Friday, January 11, 2013

Linux is close!

Finally today we see the light at the end of the tunnel - Euro Truck Simulator 2 Linux port is almost finished. Very soon we should be able to start beta testing it.


  1. If we bought it for Windows will we be able to download the Linux version for free?

  2. Linux? wtf SCS... we dont care about linux... you promised some info about patch...

    1. Mike, calm down! We still work hard on next patch, another team works on Linux conversion. So do not speak dirty and wait for info. btw: did you buy game? =)

    2. @MTC, Mike didnt speak dirty, he said what was needed to be said !

    3. Shut the fuck up, Jack. Nobody likes you.

    4. "We" do not care youre an ignorant idiot knowing nothing about IT and linux. Go gaming all day long, but go!

    5. Ok guys calm SCS is a little development studio not like RockStar ou EA. They have worked 3 years for this game and they still work hard for making to us a very good game not like European Bus Simulator ou OMSI. They want to make a stable version of ETS2 ans they have not the time for post every 5 minutes.


    6. -3

      Linux rules, thanks for taking the time to port it, SCS.

    7. I can't wait to convert my PC from that fucking Windows to Linux. Good luck and great job!

    8. what are you saying we don't care about linux? speak for yourself, i use linux as many people i know. SCS made a great job with the game and it's providing the resources to all the clients, fans and gamers. You didn't bought all the ets2 games from scs so shut up and play, they will do the patch. If you can do better then them so make the patch or a game yourself and stop complaining, the easyest thing to do in the world it's speak and complain, the hardest is to do and achieve goals.

    9. So, this is why we have been waiting months for news of the patch... because they're not working on it. Well done SCS, glad to see you have got your priorities sorted... NOT!

    10. You can choose to be anything on the Internet, but many people choose to be an idiot.

      SCS is a great company and porting the game to Linux was a great idea. Linux users are a lot more likely to actually buy the game, unlike the idiots here in the comment section complaining about the patch.

    11. @Anonymous January 11, 2013 2:03 PM

      please behave.. I preefer if the blog is clean of mad kids And if you could read you would see this:

      Mike, calm down! We still work hard on next patch, another team works on Linux conversion. So do not speak dirty and wait for info.

      That means they got teams in the scs company working on diffrent stuff at the same time.

    12. Thanks for porting this to Linux, will be buying as soon as. Certainly puts some other greenlit games (with promised linux ports) to shame.

    13. You might not care about Linux, Mike. However, there are many people who actually do. Even though I don't use Linux, I'm glad they're porting the game over to Linux. When I read the title I misread it at first and thought it said "Linux is closed" and thought they were closing the project. I was disappointed for a while until I realized what it actually said. So please don't speak on the behalf of us. Why don't you just enjoy the game while you wait for the next patch?

    14. Good for Linux-lovers.. i don't mind.
      BUT, some more frequent infos about patch-work, WOULD be nice..
      Don't have to be so much, just so we know whats going on..
      SILENT, are the biggest support/game-killer there is!


    15. Honestly, SCS have spent a few weeks building linux to help them climb to the top of the table, it's called running a business. They need the money, the need more customers, I'd hate to see anyone on the blog take over SCS, it'd be opening windows inside a double trailer simulator.

    16. If you don't then do not comment. We do.

    17. lol speak for yourself. <3 Linux

    18. Suck a cock. Like honestly, what do you loose by the game being on more platforms? You're a worthless shit.

    19. Well I for one do care about Linux and I say a hearty thank you to SCS! :)

      I loved the first ETS game and now seeing the second game coming to Linux (now my primary platform) makes me very very happy

    20. WTF? I'm a Linux gamer and I don't care about Windows.
      Would be better, if you pay attention to your Windows, I heard, some new viruses are coming, so, update your antivirus xD ... idiot.


    21. we dont care about windows.

      You more than lightly have and android phone ( which is linux ) if you have an iphone go buy a real truck , yous can bloody aford it

    22. -3 for the post, +3 for Linux support.

      When the Linux port is finished and available in a Steam store near me, I'll be sure to purchase the game.

    23. I tried the first in the series and although I couldn't at that time be less interested in the title I had it recommended by a friend of mine so I tried it out. I was stuck in front of the monitor for a long time.

      I'll buy it once it comes out to Linux. Thanks for the port!

    24. Steam cares for Linux as many other gaming companies. Thanks for this annoucement SCS. Keep up the good work.
      I guess whiners above don't pay for games they like Windows as a piracy platform.
      +1 for Linux

  3. The good news for Linux users..Do not have news from the patch?

    Sorry my english google translate..

