Saturday, August 1, 2015

Gamescom is almost here

Next week, literally a whole busload of SCS Software employees will travel to Cologne, Germany, to visit the largest European games fair gamescom.

We hope to have a lot of fun there enjoying the expo - checking out the latest trends in games industry - but we are also looking forward to showing a bit of our upcoming American Truck Simulator there, kindly presented at the booth of our German publishing partner astragon Entertainment. Come see the game in Hall 8.1, booth A 020!

Scheduling details are still being finalized, but the plans for our gamescom presence include live demos of American Truck Simulator, a press conference during the press-day, an autograph session with the game makers, and even a couple TV interviews.

It is always heart-warming to see how much attention our truck sim games are now getting compared to the humble beginnings we had in this niche genre over a decade ago. Big thanks for this must go out to our ever-growing player community and its impact. We are very proud that we have recently crossed the mark of 2,000,000 activated copies of Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Steam - as independently confirmed by SteamSpy.

One of the highlights of next week for us should also be an American Truck Simulator driving & autograph session with Squirrel. Paul a.k.a Squirrel is the YouTuber and streamer with probably the largest reach when it comes to covering our games. This will be his first encounter with ATS, and we are very curious to hear his opinion. Here is the twitter announcement.

Gamescom will also be an opportunity for us to do the first extensive test of G29, the new steering wheel from Logitech. A couple of the wheels are generously provided to us for use at the expo by Logitech, so the visitors will be able to see if the new model combined with our truck sim can further improve on the rock solid experience of its G27 predecessor.


  1. Don't joke with my feelings ... I'am crying right now...

  2. Kdy by měl vyjít American truck simulátor? / When should emerge American truck simulator?

  3. Steering wheels don't work well with ets2 its inpossible to steer unless someone can give me settings for it (Ive a dfgt)

    1. I have the DFGT, it works fine, you have to set it to 900 degree's and remove all the correcting settings thats for wheels without 900 degree steering, it takes time to get used to a wheel like that, I had a 240 degree wheel at first and going to a 900 was difficult, now I love it and its almost second nature. Also remember to turn off combined pedals. :)

    2. You need to download logitech profiler. There you can change a lot of settings. I'm using a dfgt too and have no problems what so ever.

    3. I'm using a Logitech MOMO wheel. I find for me that setting the STEERING SENSITIVITY slider almost all the way to the left, and setting the STEERING NON-LINEARITY slider all the way to the right works best.

      A major factor in steering control is the power or lack thereof of your video card. I had a lower end upgrade card and it was fine for most things I did, but on ETS2 there was more than a one half second delay between steering input and result. You can plan ahead a little, but in am emergency situation, you and anything next to you or infront of you is toast. Get the fastest card with the most memory that you can afford and I'm telling you that the experience is so smooth and realistic, that you wouldn't believe. If you run with lower graphics settings and then can properly with all settings maxed out, you will literally gasp at the difference.

      Short of that, you can dumb down all of the graphics settings until it almost looks like MINECRAFT and your steering input will improve.


  4. 2.000.000 x 48 = 96.000.000
    48 is the average amount of euros (and very realistic number) invested by the gamers.
    And thats just on Steam. Retail sales brought some pretty revenues too.
    I bought 2x Gold Version (1 retail, 1 Steam), 2x Scandinavia, and 2x8 DLCs in amount of ~10.5 euros each (offer).
    So hell yeah, they are not anymore a little poor company. IF they would listen the comunity wishes, and try to concentrate deliver something usefull for game experience, they could gain (and grow) even more. AND THAT ARE CERTAINLY NOT SKINS.
    The main problem is the game still lacks in options (tuning, realistic economy, poor map in the core game, doubles, multiple-point delivery, poor challenges in driving and parking, yet many non-realistic sounds, almost all the crucial buildings -like companies, garage, dealers, service stations- are all the same, too few traffic at night, too few overtaking FROM FRONT of me ) and became soon very boring.

    1. That's bullshit.

      The Publisher wants money and the Countries wants taxes. Wages must be paid, too.

    2. Not to mention steam will highly likely take a cut of the sale too. And also the people who bought ets2 in a sale when it was like €3...

    3. I agree completely with the original poster here.

      There are no publisher fees, and there are no countries taxes. I know this because I ran an online Record Label called Triadster Records for 8 years which worked with international artists...... and know very well about online international business transactions.... SCS does NOT have those fees.

      @SilverSatin (one of my favorite posters)
      Yes, you are absolutely correct. Licensing (which includes copyrights) is expensive.... depending on what you are licensing. For example.... if you are licensing sound... the cost depends on the size of your audience (as decided by ASCAP/BMI).... if you are licensing people (such as a model for a CD cover), a model earns 3% per CD sale. Branding depends on individual contracts. The cost of the brand of DAF would depend on the individual agreement between SCS and DAF.

