Thursday, February 7, 2013

Trying to help broken mods - Update 1.3.1

We could not stay deaf to so many complaints as people were struggling with mod incompatibilities. So we spent the day today reproducing the most common issues that you guys were reporting to us, and trying to implement workarounds that would mean that the game doesn't crash when it encounters the problem.

The result is a new Euro Truck Simulator 2 update - version 1.3.1. There are no new features in it, not even any fixes of game functionality itself. All that's new are a few extra robustness improvements in the code when the game loads savegames/profiles with problematic mods created for older versions of the game.

Find the patch here:

Note that we have created a very small version of the patch if you are already running 1.3.0, but also incremental patch from the 1.2.5.x  edition and a full patch from any previous version.

If you are not using mods, or haven't bumped into any mod-related crashes, there is no hurry for you to update. But if you had trouble even reading the player profile, or crashing when using retarder, or using physics mod, this is the patch you should look into, it may help.


  1. People complaining and whining don't need to get attention and they don't need a patch at all. But thanks anywau

    1. ANONYMOUS WHO EVER YOU ARE you're a complete idiot

    2. Actually I'm not. People need to stop whining and complaining on this blog. And I think you are a retard because of the way you speak to people.

    3. If you modify a game, it's completly your own problem, simple as that.

      So I am amazed by SCS actually doing something for the (nab) mod users, something the big game makers wouldn't even bother to do.

    4. I can understand SCS in this topic. The mods are of great value to the ETS2 comunity. I see SCS also as a big game maker. And I love there compasion with people who have problems with the mods. "big" game makers indeed don't care about it. With result many people that feel left in the cold. SCS listens to its gamers and that's what any big or small game developper schould do. After all if we don't buy the game. They don't make any money.

      SCS keep on the great work. Love the anounced DLC and sure will buy any DLC you bring out ;).

  2. Scs its so good to see you always try to help truck community!one of the few developers that do it!
    Thanks a lot and cant wait for some expansion packs on the game :)

  3. Big Thanks and bows. Although I did not need it ;)

  4. That's some great support. I haven't used any mods and so don't need this small patch, but it's great to see a company care and put out fixes for people who need them so quickly.

    Thanks for the main patch, too. :-)

  5. what amazes me is that there are only 5 comments here including mine and yet pages of bitching elsewhere .... it goes to show how ungrateful people are sometimes. SCS did not have to do this but they did and it's a shame not enough will hear of it because MANY could learn from it. Well done, and if you read half way through this and felt slightly bad ... you bloody should!

    1. they did it because they want ppl with mods to play the game. why? because if their game works properly with mods they might buy another expansion pack and there you have credits for SCS. easy money, i would do exactly the same thing if i were in SCS. and, because of that, there is hope that they wont end working on the game after EEE is released, to make more money on another expansion packs. which is good also, as the game is awesome. best regards, SCS :)

  6. I havend got the time to test the update but i want to say that i'm impressed about the way SCS is helping me/us to get the most out if the game.

    just my 2 cents.

    greetzz Renate, who is loving the game.

  7. the only wish i have as for now is expansion of the map so that we can drive troughout europe and scandinavia , i'm happy with ets-2 and the efforts SCS put in it.

  8. hacete un ets3 jaja

  9. I LOVE YOU SO MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!! now i have my gameplay like before :) but with 1.3 improvement of course.. always better to buy the game

  10. SCS, you people are doing a damned good job of trying to make this the best sim possible for us all.
    A big thank you for all the work you are putting in.

    Personally I didn't have any trouble, but then, I DID read the instructions posted on the forum site before updating.

    Regarding addon modules like optional map extensions, or even better, addon cargo modules possibly from some of you other games? Yeah bring them on, I would gladly pay for them to help you advance what this simulator already gives us.