    Peterbilt6106 yesil

  4. Was a linux version a big priority? wtf happen to putting your game on steam, all the bitching about not enough votes and yet the games still not on there despite being greenlit over a month ago.

    1. Getting greenlit DOES NOT guarantee that the game will get on steam, it merely means that Vale will allow them to "cut in line" to be reviewed. Being on Linux would allow ETS2 to differentiate themselves as a game available on all of steams various platforms.

    2. It's valve's fault, they are being slow, SCS have done all they can with Steam.


    Visit this page for the latest information on this game ! (Volvo accepted)

    Visitez cette pages pour connaître les dernières informations sur le jeu ! (Volvo accepté)

  6. In fact, a Linux version was developed in parallel to the Windows version, so it is not actually a port, but given the resources, priorities and distribution opportunities, we couldn't make it actually much faster. The Linux and OSX versions lagged a bit behind Windows until now, but we're really trying to catch up.

    Steam: we're really trying to push hard, but things are simply not going forward as we as we would like to, but we're going to be public on Steam very very soon.

    1. Thank you very much for making a Linux version! I bought the game when it came out for windows, and I will happily buy it for Linux. Thank you for supporting that OS!

  7. Good news for me then, as I play ETS2 on linux using WINE. Wichs runs ok I must say. But nothing beats a native linux version :) Thanks SCS,

  8. Yep!

    This is respect for the Linux users!

    Kudos one more time!!!

  9. Great for Linux users; and good for the company since we tend to actually buy our games and support the people that make them.

    Having said that many people are itching for the next patch from 1.2.5!!! New content please!

    1. Right... and Windows users don't. Sure buddy, you keep on believing that bullshit, and we'll keep on laughing at you.

    2. Most Windows users don't even legally own their OS lol.

    3. Well at least Linux Users seem to spend more money on games (maybe it's because they're rare?), look at HIB for instance.

  10. Replies
    1. im waiting for that to, what about mac????

    2. All MAC's use Linux..

    3. Haha lol. MAC != Linux.

    4. so i could use all linux apps on my mac?

    5. Ow, my bad. I meant UNIX. Linux programs are an easy port to Unix though

    6. Not really, Mac, while in essence BSD, has a vastly different implementation of many APIs and, unfortunately, inferior graphics driver support to Linux (especially now, with the increased support from nVidia/Intel). Then obviously clang works differently from gcc and has different quirks, which means it might cause even more problems. It's about as much effort as Win→Lin porting.

      The only thing that makes porting easy is not relaying on weird APIs and just going OpenGL + OpenAL + SDL - practically without issues.

  11. I think you might consider a map extending after finish with linux version of the game.

  12. That's amazing! Thank you guys!!

    As far as I know it's the first time a big racing game comes to Linux.

    I discovered this game some days ago, and I'm using the Demo version in wine, it's a very good game and this news is another good reason to buy the full version. :)

    1. Just realized that I said 'racing game' hehe but I think everyone understood what I meant to say.

    2. Driving game FTW. I'm very happy about this news, and will buy it as soon as, Tux Kart just doesn't cut it for a driving game...

  13. I noticed you have a desktop shortcut Steam. Does this hint at the imminent appearance of the game in a store or a coincidence? [possibly a Linux version of the game will be all the same , really hope so.]

    Now the question is not about the Steam version. How many more will be DLC? The new company trucks? New areas on the map? Do you have the desire to develop a map of the east, can add part of Russia?

  14. uuuu que gran noticia , porque no se dejan de joder con estas boludeces y se dedican a sacar parches y dlc que mejoren el juego pague 20 euros para recibir estas noticias que cuando la mayoria de los usuarios tienen como sistema operativo a windows pongansen las pilas con las nuevas actualizaciones de una vez

    1. ¿Y tú por qué no aprendes gramática básica, hijo de la gran puta?

  15. Look!
    There is a screenshot manager, and there is the weight on the load in the new patch.

  16. Petr Šebor, Please tell me when there will be an update on Euro Truck Simulator -2 how long to wait, want to have to Try New features of the game.

    1. The last update was some months ago (and even then it wasn't much), and now it seems that they're working on niche ports instead. If this were a big development team, then likely they would be doing both at once, but since we know that this is not the case... I suspect the patch is either on hold, or very low priority.

    2. They are doing both at once, read above. This is probably a large patch and both are important. You call it niche, and you may be right, but a Linux port is a good way to get on to console with Valves Steambox around the corner. The console market is not niche.