      @Adam Smith
      Yes, Steam does take a cut. I don't know how much. But then again, Steam is the fault of SCS.

      However, I can fairly agrue that SCS doesn't experience a cost in any of these areas, until first there is a revenue from which royalties are payable. And.... apparently their royalty payments aren't high enough to keep SCS from traveling around the countryside. So as the original poster pointed out.... SCS isn't as poor as maybe some would assume.

    4. @MUZIKMAGE I always look forward to reading your comments, you brighten my day with the bullshit that you come out with. You make me laugh you seem to be an expert of everything and yet a master of nothing. SCS should get you to do their future postings for them as you seem to know everything about everything already. SCS deserve to make money they do all the hard work and if you think you can do better then please do, I'll invest in your game but then again you probably could do it on your own. I look forward to reading your future posts, go ahead make my day.

    5. @eighteen wheel duck

      Exactly what part of my post (above) is "bullshit". Is it the part where I said that ASCAP/BMI decides the cost of music as based on the size of the audience? The fact that Models are payed 3% royalty for CD cover/per CD sale? Or is it the idea that branding contracts are individual contracts? Or.... maybe its the part where I agreed that Steam assumes a cut of the profit that SCS earns from its customers that has you upset.

      If you disagree with my post.... fair enough. Simply tell me what you disagree with. I'm willing to listen.

      As for me doing a better job than SCS (in game designing) ..... yes... I could do a better job. Video Game Design is one of my main interest. But only as a past-time. I don't want my own game. If I did.... i'd have one created already.

    6. Personally, I don't like seeing statements like; "if you think you can do better job, then.... " or "We don't see you doing any better so shutup then"

      These type of statements imply that because we "haven't" done better.... that perhaps maybe we "can't" do better. And I think that greatly underestimates the abilities that many people really do have.

      I also bring to mind that (concerning ETS2) it's not our responsibility to do better. Its not our game. We are not the ones who are supposed to be designing it. Just because we post our opinions on how we think ETS2 can be improved.... doesn't mean we deserve to be told to create our own game instead. If we wanted our own game... maybe we would have created one already.

      I, for one, am quite content with sitting back, and paying someone else to design the game.... such as SCS. I don't want to do it myself. I want SCS to do it.

  5. Don't ride together, in the same bus! God forbid, we don't want to lose our favourite game developer, if s**t happens...
    Anyway, have fun! :)

  6. "The moment where the countryside changes and you cross borders. The moment where the signs change and the language is different..."

    proposal after reading the review above: what if you put an option in Menu to play radio stations from the country you travel across , and near borders from the neighbourhood too ?

  7. Wow, wish I was able to attend this show. I'm sure SCS will be a favorite at this event. Great game and I look forward to the ATS when it's released. Great job guys all the way around. Thanks for a great gaming experience.

    Steve in Colorado, USA

    1. Me too, but I like a playable demo of the game before its release

  8. Does anybody know about scale of ATS?

  9. "This will be his first encounter with ATS" NOPE he played ATS when he visited you guys...freaking lucky guy..getting to play ATS before anyone a hardcore 18 WoS im kinda sad..

    Sad too that theres no mentioning about a release date on gamescon... cab-overs were different but since ATS got announced i dont want cab-overs anymore >.< lol

  10. When will we be able to pre order American Truck Simulator?

  11. Wow... I am so looking forward to the release of ATS!!! The screenshots alone leave me mesmerized.... Can't wait! Great work SCS!

  12. Oh wow something new about ATS ... and I thought it was already cancelled ...

  13. Please Double trailer in ATS, and gigaliner in ETS2

  14. Next game : Australian Truck Simulator :)
    Who else ?

    1. It would be good, but there would be huge gaps between major cities Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra are all pretty close but other than that Australia is pretty sparse, for example it's a very long way from Melbourne to Perth and making it smaller would ruin it. It would be hard to get it right so the distances aren't too big so there is vast empty space, and there not too small so it doesn't feel real.
      But yes I think it would be great when ATS is more complete. I say after ATS because I think the variety would make a really great game, especially if parts of Canada are added later on.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A man that plays the game once a fucking week gets all the recognition where as there is loads of people out there that play daily and get nothing back

  16. Awesome.. I like it.

    Something will be fun is auto driving. thanks scs.

  17. ats will have same engine so same graphics , same shitty optimization and a higher price because now scs own the monopol for truck simulators... so no ty

    1. Shitty optimisation?? Ha.. No. Runs at a minimum of 60fps on my build and only really drops a few when using 3rd party modifications such as promods and truck mods.