  11. Thanks SCS! Thats got it sorted for me. All your efforts are really appreciated. Keep up the great work :)

  12. I cant apply the patch, it says its not a valid win 32 application

  13. The game runs great, I lost one profile earlier for unknown reasons, I had some mods, and things had been working fine even after update to 1.2.5 but one day it just stopped working. Anyway, now the game feel great, i started over now. I notice the trucks get up and go faster doesnt struggle with the gearbox like it used to, also feel better at breaking. One thing I wonder, is it possible to set up manual gear box so that I'm able to have one button for jump from say 2 - 4th and not just one at a time. I dont have a gearbox for my wheel, I use a joystick to change gears and atm I play with automatic. I wanna be able to go 1,2,3,4,5 and so on by moving joystick up or down and then 1-3-6 and so forth with other keys on the joystick, just like the automatic do I need to be able to skip gears, wich I cant, I cant even see how it would work if I had a H shifter. Sadly I cant afford a fany G27 wheel.. ;P Love the game tho and it work well with the joystick for automatic, manual works but get abit of a pain having to change gear every 2 second :P

    1. I have used sequential shift for a period, when my gearshift unit was broken. I used the paddles behind the wheel and it worked perfectly to double click when I wanted to take two steps at once. What I was missing was a button for jumping directly to neutral.

      Now I use manual shift almost all the time and you can select any gear you want so taking double steps is no problem. It takes some time though to get used to split-range shifting but it is really fun.

  14. nice job, but who cares about the whinng ppl who cant live without mods? please release EEE asap! :)

  15. Thank you, guys. I am impressed that you guys acted so quickly on such a (in my opinion) small issue. I didn't really mind that one of my mods didn't work, it's been pretty fun building back up from scratch !

    Anyways, thanks SCS Team !!

  16. Thank you very much for the support and i must apologize for any lack of patience with you guys regarding the new patch.
    Keep up with the great job you're doing. And once again i'm sorry for the rudeness on the previous comment.

  17. thank you scs for a great game and good support keep up the good work hope we get the rest off france italy and scandinavia and more truck parts curtains flags etc

  18. SCS please consider at least some of the things below when working on another patch:
    - let the other trucks on the road be (randomly) upgraded, all of them are just basic
    - let the other trucks go faster than 70-80 kph, why not let them go as fast as the player can? (90 kph)
    - put more car models, for example with camper trailers or roof racks, etc
    - put bikes on the road, crashes will be interesting... :)
    - put more truck models, like some truck with a crane or concrete mixer, etc
    - put services on the road like police, firefighters, ambulances, which will appear when it comes to an accident
    - put city buses and bus stops
    - and where are the pedestrians? i cant see them somehow...
    - and please fix that harversers which harvests while the storm, in the heavy rain
    - aaand if we are on the subject of rain, please add heavy water fog that comes from under the wheels of fast moving object like truck of car and havilly hits the windshield of player's truck that goes right behind it, so the driver cant see a sh!t - thats the challenge to drive in such conditions!:)
    - please add more working modes for winshield wipers, not only one, put fast, slow and from time to time
    - put car (truck) washes as the truck will get dirty during gameplay
    - and finally put some insects that will make the windshield dirty when it doesnt rain, so the windshield washer will come in handy

    of course some of that options should be possible to be turned off in options menu

    all of these will make you great game more realistic and more playable, i can quarantee.

    best regards SCS :)

    1. you can get mods for some of the problems you mentioned

    2. in version 1.3.x pedestrians are included go to settings-graphics scroll down

    3. @Nawras: yes i konw, but switching that option ON doesnt really make pedestrians visible, or they walk some place else than i drive... anyway i cant see them.

      @ashley morris: yes, but i dont want to use mods to avoid game crashes ;)

      and one more thing: maybe im retarded but i dont know how to use retarder in the game (lol). i havent noticed any key that activates it in options menu, only keys to increase/decrease the retarder force. any hints how to use it?

      note: my game is original, with all latest patches, only exept last one, as i dont use any mods in game.


    4. +1 for the list. Looks al great :).

      I know for many things there are mods. But its always better if SCS put it in itself.

