Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Update Time: World of Trucks is launched!

We are happy to announce that World of Trucks web is available for public!

In order to activate the communication between Euro Truck Simulator 2 and World of Trucks your game must be updated to the latest version 1.6.

The most notable 1.6 game features and improvements are:
  • Photo Studio - includes Photo-mode and Screenshot Manager allowing upload of your best screenshots to World of Trucks
  • Online profiles - ability to connect your profile to your World of Trucks account
  • New Iveco Stralis Hi-Way sounds recorded from actual truck
  • Individual air-horn sounds
  • Realistic fuel consumption option 
  • Adaptive automatic transmission option
  • Shorter jobs generation probability increased
  • License plate changes fixed 
To make is easier on our download servers and your nerves, initially we will start by offering just the torrent links before we get download mirrors up and running.

If you are a Steam user, it is much simpler, the game in Windows as well as Linux incarnation will be updated automatically - the new version is immediately available in Steam library.

We hope that you enjoy this alpha and that it will whet your appetite for upcoming updates in the World of Trucks universe!


  1. when is the new volvo going to be released ?

  2. Super, Thank you SCS ! )

  3. Booyah! Knew you were listening to us after all. ;)

  4. Already updated to 1.6...thank you !!! Last thing to do for me is to join the World of Trucks community :)

  5. Please, license plate in TURKEY add.

  6. But :( VOLVO FH ? Pls scs repyl

    1. Even blind would see that there is no Volvo FH yet .. ;)

  7. I tried to create an account but at the end of the process when it's time to click on "I agree to the Terms of Service" it's impossible. What's the problem?

  8. Oh yes! Thank you SCS!

  9. A question to the devs:

    How does realistic fuel consumption modelling work? Does it take hauled weight, driving style, uphill/downhill into account? Or is it just a static number for each engine? Also, are consumption stats displayed on the job completion screen?

    1. Realistic fuel consumption works exactly as in the reality. Total ammount of consumed fuel depends on your driving style - RPMs/gear, etc. When this feature is ON, you can see real value at the job completion screen. When is it set to OFF, it is counted by your SKILL DRIVING POINTS - no matter what your driving style was during the trip.

    2. just try it, you will be suprised

  10. Where's my Volvo :((((((((((((((((((((

    1. comes with 1.7, before halloween

  11. Why torennt download link?Please normal download link.

  12. Dear SCS Software!

    All this is of course great and wonderful (today's update)! But I would like that game avatars to work and not your upload, or at least remained in the game and one that was not picked up by the World of Trucks! Please do whatever profile you can detach from the World of Trucks!!!!!

    1. +1

      Although I am not quite sure whether I really understand what you want to express with your second sentence, I TOTALLY SUPPORT YOUR FINAL STATEMENT. Why should a World of Trucks account be required for adding self-provided avatar images as you mentioned above or custom licence plates? The latter already existed in Rig 'n' Roll which has no online service at all as far as I know.

      Please rectify this issue, SCS!

  13. Just gave this a quick try out. I know its only basic at the moment but their is a problem with the number plates. On the truck they work perfect but on the trailers they don't work at all

    Love the screen shot feature and the way you can show your screen shots on your profile.

    Whats happening about the new AI traffic? is that coming soon?

    The development of ETS2 is looking promising :)

    1. They will not work on trailers - you can edit license plate for truck only. IRL in most situations the truck and trailer have got different plates.

      Photo mode is realy nice =)

      AI traffic system is not completely finished as we want, but we are really near to finish.

    2. Except in Britain where you have to make sure the trailers Number Plate matches the Trucks

    3. I'm really looking forward to the AI traffic upgrade. i mean its not to bad now with the occasional car flashing you out of a junction. but from what i gather its going to allow for better junction creations and add new hazards making us be more aware :)

      I know in the UK we have to have our plates on trailer match the truck by law, I thought this was the case everywhere.

    4. No it isn't over here in Belgium they drive with Polish plates on trucks and Belgian plates on the trailer

  14. where VOLVO FH 16 2013??????