    3. Regardless of what they are or are not doing, the fact remains that fans of the game wait weeks/months for news regarding the patch, and after all the silence we get this. Not hard to see why people are pissed off.

    I haven't bought a copy of ETS2 yet, because I was waiting for the Linux version... and now it is coming!


  18. delirium who need it to Linux, you'd better update was released.

    1. English. Do you speak it, motherfucker?

    2. Yeah ... you shouldnt play games and post dumbass comments. Learn to speak instead.

  19. If ETS2 works on WINE, why waste the time to make linux version? How many people will buy it? 100? 1000? Where are the patches and infos about DLC???

    1. Because you and your gaming pc financed by mommy is not the centre of universe.

  20. Hi, You release the linux version only download or also physical.
    And versions of linux?

    1. I would like to know this too, I could buy the windows version now, but if you will sell the Linux version in physical media, (to foreign distributors too) I will prefer to wait.

  21. Someone is never happy. a lot of gamers don't use Linux because there isn't as lot of big games there. SCS is making one big boy for Linux to show others that this can be the way and you are whining about next patches. Patches so far was great and I know they will be much more, but patience please. We saw what happened when there was rush to release new patch. Let it be tested, to keep up with game quality. Fingers crossed for the Linux team. I know there can be last minute corrections to keep up with quality and speed of win version.

  22. 2013 will be the year of Linux. ETS2 ported to Linux, Valve launching Linux Steam app and making their own Linux-based console, the Steam Box. Blizzard just announced that they will port all of their games for Linux. Soon, many more will do this and I hopefully can spare a lot of money everytime I build new gaming PC's. Instead of picking up that Windows which cost a lot here, I can just download the latest release of Linux.

  23. Replies

    2. Something similar to Windows but waaay better! ;)

  24. My laptop runs under Ubuntu, it's gonna be great to be able to play this game while in bed. :3c

  25. In the comments I hear many people complaining about the patch. I'm sure SCS does'nt do annything without good thinking about it. There are many linux users that where waiting for that version. In the mean time there where already a few patches. So the patches are good it was time for them to work for the linux users.

    I'm sure there working on the new patch to. But making such things take time. And most of the time more then you plan. I do some programing myself so I now it.

    You're doing a great job SCS just waiting on you're patch. But I have time. I rather have a deccent well over thought patch then a patch with bugs. So take you're time to make the patch(es) and threat us like whe are uset to ben treat by SCS.

    I'm sorry for the bad English. I hope everybody understands it.

  26. Good News that Linux is working
    I know that SCS is a small Team and i will wait for the Patch!! because ETS2 is the best Simulator i`ve played.

    and Yes i buyed the Game!

    Greetz from Bavaria

  27. Hopefully that Linux version will be more polished and optimized than Windows version...otherwise good news.

    1. Whats the problems? System requirements are low?!

  28. This is amazing. Thank you for all the effort and helping Linux become a decent gaming platform.

    I played a bit of the first game and am looking forward to playing the second natively.

    Hope all goes well to get the game on Steam!

  29. instead of linux port you should focus to android port. playing Truck simulator on 10" display using accelerometer sensors should be GREAT enjoyment!

    1. Is this supposed to be funny or are you just retarded?

    2. Android is a huge fail as a platform, a haven of piracy (without even mentioning what kind of mess this thing is, my head hurts even when I think about it, Android devices should have ctrl+alt+delete combination of buttons on them). Would be a waste of money and time to start investing in something like that.

    3. It reads as sarcasm, at least to me. I guess SCS will spend years porting it to every available system, before they actually get their arses into gear and work on the patch.

    4. you're a retard

    5. Says the person unable to use upper case to start their sentence.

  30. is good news for scs,to get more money and more money for scs...much better games they will make...scs great job u doing keep going...and u selfish retards ,scs is small company they need money..ets 2 they make from nothing..lots of company much biger try to make simulator like this but scs is only one who susceed :-)

  31. great job!
    but my windows7 is ATI 7600M and intel display card, ubuntu only have intel display card, can i play this game?

    1. probably not.
      Solution. Get rid of crappy windows7 and install Linux (not ubuntu bullshit)

    2. Nothing wrong with Windows 7, just the retards trying to use it on crap hardware.

    3. If you have ATI 7600M you can install catalyst driver on Ubuntu.

      Just follow the AMD section on this link ( ).