      Making a list of my own with things that would be nice. I will mail it or post it here when I'm done :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Great job! Even I didn't had any problem with this patch (1.3.0), it's marvelous to see a company that works to make it's consumers always satisfact.This is called respect, and not every company is engaged to make the best product for it's consumer than SCS. Thanks a lot!

  21. All this situation that going on right now is ALL SCS fault! Yeah their fault. If they were listen to the people from the begining, to fix trucks that are bad and wrong made in game, which are DAF, Volvo and Iveco (they are still BAD by the way), to fix those stupid looking trailers in game ALL of them, to fix lights, to make camera adjustable in cabin, to fix physics of the trucks, to make AI pulling ALL available trailers in game, to make spoilers on all versions of Scania, to fix interiors in all trucks because steering wheel is in wrong place in ALL of them, to make AI traffic little smarter and pay attention on you (even in this so called patch AI is retarded and they act like you are not in game at all), to optimize the game...

    NO, not even one thing mentioned that people beg them to fix are not touched. So people started to help each other by making mods for everything that SCS is not willing to fix, or simply they don't want, or don't know how to fix it.

    Because their stupidity, now our mods that make this game 10 times better than it is, don't work! Why? Because ONLY two new things in this patch. Retarder and trailer weights. Other things coming along are, or COMPLETELY useless or TOTALLY unnecessary for TRUCK DRIVING SIMULATION.

    Now they have situation, that on most mod related forums, most very well known mod forums, 80% of the people NOT even planing to use this patch. Some of them are even uninstall the game, and back to the or even worst... One of them said "I'll go play GTS cause this is disaster."

    Conclusion. Or start listen to the people what they need or this game is gone for good. And remember SCS...this game without mods is nothing! 90% of the people play this game because of mods, not because you did a great job! You did not, without mods game is crap!


    -game modders-

    1. "-game modders-"? speak for your self.

      SCS clearly states that they do not provide any support for modded games! and what are they doing now? they spending there time to help people with modded games.

      no other company under the sun does that! if you are a true modded, you can remake any mod out there to be compatible.

      Stop blaming SCS, because all they are doing now, is helping people, with they don't have to. if you want your game to work, remove the mods and start a new game.

      pro modders never complain about stuff like this. they fix the problems on there own and release updated mods to work with new game versions.

    2. and by the way, SCS team is like what, 20 people?

      SCS fan community is like what? 200000 people?

      20 people cant do the same as 200000 people.

      this is just an example, but there a massive people difference when it comes to SCS team and game modders/fans

    3. +1 CDMC because real modder just keep on changing and building not wasting time on bitching

    4. Wow... Game modders like you are some real dirtbags. SO full of yourself, as if YOU are the reason people like this game. Well, sorry to burst your self image, but 90% of the people playing and loving this game, don't use your stupid mods at all. And seeing one of the whiny brats of your community saying things like "I'll go back to old, bad games because this is not EXACTLY as I think it should be" doesn't really surprise me. That is a common way to whine and sobber among people like you.

      By the way, you shouldn't happen to be the self-centered know-it-all own-it-all who called yourself "luder" earlier?

    5. game modders? Speak for your self... I'm game modder and for me, SCS still making a amazing job. Like CDMC said, you have to stop complain and do the corrections of your mods and be happy...

    6. They are speak for their self as far as i can read. Other five comments below are just "fan boys", or "texture changer" so called modders.

    7. if by below you mean above, you are wrong. i'm not a "fan boy"

      in all SCS history i liked only 2 games they ever made.

  22. Replies

    2. Your avatar is Twilight. I think you need a man card before you go requesting a serial.

  23. Russian language should be edited. Incorrectly in some places

  24. If you really need Realistic Physics Mod here is a link

    This works with 1.3.0 --->
    And if you really want other mods, pleas wiat and follow the sites, and soon you will find many new and nice mods thats working with version 1.3.0 ;)


    1. wich doesn't do anything (link there is wrong or doesn't exist)

  25. thanks for this scs now i can play the game again :)

  26. Moral of the story, don't install mods which will make your save incompatible with an unmodded or patched version of the game.