  15. After update the game its crashing on the load screen,i dont have any mods.

  16. Now I feel the benefit to have an original copy of this game.
    And I can understimate non-original users more easily :p
    *sorry for bad english

  17. Hi !!! SCS Translate your World of Truck in French Please !!!

  18. All mods from v1.4x still usable right?

  19. Norwegian licence plates then?

  20. При регистрации указал не правильную почту и теперь письмо о подтверждении аккаунта приходит не известно куда. Почту поменять тоже нельзя пока аккаунт не верифицирован. Что делать???????????

  21. If i install 1.6.0 patch can i play ets2 offline (without internet conction)???

  22. I love you scs software <3

  23. Why are there no German license plates for the game? -R3D24

  24. .???? No volvo???

  25. I registered on the world of trucks, then I made ​​a mistake and entered not correct mail and now account confirmation letter comes not know where. Mail also can not be changed until the account is not verified. What to do????? account is already linked to steam but I can not verify it. HELP PLS!!

    1. Fortunately not all is lost. You would need to wait for 24 hours, until the system will release the keys for unverified registrations. (this message you have probably seen if attempted use the key again)

    2. @Viktor: What about my question above: "I tried to create an account but at the end of the process when it's time to click on "I agree to the Terms of Service" it's impossible. What's the problem?"

  26. Realistic fuel consumption option? this sounds too good to be true

    1. Holy crap! I just tested it out and its epic! Now you can actually put the truck in neutral and it wont consume any fuel, well it will consume but not so much as you where in gear and hammering on the gas pedal. If you hammer the gas, fuel will be consumer much faster, as in real life.

      Don't forget to set this option in gameplay menu. I don't recommend this for keyboard users tho.

      Thank you SCS for listening! Now, how about that Volvo dash turbo gauge bug? Pressure wont fully build up if you're in 9th and above gears. If you use speed limiter, its okay, it looks like ecu is limiting the power and it looks realistic and good. But if speed limiter is disabled in options, then turbo gauge have to be charging fully no matter in what gear you are and now it doesn't do that.

  27. Hey,Viktor Avdejev where is new volvo fh ??why old volvo dont add originaal sound ?ja not update dashboard in reality ?

  28. About that Picture mode and uploading them. No support for surround players? If a picture is too big, why not add something like crop function so i can crop it to a single monitor size and upload it then? Changing game resolution is not an option every time you want to upload a picture.

    1. The game is supposed to automatically resize the image to match the limitations however currently there is configuration problem in the service so the game thinks that the image is fine based on initial info while other part of the service rejects it as too big during upload. I will fix that today when there are less people using the service.

    2. Interesting. Still, for an Alpha release its quite solid. You guys at SCS did quite a good job!

  29. Very nice! but when the New DAF or a DAF rework?

  30. is this multiplayer ? i really dont understand what is this :D

  31. I can't download the patch... And, how can I change my e-mail in WoT, I gave an e-mail ardess that is'nt mine anymore. (I changed it a few days ago). Now I can't see the mail...

    1. If the account confirmation link in the email sent to that address is not used within 24 hours, the account will be deleted and you can create it again. Otherwise you need to contact the technical support.

  32. Photo Studio why not Turkish?

  33. My game crashes when I try to load my save game saying 00:00:14.161 : Current profile not set.
    00:00:14.162 : Failed to store profile config
    00:00:14.478 : [net] LOG INFO: Stopped
    00:00:14.506 : [sys] process shutdown

  34. Iveco Hi-Way trip computer does not work why?

  35. Awww, I too was expecting the Volvo with this update, mucho upseto! :'(

    There once was a software company called SCS
    They certainly knew how to make me a mess
    I thought today we would get the Volvo
    But it turns out its a big no no
    Please SCS, I beg you, can we have it soon?
    Preferably before you turn me into a loon!
    Thanks anyway for World of Trucks
    I know they're a few who probably don't give two f**ks!
    But not me SCS, I'm happy for all you do
    I bid you all farewell, as now i'm off too the loo!!