    2. I find that the game runs quite well now compared to what it used to run like. Of course mods have a great effect on performance Probably the worst part for me is that I can't really stand to play without and least some mods and one of the staples being ProMods has a big performance impact.

      Performance impact aside, I can't stand playing without ProMods at this point because the original map is just so bad with its road signage and general bland design compared to what they can manage to create now.

  18. It will be almost two years since you had mentioned about ATS... Sometimes I have the feeling that deliberately delaying the introduction of ATS on the market...

  19. Hmmm, no comments about the new G29 wheel?

    Don't know if anyone already knows, but the G29/G920 (the G29 is the PS version, G920 for PC and Xbox) costs 400 Euro's! That's right, 100 Euro's more than the G27!!

    On top of that, you'll have to buy the shifter seperately for another 60 Euro's! Plus that all the buttons of the shifter unit are now moved to the steering wheel, makin the G920 kinda useless for truck sims...

  20. To explain better the statement I made (far) above where I claimed that "yes.... I could do a better job" than SCS when it comes to designing a video game.....

    Lets keep in mind that creating a successful video game doesn't depend on just the graphics, or just the sound, or who can create the coolest models using blender, etc. Designing a video game, as a consumer product, involves as well... practical, and logical thinking.

    I've read alot of comments from people right here on these forum boards who suggested, and even explained how ETS2 could have a better economy system. Now whether or not these people actually have the tech knowledge to "create" the better economy system themselves using (maybe) blender/unity is at first irrelevant. What these people "do have", at the very least, is an idea that maybe alot of people would pay money for.... if, that is, they actually did get their ideas itegrated into a video game.

    I've heard it said before that the best "game designers" are "game players". As we know better than anyone else exactly what "we" would like to see in the very game we are playing. That, in itself, puts us in a position where we are the best designers for our very own gameplay. Whether or not your video game would be successful as a consumer product... would of course greatly depend on how many people you could find with similiar interest as your own.... and how many of those people will actually pay for the use of those ideas in a video game.

    Personally, (IMO) if we are all gamers.... then we are as well... all game designers. Each time we offer yet another idea that could in some way add to the game playing experience.... we are game designing.... in practical, and logical thought.

    I think there are alot of people right here on these forum boards who could do a better job at creating ETS2 than what we are getting from SCS. And one of these days.... one of you may do exactly that. I see some really great ideas posted... that's a beginning.

    1. Yes, you really "can" do it. For those interested in getting started in Video Game Design .... download blender today and start bringing your ideas to life.

      Blender has some great tutorials to help you get started.

      Also, the game engine "Unity" is a great place to start as well.

      Good luck.

    2. like u say i think SCS should make a site when they can get ideas of gamers and they can make ets2 better.

  21. SCS we want double trailers in ATS and be able to purchase our own trailers too we like A challenge with double trailers and big hills interstate 5 elevation of 4,144 feet. the grapevine is one of the steepest in California we don't want the same boring scenery textures all over the map same citys with flat grounds no hills and single trailer delivery leave that to ETS2 we are looking for A new and different game challenge and american truck Physics and engines sounds when you backup automatically hook up trailer and is time to connect air lines from the truck to the trailer when you press t and try not to make it to ARCADE LIKE ETS 2

  22. Might want to add the (rahter major) caveat that the Independent "verification" has a error margin of ± 35,953 (at the time I'm writing this), which could easily put the number under the 2 million mark (Steam spy reports 2,020,408 owners). Steam Spy is by no means a verification because it work by randomly sampling a limited number of accounts and extrapolating from that number, so there's quite a large margin of error on the numbers, but it's sufficiently accurate to get a trend.

  23. Wishing you are good Gamecon SCS.

    ATS is getting closer and closer ... great can't wait.

    I'll leave the business guru babble [2,000,000 x (price) = conclusion] to those clearly better qualified than I am .... LOL

  24. I still don't see the Doubles, WHERE ARE THE DOUBLES?

  25. I read on that Pavel Sebor said that ATS is coming on September 2015
    Any truth to that?

    1. Unless it comes direct from SCS, they are guessing. Pavel has stated countless times that until they announce it officially, any date is pure guessing.

  26. SCS must improve the company system like you have fuel trailer you can deliver it to a filling station not to other company like in ets2 that why its become boring
    and also like car trailers to car dealer.One thing about ets2 is to make the city or places realistic not when you are going from one place to another u see same thing i think they must improve this in future updates to encourage gamer to continue play the game.In fact i think it must be a good simulation game.

  27. What I don't understand is that they can have demos at gamescom, but not for public. Anyways, great work @SCSoftware!

  28. Dont do america if you have already to do The France and Spain DLC


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