  27. scs add to option speed limiter on\off plz

  28. Thank you :-), but what about the linux version?





    1. Hey Buddy, keep your angry for you. Pirates and Modders are not the same person.
      But one thing you are right. Total responsability of mods are of the modders.

    2. The real issue is from people who use mods. They rely on modders to make them, but have little knowledge in the area.

      They often don't consider issues with updating that a modder would.

      As far as AnonymousCaps goes; SCS support the modding community, they understand how valuable the community is. They even offer the tools required to open the scs files to make mods. Turning their backs on them when there are issues wouldn't go down too well.

  30. Please Norwegian Nynorsk!

    1. Who are you? Maybe you can help with the translation? I would love nynorsk myself, but it is a lot of work to translate (I did the nynorsk translation on the previous games), and it seems a little pointless if I should translate the whole game, and then be the only one to use it. But if it will actually be used, and we could be two to do the work, maybe it would be a little easier? :)

  31. I do not use mods but it very commendable that SCS try to satisfy all community. I agree that SCS don't need to make adjustmens for moders but these are things that make customers happy.
    The best way to improve game is to listen their users.

  32. Wow, great service, thank you guys. I had a fairly simple trailer & company mod, removed it before installing update and up and running without problems. I too find that mods are often more trouble than they're worth...but there are exceptions.

  33. Thanks ;)


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Komat, i think you where the one who was talking something about multiple monitor support. i mean a bit better than it is now.

    Is there by any chance you can include FOV settings?
    here is an old screen i took

    its not that bad, but it kinda would be nice if i can make so the sides wont stretch so much. I have to say, playing with multiple monitors ETS2 is just epic, and from the very beginning of the release it works better than i expected.

    also, if the night is dark like this

    why in the cab mirrors it looks much more brighter?

    1. The multimonitor support I was talking about has separate camera per monitor so it avoids the stretching and improves quality of the shadows. Obviously there is some performance cost for that as it needs to generate some effects (shadows) for each camera instead of only once.

      The mirrors themselves are currently not rendered using HDR nor have the color postprocessing enabled when shown in the UI.

    2. hm, that seems about right. i know that in the cab there is a FPS drop compare to outside camera. the cause of all that FPS drop is all the mirrors in the cab.

      that separate camera per monitor thing sound interesting. as for FPS drops, if people run multiple monitors, they better have the power to back it up.

      i hope to see that feature one day.

      also, one last question; ETS2 is CPU intensive or it more depends on GPU power?

      Thanks in advance, you people at SCS are doing a good job.

  36. You know what SCS, you guys have just officially blew my the big huge content patches are fine,but this is...i have been modding your games for years, and only bit of support I ever got is that message "This game has unsupported modifications, please note we do not support this", which is...well none xD. But now you guys have changed, and you guy's care, and OMG! Am I ever happy SCS, Pavel..>Good job! For you have realized it's not your games that make the game, its the community, and you have one hell of a modding community for your game :)

  37. please give me the original CD key

    1. I'd like someone to give me a million dollars as well. It's not gonna happen, though...

    2. Very well. G02BU-YTH36-G4M3U-CH34PA-5541T6 :)

  38. great work SCS! I'll see wether it works!

  39. You guys do a fantastic job at SCS. Do not listen to these idiots that do nothing but complaining...ppl will always bitch no matter what!

  40. guys help me here!When i am using the retarder ,it makes a weird noise!!Should i do something??

  41. Anyone, feel free to send me your very own mod pictures (with title and description) to! I will post the best pictures here:! I'm curious to see what you guys've got.

  42. Thank you SCS, you are doing an excellent job maintaining a game, with mod compatibility and incorporating suggestions to for no profit. Thank you for caring about your fans and not refusing because there is no money in it. You are not just releasing and abandoning "because it will cost us time and money" You care about the quality of your games and most importantly you listen to your fans. I personally can not believe all the negative criticism you are receiving.

    Keep up the great work SCS and know that most of us really do appreciate it and it encourages to buy more from you in the future.