    1. I was especiting the Volvo too now.
      But SCS probably know how,
      much people on this blog,
      are asking like a dog,
      for the new Volvo and
      al the other nice stuff SCS send.
      One day it will be that day
      that we in the new Volvo driving may.

      Nice poem by the way...

    2. Yeah... thought i'd give something back to the community :P

    3. This system called SCS
      Is working on your truck, yes
      They will release the truck ASAP
      So be patient, please.

      ^ Ignore my bad poetrie skills.

    4. You all have to wait a little longer,
      the new update must be a bit stronger.
      We want more hp than 510,
      so wait longer, if you can...
      SCS is not finished yet,
      and we go a few more days to bed.
      And than there is a new update,
      and we'll al say: The new Volvo is great.

      (or you are stupid and say: a little late...)

      We now can enjoy World of trucks,
      and SCS is finding the last bugs.

    5. I understand it wont be long,
      No need for peeps to act like a mong.
      Don't get me wrong,
      We all need to be strong.
      I'm sure it will be worth the wait,
      If not a "little late".
      I wasn't having a moan,
      So no need to take that tone.
      Anyhoo, lets not fight,
      We need to stay tight.
      It wont be long now for me as you said,
      Until i'll be shooting off to bed.
      Lets hope that when we wake,
      Dreams come true is what SCS make!

      Peace! :)

  36. I tried to download via Steam but when I try to insert the capcha code that is displayed on my screen, it doesn't work. I tried numerous times to insert that stupid code -correctly- and still I get the error - Error checking antispam -.

  37. ¿Dónde está mi Volvo................
    FH 16 2013??????

  38. I put the underscore in the account ID
    But you can not enter the underscore to ets2
    Was troubled
    Please revise

  39. A few things:
    1. Good job SCS. This World of Trucks looks very cool
    2. But it doesn't work for me. It says my serial code doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
    3. I know you are exciting about the new FH but was there a promise this was going to be released in 1.6? I didn't think so. I would really like to see a new truck but maybe it has a lot of crashes and bugs. Do not bug SCS by OMFG!!! WHERE IS MY NEW 2013 VOLVO FH????!!! SCS is working on it. It will come when it is 100% bug-free. Be patient, please.

    1. If you've bought it on DVD witgh add-on change the two codes
      Type the second one for the firt and the first code for the second request
      that's all and it goes
      It's just a printing error !!!

    2. I got it, I was entering the wrong code :P

      Because of the letters which are hard to read I mixed up Y/V's and X/K's.

  40. Que mods funcionan con la version 1_6_0

  41. I updated to 1.6 and joined World of Trucks. Uploaded my avatar and a couple of screen shots. Now when I try to select a job the game crashes. What's up with that?

  42. Does the game soon come to MP ???

  43. Photo studio is very buggy, it's not "following" truck some times, and some times it's not respones to "ESC" or "M" buttons, so I can't quit of it. =(

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. hey where do i go to get online ???

  46. Great stuff SCS! Thank you!

  47. "Sympatique" game ..but some bug as no police cars ... could be necessary some times ;) and driving on motorways is a little boaring at the end.
    Thank you for the update .... impossible to chage ancient position (I made a save before) game says: "it's a new update you cannot charge position before ..".grrr
    Anyway it.s a good game

  48. So far - looks amazing, great work guys.

    Now I wish I could use my WoT account to post comments here and not stay anonymous or use some social media accounts :/

    ...and have an option to roll down the windows of my truck to hear the beautiful city sounds :)

  49. Please, license plate in the Danish add.

    1. they are only allowing Licence plates for countries currently included in the map

  50. what about the new transmission do not understand whts new :(
    but good work SCS well done.

  51. thank you SCS for realistic fuel consumption i was thinking why this still isn't in the game, best feature in v1.6

  52. can somebody give me product key ? ? ? thank's

    1. here you go

    2. i dont have credit card.. :// if you have for free that will be great.. thank's :)

    3. Well go to the shop where you live and buy the bloody game. These guys have put so much work into the development of the game and now you want to for free. How would you feel if you were working for 2-3 years and then your boss said, I am not going to pay you. Please think before you start writing again.