      After installation, if ubuntu does not start using the new card (see if fgl_glxgears works) create a config file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) with this entry (

      Using ($ lspci | grep VGA) command find the BusID and replace that with the one that is the ID of ati card.

      I think that should work, if it does not read the forum post at to find more information.

      If AMD driver broke, you could return to Intel drivers using .

      Good Luck!!!

    4. Install Ubuntu. If you are using 12.04 LTS, then goto System settings> Additional drivers and click activate. If you are using 12.10 or above, goto system settings>software sources>drivers and click Activate. Reboot BAM you have your drivers working!

    5. Sadly, thanks to the ridiculous interface, I can no longer recommend Ubuntu to anyone wanting to have Linux to their desktop/laptop. It probably works just fine on netbooks, but desktops? No. Just no. It all began on Ubuntu 10.04 when the window buttons were moved to the left-hand side and it's been downhill from there.

      Anyway, if you want to run the game on Linux when it comes out you need to use the proprietary drivers as adviced by Varun above. If that doesn't work, you might have to download up-to-date drivers from AMD's website. If those don't work either, getting updated open source drivers from Oibaf's PPA ( is your last resort.

      If you want something better than Ubuntu, try Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. It's an Ubuntu-derivative, so you get all the software that's in Ubuntu's repositories but with an interface that's actually usable.

  32. beautiful news, especially because this morning I am installed Ubuntu with plane to use it as a primary operating system :)

  33. When will the next American truck Sim, !8 Wheels of Steel going to be published?

  34. Only stupid guys talking about ets2 and linux... Shut up! Good news scs.. Linux gaming in 2013 is a bomb :-D

    good job :)

  35. Will be there also a patch that will fix this Graphic performance bug for some Radeon HD Graphic cards(See my email) or not?

    1. I did not get any email from you idiot!

    2. Hey fatass, i mean the scs team not you!

  36. More importantly... to me anyway. What's the latest on the first DLC?

    1. I doubt there is any. Small patches are in the region of months, and then we find out that actually instead of the patch, they're working on a system port. DLC? Forget it, not going to happen.

  37. This will be very appreciated by Linux community. (I'm also tired about switching to Win just to play games -- somehow WINE can't run my favouirte games smoothly.) Thank you and wish you good sales with Linux and OSX versions!

  38. Linux? Really? Thats a great news! I'm looking forward to see it running on my computer without having to reboot to windows.
    Thanks folks!

  39. companies do not have the realism of operation,,drivers do not appear on the map drives do not appear on the map

    1. Fucking retard, shut your fuck up.

  40. Nice :)


    Euro Truck Simulator 2 - TRUCK Physics Evaluation

    Yusuf Bolukbasi

  41. Hello CS Software it would be great if you would some comments on Euro Coach simulator at

  42. Correction to comment above:
    Hello SCS Software it would be great if you would read some comments on Euro Coach Simulator at

  43. another crap blog update. i want patch and new features not a crappy linux port

    1. There was a day a ugly fat woman shit a bunch of crap in the toilet. This day was your birthday.

    2. And I wanted a Linux port from years, not crappy Windows port.

  44. Great job getting it out to Linux, guys. Hopefully this will make Steam take notice and get the game on there. Would love to see more people playing due to the game being easier to find, also the opportunity for easy DLC distribution for you guys (Seriously, I would buy new maps/trucks for $2-$5 all day).

    Also, I know you are tired of hearing questions about Steam release, but is there any chance you guys will offer Steam keys to people who have already bought the game via your website? I was planning to wait until the game came out on Steam to buy because I like having all my games in one place, but ended up playing the demo so much I figured I would just buy it.

  45. I hope this will go along with a patch of the current game! Especially the AI traffic needs some tweaks. Check out pictures here:

  46. I absolutely love ETS2, such a big leap from the previous sims. I am in no rush for the patch, with over 2GB of mods including 3 very sweet map mods that the community have created (Modders MsHeavyAlex, Linux are just 2) Some fantastic trailer mods, reskins, truck mods and skins plus real company mods and VTCs who are using their own skinned trucks, trailers and Company mods. Their is so much extra content available for free out on the net, the patch can wait in my eyes.
    Those using other platforms should be given the chance to be able to play the best Truck sim (IMO!) their is which is continually growing. SCS are a small company and should be congratulated for the hard work, especially for pushing the release out for Windows and then porting for Linux. If all you people who keep shouting and swearing about "Make more content!" actually tried, you could make your own content. The game comes with a map editor and the templates for trucks and trailers are out their easily obtainable. Spend 5 minutes trying to learn how to create a Mod or skin, then understand why it takes time to create extra content that the whole community can benefit from.
    SnowySnowleopard W&D Class 1 JWT

    1. 2gb of what exactly? Nobody has really made any serious mods yet, there's like 5 actual real truck mods and most of them suck. Wow 2gb of skins.