  43. please give me the original CD key

  44. can anyone please tell me how to activate 'retarder' in the game?


    1. You need to have a vehicle which has a transmission equipped with one (you might need to upgrade your truck). Then you can manually control strength of the retarder in several steps using keys/buttons configured in the keyboard settings as "Retarder increase" and "Retarder decrease"

    2. thanks a lot, upgrading the gearbox did help :)

  45. What happend to the skills? mine lock'd and can't klick on it, i have the new up date 1.3.1

    1. Stay on Microsoft release service packs for windows all the time, but i don’t see that someone install them right away.

    2. Are you using any mod?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I'm using the original 1.3 patch and it's works just fine with the few mods i have. But I have an urgent suggestion for your next patch: Please make it possible to decrease or even turn off the sound of the "Route Advisor"

    When you have all the employers there is, in your stall, then it's annoying as hell to hear the: "chucka chucka chuck" sound every minute or so" And if I turn it off or decrease the sound, then it also affect the engine and every other sound effect except the music. And that sucks... So Please.

    And while you're at it. It is not realistic that the vehicles almost standing still on the entrance and exit to the Highway.

    1. I would like to see a option to turn the route advisor off. Really annoying how it pops up all over the place.

      it would also be helpful if the radio used a separate volume to the menu music. I really can not stand the menu mood music, so prefer to turn it off. But when I am driving and want to use the radio, the sound is muted so you have to turn it back on again. Then after your delivery you have to mute the radio and then go to the menu, otherwise you get the mood music again, really annoying.

    2. Yes it is getting very annoying with 5 or more drivers. And Yes do something about the highway AI exit. I have been hitting cars lots of times.

  48. my game still crashes if i try to upgrade my truck it just stops working -.-

  49. Im not shure if this has been mentioned but if you try out a new part at the service center your old fitted part with added headlights will disapear and you will have to buy it again.
    Otherwise. Thank you SCS software for the patch!

  50. Great job SCS.

    Where you can change company name/logo how about adding changing driver picture too ?

  51. Patch now installed and works perfectly with the 9 mods I have in mod folder.

  52. No Brakes this iss shit SCS fix the Brakes!!!!!
    When i drive Reverse and touch the brake nothing happend!!!

    Wheel Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel

    1. Disable mods which change the physics settings.

    2. In the patch are diferent settings of brakes so change your mods yourself if u are not that stupid or disable them but I think u cant do that u are so stupid

    3. I have the same problem with the breaks... if its a mod who make that happen, the patch not suppose to clear any problem??

  53. Someone please answer!

    Is there any way to go back to patch ? My mods dont work with this new pattch but worked perfectly on the old one. I probably screwed up during the update

    1. Uninstall game, backup your mods and profile first, install new game, patch it to and that's it. How hard can it be to reinstall game. :)

  54. This Patch iss Fuck no Breaks FIX IT !"!!

    1. Brakes work fine in my game.

    2. Disable mods which change the physics settings.

    3. ^^...and drive truck with "solid as a rock" default physics. Brick on the road has more physics than truck with default one from game.

    4. It is so easy just unpack def.scs by scs_extractor edit physics.sii yourself, change parameters what u want, make your mod and it will be works on 1.3.1 is so fu.. easy trust me use google

  55. >I have some ideas that should not be missing in this game and some of them are not so very difficult to create them to future patches, definitely would improve the playability of minimum 100%
    >From easy-needed to hard ideas

    1.Real engine overheating, oil pressure, water temperature and clutch damage!
    2.Fuel consumption depending on RPM and gas!
    3.Add driver head movements slider!