    4. Please don't be rude with this wannabe pirate... I'll give him a key to the game, one to my house, one to my car AND some money to spend ! Why be selfish and not give him ANYTHING that he wants for free??? We're (SCS included) all a bunch of idiots in his book... ;)

      If there's ever a game called WoI (World of Idiots), the devs will give him all the keys he could want , that's for sure!! :)

    5. In world like this, no one will punch you in the face for free.

  53. Hint: Make sure your ETS2 profile is connected to your World Of Trucks account.

  54. Love the update, but would be nice as some people point out to know whats newwith the autobox. And I dont like that atleast in the Iveco Hi-Way its cruising at D11 at above 1500 rpm's it seems, this is why I have said I'd like to see a semiautomatic option, or preselect function/gear hold, to enable you to blip up to D12 when on the highway. Pretty sure running at 1500 rpms instead of 1100 where I should be on the highway hurt my fuel consumption substantially. You are awesome SCS, thats for all your hard work and looking forward to whats coming next! <3

  55. volvo windscreen wipers are horrible

  56. How can I use adaptive cruise control?

  57. can we play online and if yes how do i

  58. Mam problem.Zaktualizowałem gre i jak włączam profil wychodzą mi zapisy i klikam ten ostatni zapis i program przestaje działać zrobić???

  59. This new update destroyed my fps. I need to turn everything to low in order to get 30fps in city, when before update I hade nyce graphicks and 30fps in city

    1. strange, i noticed that too! there is some FPS loss with this 1.6 update.

      i always play on High settings, 4545x900 surround and 150% scaling. before the update it was running much smother.

    2. I also experience a drop in FPS after update 1.6. It is definitely not as Smoth anymore.

    3. Me too, I just set al my settings back. I always play on high settings too, but now not anymore....

    4. SCS, what's going on with this fps drop?

  60. I entered my user name wrong into the world of trucks signup page and i have already verified my account (i know, I'm a colossal idiot) is it possible to change my user name?

    1. p.s. i have also noticed that the user name/email entry dialogue box in game is too small to let me enter my email address, this will need adjusting i guess

    2. put there your web user name instead - should works too. it is not possible to change user name now

  61. I like this update, but I find some bugs:
    - Radio streaming doesn't work.
    - Truck's don't use D12, they always are cruising at D11.

    1. radio works
      D12 works

      tested on 1.6 version

    2. If u r playing on mouse/keyboard turn off "adaptative outomatic gearbox"

  62. Perfect thank you SCS just go on!

  63. can any1 tell me whats new with the new transmission? thanks :)

  64. volvo wiper corrected

  65. Could you please enlighten me how "realistic" is the "realistic fuel consumption? If I pick up some speed and then just hold the clutch and "roll" without stressing the engine, will it actually consume less fuel?


  66. Love this game. I quite like the dlc addon.Cannot wait for the new Volvo!
    I have a really nice profile with tuned trucks and tsm map mod (not boasting) and I would love to share my screenshots with others.

  67. I have registered ETS2 with the product key, can I connect it with Steam afterwards?

    1. sure...just add your game to your steam library -

    2. No no, I habe ETS2 in my Steam library, but Steam ist not connected with World of Tanks, because I have choosen the product key method.

  68. awesome! I heard new Volvo coming out before Halloween also?

    1. we hope that they don't forget the new AI...

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. It would be cool to track in-game stats like km driven, company stats, etc. Also, signatures with those stats would be cool!

  71. Turkiye plaka scs lutfen

  72. Wow ... The new Iveco HighWay sound is really better than before. Even the Photoshop style is very well done to you. What I like are the new cool features in Dashbord and the air horn and Realistic fuel consumption ... this is the little reality for me, I Love it!