    2. if you are at the tc forum you have the tc mega mod. on the russian forums there are a few russian trucks, there is a peterbilt, there are a few map mods now and many more. you just need to be on more then one forum to discover new mods

  47. Is it just a tunel


  49. I see no difference between the GTS-ETS2.
    all base and traffic AI old architecture.
    Where is new!?
    First off, every town should have its own AI. Their structure of car dealerships and base load. They're all identical, not different from playing GTS.

  50. How do you make this? On the linux directx is not working
    except with wine or other programms.

    1. The answer is OpenGL.

    2. Oh man cmon. You dont even know what your talking about. DirectX here DirectX there ... if you had read the wikipedia entry you would know what OpenGL is ... there is nothing special about DirectX except its limited to Windows zZZzzZZ

  51. Nice job SCS, linux version is great idea!

  52. Good job guys, you are amazing!
    I'll be more than happy the be part of the beta testing. I just hope that the game doesn't have some weird dependency on GTK3+ or something else and I hope it is a stand-alone client with no DRM.
    Thank you for being kind to port the game to Linux!

  53. Where the new patch (update) to Euro Truck Simulator -2?? Why this Linux? It would be better patch released with all updates.

  54. this blog was suposed to be a channel of comunication between SCS and fans. It´s sad to read people insulting each other using very ofensive words. What comes next in here? racism?
    Please respect each other.
    Scs said their team was splited in four small teams, each one of them working different issues.
    I am also waiting for DLC´s but there is no other option: we have to wait.
    Please keep RESPECT above everything, this is just a game.

    Cheers to all from Portugal

  55. 2013 is shaping up to be the year of linux gaming and linux in general. Most the big players are now moving to linux and it's no bad thing, there's performance gains to be had and the security of the operating system makes windows look like swiss cheese.

  56. thats great! please put not only deb (ubuntu) put rpm and some file for other linux (archlinux/slackware) too.. thx.

    1. Yes, it would be reasonable to make versions at least for most used package managers. But as I understood, Petr Šebor is very familiar with Linux (and he have Linus in G+ circles! :-) -- and of course packages is most basic thing. So I'm sure it's in right hands and we must not worry.

  57. Joao Pereira you have the right words!! Many people without keeping respect for the other, a pity.
    Greetings from Argentina


  58. tambien para los imac pues tengo un imac pero no hay euro truck simulator 2 para la plataforma mac

  59. Brilliant! I will buy atleast a copy or two to show my support. Great move, Linux is a fantastic platform. I hope your next titles will be released simultaneously on all platforms.

    Also, steering wheel support would be a big plus. I don't know if thats a big deal or not.

  60. Thank you very much. I will buy this game when the Linux version be available.

  61. Oh, I can't wait. Thank you very much for this :)


  63. finally ... a racing game for linux :)

  64. You mean Linux version or ETS2 in general? 'Cos Windows version was published in October, but maybe you're not familiar, so I'm asking. You can buy it, for example, on

  65. Thank you for supporting Linux. It's awesome to see so much support moving into the OS. I feel sorry for those people on this page who got angry because you worked on such a great feature(cross platformness) instead of getting them a "patch." Obviously some people are a bit selfish. I hope the steam support goes well too. I saw you got accepted through Greenlight, so that should mean it is coming soon.

  66. Thanks for making this for linux too.


    Cristian from Uruguay

  67. شكرا لكم

    There Google translation .. Use it

    1. It seems you can write in English - at least something. So no matter if your comment is possitive or negative, write it in English, I will not open new tab in browser and copy&paste your comment into translator just because you think I'm supposed to do it. I respect Arabian world, but you Arabians never respected conventions of the rest of the world. That's why so many people on this planet do not like you.

  68. Just wanted to say, no matter what others are saying, I think your move to Linux is awesome! YOU HAVE WON A NEW CUSTOMER, SIRS.

  69. Wow! Thanks a lot! I own the Windows Version already, but I'm really looking forward to play ETS2 on Linux. Big thanks Guys! :D

  70. Why so many Windows users have some problems with Linux version?
    Just shu* *p! We also want to play some games. Not everyone want to use Windows.