    4.Make real truck and AI headlights
    5.Add more weather conditions like light rain
    6.Reflex road signs
    7.Longest timing for traffic lights
    8.Improve AI inteligence on some situations
    9.Add Interior lights button
    10.Disable (auto-brake) when stopping truck on sequential and automatic transmisions
    (you must to use parking brake)
    11.Make dirty trucks and car wash
    12.Add interior equipment (like flags, laptop, radio, etc)

    13.Add pedestrians paths over crosswalk and on the side of the small roads
    (because cities are dead!)
    14.Make real engine sounds for Daf Iveco Man
    15.Make mission challenges, special missions, achievements, incidents.
    16.Add stoppers on the roads
    17.Openable windows mixing with external sounds (like in OMSI)
    18.Blinding AI headlights effect (graphics improvements)
    19.Add changeable wind depending on weather conditions except tunels
    (its like direction of rain fall but with wind physics)
    20.And maybe real police like in older scs games but its not very important I think.

    >Please comment what do you think? who agree with these ideas? :)

    1. I think you're ideas are ....

      GREAT :p

    2. i agree, it will make the game more realistic for sure, very good ideas! :)

      i would only add a proper sound when wheels are bumping on the stoppers before the autobahn payment points, of coure relatively to actual speed of our truck. and some anti-sleep sound when driving on the white line that separates roadside also depending on players truck speed
      (its like bźźźiuuuuuuiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuźźbźźźźźźźźuuuuuuiiiiiiuuuuu) :D

    3. washable skins very good idea vechile gets dirtier with kms and you could wash at your own garage's or at the workshops.

  56. SCS You wasted your month of adding extra DRM to your game protecting it against Piracy. Theres a cracked version of ETS2 V1.3 available already on torrent websites and people are reporting that it works perfectly. I told you guys so. No matter how hard you guys try to protect ETS2 from Piracy it will be cracked in a very short while.

    Before anybody bashes me for pirating the game , I actually bought the game and I can email SCS my reciept if they dont believe me. I bought the game from the SCS website the day it was released.

  57. My Game crashes after I choose the Gearbox for the Scania with the Retarder in the Shop?! Any help please?

  58. update 1.3 doesnt work correctly for my xbox 360 controller !

  59. I tried to update my game,however it now says it's back in demo this because it's a steam game but not a steam patch? I could fix it by downgrading again though...anyways thanks for the effort but it seems steam won't let me try it

  60. The mods are not working,what should i do?

  61. nevermind,it works perfect now,yet again,thanks for the effort even though it's our fault the game was screwed up

  62. I found a crack who deletes the activation process and i don't need key anymore and the mods work fine! Thanks!

  63. if you drive Forward if you drive Back you dont have Brakes

  64. I have had numerous problems with 1.3.0 & the same problems with `the fix` 1.3.1 since they were released. :(

    It got to the point where I even returned my pc to factory settings & reinstalled the game, updated & installed my mods & it crashed, so binned that game, uninstalled & reinstalled again & started again with no mods at all & the game STILL crashed!

    I`m currently redownloading patch 1.2.5, as everything was perfect there, I like the new features of 1.3.- but unfortunately the game is totally unplayable for me with the latest patch, with or without mods, as it will randomly crash litterally every 3 mins. :(

    1. Your account needs the mods to play!!!! You have to create new account!!!

  65. please give me the original CD key please . please

    1. since u have been slaging people off buy it yourself

    2. You must be stupid or extremely brazin to ask for a registration key on the Official developers blog.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I tryed to instal mod map but the only one i can see its the russia one. Exemple, i put birmap and i dont find it in the map, nothing apear and all others do the same. I tryed with new profile and its not work...

    help me please

  68. No mods work, clean intallation, still nothing??

  69. please help...i buy the version frome steam and i have one problem whit the ia traffic dont have cargos not have traliers only the truck if sunbody ken help a big thanks

  70. Is there a way to go back to patch?
    Ive installed these latest patches but they make the game worse!!!
    Now the very good trucksim map i was running with africa added no longer works, this map is useless because the crap truck physics are back and the game is now crashing constantly because of mods that have improved the game significantly are not any use now....

    You shot yourself in the foot with these patches scs. you should of paid attention to the modders work, they improved the game, this has reversed their hard work.

  71. Optimize the game for AMD video cards!!

    1. Buy the game. Not want CD key. I was buy and now I am playing very well..

  72. Hi. İn the game truckers 116. We need more truckers. Please add.


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