  73. hola felicitaciones por la nueva actua , pero por que no agregaron mas camioneros

  74. I WANT TO CHANGE MY DRIVER PROFILE NAME!!! Patch 1.6 and nothing...
    When it will be possible SCS?

    1. Create a new profile name. Name no possibility of change. You have created and agreed.

    2. Are you crazy? I'm on level 46 and dont want start allllll again.

  75. It sounds to me like they're preparing for multiplayer. Is multiplayer even a possibility?

    1. I'm new here, so you're saying mp is NOT a possibility? And if so, why not?

    2. yes possible, but not with ETS2

    3. because ets2 is not a racinggame. MP-racinggame means: very small Map, no Mods, no Skins, limited amount of players. serverarchitekture should be like secondlife to get that what the people call mp here in this blog, it is senseless to drive around in a europemap with 16 other player, you will not see anyone, just remember FSX, without Towercontrol there is no interaction with others in such big maps. If you want to talk to others while driving then use teamspeak.

    4. Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense! It might take too much development time with not enough profit, but a limited-mp would be nice. It would allow only, say, 2 or 3 players on a "host" game, allowing truckers to travel together for a more realistic experience.

  76. They have suggested towards multi-player features. I think WoT is the first step in that process. Would be fantastic if it does become mp. I'm sure they would make a whole lot more money from it as well.

    1. it is the first step towards a trucker-facebook, but not towards mp.

  77. How do I enable the adaptive automatic transmission option?

    1. In "Steering Options" :)

    2. options/controller, just under transmission type selector

  78. DLC is compatible with version 1.6.0?I appears as DLC is not compatible with version 1.6.0

    1. off course is compatible i use update 1.6 with dlc

  79. I cant connect my ETS to Worldoftrucks saying the account details are wrong when they arre correct

    any suggestions?

  80. Scs yeni aksesuar parcalari gelistir lutfen oyuna daha fazla hava katacaktir

  81. nice job with the adaptiv gearbox, the adaptiv gearbox is like when you put it in power mode , and when you turn it of is it like economy mode, put a buttom so you can change it while you driving. really good!

    1. when i drive in economy the consumption 3,8 liter/10km in adaptive 4,2 liters/10km its a bit diffrent and kinda realistic so its a big diffrent between the modes. but the adaptive is very great when i drive upphill but drive on a straight rod its not very good becuse it wanna change gear all the time. just put a eceonmy/power buttom it would be great!
      good job scs

  82. Hello
    I have a question, if i download the free trial of the game (Euro truck simulator 2) from official web-site and i buy from the store the Euro truck simulator 2 Going East DLC i will be able to play the game and sing in the world of trucks page?

    1. So i need to buy the game to sing in the world of trucks and afther buy and install the dlc.

    2. dlc means DownLoadContent,
      1. you need the game,
      2. you can put content into the game

      you cannot play a gamecontent without the game...

  83. i am getting crashing on the new patch when i am trying to buy a new truck for a garage.this is what is showing in the log.

    00:14:33.067 : Cylinder volume of 'dc12_420.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.072 : Cylinder volume of 'dc13_360.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.076 : Cylinder volume of 'dc16_730.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.077 : Cylinder volume of 'dc16_620.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.078 : Cylinder volume of 'dc16_560.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.084 : Cylinder volume of 'dc16_500.scania.r.engine' engine should be higher than 6! It is set to 0.00.
    00:14:33.466 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:33.509 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:33.566 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/sideskirts/scania_rcab_2009/sideskirt_plate.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:33.684 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_4x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:33.684 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x2.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:33.684 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/ui_shadow_6x4.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:38.185 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:38.278 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/interior/model.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:38.351 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/interior/anim.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:14:41.634 : Interior data are missing, expect problems

    1. try to remove your mods

    2. remove your old before 1.4.x mods, or fix them to actual version ;)

  84. To those who have steam and received a crash report, try this: after you update, go to your game properties, select betas and select the 152 version. Let it update and when it is complete, go again on the beta menus and remove the beta. The game will update again to 1.6.
    When it's finished, try to open your game. Mine opened normally.
    I don't know why, or don't know if this is the fix for that problem, but in my case, it worked.

