

    As for me I'm completely satisfied with current size of map, and i really hope that it WILL get bigger in addons, or maybe in ETS 3;4 or whatever.

  114. I just don't get why people want huge boring maps where you can drive for an hour and nothing changes. The map is good as SCS is creating it. It will take you a while to drive across the map and it will be full of details and stuff.

    Stop whining you b¡tches.


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