    To developers: Thanks a lot for Linux version. I will buy it on Steam as soon as the Linux version will be available.

  71. Good move, because Linux users actually pay for games, while windoze users usually pirate them.

  72. it is Linux on the wuro truck 2 web site to update thank you

  73. it Linux on the euro truck 2 website to update path for the game thankyou

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Thank you so VERY MUCH! I love this game and i love my Linux.
    It´s so impressive that more and more game Companies begin to care about Linux!

    Thank you from me and Thank you from the whole Linux community to bring such a Great game to Linux!

  76. Great news! Thank you!

  77. Thank you for your time porting this game to Linux!

  78. While I don´t care about Linux, it´s always a good sign that developers take their time to care for a relatively small userbase.

    Good work.

  79. I saw on the pictures that the linux version of ETS2 has a sleep and truck damage indicator on the route advisor. Will the normal version get this in the next patch?

  80. Thanks SCS for deciding to support Linux. You are awesome devs, going to recommend this game to my Dad when it's released for Linux!

  81. Woohoo! Thank you very much SCS!

  82. Will it work under Compiz? :)

    1. No. Dont use Compiz in combination with ETS2 or a black hole will eat the earth... -.-

    2. Haha. just make shore that you play in fullscreen and have desktopeffects disabled for fullscreen apps.

  83. Just read this and I am looking forward for the native Linux version! I am playing with wine at the moment and it works, but sometimes there are some mouse-problems. And a native version is always the best! If you need beta testers, just mention it ;-)

  84. I can't wait to buy the full version and play it on linux.
    I've been playing with the demo for a while under wine and it's awesome :-)

  85. I see from the pictures you're developing on ubuntu, will it be easly playable under other distros too?

  86. Yeah! I found a way to play my PC games on Android tablet!

  87. Great simulator! Thanks for the linux port, I'll definitely buy it when it comes out.

  88. SCS, thank you very much for supporting Linux! This is great news! This will definitely increase popularity of that great OS. I wish more devs would port their games to Linux.

  89. Thank you. This is great news. I really appreciate your efforts to bring such a unique and interesting game to Linux.

    I'm a developer, not really a gamer. My brother is a trucker. I expect this game to give me an idea of what he actually does ona platform I care about.


  90. Thank you for bringing it to Linux, Linux users are very greatful, you have been covered on :)

  91. Just tried the demo under wine -- looking forward to playing this game on linux natively. I'll buy it as soon as it's out.

    Thanks for supporting linux :)

  92. Thanks a lot (from a linux user and fan)

  93. People are so unbelievable shortsighted. Valve is planning to release a "console" which runs on Linux. When small companies are early to that party it can give them an edge and even more miney/resources in the end. More resources means growth, means expansion and faster development of patches/dlc or whatever. Granted this will take time, but that is what I mean with a shortsighted atitude. SCS I see what you are doing here and I really support your strategy. It seems a very smart move to make in the long run.

    1. Finally someone reasonable! Finally someone who can do math.

  94. Hey, this is great news! If the Steam release happens before the Linux version, I hope it'll be possible to purchase via Steam (to let them know we appreciate it, you know) and try out the beta.

  95. Thanks for the linux port, I will probably buy you game when it comes out especially if its on steam.

  96. Will G25,G27 wheel controller devices are supported?

    1. Well, they are supported since ETS2 released from the very first day. In fact, Scania TDS already supported G25/G27 controllers...

    2. That you're talking about is a version or linux?

  97. WHERE TO UPDATE THE EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR -2? How long to wait? Will release early this year, already the middle of January, you DO NOT KEEP YOUR WORD.

    1. Even February is still early this year.

  98. Who requested double trailer!?

    1. I tried scania tandem, but it did not work in version ??????

      And i hasty, but still have to wait. Heh. ;)

      Cheers from Finland

  99. Logitech F710 and x360 controller suport for Linux?
    Damn, this great news!

  100. When are you guys going to work on the mac port?

  101. I bought the ETS2 Windows CD from Excalibur Publishing. Does that mean I would have to purchase the Linux version too ?

    Been thinking of getting rid of my Windows partition and giving my whole HD over to Ubuntu.....

    1. Just read answer on first comment here. ;-)

      In other words: you'll download Linux version and for it's activation, you'll use the same key, that one from Excalibur media. It will work, of course only if your key is not on blacklist (I suppose you didn't shared it, so you must not worry).

      It's absolutely legal when these two versions are on the same computer, but I think SCS will be OK even if it will be used on different computer in ownership of the same person.


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