  85. I hope the new AI comes with 1.7 soon, and do not contain only the new truck

  86. Hi SCS soo if i want to play this version i most buy it?

    1. Yes you buy it! you stupid cunt.

    2. you must have a license, a copy of the game with a passport key

  87. Show some respect and buy the game.

  88. SCS
    I am ready by Friday evening and weekend meeting with the celebration of the feast of the anniversary game ETS2
    Start a new Volvo, we are all ready to celebrate and play all weekend. Hurrah!

    Run, we're ready to celebrate!

    1. New Volvo is not in this release. From what I've heard, it will be in the next release, which they hope to have out by Halloween (with Halloween paintjob

  89. This new update proves that SCS really listens to the community!

    This game really needed the realistic fuel option, and I'm loving the new photo mode.

    Better traffic AI is on the way, and let's hope we will get the possibility to buy our own trailers (in our own colours!).

    1. New AI is slated for 1.8 release from what I hear.

  90. SCS Software robicie coś wspaniałego.Ta gra to najlepszy symulator w jaki grałem!!!!!!!! Dziękuje Wam :) Jednak mam problem z profilem.Jest on już zalogowany w sieci.Jak klikam żeby grać na nim wychodzą mi okienka z zapisami (wychodzi ich kilka) gdy klikam na jeden z nich wychodzi okienko a w nim napisane że program przestał działać... Co mam w takiej sytuacji zrobić?? POMOŻECIE ???

    1. Przepraszam z a błędy ale klawiatura mi sie zepsuła a zapomniałem poprawić :)

  91. everybody talks about friday the 18th , what happen at friday the 18th can any1 tell me?

    1. -19th, we must think what that means and know.

  92. after udating the game and joining world of trucks my game crashed every time I clicked on the jobs. So, I uninstalled all my mods and still the same thing. This is the third profile that's been wrecked. The first on I was at level 128. This one is at level 42. I'm not starting again. I have spent countless hours playing this game and now I'm realizing how much time I have waisted. No more money from this guy. I'm done with it. Thanks a lot scs for all the time I have put into a game I loved for nothing.


    1. The game is stable. Looking for a problem in your computer.

    2. There is nothing wrong with my computer. Everything works fine until scs comes out with another update.


    3. I have no problems, everything works well if you need to properly mod to withdraw from the game.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Hello SCS.

    Is there any way to change WoT account name? Or delete account and create new one?

  95. How do I play World of Trucks with my freinds?

    1. It's not a game, so there is no "playing". It's an addition to ETS2. It's where you can create (and share) your profile, upload (and share) up to 6 screenshots, create your own license plate. This is alpha, so I am sure there will be more additions as it progresses and is the first step to a more interactive experience, and maybe multiplayer somewhere down the road.

  96. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. It is worth buying the game! And then you can play World of Trucks too!

    2. It's 66% off at right now.

      If that's too much money... no sympathy.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. i can give you a crack, crack in the head with my bat! go fuck your self you free loading cunt!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1. the S means it's the steam version, you should use steam to update it. It should actually update on its own. If your version isn't updating try either deleting the local content, then reinstalling it, or right click on ets in steam, go to propeties, then betas and make sure you've opted out of all Betas, also you could try opting in to the 1.6 Beta.

  98. come have sex with me in Hounslow,London

    1. yeah i'm here near Hounslow west, got a big dick with me

  99. hello there guys how can I change my user name on my profile on world of trucks as I made a typo mistake when putting my name and ive linked my account to steam not realising this there no option on my wot profile page

  100. wil there be the option to change your user name in the near future

  101. how do I activate real fuel consumption

  102. I want the new Volvo immediately !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    why you make us tersely for this truck ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?

  103. Please relase the serbia plates,i just today brough your game

  104. I have everything set up but in the game it will not let me put in the password. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

  105. Yeni guncellemede volvoda sis lanbasi yaniyor diger araclarin sislanbasi yanmiyor scs diger araclarinda sis lanbalari yansin lutfen

  106. Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!
    Spanish and turkish license plate please !!!!!!!


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